July 29, 201014 yr Time to register. I'm a 12v fan mainly, though I did get some 9v when it came out. I might get some PF stuff, it space and funds allow. Gallery here I currently have a corner of the spare room, so have crammed 7740, 7745, the Metroliner and 5 MOCs into a three level layout, along with a few rolling stock sets mixed into the trains. Andy
July 30, 201014 yr Hi, I would like to be registered as a train builder. I mostly build trains as a scale model starting from blueprints. This means 6 wide and almost 50 stud long cars. I like the Belgian trains the most
August 6, 201014 yr Hi. I'm Paul Sinasohn, from BAYLUG / BAYLTC from the San Francisco Bay Area. I like trains, though I don't have the largest train collection in our club. I like constructing and running unusual trains, especially those not seen in the USA. I have a European cargo sprinter and 2 Euro style engines, and plan to add more. I also plan to build a few of the very early English train prototype / experimental engines from the 1700s. I build in 6-wide, except for my Galloping Goose, which is 12-wide (14 with cow-catcher). Play Well! Paul
August 7, 201014 yr Author Welcome Paul, Private_Lego, and Andy! Andy: that's a really nice 3-level layout you've got there. It gives me some nice ideas for working with my limited table space. Private_Lego: I look forward to seeing some of your Belgian train creations. Paul: members of existing LEGO Train clubs are certainly welcome. Please extend an invite to other members of your LUG. Glad to have you join our LEGO Train community.
August 8, 201014 yr I'm tremendously jealous of most of the people in this thread. My train collection is fairly limted. One MOC steam train (currently being rebuilt after a dog attack), the Load N Haul railway set, and the big Train Station in yellow. Plus 13 straights, 26 curves and 4 points of course. Could I be added to the register please? I'd love to get more train stuff, but cash is short at the moment, and 9v stuff is so expensive now.
August 9, 201014 yr Author Welcome Rday, and you can certainly be added to our Train Tech Registry. Don't feel bad about your collection. Everyone has to start somewhere. I remember my first train (the My Own Train collection). You've got a nice set there.
August 11, 201014 yr Hi all: My first train was one with blue tracks almost 30 years ago (i'm 39), i don't remember the number of the set. I remember it was a engine with a huge battery box connect with a plug, it could be run over the floor with a rubber band on the wheels (like a tank). I don't have anything from the old happy days. But right now i own 7898 Cargo Train Deluxe, 7939 Cargo Train and a lot of tracks that are growing fast. Besides i have a couple of trains vilely copied from people on Brickshelf. A SD70ACe from Scott Wardlaws and another one from Zhenyuan I'm trying to make one by myself with no luck , i'm very clumsy And that's all.
August 11, 201014 yr Author My first train was one with blue tracks almost 30 years ago (i'm 39), i don't remember the number of the set. Welcome Mariano. I remember these types of vintage trains from the 70s. Hope to see more of your custom train creations. Enjoy the board!
August 11, 201014 yr Hi All, My name is Scott Wardlaw also known as wardlws on Flickr, LUGNET, etc. I have been building custom trains in both 6-wide and now 8-wide since 2007. My Union Pacific Heritage Series was voted Best Train at BrickWorld 2009, and my Union Pacific Challenger won Best Train at BrickWorld 2010. I'm a huge RailBricks fan, and wrote a small tech article on building a 3-axle truck. A few years back, I created Sticker Generator to created digital decals in LDraw. I also created a program to help me build digital models using rare colors: ColorManager. It can also update MLCAD's colors with the latest...this was written before MLCAD v3.3, but I still find it useful. I'm currently a member (2009 and 2010) of the LDraw Standards Committee, and have contributed to updating LDconfig.ldr. All of my custom trains were first designed in LDraw: As you can see, I have a great passion for LEGO and for Trains. Thanks everyone, Scott
August 15, 201014 yr Recently acquired this set on Ebay for under $100 That in itself is impressive. I wish I could find one for that sort of price. Edited August 15, 201014 yr by rday1982
August 15, 201014 yr ^Yeah, and it's in pretty good condition. It's incomplete though, but it was only around $10 for those missing pieces on BrickLink... Edited October 24, 201113 yr by typo
August 17, 201014 yr Author Welcome Wardlws. It really is great to see outstanding builders such as yourself join our LEGO Train Community. Your trains are fantastic! Thank you for sharing. Welcome Typo. I really like your first train set. I would love to have that beauty - oh, and the classic yellow station is superb. Hope you enjoy the forum.
August 17, 201014 yr One of my neighbours has that train. She's going to dig it out and let me have it. :D
September 7, 201014 yr I've always admired Lego Trains but unfortunately I never got the chance to buy any, untill June last year. My first lego train was the -10194 Emerald Night- and it was one of the most elegant lego sets I have ever owned. After Motorizing the Emerald Night in August, I wanted to start building my own lego trains, But by then the Lego City Trains were hitting the shelves. When I brought the -7938 Passenger Train- I Started to design more Modern styled trains and in the process I destroyed the Emerald Night for the pieces. But untill I decided to buy the -7939 Cargo Train-I wanted to see all of my lego trains running together, so I re-built the emerald night and now all three of my lego trains are running happily in my lego city. But I really hope that lego will release more lego trains so my love for them can continue.
September 7, 201014 yr Author Hello Red Brick. Welcome to Train Tech. You've off to a great start with PF trains. I've been looking at the Cargo Train myself over the last several weeks. While it is a bit pricey, I would love to add it to my train collection. The Passenger Train I'll probably skip on, but maybe I'll have that Cargo Train by the holiday season. In any case, welcome and I hope you enjoy the forum.
September 9, 201014 yr Hi, When I was younger I got the very old blue track for Lego trains, believe I had two working engines so the whole attic was filled with blue rails After that I got my first train (set 4511) and from my grandparents the station from the same year it was moved to my own room. A year later I got another extra car for 4511 and the level crossing. After some more years I bought 7897 for the blue rails, again my whole room was filled with rails ( I almost couldn't walk in there ). But I didn't like set 4511 anymore so I sold it. And the 7897 was put away and the interior and some other parts gone missing for other mocs. But when I saw the new trains (especially the new cargo train) I fell in love with it . I wanted to buy the best for it so I invested some extra money in lights, the rechargable batterybox, and the big man upstairs knows how much I spend on new tracks (because that was needed for the new layout). Before I bought the train I rebuilded (most of it) set 7897 and we redecorated the room (new floor and wall color) so that it could fit two giant tables for the new layout. Now the layout is in full progress with the new cargo train 7939. I'm also planning to get the new passenger one but I'm not 100% sure about that.
September 10, 201014 yr Hello everyone, I've been a fan of Lego from around age 2. I've got a good size Lego city collection from the 80's and 90's and even some pirate themed ones. This year I've started to add to my collection again after about 15 years of stasis. The last set I got before the stasis I think was the Technic Helicopter 8856 "Whirlwind Rescue" and the first box after the stasis has been 7751 "Ashoka's Starfighter" from the Star Wars theme. I've added some more Star Wars sets and will finalize my Star Wars collection with set 8079 "Slave I". After that it will be all Lego train sets I think. Last week I finally got my first Lego train set. A local toy shop still had a Lego City Superpack 66325 "RC Cargo Train" on the shelf Although there are new sets available I've gone for this one because my girlfriend and me prefer the Train station 7997 over the new slightly to modern for my taste 7937 station. The Cargo Train set 7898 seems to be a good start for my Lego train collection. The next sets I'm going to add to my collection are most likely the level crossing 7936 and the new PF passenger train 7938. I've been browsing the Train Tech forum for two days now and have come across some good tips, helpful information and some very nice MOC's and MOD's. Lots of inspiration for my own layout. No pictures at the moment my first set has been build did some laps on the dining table and is on display on a shelf or packed in a box. Keep up the good work.
September 10, 201014 yr Hello everyone, Hi Pet-Lego, welcome to Train Tech... I also prefer last year's train station to this years. I don't like the new train sets though. We call the time we stopped "playing" with LEGO "dark ages," and I had a mini dark ages between about 2005 and 2009, and missed the transition of trains from 9V to PF. While I grudgingly accept PF, none of the train sets have really done it for me. The Emerald Night is fantastic, and I wish they'd make more high quality trains available separately, but the sets just aren't so good, IMO. The train tech forum really is inspiring, isn't it?
September 11, 201014 yr Author A big welcome to Brickviller and Pet-Lego. Great to have you and I hope you enjoy the forum! I've been browsing the Train Tech forum for two days now and have come across some good tips, helpful information and some very nice MOC's and MOD's. Lots of inspiration for my own layout. That's great to hear! Look forward to seeing your layout.
September 11, 201014 yr Hello. My first train was the blue 9v train. I got most of the trains relesed after that. Im planning to buy 12v train cus of the finctions. Signal lights etc.
September 12, 201014 yr Hey all! i'd like to register as a train fan!, altougth I dont own any trains as of yet. But I'm considering buying the emerald night as its such a fantastic model. I must say that im a big fan of SavaTheAggie's work and I intend to get a few train MOC's on the board very soon Harold
September 13, 201014 yr Welcome Småen and Harold. Welcome aboard EB's Train Tech forum! Thanks. I'm member 100 :)
September 18, 201014 yr I've loved trains for as long as I could remember. Locally we had diesel trains. No electric train anywhere near me and my parents wouldn't drive 2 hours to a nearby city that had electric trains. Oh well. I did see some steam engines at museum and a few working steam engines here and there like one at Greenfield Village (connected with Henry Ford museum) and one at Huckleberry Railroad I also got hooked on Lego when they had the classic space theme in 1979. But the real love for Lego didn't begin until I got Lego train set. My first set was a 7722 that I got for Christmas long ago. After that, there were hardly anything worth getting until 6990 monorail set. I picked up a few track expansion sets when they were on clearance sale locally ($10 each iirc) but then nothing else. I saw 2 more monorail sets but they were expensive and I had other things I wanted for Christmas and my birthday so I never got anything related to train for many years. I had 2 dark ages, my first return was in late 90's after I was done with college, had some free time and spare money until 2001 when I lost the job and eventually forgot about Lego. Then I came back this year when I found 7938 and 7939. I quickly lost the battle with my inner child and got both sets. A short time later I found a really cheap 7898 set (missing few parts). I was able to put complete engine and crane after a short shopping on bricklist for missing parts. I didn't put the rest of 7898 together as I used parts to build few more cars for 7939. I might rebuild the engine to use newer RC system since it seems the older RC parts didn't work with new remote controller. I also got Emerald Night plus some PF accessories for it. Sadly the original 4x6 table I got to start with is full. So I have pile of spare wheels, spare bogie plates, and spare coupling (both old non-sealed and new sealed magnets) sitting in a pile. ALso a bunch of Big Ben wheel in the mail as I wanted more of steam engine design. I'm working at cleaning a room and tossing out old junk (who needs about 1,000 floppy disks that no longer works?) setting up an "L" shaped table that is 8 feet by 8 feet with 4' by 4' corner cut out. That should give me enough room to do a few loops and allow at least 3 engines to run independently, along with elevated monorail (probably customized in old gray and blue with trans-yellow window ). I also plan to replace the flatbed cars I made (plus one that came in cargo train set) with American style flatbed cars. 2 will have a custom made green and yellow tractors on it (yes, John Deere tractors) and the rest would handle the cargo boxes.
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