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"Master Barur, its good to meet you. My name is Thalion. So onto the task at hand. If I understand correctly, we have to: decide how to go in, check for any indication of "Wavebreaker"'s docking, and check for any evidence of shipment. I always vote for a diplomatic approach first, and violence only as a last resort, but since we have no skilled diplomats I don't know.... Party leader, masters De'kra and Barur, suggestions!?"

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"That's the situation for now, yes."

Arthur nods as he processes this information. "Just three," he said. "First, do you have any idea why the Bonapartes despise your House so much? If there's some specific event or person that started this rivalry, I'd hate to accidentally remind them of it, even subconsciously. Second, can you give us a more specific time window for the ship's departure and expected arrival date? If the Bonapartes' records are as extensive as you say, specific information could save us much time of searching. Third, once we uncover the information, how can we contact you? Should we seek you out at the Palace, or...?"

  • Author


"No, no solitary person or event. To put it in its most reduced terms, the Bonapartes fear us; they fear progress."

"Yes, the Wavebreaker was due to arrive late in the third week of Harvest."

"Oh, I'll be waiting here for you. This is just to get an idea of how to proceed, I don't suspect it would take too long."

Edited by CallMePie

"Ah, that attitude. I know and loathe it well. Very well, then, after some minor preparations, we'll be off."

Arthur turns to the rest of the party. "All right, Barur, now that you're here, I'll lend you my Staff of the Cultist Battlemage for the rest of the Quest. It should suit your fighting style quite well, I think. Also, if you could let Thalion borrow your Topaz and me borrow your Ruby for the rest of the Quest, that would be helpful as well, I think."

While he waits for Barur's response, Arthur tries to find a window of the office that he can look through.

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There aren't any visible windows, but Arthur can only see the back and one side of the building until he leads the heroes out of the alley.

Once Barur responds, Arthur leads the party out of the alleyway. He looks around, still keeping an eye out for windows on the building that might let him get a glimpse of what is to come.

As he moves out of the alley Thalion whisperes to Arthur: "Once we are out, if we run into any Bonapartes what do we do? If we talk to them, who should do the talking?"

IC: De'kra nodded at the information and clicked grimly, "I am not too surprise about Bonapartes, they feel like Barraki. Mount heads upon wall to prove point, encase poor in walls, they clearly are obsess with control. I not like raw chaos as much as next person, but if you not change and grow, you will die. By way, can you describe features of Wavebreaker in case we stumble on it?"

"Remember the prior quests."

De'kra ignored the whispering voice for once, before suggesting to the Elven Mage, "I not sure how to use this, but Wolfgang are "danger" to Eubric's status quo too. Maybe if we have to give something away, we could imply Wolfgang so we Ji Pei connection undiscover? Like suggest heroes are after some Wolfgang or something? Think we could use that Arthur?"

OOC: Oh my Cosmic Owl, my recently repaired computer has text options!

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"My thoughts precisely. The Wavebreaker is nothing particularly notable as far as appearance goes, but its name should be on the stern and I believe it's trimmed in blue."

  On 11/18/2012 at 7:38 PM, Tanma said:
De'kra ignored the whispering voice for once, before suggesting to the Elven Mage, "I not sure how to use this, but Wolfgang are "danger" to Eubric's status quo too. Maybe if we have to give something away, we could imply Wolfgang so we Ji Pei connection undiscover? Like suggest heroes are after some Wolfgang or something? Think we could use that Arthur?"

"Thats a very good idea master De'kra. I think we can easily use something like that."

IC: De'kra nodded and clicked, "That make sense, not want to make boat too remarkable, that could make it bigger target. Now, you have any knowledge about the automaton, its general shape, any odd features, and so on? And on chance the Bonepartes manage to use it to attack we, as unlikely as that is, might you know best way to defeat it without destroy it?"

"Yeah, what do their robots look like? Probably simplistic..."

"...So what do you think will power them?"

"Mind your volume."

Has anyone heard the soft whispering voices?

Edited by Tanma

"Hmm...I was thinking we could say we are under the employ of Admiral Mathias Thraune of the Lion Knights, I have served with him and know he and Lord Knyghton would forgive our involving them in this business. The Wolfgang angle may be beneficial as well, however..." Arthur considers. "All right, how about this: we were hired by Admiral Thraune to investigate the disappearance of on of the Lion Knights' vessels on a trip from Bric'bay to Eubric. During our investigation at Bric'bay, we discovered an emblem belonging to the Wolfgang, and suspect that they may be capturing vessels for some unknown, devious purpose. Agreed? Also, if we are separated for some reason, or if I simply am not online seem preoccupied, De'kra will be the party second-in-command."

Arthur nods in agreement with De'kra's questions, though there is a quiet echo following them that he can't quite understand. He makes a mental note to ask the Assassin about it later. "Yes, good thinking, De'kra. Also--and I understand if you cannot answer this, Master Erith--who is the customer? Is there anything in particular about him that might make this particular shipment a target? Actually, now that I think of it--is this the first time one of your shipments has gone missing? If so, is there anything about the item itself that would make it a target, or if not, what can you tell us about the previous thefts?"

IC: De'kra felt like he had been playing with infected sports equipment, though he remained steady. "Um, you sure it good idea to put I in second-in command? I can be gullible, and I not really understand Eubric, or Olegaia for that matter. Not to mention I first Quest. And we all know I mind is kind of all over place. I would try I best, but I not sure I succeed."

"No leader is born ready."

"Easy for you to say," De'kra muttered, "...I think."

Edited by Tanma

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"The automaton is humanoid in shape. It is considerably well-armored, and ornamented with the Ji Pei colors. It's an advanced model, so it's more streamlined than prototypes."

"The customer's name is one Avina Truenal, I believe she's part of a wealthy family of merchants and historians. She purchased the automaton as a guard, so it's designed for combat. We have had shipments go missing in the past on the way to Eubric, but nothing as significant as this. We assume they've merely fallen victim to common pirates, but this shipment was only a day away, and we took measures to ensure the crew of the Wavebreaker would be prepared."

Arthur smiles at his fellow Rogue. "That makes two of us, then," he says with a wink. Leaning closer, he adds in a whisper, "I have to ask, though, is it just me, or is there an echo to your words now? It seems faint and indiscernable, but somehow it seems familiar."

Arthur then turns to Chalvo with a frown. "Knowing the way the universe treats Heroes, it's likely that the device will be turned against us at some point. Do you posess any sort of means to disable or override the device, so we do not have to risk fighting and damaging it? Also, would it be possible for you to describe this Avina character? If we encounter her during our search, I assume it is safe to let her know the true circumstances of our employment?"

IC: De'kra nodded and asked, "Good to know. Again I have to point out as Arthur suggest, since it design for combat, there is chance it could be turn on we, unless its AI is advance enough for free will. So might you know of way to stun it without destroy it? I suppose we could try to create electromagnetic force by pump electricity into metal ground, that might trap it. But any other ideas?"

The echo turned to Arthur and clicked, "Oh those people? Yeah, I have heard them for while now, the short one tends to give I advice. I not know others could hear them too. I heard the slow short voice first, the more assertive voice came later."

Edited by Tanma

  On 11/18/2012 at 8:06 PM, Flipz said:

"Hmm...I was thinking we could say we are under the employ of Admiral Mathias Thraune of the Lion Knights, I have served with him and know he and Lord Knyghton would forgive our involving them in this business. The Wolfgang angle may be beneficial as well, however..." Arthur considers. "All right, how about this: we were hired by Admiral Thraune to investigate the disappearance of on of the Lion Knights' vessels on a trip from Bric'bay to Eubric. During our investigation at Bric'bay, we discovered an emblem belonging to the Wolfgang, and suspect that they may be capturing vessels for some unknown, devious purpose. Agreed? Also, if we are separated for some reason, or if I simply am not online seem preoccupied, De'kra will be the party second-in-command."

"A sound story. Maybe just to paint a bit of detail, and to avoid the eventual question "Well, lets see that emblem!?" we could say that we spotted a person that was with the Wolfgangs going to/from the docks?"

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"Oh, no. Even in the event that it's somehow activated, despite the fact that it wasn't assembled when it was shipped, I'm sure the automaton can take whatever's thrown at it. If on the chance you do fight it, simply remove its Ether Core once you've defeated it, and it will remain deactivated."

"I've not met Avina, and, well, it would not do good to our reputation knowing her shipment's been stolen....she remains under the impression it's still being constructed. I'd rather that not change. In any case, your mission is to locate the automaton, not discerning the reasoning behind its disappearance...though the information may be of assistance to us in the future."

Edited by CallMePie

"Yes, excellent point, we'll say that we spotted someone wearing Wolfgang livery fleeing into the forest. When we returned to Eubric, we spotted the same individual disappearing into the bustle of the dockyard."

Arthur listened to Chalvo's explanation. "Very well. Barur, it appears it will be even more important that Thalion borrows your Topaz now. If no one else has any more questions, I think we are ready to move on."

Thalion listened to the conversation, and after Arthur's last sentence simply stated: "Ready!"

IC: De'kra nodded as well, he too was ready to depart onto this quest.

  • Author



Arthur Justus Regulus VII (played by Flipz) *Immune to Sealed* *Party Leader*

Level 17.5 Sorcerer

Power: 29

Health: 27/27

Ether: 27/27

Defense: 3

Gold: 0

Equipment: Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Darkness elemental), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Max Ether +5, Immune to Sealed), Lens of Speed Reading (Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users.)


Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, lent to Barur Tormek; 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Ancient Crown (First successful strike of battle deals Cursed effect, borrowed from Atramor Gibbin), Opal (Ice), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Armor Sundering (Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success), Scroll of Poisoning(Grants target’s weapon the badly poisoned effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether), Scroll of Luck (Grants target the lucky-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.), Grand Tonic, Holy Bomb, Remedy, Nostrum, 3 Cobblestones


De'kra (played by Tanma) *Immune to Enamored* *Immune to Confused*

Level: 19 Assassin

Power: 26

Health: 30/30

Defense: 1

Gold: 28

Equipment: Kapura (WP:7, Fire), Cloak of the Blue Assassin(SP: 1), Heart Locket(Protects from enamored effect and confused effect)

Inventory: Chiara (WP:7, Electricity), Shadeaux Dagger(WP:5, loaned to Thalion Dwinlas), Fauxthril Hand Cannon(WP:7), Cloak of the Elven Spy, Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Magic Compass, Potions (10), Grand Potions (3), Remedy (3), Phoenic Essence (3), Smoke Bombs (2), Dirt Bomb, Ice Bomb


Thalion Dwinlas (played by -obelix-)

Level 5 Mage

Power: 10

Health: 9/9

Ether: 9/9

Defense: 1

Gold: 4

Equipment: Shadeuax Dagger (WP: 5, borrowed from De'kra), Leather Cap (SP:1)

Inventory: Ruby (Fire), Opal (Ice), 2 Potions, Bedroll, Dagger (WP: 3)


Barur Thormek (played by Aveal the black sheep)

Level 9 Cleric

Power: 16

Health: 17/17

Ether: 13/13

Defense: 1

Gold: 109

Equipment: Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, borrowed from Arthur Justus Regulus VII; 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Robe of the Magi (SP: 1)

Inventory: Topaz (Lightning), Ruby (Fire), Potion, Remedy, 2 Venoms, 5 Bones, Bedroll, 2 Tonics, Rune Staff (WP: 4)

Can't force Barur to lend out his stuff, you'll have to wait for Aveal to give the okay on that.

The heroes leave the alleyway and step out into the sunny port. Numerous sailors yell at eachother from ship to ship, lugging around crates or holding bottles of ale and rum. The harbormaster's office is a rather small building, made mostly of striking white stone layered with brick and wood. Arthur and Thalion pause at the mouth of the alley, however; a pair of guards stands in front of the entrance. At least one is wearing the crisp uniform of a Bonaparte cadet - the other seems to be, under heavy plate armor.


Still standing off to the right side of the building, and under the shadow of the buildings behind them, the heroes have not yet been spotted. What will the party do?

Edited by CallMePie

IC: De'kra clicked, "Okay, first I suggest we try to find secondary entrance, maybe on other sides or roof. If not, there are few ways we can proceed past guards. Aside from obvious plan to attack or diplomacy, we could try to use Arth...Nuparu's Diamond to blind the two of them, so we can sneak past or disarm them quicker. Any other thoughts?"

Thalion whispered: "Master Arthur, shall we go over and talk to them, I think it would be best if you do the talking. We are right behind you. I can also set a small fire if there are some crates nearby, to lure them away..."

Edited by -obelix-

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