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~The Embassy~

Standing tall in the bustle of Eubric's centre, is the majestic stone construction of learning renowned and respected by all; the Embassy.

Pushing aside heavy gilded doors, you find yourself in the grand entrance hall of a vast network of rooms and passages, all dedicated to the documentation and preservation of the many races of Olegaia's vast surface. In each of these many rooms, lies as much information and as many souvenirs to each living thing as possible, so that all manner of old and new walking-beasts can never be truly forgotten.


~The Embassy of Eubric~

But before you have any time to truly appreciate the grandeur and spectacle behind this great establishment, you begin to notice the the vast array of creatures moving around amongst the pillars and great statues. Men, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and creature so wild and diverse that you could have imagined. But standing guffly in the centre of the stone plaza, as though immune to the beauty of it all, stands a stocky and well-built figure. He is clad in a thick leather plating, wrapped around with an elegant and embroidered robe. Noticing your awestruck and lost expression, the man takes a heavy and direct path towards you, purposeful in his stride. When he draws near, the voice he speaks, coarse and violent in a gutteral roar, a tone in stark contrast to the words that he speaks of truth.


"Ah, Master, or is it Mis'ress? My eyes are not what they once were. But otherwise, welcome here. They call me Largh-múnd, 'The learned one', of the Lurgh-án kin; I am the beating heart of this house. What is it that brings you to this place, my palace of the past things? You, you want to see my archives, read what I have spent my days to bring? Fine, I will show you to these things, so that you may better the knowledge of others of your clan."

Turning his back on your still-amazed form, Largh-múnd leads the way into alley after corridor-way, pointing and gesturing at the many exhibits that lay out the history of every creature to have ever crossed the face of Olegaia. And what a great many things there are to see...

~The Great Archive~



Appearance: Most of the humans are of average height and weight. Their skin tone ranges from pale to dark brown depending on their natural habitat, with the most common tone being yellow. Humans can breed with most of the minority races, so individuals with mixed heritage are quite common.

History: Humans are the most populous race in Olegaia, comprising a little less than half of the planet's population. They rule nearly all the realms around the Crystalline Sea. The minority races often see them as oppressors and conquerors, for the curiosity and ambition of the humankind knows no boundaries. Because the race is so widely spread, it has attained a multitude of diverse cultures: for example, humans in Dastan live a very different life from the humans in Carthago, even though there is only a narrow sea in between the nations. Humans live approximately 60 years, although some individuals are known to have lived for over 100 years.



Appearance: Elves are lither and slightly taller than the average humans, but their most notable feature are the pointed ears. Elves usually lack facial hair, so any individuals with beards and moustaches are likely to have ancestors from other races in their bloodline. Most elves have a yellow or fair skin tone, although there are tribes with dark skin as well.

History: Most elves live in very secluded communities in far-off locations, which has prevented their numbers from growing despite their nearly infinite life expectancy. This has also resulted in diverse elven cultures that shun each other. The three most influential cultures are usually referred to as the "Star Elves" of Spesialia, the "Moon Elves" of Mercution and the "Sun Elves" of the Eversummer Islands. Other distinct cultures include the woodland elves and the nomad elves. However, in recent times many elves have felt drawn to the growing cities, so the race is finally starting to mingle with the rest of the world.



Appearance: Short and stout, the dwarves are physically accustomed to their lives under the ground. Both males and females have long, bushy beards, making them nigh indistinguishable from one another, although some surface-dwelling individuals have chosen to shave theirs to better fit the surrounding culture. There are clans living much deeper than common dwarves with soot-black skins and a weakness to sunlight.

History: Dwarves are natural masons, smiths and craftsmen, and they are said to be the most arduous workers in the world. Their underground cities are a marvel to behold, for the dwarves have an eye for detail and architecture. But they also have eye for precious metals and jewels, labelling the whole race greedy and selfish. For this reason they usually don't like to mingle with other races, and most clans have shut themselves inside their mountains. Dwarves usually live for half a millennium.



Appearance: Halflings are even shorter than dwarves, and are also lighter and less hairy. Their ears are also somewhat pointed, with their hair always growing in thick curls. Some say they are just short-born humans or elves, but the halflings deny that fervently.

History: Halflings lead happy and carefree lives in their own little communities. They are drawn to the simple things in life, such as agriculture and brewery, but some also work as travelling entertainers or peddlers. In some lands, halflings bear the mark of thieves and cheaters. Halflings tend to live somewhat longer than humans, usually around 80 years.



Appearance: The shortest of the diminutive races, gnomes are also known for their rotund bodies and high-pitched voices. Male gnomes begin to grow their bushy beards from a very early age, as they believe it brings them good luck. It is said that cutting off a gnome's beard transfers all that good luck to the cutter.

History: Gnomes are masterful tinkerers, gathering the junk thrown away by the "Tall Ones" and building their homes and tools out of them. Gnomes tend to dwell under major cities in tunnels and sewers, where they feel safe from the outside world. Some have founded their own villages under hills or in caves. Gnomes only live for about 50 years.



Appearance: The most populous of the "greenskinned" races, orcs have a pale green skin, red eyes and sharp fangs. They are somewhat taller and more muscular than humans.

History: For a long time, Baltarok, the land of the orc-kin, was a harsh wasteland where only the toughest could survive. Orcs lived in savage tribes locked in a constant war, until their gazes were turned to the fertile kingdoms in the east.They began to raid and pillage the lands, and gained an ill reputation. After a failed attempt to claim the human kingdoms as their own, many orcs were enslaved and used for hard labour. However, some orcs escaped and brought their knowledge of craftsmanship to Baltarok. Now new cities are rising on the edges of the barren desert, and orcs are moving away from their days as brutal barbarians.



Appearance: The goblins are shorter and skinnier than orcs, and they have pointy ears and yellow eyes. Aside from the greenskinned kind, there are also brown and fairskinned goblins. The offspring of a goblin and an orc are known as hobgoblins, while the much rarer crossing of a goblin and an ogre is called an ogroblin.

History: Goblins have always lived alongside orcs, although less numerous. The orcish tribes previously used goblins for mundane chores as well as espionage, but nowadays the goblins live as equals to the orcs.



Appearance: Far taller and more imposing than their goblin parentage, but leaner than orcs, the hobgoblins share many traits of their fellow green-skins. Their skin ranges in tones from earthy brown to bright green, and most notable of their features are large, cloudy eyes, typical of cave-dwelling goblins; and also profoundly long ears. These and many other features make hobgoblins adept at both underground and open living.

History: Hobgoblins are stronger than goblins and faster than orcs, making them well-rounded combatants. They do not stand high in the hierarchy of the greenskins, so the orcish tribes usually treat them as cannonfodder in their wars.



Appearance: Even smaller than goblins, gremlins are comparable to gnomes. They have long ears and a flat face.

History: Gremlins usually live in throngs in underground nests. They are dumb, almost bestial, and in their scavenge for nourishment they tend to break everything in their sight. That's why they are rarely seen (or wanted) inside cities. Their lifespan is as short as their stature.



Appearance: Despite their bestial appearance resembling gorillas, Metasimians are not "weregorillas" like some think. In fact, referring to them as apes is a great insult. Metasimians usually have black fur, but grey and brown variations are known to exist. Those few born with white fur are considered to be blessed by the Metasimian god Orang Pendek.

History: Metasimians originate from the humid jungles of the Mistlands in the continent of Mistaria. Most of them live in primitive tribes, but they are surprisingly intelligent, adapting to life outside their forest fairly quickly. They live somewhat longer than humans on average.



Appearance: As a contrast to the greenskinned races living to the west of the Crystalline Sea, the blue-skinned aoi originate from the far east. The tone of their skin varies from dark blue to light turquoise. All of them have dark hair.

History: There are precious few of the Aoi left, most of them remaining in Xu, the cradle of their ancient culture. The aoi are said to be the oldest race on Olegaia, with their history records reaching over a ten thousand years into the past. Despite their highly-developed culture, the aoi have always been prone to war, most likely due to their pride. This and the fact that they cannot breed with any other race has decreased their numbers dramatically. Nowadays there are only less than a thousand of them left. The members of the aoi can live for several hundred years.



Appearance: An all-female race, nôrns are discernible for their skin and hair, which are both monochromatically the color of hay. Most of them have blue eyes.

History: Nôrns hail from the land of Nôrnia in the far north, close to the Norse continent of Vártland. Their myths tell that they are daughters of Helvetia, the goddess of afterlife, placed on Olegaia to guard her treasures. The nôrns are exceptionally talented in magic and spiritualism. Lately many of them were killed or driven from their homeland by vikings. This only added to their natural disdain towards men of other races. The nôrns have an endless lifespan unless they are killed, and they can only become pregnant by the will of their goddess.



Appearance: Merfolk are humanoids with features of aquatic creatures, including the tails or heads of a fish, claws of a crab or tentacles of an octopus. Each variation has their own tribal name, such as Sharkling, Teuthisal, Sargassan, Nautican, Sphyrnan and Octopial.

History: The merfolk share a similar origin to the werefolk, with their ancestors being shapeshifters who grew accustomed to changing into fish and aquatic animals. Most of the merfolk live in their own cities at the bottom of the seas, where they can dwell undisturbed. Some of them can breath out of water, but even then they usually prefer to linger near the oceans, working as sailors or fishermen.



Appearance: Giants come in various sizes, but they are all at least twice as tall as humans. The tallest giants were said to grow as tall as the trees. Besides their magnified features, they look like humans.

History: Long ago the giants ruled the High Kingdoms, with the city of Duplovia as the center of their culture. But then the humans from the Low Kingdoms came and vanquished nearly all of them, building a new city on top of the ruins of Duplovia. The remnants fled to the mountains, where they keep to themselves, for humans still regard them as a threat due to their size. It is unknown how long a giant can live.



Appearance: Twice as tall as their orcish cousins, the ogres come in two different breeds: green and brown. Ogres often have horns and spikes growing out of their skin. They are strong and sturdy, yet surprisingly calm and wise.

History: Ogres have a peculiar origin: they were once orcs who were transformed by a sorcerer as his private army. However, the ogres turned on the wicked mage and killed him instead. The army split into two, others travelling south and others staying in the north of Baltarok. The southern ogres developed a brown skintone. Because of their magically enhanced nature, ogres have a much longer lifespan than orcs.



Appearance: Trolls are unintelligent, crude, hulking creatures with deformed features. They have pale blue or green skin, and are distantly related to orcs.

History: Because of their violent, bestial nature, trolls live either alone or in small packs in secluded places such as caves, hills or deep forests. A few rare individuals have been sighted living under large cities as well.



Appearance: The prefix of "were" is attached to two types of creatures: humanoids born with bestial features and humanoids turned into beasts later in their lives. There are a multitude of werefolk in Olegaia, ranging from werewolves to werepanthers, werehyenas to werehounds, wererats to werebats. An infected person who becomes a wereperson may gain additional strength and copious hair in their normal shape, but can only reveal their true form when under the light of the full moon. However, the mentally strongest infected werepeople may learn to enact the transformation at will.

History: The origins of all werefolk lies in ancient shapeshifting magic. Originally all shapeshifters could change their form at will, but over the ages the magic changed, and most of the shifters got accustomed to a certain form. Some could only change their appearance partially, while others could turn into an animal completely. Thus were born the various tribes of werefolk. The magic can be transferred by blood, so all children of werefolk were born with the same talent as their parents. Blood infusion or biting can also change a normal non-wereperson into one, but it is a risky process that often leads to death.



Appearance: Vampires are a special breed of undead, recognizable for their pallid skin, bloodied eyes and sharp fangs. They possess great strength, and have be known to shapeshift into bats and other dark creatures.

History: According to the legends, the first vampires were created when a group of Zootists yearning to live forever made a pact with a certain demon. The demon turned the cultists into blood-craving servants of the night, who could turn others into vampires as well by feeding them their own blood. Vampires can only be killed by either exposing them to direct sunlight or chopping them to small-enough pieces.



Appearance: Zombies are living dead resurrected from their grave in a varied state of decay. Most zombies are braindead, but some have maintained a sliver of sanity.

History: Created by necromancers as mindless slaves, zombies are magically bound to whoever raised them. They yearn to feel alive again, and they are constantly tormented by an insatiable hunger. That's why they sometimes feed on living humans. Killing a zombie is as easy as destroying its brain.



Appearance: Bugbears is the mocking name given to the hairy bipedal creatures that inhabit densely forested areas. The name they call themselves is often transliterated asbagbaw. They dress in animal pelts, bones, feathers and stolen clothes.

History: The bugbears live in hierarchical communities build inside large trees, and it is rare to see them in an urban environment. They are widely considered to be mere monsters, since their culture and language is very primitive. Some individuals that have ventured out of their treetowns have learned common speech, though.



Appearance: Cyclops is the common name given to mutated individuals born with just one eye. They can originate from any tribe, and thus have the features of that tribe aside from the eye.

History: It is unknown what causes the cyclopean syndrome, but usually a local witch is suspected of cursing the yet-unborn child. Cyclops are most commonly found on Babeleth Darklands and the surrounding areas.



Appearance: Though they look like humans for the most parts, fairies are usually born with insectoid wings. Different families have different kinds of wings, some having those of a butterfly while others having dragonfly wings, for example. Fairies born without wings are considered outcasts, as they are usually the result of an interracial relationship. Another distinct feature of fairies is that they can change their size from human-sized to as small as a bee. As beings closely related to nature, fairies prefer to cover themselves with plants, although fairies dwelling among other races are known to don clothes as well.

History: Fairies originate from another plane of existence, commonly referred to as The Faerie. It is intertwined with the mortal realm, which rifts between the planes appearing in special places known as "fairy rings". Many legends are told of people venturing into The Faerie, never to be seen again. Other tales tell that time runs differently in The Faerie, and a day spend there might equal decades or mere seconds in the mortal realm. The goddess Sylvania herself is said to be the queen of all fairies, although no fairy has ever admitted to it. They call their queen Ylwannah. It is unknown how long a fairy can live.



Appearance: Fenarians are much taller than average humans, pallid skinned and red eyed. Sometimes they are mistaken for vampires, but they lack the fangs and are very much alive. Fenarians prefer elaborate robes as clothing.

History: The homeland of the Fenarians is the underground realm of Fenario, also known as the Land of Eternal Darkness, that is located below the southern parts of the continent of Spesialia. Some scholars theorize that Fenarians used to be elves that moved underground due to some dispute in ancient times, since they share equal lifespans to elves, but Fenarians themselves fervently deny it. Most of them never leave their subterranean cities.



Appearance: The heads of grumpkins resemble pumpkins and their bodies are short and stout. They have leaves and flowers as hair.

History: Grumpkins are another example of monstrous creatures that have evolved into a civilized race. However, they are shunned by the other races due to their lack of intelligence and habit of eating dirt and insects. That is why they prefer living in the wilderness. Eubric Freeport has a colony of grumpkins living on the garbage heap at the Hovels District.



Appearance: Kobolds are small and bony critters that move on all fours. They have light brown skin, pointy ears and sharp teeth, hinting of close relation with goblins.

History: Creatures of the subterranean, kobolds have only recently started to emerge into the surface world. They have a long history of being adversaries to the dwarves, gnomes and Fenarians, raiding and pillaging the cities of the more developed underground societies. They are rather malicious and unsociable, making them unwanted visitors to almost any community.



Appearance: Leprechauns are cousins to halflings, with the main difference being their flaming-red hair and a nose for treasure. For some reason, leprechauns have taken a habit of dressing in green, probably to further separate themselves from the halflings that they much despise.

History: It is said that a leprechaun can smell a fortune a mile away, and that is why it is usually considered lucky to befriend one. However, their special talent has lead to persecution and even slavery in some countries, and that is why their number is very small and life expectancy is on the short side.



Appearance: Lucustoids are an insect-like race that are commonly found in the desert region of Abra. Lucustoids move and speak in a very twitchy and abrupt manner. While their exoskeletons are particularly resistent to blows and the elements, they are not natural fighters.

History: Lucustoids exist is subterranean dwellings carved out beneath the sand dunes of their homeland. Lucustoids are particularly renowned scientists and specifically astonomers since there is rarely a cloud in the sky to interrupt their contemplation of the stars. While they do speak the human tongue, their communication is often stuttered and jerky, filled with clicks and guttural sounds. Two notable members of this race include the Doctors Fahad and Falish Jiivni, foreign experts on the science of transmogrify.



Appearance: Nagas are people with serpentine tails for feet, not to be confused with Snakemen that are actually werefolk and walk on two feet. Nagas come in all colors, and the clothes they wear are colorful and elaborate as well.

History: The Nagas inhabit the secluded country of Nagashan that is closed from people of other races, with the exception of traders. Nagas are a proud race with a rich, unique culture, but they have been locked in constant warfare with the neighboring Xu Kingdom. The war has eaten their resources, and that is why a growing number of nagas have fled abroad.



Appearance: Ogroblins are offspring of goblins and ogres, and as such are very few in number. They have the hulking bodies and horns of ogres, and the pointy ears and snouts of goblins.

History: Like other halfbloods, ogroblins are outcasts in Baltarok. They don't tend to do much better in other countries either because of their hideous appearance. One notable expection is Yasmar, the most notable chef in the High and Low Kingdoms. His dishes are divine, but they come served with a foul language.



Appearance: Phlegmen are living blobs of slime shaped like a man. Most of them don clothes to better fit the society.

History: All phlegmen originate from a single creature of slime born in a sewer in Eubric that had a few magical potions too many poured into them. Despite their monicker, they have no gender, and they multiply by splitting themselves in half, then continuing to grow. While most of them still live in Eubric Freeport, some have moved elsewhere.



Appearance: Not to be confused with golems or stone elementals, Rocklings are a diminutive race whose history is not tied to any ethereal source. Their hard exterior prevents them from feeling nearly any pain from physical blows, however their sense of hearing is by far their most sensitive ability and Rocklings are easily startled by loud noises.

History: Rocklings can be found in most regions though they naturally favor mountainous country. While one would assume Rocklings would tend toward mining or tunnel digging, this Race has a peculiar fascination with hats and the making of garments, even though they themselves rarely wear any, thus they are often found to be owners of small tailor shops or haberdasheries.



Appearance: Taurians is the common monicker for minotaurs, satyrs and centaurs, also known as the Children of Centurus. They are werefolk with features from bulls, goats and horses, respectively. Minotaurs have heads, fur and hooves of a bull, satyrs have horns, beards and legs of a goat, and centaurs have the upper body of a human attached to a body of a horse.

History: Taurians are the ruling race on the island nation of Pyr, along with humans. Their myths tell of three human families blessed by the god Kentauros and turned into Taurians to rule in his name. To this day, the royal palace in Alexandria has four thrones; one for the Human King, one for the Minotaur King, one for the Satyr King and one for the Centaur King.



Appearance: U'kin look eccentric with their long muzzles, wide flappy ears and protruding eyes. Their skin is light brown and can have darker patches.

History: U'kin originate from the Dragon Continent, and their lore tells that they were there long before humans came, tamed the dragons and founded the Dastan Empire. U'kin have a peculiar, repetitive speech pattern, of which some of them have learned away from.



Appearance: Yetis are barbaric creatures living on snowy mountaintops and freezing glaciers. They are covered in thick white fur, and the skin underneath is blue. They also have large fangs. The northern yeti are gigantic, while their cousins in the south are the size of humans.

History: In some parts of the world, yeti fur is much coveted for its protective qualities, and that is why yetis have learned to shun other races. Lately some have descended from the glaciers, and upon finding that they were not flayed alive in the instant they met other people, they settled into the society. Very few dare to pick a fight with a yeti, due to their immense strength.

Edited by Sandy
  • 6 months later...

Benji runs into the embassy with a wild look inhis eyes. His gloves are off, revealing clawed olive-scaled hands, which he tried to hide in his coat. He looks wildly for the man who was in charge, and when he finds him he asks in a gravely voice. "TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT WERECREATURES. NOW. Please."


Largh-múnd wheels around in surprise at the sudden noise. Seeing Benji approach, shouting and in visible haste, the Lurgh-án kin mistakes the hero for a robber and swoops down next to him. Not giving the newcomer any chance to react, the abnormally strong beast grasps him sharply by the collar, shaking him violently. The creature's face does not change for a moment as he speaks angrily.


"You come here in panic. Why do you do this in our sacred house of learning? Answer me, or I will crush your bones, as I have crushed those of thieves and brigands trespassing here for twenty score summers!"

At last the man-beast is able to gain a closer look at the half-elf, and quickly drops him onto the stone floor with fast apologies.


"Forgive me, I do not see that you are one of the Heroica. My eyes are failing, such is my shame if I am not able to tell hatch-brother from enemy. The Heroica are welcome here for as long as they wish, for it is them that keeps treasures like ours safe from danger. I am Largh-múnd, learned one of the kin, patron of our monument to history. You ask for knowledge of the were-kin? This can be given, as is the purpose of our building here. On the second floor at the third turning to your sword-arm's side, you will find the collection of things of those whose shape changes with the moon. Return here if you require more knowledge, and I will answer your words. But be careful, young half-breed of elf and man, the truth in these halls can harm as much as help in times of trouble."

Largh-múnd turns to watch Benji as he dashes off into the archives, remaining as impossible to read as ever.


Benji runs up to read about the werefolk, in a daze. The strange creature that grabbed him caused inside him a sense of awe. After reading the information, he was not content. He walked back down to the guardian of the place and spoke to him in a shaking voice. "D-D-DO YOU-OU KNow ow if f the effects of becom-m-ming a werecreature is is s s revers-s-si-sible?" Benji slowly reveals his pointed teeth and clawed hands.


The creature watches Benji with his eyes every step he takes, and when the half-elf moves closer with frantic questions, Largh-múnd only replies as calmly and dispassionately as before.


"You have been afflicted with a condition most dire, one that you do not welcome nor truly understand. I know much of the were-kin that walk this earth, but unfortunately, I can not help you here. The disease that will carry you from one form to the next is old and not something to be trifled with. To your question: yes, I do know that it can be cured, but it requires power so great and terrible I do not dare perform. If I am to reveal the power that could end your misery here, the weak-minded of this city would prove too ignorant to allow it. I do not risk our knowledge here to their spears and pitchforks for the sake of one boy, so I cannot heal you. There are others in this world who share the truth that I do, but they are spread few and far between. Rare are places where such magics can be practised in peace. You would have to go far and wide to find these people, and asking for their gifts would not be as simple as is from me. I remember from times past, when I am but a young hatchling scrambling on Baltorok's sun-scorched wastes, the names of a few who have power enough. One is known as Baba, but she is a dark force, you would do well to avoid her. Others are the Old Gods, but I hear nothing of them and so presume them either lost or dead. I wish you all the faith my kin can muster in your goal to cure yourself, but I fear that it will prove to be futile."

The beast stops for a moment, before reaching inside his cloak. After a few moments, he produces a bright ornamental dagger, glittering with precious jewels.


"You must take this. If you fail in your quest, then this may be the only exit from a life of shape-changing and restless sleep. Take it from me. I bid you well."

Posted (edited)

Benji spits bitterly. "I will not end my life just because of a petty illness. I am beyond that, I am stronger than that. Are you saying, that since I cannot have a cure, that I should try to adapt? Survival of the fittest and all that blathering? Ah? Is that what you mean? IS IT!?" Benji shouted, clearly stressed out

Edited by Flare
Posted (edited)

Largh-múnd remains looking as impassive as always


"You come to ask for my help, and that is what I give you. I can understand your fear, it is something that people of your kind will feel at some point in their existences, but it is imperative that you think clearly before acting. You may leave our palace tonight believing that what I say is not true, that you will be able to ignore this condition; but that is not only false but a dangerous road to walk. What if you were to lie with a love-mate, and then found yourself changing into something that may not have mercy for her? What if you walk with hatchlings of your clan who trust you to protect them, only to find yourself breaking that promise? I give you a number of options from which to choose your future, make your choice carefully. You may go out into the world and seek those with a power to halt your plight. In contrast, you may decide that you can live the half-life, with two incarnations of yourself sharing the same body. Or the third and most unattractive possibility - you may take my blade and end with it. I am open to your questions - and if it relieves your pain, insults - as always."


"But I request that you do not spit in our halls, it is disrespectful to our honour."

Edited by Scorpiox

Benji listens carefully to what Largh-mund had to advise. The scenarios flashed through Benji's mind. Finally he regained the strength to speak one last time to this learned elder. He bows respectfully.

"Your words have made clear to me what I must do. I will choose your second option - I am no coward. I will be a werefolk. And I will adapt, I will grow, I will not let this challenge overcome me. Thank you, I will return to you, hopefully with positive bearings. But if a crocodile lumbers in here please refrain from killing it... Er... That would be awkward on my part."

"Anyways, thank you, and au revoir."

Benji jogs out of the embassy, hope in his soul. If this works out, he might have another chance at... at...

Seeing her.


Largh-múnd looks on as Benji approaches.


"You have made your choice, I am not able to decide better than you who will live with this. What you choose is a brave thing to do, I respect you for that. I take back my dagger and allow you to leave. Now go, return to the Heroica and live as you can, Benji Carvenhall."

The creature nods his head and prepares to walk back into the archives, not telling how it is he knew the half-elf's name.

  • 4 months later...

Benji had not been in the Embassy since his first... embarassing encounter with Largh-múnd in the place. He returned again, however in a quieter way this time. He waited for Largh-múnd to appear, and didn't feel a need to introduce himself since the mysterious creature would surely remember him clearly. The place did not look very much visited.


Benji stands quietly in the foyer of the embassy, looking around nervously for its curator. There is a brief noise, and in an instant the thickset form of Lárgh-múnd stands behind him, impassive and imposing as always.


"Heroica, you return. Why do you do this? Do you seek knowledge from these halls... or help from me? I trust that come better than how when we last did speak."


"Well, to be honest, both. But lets start off with knowledge of the halls. What do you know of witches, and their ilk? Are they their own species, or some strange transformation? Are they to be trusted? The only witch I've ever heard of is Baba, but I don't know if she represents dem'all."



"Very well, I will share knowledge of mine with you. I have seen my part of the witch-kind. When I was but a shriveled youngling scratching underneath rocks, witches did come from time to time. Mostly to try and force our service, as all ones of power desire to do to races they see lesser. The elders did not like the witches, they were loud, violent, always keen to show their powers. They were unwise to come into our sacred places, where no beast does come unwanted. They are not a form of creature in themselves, but merely ones of other creatures that have touched in magics deeper and darker than is natural. But there are also others, ones like this Baba Yaga I mentioned when you last stood here, she is not of mortal blood. She was never man, but she excepts the common rule, rather than forms it. It would be a wise one to write a word that well describes what beast she is, but I am no such one. She is of evil, I would not approach her, as her breed of trickery is beyond even my power. Take it with you that there exists more than one kind of witch. I would not be able to judge the worthiness of your trust in one I do not know, nor have ever seen. But understand this, my past with the witches does not look upon them favourably. I know uncountable worthy ones not of the witch-kind, but I have yet to meet a witch-kind who is worthy of my trust. Remember these words, Benji Carvenhall, and you will better chance survival if you come across one of these creatures in the travels you embark on."


"Yes, well, you see. I'm not planning on encountering Baba, oh no, I'm not sure if that would be wise. But you see, I have found someone, who happens to be a resident witch of this city, to claim to have a potion to heal me of my... bestiality. I guess it doesn't hurt to try, but I just wanted your input... since... well... you've helped me out before..."



"You are wise to seek knowledge of one older than you. I would be careful of one who claims to be able to do this, as there are few in this life who know much of what you speak, even fewer so who hold the power to act on their knowledge. As I have said past, it takes a greater breed than man to have strength enough to learn the darkest forms of magic that these deeds require. The most likely truth in this is one of two things, either this witch you speak of lies in order to trick you, or second, the worse truth is that this creature does indeed have the power it claims, and in this case, I would stand well clear. I know as yet no mortal man who can force the animal from within you. You say that it is not of hurt to you to try? Perhaps, but believing so could be a mistake most foolish - you may find this witch to be something far more of danger than you expect. I? I would go to meet this person once and only once, in a place where others stand and can see. If I felt him worthy of my trust, I would go further, if not, I would not meet him again. Have you been with this one of the witch-kind before? If you have anything to ask more, you must, I am here for one purpose only."


"I feel I must at least see if this can help me. I appreciate your advice anyways. Thank you for your time. I will return." With this Benji turns his heels and briskly heads out towards the hall. He would meet the witch he had mentioned, but he needed a drink first... his head was starting to hurt.

  • 3 weeks later...

"Curator, are you present? This room is quite expansive to the point I would surely get lost searching the archives myself. Can you provide me with information about imps, please? Are they demons or a goblin offshoot perhaps?"


"Curator, are you present? This room is quite expansive to the point I would surely get lost searching the archives myself. Can you provide me with information about imps, please? Are they demons or a goblin offshoot perhaps?"

Lárgh-múnd looms over En Sabeh Nur's shoulder as he looks around the Embassy's expansive hallway.


"You have need of me, keeper of the magic arts? You come here to seek knowledge, yes? I will speak my best to speak to what it is you seek, but there are things that even I do not have truth of. Imps exist one of this world's most hidden and mysterious creatures. They do not walk upon the land as you do, human, but dwell underground of their own world, away from where eyes see and ears listen. I have not heard much of these creatures in the past time of late, Imp-kind do not venture from their secluded kingdoms in leisure. They are neither demon nor goblin folk, although bear likeness to these creatures in ways of their own. There are few who understand the true nature of the Imp, and fewer still who would wish to share this truth with others of your kind. I have not set eyes upon one of the Imp folk for as many summers as you have lived, you would waste your time in the pursuit of finding one. Is there any other knowledge that you wish to gain from me whilst you stand here?"


"Ooh, quite stealthy and disturbing you are, Curator. The imps' secluded nature certainly explains why I have never encountered them before in my travels. Nur stared blankly at an uninteresting spot on the ground. Neither demon nor goblin? There appear to be even more mysteries surrounding this culture than I had thought. It is unlikely they would ever request the assistance of Heroicans. I might have to seek them out on my own. "Imps seem quite exotic. It is a barbarity their popularity is such a rarity."

Is there any other knowledge that you wish to gain from me whilst you stand here?"

Do you possess information about nords? They are a type of human."


Do you possess information about nords? They are a type of human."


"Of course. The people and warriors of Vártland do not hesitate to make themselves know across this world, for deeds both good and nefarious. What is it about the unabashed clans of the Northern Continent that you would like to gain more knowledge."


A dwarf with a fedora and a beard of normal size followed by a bareheaded dwarf with a beard that was almost nonexistent entered the Embassy.

"Dwarven ambassador and aid," said the first,"we're just here to take possession of our rooms, could you tell me where they are? Top floor balcony, number 22? Thank you."

The second dwarf snorted.

"Really, you could let the ambassador take the responsibility for finding our rooms." he said.

"Throlar," said the first,"you never take responsibility for anything."

"True." said Throlar, and the two strode over to the stairs.



"Of course. The people and warriors of Vártland do not hesitate to make themselves know across this world, for deeds both good and nefarious. What is it about the unabashed clans of the Northern Continent that you would like to gain more knowledge."

"Oh, nothing specific per se. I have a companion that is from somewhere up there and I was simply interested in the mythology they follow and other cultural practices such as are their women as accomplished as the men in combat, at what age do they consider a female ripe for mating...some things a long those lines. I could ask my friend but I don't know his location at this particular moment. But I am in no hurry if you need to tend to those others. I can continue to wander."

Posted (edited)

A dwarf with a fedora and a beard of normal size followed by a bareheaded dwarf with a beard that was almost nonexistent entered the Embassy.

"Dwarven ambassador and aid," said the first,"we're just here to take possession of our rooms, could you tell me where they are? Top floor balcony, number 22? Thank you."

The second dwarf snorted.

"Really, you could let the ambassador take the responsibility for finding our rooms." he said.

"Throlar," said the first,"you never take responsibility for anything."

"True." said Throlar, and the two strode over to the stairs.

Lárgh-múnd stares impassively as the two dwarves enter the premises. The curator tolerated their presence for reasons of maintaining relations with the dwarf clans of Titaan, but that didn't mean he had to like them.


"One of my brothers will show you to your room, as I am occupied in the present time."

"Oh, nothing specific per se. I have a companion that is from somewhere up there and I was simply interested in the mythology they follow and other cultural practices such as are their women as accomplished as the men in combat, at what age do they consider a female ripe for mating...some things a long those lines. I could ask my friend but I don't know his location at this particular moment. But I am in no hurry if you need to tend to those others. I can continue to wander."


"The mythology of the norse is one of the most diverse in this world, but far too much for me to explain in the short time we have, unless you ask me questions more specific. The culture is also one of great depth, but as you have hoped for knowledge in things more precise, I can endevour to answer you. It would be correct to assume the norse society to be almost wholly based on equality, in that females do not suffer any lower standing than the males of their clan. If you were to find a single raiding party, you would likely find more males preparing to fight than females, for the reason that it is less common for them to desire conquest and glory than their counterparts. For the norse, marriage is a pact upheld more loosely than in cultures you may know more well. Their is no assigned age for when a female is deemed appropriate for marriage, but the age thought most socially favourable is greater than sixty seasons. A male and female choose each other, live and reproduce together, but it is not uncommon nor unacceptable for both parties to build relationships with others - so long as children are only conceived by the married pair. Children produced between an unmarried male and female is a subject of shame, and would often lead to the banishment of the one deemed to have instigated the unlawful behaviour."

Edited by Scorpiox
Posted (edited)

Lárgh-múnd stares impassively as the two dwarves enter the premises. The curator tolerated their presence for reasons of maintaining relations with the dwarf clans of Titaan, but that didn't mean he had to like them.


"One of my brothers will show you to your room, as I am occupied in the present time."

"Thank you for your kindness." said the first dwarf.


"For the norse, marriage is a pact upheld more loosely than in cultures you may know more well. Their is no assigned age for when a female is deemed appropriate for marriage, but the age thought most socially favourable is greater than sixty seasons. A male and female choose each other, live and reproduce together, but it is not uncommon nor unacceptable for both parties to build relationships with others - so long as children are only conceived by the married pair. Children produced between an unmarried male and female is a subject of shame, and would often lead to the banishment of the one deemed to have instigated the unlawful behaviour."

"I think that the Norse practice polygamy as well, don't they?" Throlar remarked.

"Come along Throlar," said the other dwarf,"This fellow doesn't want to be bothered by you now."

Edited by Lord Duvors


"The mythology of the norse is one of the most diverse in this world, but far too much for me to explain in the short time we have, unless you ask me questions more specific. The culture is also one of great depth, but as you have hoped for knowledge in things more precise, I can endevour to answer you. It would be correct to assume the norse society to be almost wholly based on equality, in that females do not suffer any lower standing than the males of their clan. If you were to find a single raiding party, you would likely find more males preparing to fight than females, for the reason that it is less common for them to desire conquest and glory than their counterparts. For the norse, marriage is a pact upheld more loosely than in cultures you may know more well. Their is no assigned age for when a female is deemed appropriate for marriage, but the age thought most socially favourable is greater than sixty seasons. A male and female choose each other, live and reproduce together, but it is not uncommon nor unacceptable for both parties to build relationships with others - so long as children are only conceived by the married pair. Children produced between an unmarried male and female is a subject of shame, and would often lead to the banishment of the one deemed to have instigated the unlawful behaviour."

"I do enjoy the company of women that can handle m-themselves in battle." Banishment for that? No wonder they have that berzerker rage they're not allowed to have any fun! "Could you happen to tell me of any other banishable offenses or behaviours to avoid so that if I make a visit I don't offend anyone? Oh, uh how do they feel about those who bend ether? Do they have any gods who bless the magical arts?"

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