November 9, 201311 yr Wow...just wow...loved the new Thor movie. It was a bit fast paced as mentioned above, and I felt it could use a bit more establishing shots in the beginning, however it really picked up and became amazing as it went along. I'll save the rest for the spoiler tags, but remember Agents of Shield fans, the next episode is said to deal with the aftermath of the new Thor movie! Oh and now I really wish we had Lego sets of this film--at least for the dark elves! Anywho, spoiler tags etc. Yep, but not until the 19th.
November 9, 201311 yr There is new TV series "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Maximum Overload" on Youtube Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 I think it's Fantastic!
November 11, 201311 yr WHY oh WHY Ninjago or Chima can't be animated like that? I would like it A LOT better!
November 26, 201311 yr Maybe I'm just ignorant of the Marcel comics universe, these two have any backstory not based out of the X-Men, which they can't use in the movie? I guess if they're anything like Hawkeye/Black Widow (I assume they'll fill a similar role) we won't actually learn anything about them anyway, they'll just hint at it.
November 26, 201311 yr Maybe I'm just ignorant of the Marcel comics universe, these two have any backstory not based out of the X-Men, which they can't use in the movie? I guess if they're anything like Hawkeye/Black Widow (I assume they'll fill a similar role) we won't actually learn anything about them anyway, they'll just hint at it. They have been members of the Avengers for over 40 years, and are more so Avengers than X-men villains.
November 29, 201311 yr So does the inclusion of these two in Avengers 2 mean that Joss Whedon is adding another two characters who will receive little to no prior backstory in the cinematic universe, a la Black Widow and Hawkeye?
November 29, 201311 yr So does the inclusion of these two in Avengers 2 mean that Joss Whedon is adding another two characters who will receive little to no prior backstory in the cinematic universe, a la Black Widow and Hawkeye? Yes. They'll receive no real development.
November 30, 201311 yr I'm going to be honest, I get a little bitter every time a new Avenger is introduced. Its just-Hawkeye contributed nothing to the team in Avengers. Nothing. He hardly even contributed to Loki, they could have used practically anyone to get that metal. He had like ten-fifteen minutes of time in the movie, most of it at the end. And just-okay we all know I like Wasp. I understand having seven Avengers would be a bit much, but since Hawkeye did like nothing, couldn't they have booted him off the whole film and introduced her? They didn't have to give her the shrinking powers yet, maybe her father had been working on phase 2, and she ends up donning a prototype winged suit.She could have surveyed the battle like Hawkeye, only she could be a lot more mobile in looking for patterns, since she can fly. It just bugs me a lot, especially since they had originally planned to have her in Avengers.
November 30, 201311 yr Hawkeye I thought was a good choice, he got a decent amount of screen time. True, any hero could have done the same things in the film but that can be said about pretty much any character in the Marvel Universe. They should have had Ant-man, Moon Knight, Spider-man and Wolverine thrown in for good measure. Really, it is just how Marvel decides to use and portray their characters and they probably thought Hawkeye was a more likeable character.
November 30, 201311 yr Well if Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are receiving no real development, I hope that their roles aren't as redundant and uninteresting as those of Black Widow and Hawkeye, by which I mean I hope that they at least have actual superpowers rather than spy skills to make their roles more interesting.
November 30, 201311 yr How exactly do Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver work as Avengers? More SSS rejects something to do with ETERMIS or Centipede, powers from Gods. Quicksilver as far as I can tell is a Marvel Flash, but what exactly are Scarlet Witch's powers? are they 'realistic' enough to be used in the current setting?
November 30, 201311 yr It's not even that Hawkeye wasn't necessary, it's that he contributed no special skill or knowledge. Iron Man had his Arc Reactor, which was vital to the villains plot. Banner understood physics, without him they couldn't have tried to track the cube. Black Widow was the SHIELD contact, and used her brain to trick Loki. Captain America was the iconic leader, and he had already encountered the Tesseract. And Thor was Loki's brother. But Hawkeye was just extra, he barely appeared, he didn't have much of personality and he acted pretty much nothing like the comics Hawkeye. If they had needed an impossible shot to cripple the Chitauri mother ship or something, then yeah I could see the point to him in the film. But his archery didn't really contribute anything remarkable. Anyway, a theory I hear passed around is that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver might be Inhumans. Part of the reason is because of the upcoming Inhumanity Event at Marvel.
November 30, 201311 yr It's not even that Hawkeye wasn't necessary, it's that he contributed no special skill or knowledge. Iron Man had his Arc Reactor, which was vital to the villains plot. Banner understood physics, without him they couldn't have tried to track the cube. Black Widow was the SHIELD contact, and used her brain to trick Loki. Captain America was the iconic leader, and he had already encountered the Tesseract. And Thor was Loki's brother. But Hawkeye was just extra, he barely appeared, he didn't have much of personality and he acted pretty much nothing like the comics Hawkeye. If they had needed an impossible shot to cripple the Chitauri mother ship or something, then yeah I could see the point to him in the film. But his archery didn't really contribute anything remarkable. Anyway, a theory I hear passed around is that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver might be Inhumans. Part of the reason is because of the upcoming Inhumanity Event at Marvel. Can Disney/Marvel use the Inhumans? For some reason I thought that they were blocked by Fox's Fantastic Four license? And were one of the reasons Marvel would really prefer to get the FF license back over the XMen one?
November 30, 201311 yr I'm not sure, I looked it up but details about who has what are always difficult. It comes up frequently on blogs I follow, so I just assumed everyone else had better access than me. However, give Quicksilver actually has ties to the Inhumans (he married one and had a daughter) it is possible. Has it been mentioned yet that supposedly a Black Panther movie has been confirmed?
November 30, 201311 yr Well, I know Whedon was pretty upset about the lack of Hawkeye in Avengers 1, and is making a note to involve him more in the 2nd one. Other than that, I don't know.
November 30, 201311 yr Well, I know Whedon was pretty upset about the lack of Hawkeye in Avengers 1, and is making a note to involve him more in the 2nd one. Other than that, I don't know. Not to mention Jeremy Renner not being happy about Clint being nothing like his comic book counterpart. I haven't yet seen confirmation that he will reprise the role....
November 30, 201311 yr How are they going to make him more significant in Avengers 2 when there's so many characters? As far as we know every single one of them from 1 is returning (heroes anyways) PLUS Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Nobody will have a significant role at that point and will rely entirely on the previous movies for their development.
November 30, 201311 yr Having no special skill or knowledge is a subjective and negligible thing though. Fury assigned Hawkeye to oversee the cube, I can't think of a replacement for that role because he fits in with the SHIELD storyline in the film. IIRC he also took down Loki's chariot with an exploding arrow. Since he is an expert marksman/assassin, I again believe that to be a decision based on those character types being popular.
December 1, 201311 yr I'm going to be honest, I get a little bitter every time a new Avenger is introduced. Its just-Hawkeye contributed nothing to the team in Avengers. Nothing. He hardly even contributed to Loki, they could have used practically anyone to get that metal. He had like ten-fifteen minutes of time in the movie, most of it at the end. And just-okay we all know I like Wasp. I understand having seven Avengers would be a bit much, but since Hawkeye did like nothing, couldn't they have booted him off the whole film and introduced her? They didn't have to give her the shrinking powers yet, maybe her father had been working on phase 2, and she ends up donning a prototype winged suit.She could have surveyed the battle like Hawkeye, only she could be a lot more mobile in looking for patterns, since she can fly. It just bugs me a lot, especially since they had originally planned to have her in Avengers. Well, I think either of these 2 scenarios are possible for Avengers 2. First Scenario: Hawkeye will end up killing Ultron because he's kind of famous in the comics for sinking an arrow through his skull right? Well, at least that's what I picked up on. Plus Whedon said he wants Hawkeye to have a bigger role in avengers 2. Okay second scenario: Ultron will end up killing black widow and Hawkeye. They are a sort of duo and Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are also a duo so they are kind competing. Plus there are 8 avengers as of now. Whedon said the theme of avengers 2 is death. Therefore at least one of the avengers has to die. You can't say the theme is death unless one of the main characters dies. If they kill black widow, no one will be sad. If they kill hawkeye, people will be less sad than if they killed black widow. But, if they kill both, it will be sad since they were good friends. That way there is a lesser amount of avengers and the new duo can take over. 8 Avengers is a little much so...I see the second as more likely. The only other avenger that is up for dying is captain america. He's the only one I haven't heard about signing on for another movie. Iron man and hulk are both signed on for more movies so they can't die. I suppose Thor could..but there is definitely going to be a thor 3 so I don't think that'll happen. And it is a little disappointing about the Wasp but they can't have her in the Avengers until Antman joins too. It just wouldn't make much sense. And that would completely screw up her origin story and I want accuracy so I'm willing to wait for them to introduce her. Edited December 1, 201311 yr by Luna Lovegood
December 1, 201311 yr I disagree that you need Ant-Man to have Wasp. It kind of dimishes her role. For one thing, in the Ultimate Universe Wasp was born with her powers, and Ant-Man engineered his shrinking and growing abilities from her genetics. (She is a mutant in that universe) They couldn't make her a mutant like that in the MCU of course, but there is precedent.
December 1, 201311 yr While I agree that Wasp is great as an individual character, and doesn't need Antman to work, I would rather see them together in Antman. I think both Antman and Wasp need an intro before Appearing in the Avengers. Otherwise they will just be wasted. It worked for Hawkeye and Black Widow because their SHIELD agents and don't really need an origin story. They also don't have any powers where as Wasp and Antman do.
December 1, 201311 yr Yeah, you have me there, they deserve a proper intro. I'm just worried that Jan won't be in Antman, or that she will have a minor role. Not just because it isn't called Antman and Wasp, but also because no one seems to know which Antman the movie will be about. Sometimes it's Hank, sometimes it's Scott, sometimes it's both with Hank being a scientist in the sixties and Scott being in the present day. And don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Scott, especially if it gets Cassie into the MCU. (Though I only know her from Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes) But I would rather have Jan.
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