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I'm betting that if Thano's is the main Phase 3 villain that they will be building towards, then we may see Hela as the primary bad guy in Thor 3. Which would leave room for Enchantress as a secondary and for Executioners famous last stand on the bridge.

The Dark Elf guy didn't exactly have a rich and deep character, at least to me.

Apparently he did but it was cut leaving him with no motives in the final film.

I'm betting that if Thano's is the main Phase 3 villain that they will be building towards, then we may see Hela as the primary bad guy in Thor 3. Which would leave room for Enchantress as a secondary and for Executioners famous last stand on the bridge.

Interesting idea, though I feel as though they would need to use Loki as a villain, since Thor 2 ended at a big cliffhanger. And I worry that introducing too many characters could backfire and limit their depth. For Skurge at least I wouldn't want his greatest moment to be used before he was established as a character. It won't have the same impact. Still, it could work.

To bad that his motives were cut then.

I, personally, hope if they go the Deathlock route that they go all out with the robot-y cyborg ness. Other ways it would just be a burn victim with a robo leg....

Apparently he did but it was cut leaving him with no motives in the final film.

Cut as in deleted scenes? Or cut from the story altogether? I'd very much like to see the deleted scenes if he had a motive in them.

Interesting idea, though I feel as though they would need to use Loki as a villain, since Thor 2 ended at a big cliffhanger. And I worry that introducing too many characters could backfire and limit their depth. For Skurge at least I wouldn't want his greatest moment to be used before he was established as a character. It won't have the same impact. Still, it could work.

To bad that his motives were cut then.

I think Marvel will follow up the Thor 2 Cliff hanger in Avengers 3 instead of Thor 3.

The main reason for this is that Loki was working for Thanos, and most likely still is. Now Loki is in control of the Tesseract ( infinity gem one) the infinity gauntlet and his staff from Avengers ( the gem in the staff could be another Infinity gem). Not to mention that Loki also sent another infinity gem to the collector another person working with Thanos. It will be interesting to see if Loki gets a cameo in GotG as the Guardians will have an infinity gem as well.

With Thor 3 the Enchantress is great news for Loki. Surely Thor would become supisious after a while. However if Thanos or one of Thanos associates convinces Enchatress to attack Asguard or Thor, it will cause a distraction that would allow Loki to move the gauntlet and gem/gems to Thanos. Or ( as Odin) comand the Warriors three to move them to the collector for safe keeping, while Asguard is under attack. Either way I think Thanos has Loki where he needs him to be, I get the feeling everything after Thor one was Thanos getting Loki to the throne.

Cut as in deleted scenes? Or cut from the story altogether? I'd very much like to see the deleted scenes if he had a motive in them.

I'm not sure, I just remember reading that Chris Eccleston was unhappy with scenes of character development cut. I imaging they will turn up on the DVD / Blue Ray.

Chris Eccleston is always unhappy. That's why he refuses to go on Doctor Who again.

I think Marvel will follow up the Thor 2 Cliff hanger in Avengers 3 instead of Thor 3.

The main reason for this is that Loki was working for Thanos, and most likely still is. Now Loki is in control of the Tesseract ( infinity gem one) the infinity gauntlet and his staff from Avengers ( the gem in the staff could be another Infinity gem). Not to mention that Loki also sent another infinity gem to the collector another person working with Thanos. It will be interesting to see if Loki gets a cameo in GotG as the Guardians will have an infinity gem as well.

With Thor 3 the Enchantress is great news for Loki. Surely Thor would become supisious after a while. However if Thanos or one of Thanos associates convinces Enchatress to attack Asguard or Thor, it will cause a distraction that would allow Loki to move the gauntlet and gem/gems to Thanos. Or ( as Odin) comand the Warriors three to move them to the collector for safe keeping, while Asguard is under attack. Either way I think Thanos has Loki where he needs him to be, I get the feeling everything after Thor one was Thanos getting Loki to the throne.

I doubt Loki is still working for Thanos. Even if Loki is now (technically) in control of the tesseract, I don't think that will change anything. The Other said if he fails to secure them the tesseract, Thanos will find and kill him. While did eventually get it I suppose, he still failed and delayed them getting it. Plus, the Chitauri were all destroyed so I imagine he is pretty pissed about that as well. And now he has to deal with the Avengers which were brought together because of Loki, who was then unable to defeat them. So I imagine Thanos is pretty pissed and is going to kill him. I also doubt Thanos will be that forgiving and let Loki still live/serve under him. I could also see the possibility of Loki trying to double-cross Thanos because now he has the throne and the tesseract in his control. I don't think it's in Loki's nature to give up something he earned for himself. Now that he's king why would he still want to be a minion. Also do we know for a fact that it was Loki that sent the ather to the collector? Is it possible that that was still Odin that did that? It seems likely that that was Loki's doing but who knows.

Edited by Luna Lovegood

I doubt Loki is still working for Thanos. Even if Loki is now (technically) in control of the tesseract, I don't think that will change anything. The Other said if he fails to secure them the tesseract, Thanos will find and kill him. While did eventually get it I suppose, he still failed and delayed them getting it. Plus, the Chitauri were all destroyed so I imagine he is pretty pissed about that as well. And now he has to deal with the Avengers which were brought together because of Loki, who was then unable to defeat them. So I imagine Thanos is pretty pissed and is going to kill him. I also doubt Thanos will be that forgiving and let Loki still live/serve under him. I could also see the possibility of Loki trying to double-cross Thanos because now he has the throne and the tesseract in his control. I don't think it's in Loki's nature to give up something he earned for himself. Now that he's king why would he still want to be a minion. Also do we know for a fact that it was Loki that sent the ather to the collector? Is it possible that that was still Odin that did that? It seems likely that that was Loki's doing but who knows.

I think it was Odin, Loki confronted Odin before Thor got the Aether. Though I do wonder then why Loki gave it up, unless that isn't the real Aether or something. Either way, I also agree that Loki is out of favor, well what little he had.

By the way, something occurred to me about Avengers 2. Whedon has a habit of killing off characters right? Because I am wondering if Thor might die as he did against Ultron in the comics. Thor 3 hasn't officially been announced has it?

...No, they probably won't get rid of Thor, although some remnant of that story might remain.

I think it was Odin, Loki confronted Odin before Thor got the Aether. Though I do wonder then why Loki gave it up, unless that isn't the real Aether or something. Either way, I also agree that Loki is out of favor, well what little he had.

By the way, something occurred to me about Avengers 2. Whedon has a habit of killing off characters right? Because I am wondering if Thor might die as he did against Ultron in the comics. Thor 3 hasn't officially been announced has it?

...No, they probably won't get rid of Thor, although some remnant of that story might remain.

No Thor 3 hasn't been announced, but neither have any of the phase 3 films. Well except Antman but that was meant to be a phase 2 film originally.

Wasn't Dr. Strange confirmed for Phase 3?

I really hope they include some Malekith development in at least the deleted scenes of Thor 2. His lack of character brought the down, making it into more of a 'fun action movie' that we saw way too often in 2013.

Wasn't Dr. Strange confirmed for Phase 3?

I really hope they include some Malekith development in at least the deleted scenes of Thor 2. His lack of character brought the down, making it into more of a 'fun action movie' that we saw way too often in 2013.

Nope doctor strange hasn't be officially confirmed yet, however Stan Lee has hinted it may be a possibility.

I doubt Loki is still working for Thanos. Even if Loki is now (technically) in control of the tesseract, I don't think that will change anything. The Other said if he fails to secure them the tesseract, Thanos will find and kill him. While did eventually get it I suppose, he still failed and delayed them getting it. Plus, the Chitauri were all destroyed so I imagine he is pretty pissed about that as well. And now he has to deal with the Avengers which were brought together because of Loki, who was then unable to defeat them. So I imagine Thanos is pretty pissed and is going to kill him. I also doubt Thanos will be that forgiving and let Loki still live/serve under him. I could also see the possibility of Loki trying to double-cross Thanos because now he has the throne and the tesseract in his control. I don't think it's in Loki's nature to give up something he earned for himself. Now that he's king why would he still want to be a minion. Also do we know for a fact that it was Loki that sent the ather to the collector? Is it possible that that was still Odin that did that? It seems likely that that was Loki's doing but who knows.

I'm not sure we can attribute normal "curses my plans were foiled, my enemies united against me and my minions slaughtered!" Motivations to Thanos. At least not if he is being written well and proper. He will kill Loki for failing him, or worse betraying him. But in his eyes the loss of the Chitauri and the creation of the Avengers probably are a happy outcome long term.

Wasn't Dr. Strange confirmed for Phase 3?

I really hope they include some Malekith development in at least the deleted scenes of Thor 2. His lack of character brought the down, making it into more of a 'fun action movie' that we saw way too often in 2013.

Yep. Supposedly Johnny Depp will be playing him. I'm not sure how I like that casting? I think he will do well, but I kind of wish they had broadened the cast of Marvel characters a bit. Given his backstory Strange would have been perfect for a charismatic Indian actor. (He never made much sense to me as a manhattan white guy?)

In other wishful casting. I know he sometimes draws some criticism. But am I alone in thinking Vin Diesel would be the perfect voice for Ben Grimm? And wouldn't be too bad as him in human form?

In other wishful casting. I know he sometimes draws some criticism. But am I alone in thinking Vin Diesel would be the perfect voice for Ben Grimm? And wouldn't be too bad as him in human form?

He is voicing Groot in GotG.

Wasn't Dr. Strange confirmed for Phase 3?

It's been all but officially confirmed. Kevin Feige said Dr. Strange would appear in phase 3. He also said a Dr. Strange movie is in development and reiterated that again this past november. There were also rumors earlier this month that they had been eyeing johnny depp for the role of Dr. Strange (Please be a rumor :hmpf: ) I'm also pretty sure I've heard a few rumors that a Ms. Marvel movie will be in phase 3 which I would absolutely love.

I think it was Odin, Loki confronted Odin before Thor got the Aether. Though I do wonder then why Loki gave it up, unless that isn't the real Aether or something. Either way, I also agree that Loki is out of favor, well what little he had.

By the way, something occurred to me about Avengers 2. Whedon has a habit of killing off characters right? Because I am wondering if Thor might die as he did against Ultron in the comics. Thor 3 hasn't officially been announced has it?

...No, they probably won't get rid of Thor, although some remnant of that story might remain.

I'm pretty sure Hemsworth has signed one for multiple movies so he probably can't die. I would put my money on captain america but I also believe he has signed on for more movies. Therefore, I'm highly expecting Black widow to die. Maybe even Hawkeye as well to make way for the new duo. I'd say war machine also has a good chance at dying. Either way, I hope Ultron kills somebody! His motives are to destroy humanity along with the avengers so it would be crappy if he didn't get to kill at least 1 important person :hmpf_bad:

He is voicing Groot in GotG.

I know. And supposedly he was in talks to play some other phase 3 character. That's what had me thinking of him as the Thing.

it would be crappy if he didn't get to kill at least 1 important person :hmpf_bad:

Wouldn't they just resurrect that person and give them a spin off TV show though :grin:.

Wouldn't they just resurrect that person and give them a spin off TV show though :grin:.

Haha true. Only a few marvel characters actually stay dead in the comics once they die. Some people suggested that whoever dies in avengers 2 or 3 could possibly be resurrected my lady death in avengers 3 or something. I don't think that would translate that well on screen though.. I think it's a possibility that Nick Fury could die in Avengers 2? Then again, if he's being gravely injured in cap. america 2 there wouldn't be much point in having him recover just kill him off in the next movie.

Even though this isn't technically in the MCU, empire magazine just released 25 character posters for the Days of Future Past characters. Quicksilver looks horrible. :sick::enough::ugh: Hopefully Whedon saves the day and does quicksilver some justice.

quicksilver's in that movie?

quicksilver's in that movie?

Yeah. Marvel is hopping mad about it. The deal was supposed to be Fox had all of the mutants except Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch.

Even though this isn't technically in the MCU, empire magazine just released 25 character posters for the Days of Future Past characters. Quicksilver looks horrible. :sick::enough::ugh: Hopefully Whedon saves the day and does quicksilver some justice.

But on the plus side, the hipster Quicksilver meme has been born.

By the way, on the Clairvoyant, have we considered he could be a Deathlok villain like Harlan Ryker?

Wow, Quicksilver looks dumb. I hope he looks better on-screen, and if not that the Avengers will redeem him.

I will say that the Sentinel looks a lot better than it did in the first picture we saw of it. That future!Sentinel seems interesting as well.

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