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Fantastic Four trailer, finally. it seems they are focusing more on the science side of the film than the 'fantastic' side at the moment.

This looks so bad. Take away the logo and rename the characters. Does it look like the F4? NOPE. I wish this movie the worst from the bottom of my heart.

I kinda agree. You can barely tell this is supposed to be a superhero movie, let alone a Fantastic Four one. They are making the typical bad superhero movie mistake of muting all the colors and making it too dark and grounded in reality. The last two FF movies weren't very good, but at least they looked more fun and accurate than this. I will try to keep an open mind, but so far the only good thing I can see coming from this movie is a potential comic-based FF Lego set.

I kinda agree. You can barely tell this is supposed to be a superhero movie, let alone a Fantastic Four one. They are making the typical bad superhero movie mistake of muting all the colors and making it too dark and grounded in reality. The last two FF movies weren't very good, but at least they looked more fun and accurate than this. I will try to keep an open mind, but so far the only good thing I can see coming from this movie is a potential comic-based FF Lego set.

Didn't MARVEL ban all F4 Merchandise so that they wouldn't promote this film? I wouldn't hold my breath for a comics based set.

The trailer didn't really show much imo. I'm not a fan of the FF, but I will definitely watch this since I enjoy superhero movies and I don't mind gritty reality-based superhero movies - I actually really enjoyed Man of Steel.

Yeah, didn't get much out of this trailer. There wasn't even much 'Fantastic' about the trailer either. It seemd more like a space odyssey than a FF movie. I know it's just the first, to whet our appetite, as it were, but a bit let down.

Also, I'm about in tears of how they're ruining Doom. His backstory makes me want to slap whoever came up with it. He is one of my favorite villains, and for some this will be their first exposure to him. That makes me sad.

Another thing, just watch The Winter Soldier. How do you think they'll play the Civil War aspect? Going off the ending where Wodow was being questioned, I think it's going to be a bit of a three way battle. HYDRA vs SHIELD siding with Cap vs SHIELD siding with the government, something along those lines. Much like how the comic story was Avenegers siding with the government or Cap(I never did read those spoilers that were released, so if the plot was in there, I don't know it). Since, they can't go the original way of revealing their identities. Also, how do you think they're going to play the Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver seemingly side with the Avengers? They are, after all, HYDRA experiments.

Well i just watched the FF trailer too. To be honest i think this movie can turn out okay i guess. It's not FF (how we know 'em), but then again a lot of people don't even read or have read the comicbooks anyway. And even in those comicbooks things change. I mean we get lego sets of ultimate spider-man, talking about ugly and pain in my heart.

Well that being said, it'll be a superhero movie so that's good. It'll probably be better than the last two. Maybe my sense of purism died when i saw Galactus the cloud.

Still i wish that all marvel lego superhero figs are comic based, because i so like the designs of the comics more than those in the movies

The F4 trailer was alright. And it was just a teaser, hopefully the actual one will show more.

There are 50 years of wonderful Fantastic Four stories to pull from (Well OK, 40 years + the 90's) and they go with the horrifically bad Ultimate Fantastic Four? Angsty Teen Super Science Hogwarts? Ugh! The Fantastic Four are supposed to be a hopeful story of exploration and discovery. They are Star Trek in Spandex. And instead we get this dark grim blue and orange same as everything pile of... blech!

Sorry but FF#200 was the very first comic I ever bought with my own money. I think the very first comic I ever read was a much dog eared copy of FF Annual #2 The Origin of Dr. Doom that I got from my Uncle. The FF is the book that gave me my love of comics, and this? This is not them. (although I will give them credit for one thing. They were right there was so much awful in this brief trailer that "black Johnny Storm" is pretty much un noticeable and does not cause any jarring disconnect. In fact it might be the only thing in the trailer that doesn't cause a jarring disconnect.) It will break my heart if they introduce Anihilus in this mess rather than using him over in the MCU Cosmic side of things.

Edited by Faefrost

O god. I guess they do own Annihilus. NOOOOO :cry_sad:

Just saw the trailer and....erm...I dunno...the logo's pretty nice I guess? I mean, it may make some people with limited knowledge think that the film is called "FANT-4-STIC", but its quite subtle and nice.

Everything else looks meh though.

Rachael Taylor cast as Hellcat in Jessica Jones! I'm loving all of these female superheroes!

Yay! Hellcat. Although I suspect we are unlikely to see her Defender counterpart "Son of Satan". Some bits of Marvel weirdness are best left in the 70's.

UGH I'm so jealous. Why can't movies release worldwide simultaneously?! I hate that other people are going to know what happens before me.

UGH I'm so jealous. Why can't movies release worldwide simultaneously?! I hate that other people are going to know what happens before me.

Well the US does get a lot of films released even a few months before Britain (and maybe the rest of the world). In terms of Marvel, when it first happened with Thor: The Dark World, I thought it was because of the film taking place in London, but then Winter Soldier, GotG, Rise of Electro, and Days of Future Past all came out here first.

Trailer for Daredevil-

WOW. Fantastic!!! Can't wait to binge watch the heck out of this series on April 10th. :laugh:

This looks so good. Kingpin doesn't look too fat though which is kinda disappointing, but all well!

I just saw that....

So... Spiderman could join the Avengers

What a great day to be alive :cry_happy:

Fantastic news! :thumbup:


Edited by just2good

Spider-man officially part of the MCU!!!! What's interesting is that they use the term "new Spider-man"? Another reboot? It seems to me from this article that Spider-man will appear in Civil War and then after that Sony will make spider-man movie using the new spider-man. SO EXCITED THOUGH!


That's great! I wonder how much of the Spideyverse they will incorporate into the MCU?

Hmm...interesting news. It almost sounds like Sony wants to immerse themselves into the MCU, but still hold the reins. Bringing Feige & Pascal on & wanting to 'character swap' of sorts between the two companies is promising. Guess we'll see how things go leading up to Civil War and see where things lie.

I'm in two minds about this. One one hand, moving Spider-Man into the MCU in any form is fantastic, though I would actually preferred a Netflix series on him rather than a film, it now cuts the film universe down to two (X-Men and MCU).

My main issues however are :REBOOT!!!!! and recast :cry_happy:. The first TAS film was good, the second was okay (I think a Daredevil style directors cut might have saved it), the main issue everybody had with the first film was the fact it was a reboot. Also the two films did fit seamlessly into the MCU anyway, so screw a reboot, if you must, just do a 'the other Darrin' and replace any actors you need to keep the previous two films in continuity.

Secondly, for me, Andrew Garfield IS Peter Parker / Spider-Man, in the same way Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, and, Sir Ian Mckellen are intrinsically their roles, I'll just have a hard time seeing anyone else in that role.

Edit: Actually, having seen the new stand alone film date, there's another thing. It's bumping up all my other films :sad:, I want my Captain Marvel film, it hasn't even had its lead actor announced yet, it's such a shame Marvels first female lead film (and worlds first good female lead superhero film) is getting further and further away. I'd like them to swap it with GotG 2 ideally.

Now let's just tie the new Fantastic Four film into the MCU and call it a draw,... well until someone sorts out who owns Namor this week :grin:.

Edited by Mr Man

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