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One thing I've been wondering lately, although not Marvel related. Why hasn't DC jumped on this? I mean, between now and '15, Marvel has what?...6 movies coming out? DC has 1(confirmed), which is Man of Steel. I know there's JLA in the works, but still, there's so few DC movies in relation to Marvel. I wonder why that is.

Less marketable characters I suppose. The few DC movies there have been have bombed with the exception of the Nolanverse.

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Exactly. DC has less marketable/interesting/whatever-you'd-like-to-call-it characters and/or doesn't know how to handle them. From DC, there are really Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Flash, and I guess Aquaman (though he gets some hate for no reason). Yes, there are others, but as much as I'd like to see a Blue Beetle or Martian Manhunter movie, I don't think that the company bigwigs feel comfortable making that, especially given that they screw up a movie about a big character like Green Lantern.

Marvel has lots of teams that include lots of character - X-Men, Fantastic Four, Avengers... Even if different studios still have the rights to some of these characters, I'd count them as Marvel movies anyway. Not all, but lots of the characters that are part of these teams have very rich, developed pasts, which gives both Disney and the other companies working on Marvel movies a huge amount of material to work with.

Another problem is that DC properties are made exclusively by Warner Bros. I guess it's the same with all of the Avengers properties now being controlled by Disney, but Marvel movies really got off the ground around 2000 because different studios developed a bunch of successful Marvel films independently, making Superhero movies a new trend. The Spider-Man, X-Men, and even Fantastic Four movies made superhero movies serious blockbusters. If those hadn't happened as they did, I'm not sure the MCU could be unfolding as it is now.

Honestly, I'm quite aggravated that Warner Bros and DC screws it up so much. Flash (I particularly like the third Flash, Wally West) has a lot of potential for a film series that's light and fun like the MCU films are mostly light and fun. Green Lantern had potential, but they kept in too much magic nonsense which really brought down the film from the very first moments (and the bad guy is arguably quite a weak point in the plot). Now with Batman and Superman they've been going this dark, weighty route, which is great and all, but they need some light, fun films or they'll never really go anywhere.


Wonder Woman if given to Whedon (buffy, avengers d00d) would have some nice light moments (with darkness ;p but nice light funny moments in the mix).

I bet DC/Warner is kicking themselves for getting rid of Whedon when he tried to do Wonder Woman. I can imagine a lot of funny light moments coming from her adjusting to the United States kind of in line with Captain America (which they haven't really explored in the movies much yet) but more.


Honestly, I'm quite aggravated that Warner Bros and DC screws it up so much. Flash (I particularly like the third Flash, Wally West) has a lot of potential for a film series that's light and fun like the MCU films are mostly light and fun.

I 100% agree with this. Wally West would be a fantastic character to base a movie around. His personality at times reminds me of Spidey so they could definitely make a more light hearted movie with him. If they can prove they can come out with good movies, which they haven't so far, I'm sure they can get in on the superhero money out there.


So, I just saw Iron Man 3 last night.

Frankly, I really don't understand the Mandarin hate. Sure he didn't have the magic rings, but beyond that he still had the diabolical genius essence of the character. It seems to me that a lot of people just aren't getting the fact that Killian was the true Mandarin, and Trevor was just a decoy. It wasn't like he was 'just' a terrorist as many claim, he was very obviously Extremis-enhanced, and had a clear vendetta with Stark. Frankly, I'm glad the Iron Man movies have finally brought in a villain who can be physical, strategic, and an actual threat as opposed to the previous villains.

Posted (edited)

So, I just saw Iron Man 3 last night.

Frankly, I really don't understand the Mandarin hate. Sure he didn't have the magic rings, but beyond that he still had the diabolical genius essence of the character. It seems to me that a lot of people just aren't getting the fact that Killian was the true Mandarin, and Trevor was just a decoy. It wasn't like he was 'just' a terrorist as many claim, he was very obviously Extremis-enhanced, and had a clear vendetta with Stark. Frankly, I'm glad the Iron Man movies have finally brought in a villain who can be physical, strategic, and an actual threat as opposed to the previous villains.

I took it that Killian being the Mandarin was a metaphor, not that he was the Mandarin from the comics just that he was the man behind it all. So in a way he was the 'Mandarin'.

Edited by RaincloudDustbin

Sweet! Can't wait to see them explain the whole Coulson being back thing :laugh:

Pure speculation on my part, but I'm guessing they are going one of two ways.

(Maybe spoilers? i really have no idea, im just guessing)

Either Coulson's death was simply another Nick Fury lie. Or (and I am kinda hoping for something along these lines). Coulson is an LMD or better yet true Android. Possibly an evolution of Dr. Phineas Horton's work seen in the background of the Stark Expo in Captain America? This would be my guess or hope in part because it plays off some subtle potential cues.

- Coulson always seems just a little "off" in the movies. A little too stiff at times. For a similar example, since we are all Lego types around here, go watch the early Ninjago episodes and pay attention to Zane.

- there is a "bonus" Coulson story out there where he walks in on a convenience store robbery while on his way to New Mexico. He goes completely Matrix style badass on the robbers. Just watch it with an eye towards maybe Phil is not what he seems.

- look at the ease with which he walks through Starks systems. While it could simply be another SHIELD super spy gag, it takes on some interesting connotations if you start looking at Phil as not completely human.

- Loki does not attempt to mind control Phil. He goes straight for the kill. Why?

- Howard Stark was an early member of Shield. Given the prominence of LMD's (Life Model Decoys, humanoid robots. Often Nick Fury lookalike s) in Marvel's SHIELD lore, it kind of follows that Horton might have been part of the team as well.

And final speculation, if Agent Coulson is in fact revealed as an Android, who does that line him up to be with regards to the Avengers? Consider that rumors for the next Avengers movie say that it might include Quicksilver and the Scarlett Witch? How cool would that be?

Posted (edited)

Either Coulson's death was simply another Nick Fury lie. Or (and I am kinda hoping for something along these lines). Coulson is an LMD or better yet true Android. Possibly an evolution of Dr. Phineas Horton's work seen in the background of the Stark Expo in Captain America? This would be my guess or hope in part because it plays off some subtle potential cues.

- Coulson always seems just a little "off" in the movies. A little too stiff at times. For a similar example, since we are all Lego types around here, go watch the early Ninjago episodes and pay attention to Zane.

- there is a "bonus" Coulson story out there where he walks in on a convenience store robbery while on his way to New Mexico. He goes completely Matrix style badass on the robbers. Just watch it with an eye towards maybe Phil is not what he seems.

- look at the ease with which he walks through Starks systems. While it could simply be another SHIELD super spy gag, it takes on some interesting connotations if you start looking at Phil as not completely human.

- Loki does not attempt to mind control Phil. He goes straight for the kill. Why?

- Howard Stark was an early member of Shield. Given the prominence of LMD's (Life Model Decoys, humanoid robots. Often Nick Fury lookalike s) in Marvel's SHIELD lore, it kind of follows that Horton might have been part of the team as well.

And final speculation, if Agent Coulson is in fact revealed as an Android, who does that line him up to be with regards to the Avengers? Consider that rumors for the next Avengers movie say that it might include Quicksilver and the Scarlett Witch? How cool would that be?

You make a lot of valid points I just don't think they would do the "he was a LMD the entire time" thing simply because I think it would lessen his impact in all the previous movies, but nothing would really surprise me with Marvel. My only thing is that when he dies, it definitely looks like he is human (I'm pretty sure he bleeds from his mouth or something).

I could see them saying they transferred him mind into a LMD or something along those lines, or I could see them maybe involving Dr. Strange to revive him since Whedon does really like the character and has been trying to push for him to get some sort of a role in the Universe.

Edit: Don't really know why that is in spoiler brackets since it is all pure speculation about a show that nobody really knows anything about :laugh:

Edited by Spider-Man

You make a lot of valid points I just don't think they would do the "he was a LMD the entire time" thing simply because I think it would lessen his impact in all the previous movies, but nothing would really surprise me with Marvel. My only thing is that when he dies, it definitely looks like he is human (I'm pretty sure he bleeds from his mouth or something).

I could see them saying they transferred him mind into a LMD or something along those lines, or I could see them maybe involving Dr. Strange to revive him since Whedon does really like the character and has been trying to push for him to get some sort of a role in the Universe.

Edit: Don't really know why that is in spoiler brackets since it is all pure speculation about a show that nobody really knows anything about :laugh:

More that I wasn't sure if anyone had seen the little Coulson on his way to Thor's Hammer special and didn't want to blindly spoil it for anyone. Plus I don't want anyone to blunder into the overwelming nerd speculation for fear we may be right.

(after all we were unintentionally correct about the Iron Man Ultimate Mandarin Battle set looking like "Iron Man beats up a Hobo" which surprisingly enough was disturbingly close to the actual plot)

Making him simply an LMD would dilute his character a bit. Making him the only LMD keeps him unique and special and opens up the possibilities a bit and lines him up to possibly be the Vision.




Whoa that is one creepy looking picture! I've never seen that before, but if that is the way they are leaning with Coulson I would hope they make him look more robotic at some point. Part of Vision's appeal (at least to me) is that he isn't human and doesn't always know how to act appropriately. I would like for him to get a more robotic tone as well!


Yeah from that clip it looks interesting, but I don't think it was long enough to really get a feel of what the series will really be like. Interesting that Luke Cage appeared twice. Makes me wonder if they will include all of the Heroes for Hire?


Well, it looks like it has a pretty big budget and a decent amount of action, plus it seems to have Luke Cage and possibly other Heroes for Hire, so I'm excited for it! As for Coulson, I think they were probably able to save him, but Fury chose not to tell the Avengers. There is no need to make it any more complicated than that. While Faefrost has some interesting points, I don't think there is anything really inhuman about Coulson (he's just what you would expect an agent of a secret spy organization to be like - stiff and well trained in combat and infiltration) and I just don't see why SHIELD would want to make an android of him.


I'm concerned that the obvious lack of guest appearances by big stars like Samuel L. Jackson will affect it. S.H.I.E.L.D. without Nick Fury? Without coming into contact with the big guns? I hope we're not stuck with nothing but second tier heroes like Luke Cage who is... okay... just not 1st tier.

I have no idea what direction they're going to bring this. Law and Order? Smallville? Whatever...


I like the preview for Agents of Shield, pity I probably will not be able to see it until late 2015. Besides don't all comic books have strange back from the dead stories anyway? As the internet says, "No one stays dead except Uncle Ben." Maybe Coulson is the start of that tradition in the MCU...

Now as to the Mandarin in Iron Man 3, without spoiling the film I will say I like what they did. However I am not a comic book reader so I know very little about the comic Mandarin except what I skimmed from Wikipedia.

However I am wondering what movie Lego watched when they designed their sets, 2 of them don't look much like anything in the film!


Anyone else see that new approximately three minute long trailer for Agents of SHIELD? They are definitely showing off Luke, though I am not sure what role he will play. Hopefully his backstory isn't being a soldier/ex-soldier, its getting weird with Nick, Rhodey, and possibly Falcon.

Now does anyone know if "Conspiracy-Girl" is in the comics? I swear she looks familar, but I can't place her.

And when is Wasp coming?


Looks pretty sweet. A lot better than that thirty-second one we got earlier.

May have to take a look at this once it starts airing.

Wasp may be in the Ant-Man movie, or at least she'd better be in it.


Yeah, that is the one. I'm probably going to follow it, if only because of Whedon.

Along with "Conspiracy Girl," does anyone know if the two scientists and the formly level six agents are in the comics? Most of my info on Marvel comes from the cinematic universe, Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes Cartoon, Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men, and parts of the Utimate Universe, so my knowledge of any version of SHIELD is pretty limited.


Yeah, that is the one. I'm probably going to follow it, if only because of Whedon.

Along with "Conspiracy Girl," does anyone know if the two scientists and the formly level six agents are in the comics? Most of my info on Marvel comes from the cinematic universe, Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes Cartoon, Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men, and parts of the Utimate Universe, so my knowledge of any version of SHIELD is pretty limited.

As far as I know all the Characters are new. However the Superhero in the yellow trousers is from the comics. At the moment I think its Patriot but it could be anyone.


As far as I know all the Characters are new. However the Superhero in the yellow trousers is from the comics. At the moment I think its Patriot but it could be anyone.

Yeah I would guess Patriot or Luke Cage. Interesting if they bring in the Young Avengers, though I doubt they could use Wiccan or Speed.


I wonder if they will discuss where the heck SHIELD was during the whole Extremis situation is Iron-Man 3. I would think that would be just the kind of thing SHIELD was developed to handle....


Yeah, I was left wondering that as well. AIM was making superhumans cheap, and the whole self destruct thing with someindividuals was almost more of a feature than a flaw. It seems like something SHIELD would be worried about, and maybe even assemble some of the Avengers for.


Yeah, I was left wondering that as well. AIM was making superhumans cheap, and the whole self destruct thing with someindividuals was almost more of a feature than a flaw. It seems like something SHIELD would be worried about, and maybe even assemble some of the Avengers for.

I'm pretty sure the exploding was when people rejected extremis, and in that case they blew up and died. The only time they came back from an explosion was when Savin was around the guy who blew up and then regenerated himself because his body had accepted extremis.

Yeah I wish in the movie they would have handled it a little better. Now that we know about the Avengers and how the MCU is all connected it is really easy to pick out holes, unless in the movies they close them by explaining at some point why SHIELD and the other Avengers aren't bothering to help.

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