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  On 1/19/2013 at 1:01 PM, GRogall said:

I have added a download link for the HD designer Video in the first post!

Thanks for adding this link. I don't do Facebook and since i spend most of my EB time on an iPad I don't do flash either. So the link is much appreciated.

Well, the video didn't make me want it any more than I already did. Well maybe a little more ;) my interest in this was already pretty high! Sign me up for at least 2! Maybe more depending on ideas in MODs to the set. I like to build 1 as is and have others to MOD.

Getting my credit card warmed up already!

Andy D

  On 1/19/2013 at 2:38 PM, AncientDayz said:

So, I was looking forward to a different type of theatre (no, not Starlight's). I thought a more small-town USA theatre would have been a nice fit to the line (in fact, I just drove 400 miles yesterday on the East coast and passed several of these). However, I am not disappointed in the least at the direction they took. I really love the outside of this theater. The stars are a nice touch (especially if the are printed). The doors look great, and I really like the sign and roof line. I hate the idea of stickers, but I will just get over that. The limo: it's not great, but I don't buy the sets for vehicles anyway.

However, while I love the outside and will definitely be getting this, I think the inside has got to go (I also think, as somebody has pointed out earlier, that the drabe inside kills some of the enthusiasm in the video). I haven't modified a modular yet, but I will with this one. I often go to the Tivoli - the second oldest movie theatre in the US that housed "talking" movies. Based on this iconic theatre, I will probably add carpeting and a chandelier to the first floor as well as flush out the concession stand (might add a bathroom as well). On the second floor, I will probably remove the stairs to the roof, add a small "fake" stage in front of the screen, make the screen bigger, increase the seat number (still wont be stadium as this wasn't a norm then), and modify the projector area. I know a lot of people have talked about the windows, and while I agree that the windows wouldn't be there in a real theatre, they don't bug me as much because I would rather keep the ability to look inward and keep the overall look on the outside.

Overall, I am really happy about getting a theatre, and I think this will be a great addition to my street. I just think they dropped the ball on the interior. It is very inferior to many of the earlier buildings (probably all of them except CC and MS - possibly tied with that of the GE).

I should comment on a few things. First, not sure what you mean by "add carpeting", since the first floor is already carpeted. That's the whole reason for the red baseplate. You could add floor mats like the Green Grocer's upper stories, but that would seem awfully redundant unless you switched out the baseplate. And carpeting the whole floor in tiles would make it seem like... well, tile.

As for the staircase to the roof, while it seems a bit unnecessary and can be modded out by individual buyers, it is nevertheless VERY important to the set from a design perspective. Every modular building is designed so you can "duplicate" the second floor if you have the parts to do so. This means that the second floor must always have a stairwell leading up to either the roof or additional floors, depending on the builder's preference. This set is a prime candidate for this sort of expansion, since buyers may want their cinema to have more screens, just as many wanted their Grand Emporium to have more departments.

On a side note, wouldn't it be great if this set's sticker sheet featured alternative movie screens, just as some Star Wars ships have had stickers for alternative nose art? It's not likely given how the movie screen was described in the designer video, but it would be yet another way to take advantage of this set's use of stickers.

I was already sold (I've bought every modular (yes, I also include Market Street, so that one too :) ), but this is just beautiful. A cinema, another corner building, tons of spectacular design touches. Glad I saved all those holiday LEGO gift cards. :D

  On 1/19/2013 at 9:29 AM, Darthluke824 said:

Nice set! It looks better than expected. One thing that caught my eye though, 'Mystery On The Monorail.' Could it be a hint we are getting a new one? After all it looks differerent. Anyway, I will be getting it for sure!

That caught my eye as well! Finally some appreciation for one of the most AFOL-loved products!

In my opinion this is one of the best modular buildings ever (but the car is just awful :laugh: ).

Very, very good looking building.

I personally found the BrickShow video a lot more engaging and useful.

The more I look at it and see the smaller details (which, I have to say, are in total abundance), the more I can't wait to get my hands on it. I can even forgive the first floor now as it's clear that the designer wanted to include as much attention to the architecture as possible, and this rings true for all the modular buildings. Say what we will about the interiors, they always provide plenty of unique and interesting building techniques, which is what this product line is all about.

If you look closely, you'll also notice that the movie poster stickers are applied to transparent wall plates. This makes total sense on reflection (excuse the pun!) as you then have a choice of whether to apply the stickers or not without compromising the appearance of the wall. You could even place the posters inside the lobby area to break up the flat tan colour. In this case however, I would suggest applying the sticker to a single plate and then placing this on the wall with a SNOT brick.

I'm guessing some folk out there may even produce their own posters, so that's going to be exciting to see. The only stickers I'm disappointed about are the ones below the signage (with the movie price/times), as these are required for the final look.

Hi, I'm new here, (i will introduce myself at the right topic) but i have a question.

This will be a modular or a creator set?

I look at brickset as creator theme

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The set is in the Modular Building series but is now placed under Creator Expert.

'Modular' is a not a product line - it's simply a term that has been coined to describe this theme of products.

Modular buildings were originally part of the Exclusive line, but from the Palace Cinema onwards, they will be part of the new Creator Expert line.

I've never been one for the Modular buildings, but this and the Town Hall have me seriously re-evaluating my stance on that. The Oriental-style architecture is absolutely spot-on and and the interior of the building is just lovely. And I don't care what people say, the limo is adorable! :wub:

  On 1/19/2013 at 7:06 PM, Aanchir said:

I should comment on a few things. First, not sure what you mean by "add carpeting", since the first floor is already carpeted. That's the whole reason for the red baseplate. You could add floor mats like the Green Grocer's upper stories, but that would seem awfully redundant unless you switched out the baseplate. And carpeting the whole floor in tiles would make it seem like... well, tile.

As for the staircase to the roof, while it seems a bit unnecessary and can be modded out by individual buyers, it is nevertheless VERY important to the set from a design perspective. Every modular building is designed so you can "duplicate" the second floor if you have the parts to do so. This means that the second floor must always have a stairwell leading up to either the roof or additional floors, depending on the builder's preference. This set is a prime candidate for this sort of expansion, since buyers may want their cinema to have more screens, just as many wanted their Grand Emporium to have more departments.

On your first point, I agree. Tiling the whole floor would seem like you said "tile," not carpet. I should have been more specific. I would like to tile the areas around the concession stand and carpet areas away from the tickets and concessions (that's how the Tivoli is). I am not sure how to do it yet. My post was more about brainstorming than exact details.

About the stairs to the roof, I totally agree. I am glad the designers put them in (consistent with other modulars). I was just adding things that I would do to modify the inside - not necessarily ideas that they should have done.

Lastly, it would be great if they gave us alternate movie posters, but I doubt they will. That's where we can just make our own (?).

Why is it 199.99 in CA!? Why not 199.99 in NY : ( or any other place? Is CA not considered the U.S?? Hey!! That 1930s Hollywood style is from us by the way ! Not fair :cry_sad: *cry rant cry rant* Europeans you stay out of this I know you guys got it bad too with the crazy pricing :cry_sad:

Edited by legobear

CA refers to Canada, not California.

Wow stunning and huge set! :excited:

The second floor has amazing details! :wub:

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  On 1/20/2013 at 5:04 AM, legobear said:

Why is it 199.99 in CA!? Why not 199.99 in NY : ( or any other place? Is CA not considered the U.S?? Hey!! That 1930s Hollywood style is from us by the way ! Not fair :cry_sad: *cry rant cry rant* Europeans you stay out of this I know you guys got it bad too with the crazy pricing :cry_sad:

Jo, guess that TLG never heard that CDN = Canada and not CA, which is California!? :tongue:

CA is still the 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code for Canada - also used for top-level domains -, just as US, UK, DE, and DK are for their countries. Not everything with 2 letters is a state of the USA. :)

I like the new box design!

I'm such a dork!!!! :laugh: . Thanks for the clarification guys :wub: . CDN I know but CA totally absolutely tripped me up. And to be corrected by two Germans :thumbup: about my own neighbors. Talk about being insular :laugh: . Glad to know that U.S prices are leveled, but finding out that I'm a bigger dork than previously thought? priceless :wink::laugh: :laugh:.

Also - I had no idea the set was by Astrid. I loveddd that Town Hall of hers and I'm so glad she got her creative fingers on this one too :wub: Earlier I was not happy because this was a generic Asian cinema (had no idea which country it was from) but seeing how the creators themselves stated that it's a 1930s Hollywood era set really sealed the deal :wub:. I'm definitely on the minority here but I love that limo :look::wub:

Edited by legobear

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Well, I am Canadian so don't fret yourself! :tongue:

Very epic indeed, right now it is time to buy the recent ones that I have not bought yet since this new set will make way for the earlier modular sets. Love the built of this modular and definitely a huge contrast from the 2008 Town Plan cinema building.

After seeing it's 150 bucks and that the baseplate is red it'll probably be my second modular, love this set.

  On 1/18/2013 at 11:35 PM, Savage Oppress said:

this set looks a bit too big to sell because the box will probably not fit on the store shelves at all and this set will not sell at all because of the new popular Legends of Chima theme.

P.S. I am a Chima fan

No offense, but how do you even know if it's popular? It is nowhere near the sale rates of Ninjago, atleast in my store.

  On 1/18/2013 at 11:35 PM, Savage Oppress said:

this set looks a bit too big to sell because the box will probably not fit on the store shelves at all and this set will not sell at all because of the new popular Legends of Chima theme.

P.S. I am a Chima fan

Ummm What? did you post this in the wrong thread? This set isn't meant to compete with Chima, nor is it meant to go on retail store shelves. Chima is targeted at 6-12 year old boys. This, like all of the "Creator Expert" and "Modular Buildings" is targeted at 16+ year old adult fans. It will not be on the store shelves at Toys R Us or Walmart. It is a D2C exclusive set, and is sold through the online store and Lego stores. Chima and this set will in no way touch or conflict. The number of people weighing whether to buy this or Chima probably is less than 1000. They are entirely differing fanbases (except for the small dedicated populations of places like this board.)

As far as Chima, it probably will be a success. But just eyeballing it at the moment, the last wave of Ninjago and TMNT's are substantially outselling it right now.

  On 1/20/2013 at 4:51 PM, GRogall said:

Well, I am Canadian so don't fret yourself! :tongue:

Ah a Canadian! :laugh: My mistake :blush: .

Astrid's work on the Town Hall really showed off her ability to implement "complex" structures using Lego Bricks. The Town Hall has so much empty space yet it's so structually complicated with the auditorium, elevator (with a door from the back), mini offices, conference room and how you can look down to the 1st floor from the 2nd and 3rd floor. There is almost no comparison with that level of architectural genius to what we see in the cinema.

As she stated, there was an initial concept designer for this. I'm not faulting the concept designer because I think the Cinema is nice, but it doesn't show Astrid's full abilities I think. I think if she designed the concept and built it herself, it would have been totally something else. Is Lego just trying to save time???? Half the work given to someone else for the concept design and half the work given to Astrid to implement into bricks? I really really really hope this is not a strategy to save on time.

I prefer the method used in designing the Town Hall where she herself did the intensive research. It is a monumental amount of work to load it all on one designer but in the end you get to see the personality of the person reflected in the final set. The Cinema to me looks like it is a hallowed out building renovated by a genius designer :look:. Man does it show.... once you finish buying tickets on the 1st floor, and sit on the 2nd floor for the movie... there's not THAT much play left with the building :cry_sad: .

Count the number of rooms done by Jamie with the Pet Shop and Astrid with the Town Hall -anyone can see the HUGE difference in complexity of the structures. With those sets, I could tinker with them for hours :wub:. Both of those sets had tons of play features spanning room after room after room after room. The cinema is cursed with simplicity. Everyone here seems to be right on that bandwagon of criticism given the number of people that wanted a separate room for the projector as well (that could have been so easily done I agree). I hope TLG takes this into consideration and continues to innovate and stay high on their quality standards. If not, they'll have to re-read the postings on this forum again :cry_sad:

Edited by legobear


Herp, the tone of this thread has changed a bit :classic:

Rumours + sneaked catalogue images => "The sky is falling, everything is terrible"

Official video => "OMG I love it"

:wink: (might apply to a few other themes / threads too)

Edited by andythenorth

The price of 1099 DK is rahter less than i expected and makes this a must have for me. Mostly because of the pieces included. But i also like the set. However we are gonna build it once, then split it apart and put all the pieces to real use making MOC´s !! :D

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