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This time 3 players battled for domination of my living room. Me and two of my friends wanted to try out a multiple player game.

The forces.

Robot 1

Bridge Walker


Sonic Phantom

Sonic Attack

Sonic Phantom

Sonic Attack

Robot 2

Raging Storm

2 x Thunder Fury

2 x R1 Rammer



Mobile Defence Tank




Uplink (generic pilot)

The battle started with Robot 1 and the Human player clashing and Robot 2 was positioning for a strike in the next turn.

Robot 1 used the Sonic Phantoms as a pair using Command and closed for the kill with the mighty Bridge Walker. This almost destroyed the Supernova, but not before it managed to disarm its left arm laser cannons with the Laser Staff. The Humans held the MDT iin reserve to guard against attacks from Robot 2. Robot 2 outflanked Robot 1 with a R1 Rammer and attacked the Bridge Walker head on. The Bridge Walker suffered heavy damage, but Robot 1 retaliated with the Phantoms. One of Robot 2's Thunder Furies ended in a vicious crossfire between Robot 1 and the Human forces and was quickly destroyed. While this was happening the Sentry had outflanked the MDT using cover and fired its laser cannon twice. The MDT was facing a Thunder Fury and a R1 Rammer so it decided not to defend trusting in heavy armour. But the damage from the shots ended up as 6 and 8 success, and the MDT was in big trouble.

Both the Human player and Robot 2 fired volley after volley after the Bridge Walker and the damage was begining to mount. Robot 1 destroyed the Raging Storm, while a Thunder Fury finished off the MDT. The Uplink had a brief firefight with the Bridge Walker but decided to retreat behind cover. This was not a safe place though. The KILLER Sentry once more showed super-human (ehm super-robot) abilities and destroyed the Uplink in two shots.

With only a badly damaged Supernova left, the Human player tried to play it safe while the robot players fought. The combined attacks from two R1 Rammers and a Thunder Fury finally brought the Bridge Walker to its knees, but the force of Robot 2 was now placed between two fresh Sonic Phantoms and a still functional Supernova. Robot 2 lost both a R1 Rammer and the Thunder Fury, but managed to down one of the Phantoms. The Human player closed for some easy kills and destroyed the heroic sentry (which gained much respect during the game). Robot 1 had a single Sonic Phantom left, Robot 2 had a damaged R1 Rammer and the Human had a damaged (but still very potent) Supernova. With an evil grin the two Robot players struck a deal and destroyed the Supernova with combined firepower. In the end the Sonic Phantom of Robot 1 was victorious against the R1 Rammer of Robot 2.

A very exciting and fun game...

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