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I guess the new legendaries look okay, but I don't really think they should modify mewtwo. These new legendaries and the ones from black and white are really pushing the border on what it means to look like a pokemon. The original pokemon used to be simple and cute, but now they keep getting more and more complex designs. Still, there are a few good pokemon thrown into the mix.

1 gen had complex designs. Look at Rhydon or Nidoking. and they are not even legends!

I have to say that the new Mystery Dungeon is looking great too! For X and Y it is as always Day One for me with the collecor guide. The new Mewtwo is "only" a new form of Mewtwo, like the dark form of Giratina or the sky form of Shaymin (one of my favorite one, especially in Platinum). As I read on some forum, Nintendo / Gamefreak are probably working into the remake of Saphire and Ruby, why would they not make them, Soulsilver and Heartgold were really good! I expect to see an annoucement this year in the Pokemon show (japanese TV).

I like the new picachoo, at least.

Edited by legoguy264

  • 1 month later...

My favorite is right here.

<--------- pew pew

Edited by nayrsllim

New Fairy-type should be interesting. I'm really glad they added a new type. It's a good type too.

I just hope they don't change Snorlax to Normal/Fairy. I like how Dragons finally are getting a proper nerf after being the best forever (besides Psychic in Gen I). I'm glad Poison offense is getting a buff since Fairy is weak against it. I'm still wary of the Type Chart as a whole, since it's still pretty unbalanced but this does improve it.

As for favorite Pokemanz...


Gen I starters...




I'm sure I'm forgetting several...

I've been with Pokemon since middle school and Pokemon Red version (and later Blue, Yellow and the Japanese Green). I've gotten most of the games. I'll be a Pokemon player forever it seems.

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Dragon is almost getting weak as a type. Until now, it was basically a neutral type, except for ice and other dragons. IMO, steel is the most OP type.

Dragon statistically at least on the competitive scene is mathematically the best type (or was). Often because Dragons have such ridiculous stats but the type is just great too.

Steel is great defensively. But offensively it was almost as useless as poison so that's why it's getting buffed (2x vs Fairy).

Poison is getting buffed because it was ridiculously bad offensively. Considered the worst.

I think Dragon will still be one of the best types. You'll just have to watch out for those Fairies. And to be fair so far it seems that most of the announced Fairy types have freakin' terrible stats (Igglybuff... seriously...). And Dragons are often good enough at other moves and have dual types. Poison will be very well balanced IMO (finally).

I think this all doesn't solve some of the other problems with the type chart. Ice is laughable defensively. Rock is laughable defensively which has ALWAYS annoyed me since most of the Rock Pokemon look like big tough d00ds but they're in reality so filled with weaknesses that they suck. Grass still sucks defensively. Yeah there's some good Pokemon of those types but they're rarer and the types are still not very balanced :P.

I think offensively there's a fair amount of balance. All types will be useful now more or less. Defensively we still have those things that are just too sucky to ever freakin' use. Golem! You'll never be able to do anything!

If you're wondering what the Fairy type specifics are:


These were leaked by the same guy who got 100% of things right (very specific names of new moves, new type, etc). So I'm assuming it's right.

Edited by BrickG

I really like that chart! Thanks for bringing it to my attention! I still feel like poison will be relatively useless for some of the reasons you actually mentioned. 1) It is super effective against grass, and grass for the most part isn't used competitively too often. 2) As you said about the fairy types, they aren't exactly making some of the powerhouse guys the fairy type. 3) This is just my opinion but being weak to ground for any type is a huge disadvantage since it seems so many pokemon can use the move earthquake.

Who knows though, maybe Weezing could actually start mattering since he levitates? The new type really does change a whole lot of stuff, I just wish they chose a better type name than "fairy". :hmpf_bad:

My favorite legendary is Darkrai, because of Nasty Plot/Dark Void/Dark Pulse. My favorite type has to be dragon, and I say the best non-legendary one has to be Dragonite.

I pretty much have every game except for BW, didn't get it because I don't really like the starters. Reshiram and Zekrom are good though.

Edited by Lightning Dragon

  • 4 weeks later...

So what do y'all think of the megaforms (kinda like fourth evolutions) in X and Y?

There's no way these are real.

There's no way these are real.

They're totally real. What it means for the franchise is... who knows. Why you'd question it's authenticity is understandable. It's not expected to say the least.

Apparently not all Pokemon will have a Mega Form. The form will be caused by a held Mega Stone and will be TEMPORARY in battle. It's interesting. I wonder how many Pokemon will have a Mega Form. We know at least one starter will. Will all then? Pretty freakin' crazy.


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Not sure I like the fact it is temporary. I guess it just gives you another option besides that "Fight" button. :p

  • 5 months later...

Hello all, just got the green light to bump this! Should I be proud of that? Any who, here goes:

I've been lurking the web for a while (mind you it was not a Spider's!) and realized that the creator of Pokemon (gosh, forgot his name) is already talking about sequels, so to my knowledge, and basing off of past years, a part of myself believes that we might/will see a new Pokemon Generation 6 game this year! I'm only just starting to play Pokemon x, I'm currently at gym 5, and wish we got more than the 69 Pokemon. I mean really, the mega-evolution's have been great, but perhaps they shoudl've focused on actually introducing new Pokemon? And maybe revealing 25 of 69 Pokemon before it's release was a pain in the block as well. Anywho, I have some further dreams for the Pokemon games, and I'm currently riding on Ponyta to bring me these future game functions:

Being able to have sky battle while on your Pokemon!

Having a special animation for each Pokemon each time you fly, rather than the generic black bird

Being able to go all Sims like and really design your avatar, so long as this doesn't strain the designers and doesn't cause them to hold back on good designs.

I am also really hoping that one day, we get to become Gym leaders in a world-wide interactive game system where we can set up gyms and only say, about the top 30 players get to become Gym leaders and build and design their own gym. But keep in mind, these have to be really good players, perhaps release a Pokemon MMO that can reach go on and on with levels to test a players strength and allow only the best to establish their own gym? I'd also hope that in the future, regions have multiple (as in more than 8) gyms like Unova, so that players can choose what gyms they'll be going up against and can choose the layout of their badge carriers to fit all the badges from the 8 out of (10, 16?) gyms that have been established by other players who have showed their strength through this hypothetical MMO.

Also, does anyone here watch the anime, or does no one really take it seriously? I wake up at 8 most mornings to watch it, and it's getting progressively better. The pacing is great and the plot can now pull me in at times though the tournaments usually bug me since Ash is usually the only one who signs up, and whenever Iris or Cilan did, they lost in their 2nd battle, I know he's the main character and all, but their already hurting a show with terrible character development, perhaps kids just don't think the way I do. Also, for the past 2 weeks, Pokemon: The Series XY has been airing, but so far, the only episodes aired have been re-runs of the preview episodes we got back in December. Tomorrow will be the first real "new" episode and I'm stoked to see Ash meet Syrena, who one doesn't get to talk to much in the game anyways. Hope I wasn't a bother, but I want to know how most Lego fans act towards Pokemon fans, since I don't see myself joining another forum anytime soon.

Edited by Freddy Bricker

I've been lurking the web for a while (mind you it was not a Spider's!) and realized that the creator of Pokemon (gosh, forgot his name) is already talking about sequels, so to my knowledge, and basing off of past years, a part of myself believes that we might/will see a new Pokemon Generation 6 game this year! I'm only just starting to play Pokemon x, I'm currently at gym 5, and wish we got more than the 69 Pokemon. I mean really, the mega-evolution's have been great, but perhaps they shoudl've focused on actually introducing new Pokemon?

Yeah, Marriland went through a bunch of evidence supporting an impending sequel this awhile back on his YouTube channel. :thumbup:

I am also really hoping that one day, we get to become Gym leaders in a world-wide interactive game system where we can set up gyms and only say, about the top 30 players get to become Gym leaders and build and design their own gym. But keep in mind, these have to be really good players, perhaps release a Pokemon MMO that can reach go on and on with levels to test a players strength and allow only the best to establish their own gym? I'd also hope that in the future, regions have multiple (as in more than 8) gyms like Unova, so that players can choose what gyms they'll be going up against and can choose the layout of their badge carriers to fit all the badges from the 8 out of (10, 16?) gyms that have been established by other players who have showed their strength through this hypothetical MMO.

I suggest you watch

. Tamashii makes some good points. (You can probably tell that I watch Pokemon players on YouTube) :classic:

Also, does anyone here watch the anime, or does no one really take it seriously? I wake up at 8 most mornings to watch it, and it's getting progressively better. The pacing is great and the plot can now pull me in at times though the tournaments usually bug me since Ash is usually the only one who signs up, and whenever Iris or Cilan did, they lost in their 2nd battle, I know he's the main character and all, but their already hurting a show with terrible character development, perhaps kids just don't think the way I do. Also, for the past 2 weeks, Pokemon: The Series XY has been airing, but so far, the only episodes aired have been re-runs of the preview episodes we got back in December. Tomorrow will be the first real "new" episode and I'm stoked to see Ash meet Syrena, who one doesn't get to talk to much in the game anyways. Hope I wasn't a bother, but I want to know how most Lego fans act towards Pokemon fans, since I don't see myself joining another forum anytime soon.

I watch it... It's P-O-K-E-Accent-M-O-N! (Platinum reference)

(By the way, that's Serena :wink:)

Oof, I feel stupid. Could have sworn it was Syrena, but then again, you only rarely see her in Pokemon X, maybe it would've stuck if the game had better pacing, but I'm still a fan. And it would appear I woke up late this morning, and completely missed the first real "new" Pokemon episode, but luckily it'll only take a day for X-Finity to put it up on demand, and the show is starting to look a lot better than I expected, the gyms in the game were great (so far) so I look forward to seeing how they appear on-screen. Though most gym's end up looking completely different on T.V, for instance, the Nimbasa city gym was a theme park in Pokemon Black (or at least, an electronic roller coaster) while in the anime, turned out to be a run-way. And that video was very insightful, but my main goal was to be able to have players around the world battle to become the literal best, design their own gyms and become gym leaders. Obviously, we can't have 10 million gym leaders, so I thought an MMO would be a great place to have players test their strengths since they could go beyond the level 100 limit on their Pokemon (hypothetically) and be able to really interact with the game. But maybe my idea's are a bit farfetch'd? :grin:

My favourite Pokemon would be:

  • Typhlosion
  • Lucario
  • Blastoise
  • Charizard
  • Venisaur
  • Gengar
  • Ho-Oh
  • Groudon
  • Kyogre
  • Rayquaza

And more!

So again I woke up late for Saturdays Pokemon episode, but it was still worth it. The show is still rubbing off as a kiddy show now that everyone acts like their 5, but it's had some moments to make me go "ooh" and "agh I want a Sylveon". Early clips of the show in 2013 showed that we were expected to see Sylveon in the show, so I'm assuming she gets an early introduction (also assuming they'd make her a female, though Valerie had hers a male).

Oof, I feel stupid. Could have sworn it was Syrena, but then again, you only rarely see her in Pokemon X, maybe it would've stuck if the game had better pacing, but I'm still a fan. And that video was very insightful, but my main goal was to be able to have players around the world battle to become the literal best, design their own gyms and become gym leaders. Obviously, we can't have 10 million gym leaders, so I thought an MMO would be a great place to have players test their strengths since they could go beyond the level 100 limit on their Pokemon (hypothetically) and be able to really interact with the game. But maybe my idea's are a bit farfetch'd? :grin:

Hmm... Her name might be different in other countries, I'd check your game again to find out for sure. :wink:

I'd be interested in seeing them increase Pokemon's online functionalities, though I'm not sure how they would be able to implement that onto the 3DS which really isn't known for it's internet capabilities. :sceptic:

So again I woke up late for Saturdays Pokemon episode, but it was still worth it. The show is still rubbing off as a kiddy show now that everyone acts like their 5, but it's had some moments to make me go "ooh" and "agh I want a Sylveon". Early clips of the show in 2013 showed that we were expected to see Sylveon in the show, so I'm assuming she gets an early introduction (also assuming they'd make her a female, though Valerie had hers a male).

I think the show's pretty nice, my only problem is Bonnie, who I find somewhat annoying. :tongue:

I'll be trying to compile a Top 10 list sometime soon, that will be tough. :look:

In PokeNews: Lucario has been confirmed as a playable character, and Palkia as a Poke Ball in Super Smash Bros. 4! And Pokemon Bank has been released! :classic:

I think the show's pretty nice, my only problem is Bonnie, who I find somewhat annoying. :tongue:

I'll be trying to compile a Top 10 list sometime soon, that will be tough. :look:

In PokeNews: Lucario has been confirmed as a playable character, and Palkia as a Poke Ball in Super Smash Bros. 4! And Pokemon Bank has been released! :classic:

So I reply every 5 minutes, I need a life, but I'm breathing, which is fine.

The reason I thought the show was starting to get really good and Team Rocket was starting to leave the comedic relief of a team they were to become a more revolutionized team with enough technology to choke a Lego Agent. Ash was also starting to act a bit "older" in the anime, but now he seems to act like the stereotypical character which makes most people avoid the show in the first place. Perhaps they got a new voice actor for him? If I recall, he was previously voiced by a young female (20's,-30's) but now seems to have a much lighter tone in his speech. And as for Bonnie, I just couldn't help but think of Dora when I saw her talk to Fletchling :laugh: "Stealing is bad" at least it had a good message behind it, and now I'm anticipating Ash's meet with Serena even more, to see how she will impact the group's dynamic. This will be the 2nd time Pokemon had a 4 member team roster since May, Brock, and Max were traveling Hoenn with Ash. Also, I believe Dedenne will become one of Clemont's Pokemon, seeing as he is an electric type gym leader.

  • Author

Oh look, my thread got bumped! :D Anyway...I used to watch the anime but not anymore. I'm really excited for the new Smash Bros. for 3DS though. I really liked Lucario in Brawl.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm disgusted by every last one of you. And why is that? Because none of you have said a word over Pokemon Plus and Minus! :tongue:

A site called Dual Pixals has reported back in January that a new Generation of Pokemon games is to be released with names of Plus and Minus. This is good news right? Well unfortunately it's also reporting the game to be released on the Wii U. The reporter is said to be a wild card, sometimes he reports correctly and other times he's misinformed. I'll post the link if I find it anywhere, but I read on a site that this time he actually saw concept art for the new Generation of games. This I hope to be false, since he reported saying that the new Water type starter has a jar on his head. :sick:

And the links go as follows:

Original source: http://dualpixels.co...mes-plus-minus/

Extra reporting sites:





Youtube video ~

What this could mean for the Potential Pokemon Z, I don't know. All I'm hoping is that Gen.6 wraps up this or next year and we could move onto a new Game that doesn't introduce 72 Pokemon :hmpf_bad: Oh, should I report on that too? I know I know, this isn't acting school, so why am I playing reporter? For whatever reason, I haven't been on in weeks so I felt like chatting in on one of my favorite Culture and Multimedia threads.

Any who, here's the first link that would appear on Google if you looked up "3 new Pokemon" that reports a hacker going into Pokemon X and Y games and found 3 new unrevealed (most likely event) Pokemon deep in the game, as well as Mega evolutions for Latios and Latias.


Had it not been for this leak, Gen. 6 would have introduced 69 new Pokemon, making it the Generation with the least amount of new Pokemon. It still is, but we have 3 new Pokemon to cheer on about! Volcanion looks like a Bakugan though, and Diance looks like Sneasels cousin. I know the development team was hard to work on Mega evolutions, but the fact that we didn't even get 100 new Pokemon this Gen. kind of sucks, though these new ones made my day (when I found out a month ago). Either way, I hope I gave you guys something to talk about, and I hope this post was worth posting.

Edited by Freddy Bricker

I'm disgusted by every last one of you. And why is that? Because none of you have said a word over Pokemon Plus and Minus! :tongue:

A site called Dual Pixals has reported back in January that a new Generation of Pokemon games is to be released with names of Plus and Minus. This is good news right? Well unfortunately it's also reporting the game to be released on the Wii U. The reporter is said to be a wild card, sometimes he reports correctly and other times he's misinformed. I'll post the link if I find it anywhere, but I read on a site that this time he actually saw concept art for the new Generation of games. This I hope to be false, since he reported saying that the new Water type starter has a jar on his head. :sick:

Well... To me, it looks a bit suspicious. After all, Nintendo and GameFreak aren't known for their large leaks. (Or leaks at all for that matter)

And the "leak" states a part involving sacrifice? Yeah... I kind of doubt that sacrifice of any kind would occur in a Pokemon game. :sadnew:

Any who, here's the first link that would appear on Google if you looked up "3 new Pokemon" that reports a hacker going into Pokemon X and Y games and found 3 new unrevealed (most likely event) Pokemon deep in the game, as well as Mega evolutions for Latios and Latias.

Out of curiosity, when did you first hear about these Pokemon? The first we heard about them was about six months ago, and the first, Diancie, was just officially confirmed by Pokemon about two weeks ago.

Out of curiosity, when did you first hear about these Pokemon? The first we heard about them was about six months ago, and the first, Diancie, was just officially confirmed by Pokemon about two weeks ago.

Oh I've known about these Pokemon for quite some time now, months actually. It's just it didn't occur to me to say anything until now. However the one thing you were 2 steps ahead of me on, was the official reveal of Diancie. Also, Ash lost to Viola, yay! Then again I'm about 2 weeks behind on Pokemon, so this is probably in the books for you.

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