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Well, I was kind of thinking things were getting a little to good to be true for the town and it turned out I was right. Good game cult, you did a fine job of staying under the radar long enough to see you to victory. Thank you DD for hosting, it was such a wonderful theme and presentation and I enjoyed myself.

Edited by Waterbrick Down
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First thing's first: DarkDragon, awesome game. Thanks for hosting and providing weeks of entertainment for us. I've never had to work so hard to find all the Scum and then hide the "last" Scum we found. :wacko:

Secondly: Darth Potato, awesome job! We were thinking PsyKater was the last Scum because with the Cult, we thought there would only be 5 Scum with the number of players we had. (Never assume) Had we known, we certainly would've lynched PsyKater two days ago when everyone else wanted to. :hmpf: But, we discussed who could be the other Scum team member if there was one and you never crossed my mind. Danny and Draggy thought so, but they were both distracted. We knew there was a problem with PsyKater knowing you targeted Draggy, but we weren't definite. I thought for a fleeting moment that you were a Scum protector (I may have even said it along with every other word in the English language in the Cult PM. Sixth post: Sorry guys, you really had to deal with Spaz Hinck. Anyway, Darth Potato, it's impressive how well you did but now you will be metagamed to death in every game. I'm already going to vote for you for the first lynch in the next game.

Thirdly: Goodbye to the Town leaders among us! You shall never be trusted again. We killed it. :blush: That will add an interesting dynamic to EB Mafia. Again, DarkDragon, thanks to a good game, it will shake up how we view this game and how we win from now on. :laugh:

I knew it, Hinckley was just saying nonsense at the end there. Congratulations, guys!

Of course you knew it. :hmpf: What are you talking about? Everything I said made perfect sense. :laugh:

:blush: It was fun playing with you. You had to know I was going to do everything I could to confirm you. You were the framer, right?

I... I'm... eh... Yey I won? :look:

Congrats to my team, I guess, and thanks for converting me on the last night so I could be listed among the winners :tongue:

I need some time to think about this before commenting any further...

You worked so hard to catch the Scum I'm glad we got you on board. We wanted everybody, especially JimB and def, but we just didn't have the time and we were smoking poppies. By the time Day Seven popped up, everyone was working so hard to bring us info, I just wanted everyone to win. :blush: It wasn't easy lying as much as I did, but clearly I got used to it. Sorry. :cry_happy: Don't hate me. Blame Shadows, Amy and Draggy. I was really surprised nobody suspected the hider more (Def and Cecilie were really starting to question that story). But going into Day Three, I was thinking "If there was a Cult, the Hider would have to have been the real leader (That was slightly off, but close). Once it was revealed that Shadows was the founder of some neutral group, I would've gone right back to the people involved in the story to figure out why the were so complacent with the lies. Doesn't help anyone though that it was so engrained in people's minds (by jerks like me) that the founder's death (which didn't happen) would lead to all the Cult members committing suicide. By the way, that's why the Fabuland postcard was on Shadows's bed. I mean Shadell, DarkDragon! :cry_sad: Don't give me a penalty vote. :laugh: Most strict hosting ever! :tongue:

Yes, I'm really sorry we had to Lynch you. We couldn't Lynch Dave, because he would have killed the remaining scum (We thought Psy was the only one, although I suspected DP might have been one too, what with claiming protector when there was a Jailer and me. So did Draggy for a different reason. I just doubted there were 6 scum and a Cult.) We couldn't lynch Psy because see above. DP wouldn't do because we needed as much protection as we could get, and lynching a scum wouldn't do us much good. Also I think we cleared him somehow. I forget the specifics. Def wouldn't do and neither would JimB, because they'd fight too hard and were part of the Town block and whatnot. Nobody would believe that. Badboy I confirmed myself as not the killer. Thanks to a balancing mechanism we were put in a bad situation yesterday, hence the gambit that was your Lynch.

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Fake Night results as basis for a lynch are so nerve-wracking! However, I was looking forward to our argument, Danny. I was going to say you made me so mad my fur spontaneously combusted.

I was trying to be so scummy and so townie and so neutral all at once in our PM, hoping to convince you that I couldn't possibly be what I claimed so you'd come to the right conclusion on your own. I've never almost had a plan ruined by a townie helping me before. :laugh:

This was definitely a game of firsts. :wacko:

I thought this at one point: Are these the lies people always fall for in the games I host? Because I can see right through this megablocks. That's even why I wanted you dead so bad because I could just feel that if there was a Cult, I would be the one converted. My Night Action results were so aggravating. I found Scuba was lying but I was a stupid Cultist all at the same time. :hmpf: Then you stuck me with the kiwis. Thanks a lot! :tongue: I was actually really disappointed to be converted at first, but that's happened to me before...by you...actually JimB...but I saw what could be done right away and moved forward with lying right away. Well, almost right away. We killed two more Scum while we were at it, which made everyone trust all three of us. Then we brought Danny in, who has the best energy for this sort of thing. He was annoyed with trusting me at first and I said "Hey! I've only been Cult for a day and we killed two Scummies yesterday!!" :laugh:

:wacko: What the hell? This game was nerve-wracking. I yelled at everyone when our conversion didn't work. :blush: I was frustrated. Hopefully, I wasn't too much of a dick. :look:

Congrats to the winners and survivors. :thumbup: Especially the cult, for some ridiculous ploys that really paid off in the end.

Day vig is such a wacky role. It looks so anti-townie I'd rather have been a perfectly average, blockable, protecter-vulnerable vig. :tongue: After claiming to Hinck, my targets were essentially chosen by everyone in the day. Wasn't much personal help, though, I ended up just being an extra lynch, in a way. :def_shrug:

It was wacky, but kind of awesome at the same time. It was like having two lynches a day! Thanks for the congrats. Our ploys did get kind of ridiculous, but you should see what we had planned to explain the mis-lynch of Sara. :laugh: You will probably all say that you would've seen right through it but it felt like we were on our way to pulling it off.

Well, I was enjoying things well enough until the conclusion. I don't know how the cult won, what their win condition was or what they had to do or what their actions were, which makes it pretty hard to play against, but congratulations to the winners!

Thanks for a fun game :sweet:

Def, we were on the same side for the most part and I loved working with you. :blush: Sorry about all the lies there at the end. :look: You sure didn't like that hider and I really had no choice but to agree he was the most likely Cult-O.

:wall: :wall: :wall::laugh:

After the first shock, I want to say, that I had a lot of fun. Well, at first I sucked as hell, then I got annoyed as hell. But then I learnt it was just a game. I was suspicious of Hinckley till the end, but thought that I was just metagaming. It was still odd that they did not want to kill or lynch me for days. Either Hinkcley was not that good player, I thought of, or a Cult or Second Mafia Team or what else actually existed. I must say at the end that I have learned a lot from my first advanced game. You learn from mistakes after all. :laugh:

One thing I really want to know: Did you guys think know all the time that I was scum or have there been doubts? When did you actually investigate me? And how? And what was the result in fact?

Maybe I am the player that got teased most of all. :hmpf_bad::blush:

Darkdragon: Thank you, it was much fun. There were a lot of nice features in this game and you "managed" it very well. Thanks for letting me play!

I have a lot of personal correspondence saved, but I will wait for Darkdragon to reveal further details and so on.

:laugh: Tip one: Never blame the difference between German and English for the lack of understanding of a game in a conversation with two other people who speak German fluently. Even if you give us evidence that Google translate told you sister. :laugh: Scuba must've been furious with you. But I bet he thought I'd target you before him. :devil: Mwahahhahaha! Anyway, I agree that your Scum game is not as polished as your Town game. I had just seen you play a genius Town game in one day of Police Infiltration and then you turned into this "What's going on? I'm so confused!" and "I'll work on some analysis and get back, but really just disappear and hope to fly under the radar" and "Scuba told me, but Scuba denies it, but that's OK, I don't care if he denies it, it said 'sister'" wacky flailing weird entity. Sorry if that's harsh. I knew you were smarter than what you were playing at.

At first we thought our win condition was to kill the Scum, then outnumber the Town but DarkDragon caught wind of that and clarified that we had to outnumber the Town before killing off the Scum. In the end, we outnumbered you all anyway. :tongue: But, even after I was converted on Night Three, we delivered two Scum corpses on Day Four! Then we were like "Ooops! :blush:" That night (Night Four into Day Five) I got the Scum result on PsyKater and we felt comfort in at least knowing who the last Scum was...I was really worried, PsyKater, that you were the last Scum we were going to have to keep everyone from figuring out. I thought it was pretty clear you were Scum and the only thing that I could think of to stop people from lynching you was the fake Town investigation result. :laugh: Then I fed you the tracker inheritance story because badboy even saw you targeting me that night and I had already announced that my vest was gone! Gone? I mean...there was one less shot for my bulletproof-ness. :tongue: I really thought you had to know, at that point, that I was onto you and something else was up with me. Here's the PM for everybody else:

So, I investigated you last night and. good news, you came up as Town! But, for some reason, you were seen targeting me. Before you had no Action, now you clearly have one. What's happening?

I can see you've read this. Why no response? Still don't trust me? I assume you've inherited fhomess's role. All the other Power Roles get inherited once. Anyway, please trust me. If we all work together, we can get the last of the Scum quickly! I backed you up with Scuba and delivered two Scum corpses in one day. :sceptic: I know I pissed you off at first. Sorry. I just needed to get to the bottom of it. Notice I investigated Scuba first? I really did think he was the liar all along...

I wish I could've had control of your kill. That was somewhat of a nightmare. Piece that together with visiting family for the holidays and it's not what I wanted to do. Anyway, thanks for making the game a very interesting challenge for me. I hope you got a lot of experience from it and your Scum game more resembles your Town game next time. :thumbup:

Hinck I'm saying it right now though, always listen to me when I pull the Rule of Threes! :laugh:

:blush: You had little chance of being heard over me in that PM thread... Sorry.

First I would like to thank the host; Darkdragon, you did an awesome job and the game was very interesting to play!!!!

Mind blown!! I was a tool of the cult!!!! I had 100% confidence in Hinck and Dany ... and both were cult :wall:

I had a lot of fun piecing together who was who and who did what; the more the game progressed the more Hinck seemed suspicious to me, by last night I was convinced he was the godfather!!!!

A cult really!!! HA! good job guys!

After Hinck, Scuba, Dany, you and I had the conversation about you being my sibbling and who told you I was the other sibbling, I suspected you. I asked DD for clarification on what it meant for me to find you and she alluded to the fact our relation was "more like lovers" which to me meant you were scum since I was town. Then Hinck turned around and claimed you were verified as town. At this point I stopped talking for a while to Hinck and Dany as I thought it was fishy; I was convinced you were scum, I even told Hinck and Dany I was 100% sure as of Day 5.

Everyone's always fishy after the fact. I had to tell Cecilie we were converting her so she would block PsyKater and I was dying with nervous energy thinking she would turn us over to the Town. I knew who everyone (except Darth Potato) was at that point and I was still terrified that the Town had some way to win it and that Cecilie would turn us all over. :blush: Anyway, it would've been really hard to pull off your lynch today (that was our plan) not only because the story was convoluted, but because you worked so hard with us to reveal PsyKater's Scumminess and you're just a nice guy. It would've been hard to lynch you and accuse you of targeting Sara (We were going to say that Danny's watch result said he saw Rowlf block you from targeting Sara-because some of DarkDragon's results had extra info like that-and then lynch you to drop the Town numbers one and kill a Scum at the same time.) It would've been hard to see you hurt, confused, frustrated, etc. :cry_sad: DarkDragon, why did Dave survive if PsyKater died? Is it because he redeemed himself by being her loudest accuser? :laugh: Anyway, good game. The Cult is a hard thing to fight at the same time as a Scum team because you have to think three ways. You did the Scum hunt very well. :thumbup:


Doesn't help anyone though that it was so engrained in people's minds (by jerks like me) that the founder's death (which didn't happen) would lead to all the Cult members committing suicide.

The no-suicide thing didn't distract me, since cults don't have to commit suicide. But once the founder dies, the cult shouldn't be able to recruit.

Was Shadows not the founder? Why was he confirmed as founder then?


Ahaha, I had a feeling cult would come out on top this game. :laugh: Sorry Zepher for not listening to you when you told us to try to take care of the cult. Our doubt was our downfall. :blush:

In any case, congrats to the culty winners, and a big thank you to Darkdragon for a great game. :thumbup:


The no-suicide thing didn't distract me, since cults don't have to commit suicide. But once the founder dies, the cult shouldn't be able to recruit.

Was Shadows not the founder? Why was he confirmed as founder then?

We can never rely on should's and shouldn'ts in these games. He was the founder, but the Cult got one backup. Trust me, I thought we were taking out the only possibility to recruit and I could safely play Town for the rest of the game, but that wasn't the case. :laugh:

Fun. Thanks for the game. Now I have to ask the other players. On a scale of 1-10, how bad was I at being a team player per se?

Does a 1 on that scale mean that you're being a good team player? Either way, I don't think you play well for the team. Were you even playing? Not to be rude, but I wasn't aware of you doing anything.

Ahaha, I had a feeling cult would come out on top this game. :laugh: Sorry Zepher for not listening to you when you told us to try to take care of the cult. Our doubt was our downfall. :blush:

What was the Scum's perspective on the Cult? When did you know it was real? Did you janitor Shadows?


:blush: It was fun playing with you. You had to know I was going to do everything I could to confirm you. You were the framer, right?

Actually I was the traitor that was not allowed to talk to my teammates.

That's not entirely true, I was allowed to talk to one.


Animals are people too, ones that I have to clean up after. :hmpf:

Animals are people too, ones that I have to clean up after. :hmpf:


Everyone's always fishy after the fact. I had to tell Cecilie we were converting her so she would block PsyKater and I was dying with nervous energy thinking she would turn us over to the Town. I knew who everyone (except Darth Potato) was at that point and I was still terrified that the Town had some way to win it and that Cecilie would turn us all over. :blush:

I won't deny I didn't go over the possibilities in my head :blush:. When you first said you were converting me to a cult. I quickly did the math and figured there had to be 6 cult members already, which sounded like a lot, but I thought those 6 would be Amy, Draggy, Danny, JimB, def and you. Then you said I would be the 6th, so I figured either JimB or def then. But it turned out to be I was the 5th! :tongue:. So I was dead on right, really :wink:. Problem was, I couldn't be sure who was the leader. And you said I was being unblockably converted, which made sense given Shadows unblockability. I also didn't know what I could really do. The day was already over. I figured my only option would have been to contact PsyKater and try to make him kill the most likely cult leader. But there were too many ifs and insecurities about it all, so I decided my personal best way forward was to just roll over like a puppy and embrace the cult :laugh:


DarkDragon, why did Dave survive if PsyKater died? Is it because he redeemed himself by being her loudest accuser? :laugh:

The way it's written is that the sibling commits suicide the NEXT day, so technically Dave was converted before he had the chance to get depressed about his sister getting killed...and then he forgot (because it was part of his role and all role items are lost when converted). It makes perfect logical sense, if you think about it...I think.

The no-suicide thing didn't distract me, since cults don't have to commit suicide. But once the founder dies, the cult shouldn't be able to recruit.

Was Shadows not the founder? Why was he confirmed as founder then?

It should be more clear when i post the role PMs later today. :classic: Founder and Cult Leader are basically two different roles, it's complicated. :blush:

DD, I have to ask: What was the idea behind the glasses found on me?

It's a disquise. Because the lunches are weaker than regular action, they didn't find "groucho marxx glasses" but got a hint as to what they were.


We can never rely on should's and shouldn'ts in these games. He was the founder, but the Cult got one backup. Trust me, I thought we were taking out the only possibility to recruit and I could safely play Town for the rest of the game, but that wasn't the case. :laugh:

Ah, so the remaining town should have spent more time hunting for a cult :hmpf: Basically, once the founder was killed, the cult won the game since there was no need for the rest of us to keep looking. We basically had confirmation of the premature end of the cult.


Some moderators allow Cultists to recruit players if the Cult Leader dies. However, this becomes completely impossible to balance, as there is virtually no chance of the Cult ever being completely wiped out.

Just one back-up is a sort of balance, but the game was decided at that point, in my opinion. I was surprised when Shadows came up Founder, since I really expected him to be scum, but wasn't worried at all since that should have been the end of the cult. We really should rely on shoulds and shouldn'ts in these games, or else experience has little meaning.

I've gotten to the point where I think third-party roles should be nearly impossible to win. For example, the SK role traditionally has to be last player standing, but EB, and I think Hinck in particular, introduced the notion of winning with either side. That makes them practically a second vig. In Bloodbrick I, I had it that they had to do three successful kills to win, so that it was fair. In retrospect, that was not fair. The winning side has to work a lot harder than three successful night actions. The SK needs to be a nightly role, but without caring about the win, and simply having a ball mucking up other people's game. In the same way, giving the SK a strongman ability is poor, and likewise giving cults an advantage to win, when simply being a secret group that has few night actions to get sussed and a confirmed voting block that grows each day is enough.

I'll stop there since I'm hosting next, and all this can be read into by all the Zephers out there. *

There was a lot to like in this game, but in the end, there was a balance problem as is often the case.

*Zepher = metagamer


DD, I have to ask: What was the idea behind the glasses found on me?

I think it is kind of a spy/agent thing.

:laugh: Tip one: Never blame the difference between German and English for the lack of understanding of a game in a conversation with two other people who speak German fluently. Even if you give us evidence that Google translate told you sister. :laugh: Scuba must've been furious with you. But I bet he thought I'd target you before him. :devil: Mwahahhahaha! Anyway, I agree that your Scum game is not as polished as your Town game. I had just seen you play a genius Town game in one day of Police Infiltration and then you turned into this "What's going on? I'm so confused!" and "I'll work on some analysis and get back, but really just disappear and hope to fly under the radar" and "Scuba told me, but Scuba denies it, but that's OK, I don't care if he denies it, it said 'sister'" wacky flailing weird entity. Sorry if that's harsh. I knew you were smarter than what you were playing at.

I don't have the time to read your complete statement, but be sure, I will come back and do it later :tongue: I just have to say one thing:

You kept misunderstanding me (I blame the difference between German and English). I speak English pretty well, but how the hell did all of you think I was speaking of a sister? I told you a thousand times that I did not. I was aware from the beginning that it can be both, brother and sister. But you kept ignoring me. THAT was why I was pretty annoyed.

The thing with Scuba was pretty funny, because we could not speak to each other. So he did not know about my attempt, he could not back up my story (which he probably would not have done at all). And I was telling the truth. I asked him about the sibling (via DarthPotato, who was the only one able to speak with Scuba). He told me (via DP). I told Dave. I was telling the truth all the time. And got annoyed that all accusations against me were not because of my mistake that I did not ask Scuba first how to pull it or what else, it was the whole time about me speaking of a sister. WHICH I DID NOT!!!! :tongue:


It should be more clear when i post the role PMs later today. :classic: Founder and Cult Leader are basically two different roles, it's complicated. :blush:

No worries. Take my criticism advice with a grain of salt. When I did my first game, I experimented with some regular mafia standards, and it baffled some players, rightfully. Ironically, I'm much more experienced as a host now (six games hosted) and am more conservative with how I define roles. The reason being is that it's hard to play a game you don't know the rules to, and I want players to be able to play.


Ah, so the remaining town should have spent more time hunting for a cult :hmpf: Basically, once the founder was killed, the cult won the game since there was no need for the rest of us to keep looking. We basically had confirmation of the premature end of the cult.




There was a lot to like in this game, but in the end, there was a balance problem as is often the case.

*Zepher = metagamer

I'm sorry def, but you are totally wrong here. You should really wait for the roles before assuming too much.

I'll tell you all right now that the cult almost lost the game last night. The cult leader was completely unprotected and the hit had been put out on her, but switched at the last moment. I am not joking when I said this was a close game and it was anyone's game to win up to the last second (surprisingly even scum).


On another note:

I hoped that DD did not clarify the sibling thing. It was written out and I tried to use it to confuse town. Pretty flipzy, I think. But telling Dave, it would be "more like lovers" was finally my end. Pretty bobby move.... :wink:

The cult leader was completely unprotected and the hit had been put out on her, but switched at the last moment. I am not joking when I said this was a close game and it was anyone's game to win up to the last second (surprisingly even scum).

:wall: :wall:

And I was not blocked last night? So Cecile gambled?


On another note:

I hoped that DD did not clarify the sibling thing. It was written out and I tried to use it to confuse town. Pretty flipzy, I think. But telling Dave, it would be "more like lovers" was finally my end. Pretty bobby move.... :wink:

I'm not saying I made no mistakes. :blush: Learnign to ignore PMs that I shouldn't answer is something every new host has to learn I think (and even some very experienced ones).

:wall: :wall:

And I was not blocked last night? So Cecile gambled?

Oh yeah, you were blocked. But when you sent in the first action you were not blocked and she was not protected. I was kinda laughing (sorry cult, but it was funny :blush: ) Then when you changed targets I was laughing again, and then cec blocked you and it didn't matter anymore.


Everyone's always fishy after the fact. I had to tell Cecilie we were converting her so she would block PsyKater and I was dying with nervous energy thinking she would turn us over to the Town.

It's true in retrospect, i was blind to all these shananigans (or whatever how you spell that!) but when all this was revealled this morning, it made sense!

Anyway, it would've been really hard to pull off your lynch today (that was our plan) not only because the story was convoluted, but because you worked so hard with us to reveal PsyKater's Scumminess and you're just a nice guy. It would've been hard to lynch you and accuse you of targeting Sara (We were going to say that Danny's watch result said he saw Rowlf block you from targeting Sara-because some of DarkDragon's results had extra info like that-and then lynch you to drop the Town numbers one and kill a Scum at the same time.) It would've been hard to see you hurt, confused, frustrated, etc.

I would have cried!!! I felt I was playing a decent game and was so happy to survive to day 7! My death would indeed have been tragic!

When I saw the conclusion this morning, I was PISSSSEEEDD I felt betrayed! But then reading on, I felt a bit better knowing you were not cult from the get-go!


I think it is kind of a spy/agent thing.

I don't have the time to read your complete statement, but be sure, I will come back and do it later :tongue: I just have to say one thing:

You kept misunderstanding me (I blame the difference between German and English). I speak English pretty well, but how the hell did all of you think I was speaking of a sister? I told you a thousand times that I did not. I was aware from the beginning that it can be both, brother and sister. But you kept ignoring me. THAT was why I was pretty annoyed.

The thing with Scuba was pretty funny, because we could not speak to each other. So he did not know about my attempt, he could not back up my story (which he probably would not have done at all). And I was telling the truth. I asked him about the sibling (via DarthPotato, who was the only one able to speak with Scuba). He told me (via DP). I told Dave. I was telling the truth all the time. And got annoyed that all accusations against me were not because of my mistake that I did not ask Scuba first how to pull it or what else, it was the whole time about me speaking of a sister. WHICH I DID NOT!!!! :tongue:

Sister was secondary to all your other nonsense, so don't even think about it. Besides you quoted us a PM you sent Dave which did say "Sister" which makes sense because you were both female. Besides, it was Dave who messed up and thought he read brother when it did say sibling, so who cares? :tongue:

I'm sorry def, but you are totally wrong here. You should really wait for the roles before assuming too much.

I'll tell you all right now that the cult almost lost the game last night. The cult leader was completely unprotected and the hit had been put out on her, but switched at the last moment. I am not joking when I said this was a close game and it was anyone's game to win up to the last second (surprisingly even scum).

Didn't Cecilie block PsyKater anyway?

I see the answer now.


I'm not saying I made no mistakes. :blush: Learnign to ignore PMs that I shouldn't answer is something every new host has to learn I think (and even some very experienced ones).

Initially, when I asked DD "what now?" about having found my sibbling, her answer was to quote MafiaScum. Which was satisfactory and I related that info to Hinck and we moved on. Then a few minutes later she added that it was "more like lovers" which again I related to Hinck and both of us went "WTF!"!!!

This to me sealed the deal as far as Psy being scum!!!! The bottom line is: the first answer was OK, the clarification was .... a bit TMI!!!


Wow, that was a surprise! Great game everyone! And thanks for hosting DD! :classic:

HInckley- Thanks, but I hope I don't get metagamed to death next game. :look: But yeah, I was the scum protector, and if it wasn't for Cecilie's flavor cop result I'm not sure what you all would have done with me, so I'm interested about that.

Scuba- Sorry if I was a pain to work with. :sadnew: This was my first advanced game so was I wasn't sure about everything and I probably just seemed like a noob to you. But I hope you still had fun. :wink:

Scum team- We didn't play it too well in the beginning, didn't we? :tongue: I hope Psy and I at least sort of pleased the dead scum by making it to the end.


This to me sealed the deal as far as Psy being scum!!!! The bottom line is: the first answer was OK, the clarification was .... a bit TMI!!!

I know :wall: It's because the way I worded your role, it seemed like if you just looked at mafiascum then technically i was totally misleading you. I don't think a host should mislead a player like that (aka lie to them) unless that lie is part of the role (like cops who always get wrong result).

anyway, i kinda freaked out and said the wrong thing but then i culdn't take it back so i just left it alone. :ugh:


Besides, it was Dave who messed up and thought he read brother when it did say sibling, so who cares? :tongue:

HAHAHAHA! :facepalm:

When I realized I had screwed up so bad and involved like 5 people in a doscussion based on my not being able to read properly I felt so bad! I was sure I would be thrown to the wolfes seeing that at that point I also thought Scuba was town. I even asked DD if she had changed my role PM; I was CONVINCED it said brother. :blush:


I'm not saying I made no mistakes. :blush: Learnign to ignore PMs that I shouldn't answer is something every new host has to learn I think (and even some very experienced ones).

Like everything, there's a balance there. I've answered PMs I should've ignored but also made changes that were pointed out to me during games from players who make good points. If it messes with the balance or is benefitting someone over others, then things shouldn't be changed at all. It's good to provide some flexibility or discussion, especially when you are a new host. At the same time, when people are being dicks, you should just ignore them and that's hard to learn because you want to tell the person they're being a dick. :laugh: But sometimes, through the dickishness, they're actually making a fair point. I know the conviction rule was frustrating for you and you got a lot of feedback about it, but I think you made the right decision as frustrating as it was to get the advice after the fact. I think, as a community, the moderators involved in games should read the rules of the new games more carefully to ensure these things are discussed before the game starts. This sort of direction is lacking, but it's also a good reason why you should intern with an experienced host as badboy has done twice or co-host a game with an experienced host to start out.

Any issues had in this game, though, were minor anyway, so who cares? :laugh: Great job and hopefully your advice will lead to a better process for new hosts. :thumbup:

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