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So we are running out of planets - unless the double up on them like they did with Endor (Which I am assuming one is Endor & one is the forest moon around It.)

They seem to be only touching the 6 movies and not the CW series

That leaves only 3 planets

E2 - Geonosis - Geonosian Fighter - Geonosian

E3 - Utapau - Magnaguard Starfighter, Magnaguard

E3 - Kashyyyk - Wookie

If they do Clone Wars ~ 8 more depending on how you interpret what will sell

CW - Umbara - Umbaran Starfighter - Umbaran

Mandalore - Twilight - Mandalorian (Red)

Florrum - Saucer - Pirate Ruffian

Dathomiri - Fanblade - Nightsister

Chrsistosis - Tri Droid - 501st Clone Trooper (Phase 2 Clone Armor)

Teth - Trident - 4A-7

Malastare - Zillo Beast (Who says planet sets have to have Vehicles)

Ryloth - AT-TE - Twi'Lek (Orange)

Those are pretty much the Main Planets that children would recognize

If they include OR

OR Sith - Korriban, Nal Hutta, Dromund Kaas

OR Republic - Tython, Ord Mantell, Illum, Taris

Ships would be relatively hard to include for the OR - Thranta Class, Defender, Fury, Phantom, The Last Resort (if they do Zayne Carrick from KTor)

So my question is simple would the line continue to sell if they include CW/EU

Would children buy an E-Wing Escort Fighter with Mara Jade Skywalker with Planet suchnsuch?

Will this line stop after Series 4? There were only 13 original Mini sets before they turned into exclusive poly bags and a big gap between 2005 & 2008 when they started up again.

Is the line selling well?

Old Republic Planets would be relatively easy to do - there are three on each side. Smuggler, trooper. Jedi, bounty hunter, agent, sith. The bigger question with these is if it's worth doing, and if the market's a little tired of SWTOR Lego.

I've maintained that the Planets series is ideal for EU sets that would't sell enough in minifig scale, as well as charactersyou would't otherwise get - Grand Admiral Thrawn, for instance:


Grand Admiral Thrawn and Star Destroyer 'Chimera' by bobsy26, on Flickr

Or the Lady Luck:


Lady Luck with Lando Calrissian by bobsy26, on Flickr

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I was hoping that SWTOR would have one big set a year

I haven't played TOR but I like the concept I would love a Thranta Class Ship with Tython & Kao Cen Darach (Zabrak Horns in Dark Tan or RBrown)

Clone Wars maybe Tri Magna Droid from the CWM with Whormm Loathsome on Christosis (Cool looking planet)

Also Dathomire with Fanblade & Nighsister

Okay I agree that Admiral Thrawn (awesome minifigure) should be made but what Planet?

I know a little about him and the Chiss but not much

Yawn on the Star Destroyer what other ships could they do?

Tri-Fighter or the Chiss Fighter (Clawcraft)

We don't have any Chiss Minifigures at all considering it is just a color swap of a standard minifigure you think they would have done one by now.

Hmmmm I so am going to do a Admiral Thrawn now with that Blue head from the "Genii" Genie

Also is it just me or did Lego miss a HUGE oppertunity by not including a Space Slug with the Astroid field? - Common TIE Bomber and on the planet you could have a Space Slug sticking out of the studs where an astroid is painted on.

Don't forget about Dagobah and Mustafar. Maybe a Death Star II.

I suppose they could go through the Order 66 planets.

Don't forget about Dagobah and Mustafar. Maybe a Death Star II.

I suppose they could go through the Order 66 planets.

Death Star II is a no-go as the shell doesn't make a proper sphere. Er. Like an asteroid belt doesn't. Hm.

And the thing about the Order 66 Planets is that they've mostly been greatly expanded on in the Clone Wars series, which is where they really 'belong'. I would, however, be hugely disappointed if the Planets went CW.

I would be very comfortable with the Planet line continuing and using EU material, as long as TLG chose fairly recognizable locations. But of course, TLG will only continue the series if they see it as economically worthwhile.

There's no reason, also, that TLG couldn't re-release planets with new vehicles, such as Tatooine with a Sandcrawler or Sail Barge, or Kamino with Jango Fett's Slave I. Hoth and an AT-AT, even.

Death Star II is a no-go as the shell doesn't make a proper sphere. Er. Like an asteroid belt doesn't.

I kept thinking in my head how they would do a DSII. Not sure if they could without it looking like crap.

I would be very comfortable with the Planet line continuing and using EU material, as long as TLG chose fairly recognizable locations. But of course, TLG will only continue the series if they see it as economically worthwhile.

There's no reason, also, that TLG couldn't re-release planets with new vehicles, such as Tatooine with a Sandcrawler or Sail Barge, or Kamino with Jango Fett's Slave I. Hoth and an AT-AT, even.

Some ages ago I had a think about this on the Future sets speculation thread.

But as mini-scale sets that can fit into a pokeball-sized shell? There's a thought. Not only that, but it's a way to get certain EU characters who don't have an obvious large ship to go with out on the shelves. So taking the popular Thrawn Trilogy of books as an example:
  • Wayland with Star Destroyer and Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Myrkr with The Wild Karrde and Mara Jade
  • Corellia with Katana Dreadnaught and Garm Bel Iblis
  • Jomark with Imperial Shuttle and Joruus C'baoth

Alternatively it would be a good way to explore The Old Republic at minimal cost or risk, possibly with the companion characters:

  • Korriban with Sith Fury and Vette
  • Tython with Jedi Defender and Kira Carsen
  • Hutta with Bounty Hunter D5 Mantis and Mako
  • Ord Mantell with BT-7 Thunderclap and Aric Jorgen
  • Dromuund Kaas with X-70B Phantom and Kaliyo Djannis
  • Balmorra with XS Freighter and Corso Riggs
  • Taris with Harrower Dreadnaught and Dr Lokin
  • Nar Shaddaa with Mandalorian Cruiser and Blizz
  • Belsavis with ISF Interceptor and Talos Drellik
  • Corellia with Thranta Corvette and Doc
  • Quesh with Republic Valor Cruiserand Nadia Grell
  • Voss with Republic Striker Fighter and Lord Scourge

Likely? Well, I wouldn't put money on it either way, to be honest. I would dearly LOVE to see the Planets series given over to the Expanded Universe, but I think the lure of doing TCW planets might be too strong.

Edited by Bobsy

Well, you could do DS-II as printed on clear hemispheres... maybe print both inside and out to create some 'depth' and 'layering' effect for the unfinished battle station.

I would love to see them going a bit deeper into EU territory. At least they already made EU sets, albeit sets that were too much like other models (TIE Defender), unpopular pegwarmers (TIE Crawler), or somehow tied to current projects (Fighter Tank from Battlefront).

The line was doomed from the start anyway. A tiny model, a planet and a pilot fig. They branched out to soldiers at least with Phase 1 Clone and Tantive IV trooper but then they made the TIE Pilot do double duty and justifying it with some weird white printing on his forehead.

I would really like to know how this line sells a set anyway. You can´t really build an army with it because pilots involuntarily need ships and normally sets of ships have pilots. Minis are a "love it or hate it" thing and the planets start running out anyway.

But I guess that they simply reissue already made planets in wave 5 (the discontinuation of series 1 this year is good foreshadowing for this idea) or maybe expand to the worlds that nobody cares about like Felucia, ignoring the more ideal possibilities of giving kids figures that have actual play value and AFOLs something to look at.

How well have these been selling? I noticed they were about the only Lego products left at my local Target after Christmas. The Lego aisle looked like it had been looted, except for shelves of these and Supebr Hero and Hero Factory action figures. All deeply discounted (the Series 1 planets were under $3, series 2 under $5)

The line was doomed from the start anyway. A tiny model, a planet and a pilot fig. They branched out to soldiers at least with Phase 1 Clone and Tantive IV trooper but then they made the TIE Pilot do double duty and justifying it with some weird white printing on his forehead.

I would really like to know how this line sells a set anyway. You can´t really build an army with it because pilots involuntarily need ships and normally sets of ships have pilots. Minis are a "love it or hate it" thing and the planets start running out anyway.

Really? I thought it was a pretty clever idea. But maybe that's just me.

About the question to this topic, Series 5 Planets are a little too far out (if they do come out it will probably be at the end of 2013) to tell if the series will continue or not.

About the planet sets, I also think they were a clever and creative idea but I'm not sure if I can say the same about their sales.

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It was a mixed bag here in WV - most of the Planet sets sold everywhere - I think stocking stuffers - but KMart I think had some left, and one of the two walmarts had overstocked as they did with the Minifigures at both locations. TRU restocks quickly here and when they sell out they sell out

I am thinking there are some visually stunning planets out there like Christosis - I would love to see a Trident with Whormm Loathsome

But I think I am in the minority with want more sets that are good - not set that are a specific genre - for the Record I don't think the TIE Bomber looks bad at all - the only problem with the Astroid field is that the Astroids are too small - they should have included a large astroid where the four studs are so that we could add our own space slug

Here is hoping that they Make a Malestare with a Mini Zillo Beast with a Dug Warrior (Repaint of Sebulba but turn legs around so they are three studs apart not two) - with Electro-Staff

So general consense is that EU would be perfect

Mixed bag about the TOR sets

CW a meh from most ppl

I'm sure they could get away with reusing planets or doing obscure planets. Am I wrong in thinking that the planets are not the big selling point? Worst case scenario, they stop planet sets and just release minis in polybags.

I've maintained that the Planets series is ideal for EU sets that would't sell enough in minifig scalea13.jpgk2.jpg

From what I saw, the Planet line was kind of hit or miss depending on where you lived. I believe casual observers or parents like the idea of buying their child a fairly cheap LEGO item. To some of the AFOL like myself, the price seemed a little high so I only bought these on sale. Then again, I purchase LEGO on sale 95% of the time. Exception is when I purchase it as gifts.

Is there a coruscant planet set? I havent payed much attention to them before but the minifig selecion of the next wave has me intrigued.

The only thing keeping me from getting multiples for figs is I would then have tons of not-useful balls...

Is there a coruscant planet set? I havent payed much attention to them before but the minifig selecion of the next wave has me intrigued.

The only thing keeping me from getting multiples for figs is I would then have tons of not-useful balls...

yes, there is. It should be on the front page of the 2013 set topic.

Personally I don't mind them. There are a couple of locations that they should do: Mustafar, Utapau, Cato Neimoidia, Felucia and Kashyyyk to name a few. I would love to see EU incorporated in to this as well, it would be a great way to grow this area of SW also.

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I was thinking that if they reuse the same planet over and over again it is less of an eye catcher - considering that a large portion of what is notice is the planet -

You want a diverse product line on the shelf if the box looks the same then the parents will think it is the same product. Which in turn won't sell. As some one pointed out in the main 2013 thread it is rare items of the same vehicle in the same size class are on the shelf at the same time (exception being the two AT-AT's in 2010)

Look at this



That is visually striking Tri Droid - would double as a Mini Tri Droid (considering they came in both sizes) Whorm Loathsome



Mini AT-AP with Clone ARC Trooper



Palpatine's Shuttle w Shock Trooper





Twilight (considering it does eventually get destroyed (Spoiler for season 5) with 4-A7

Visually all those choices are striking

Also consider all the pictures here


I guess the way the economy is going (all retailers here are saying black friday was pretty much a bust this year - news "strategically ignored it and said walmart made most money ever but ignored the rest of the sales) will the series continue to sell?

Lego seems to be one of the lines doing well that and Transformers but that is brand recognition for you. Pretty much the rest of the isles didn't fare to well here.

I guess we will get a preview in about 5 weeks at Toyfare...

I think TLG doesn't have a real direction with the Planet series. Sometimes it seems as they don't know if they need to put exclusive mini-figures or army-building kinda mini-figures in them. I think that affects us too. Some of us are more in to MOCs, army-building or minifigs, and the planet series is just in between of them all. That's confusing for the buyers i guess. Also TLG makes the wrong choices with the ships connecting to the planet, or with a second choice character. I think that frustrates the SWfans also a lot.

But if they're planning on making new planets my vote goes to the planet Brodo Asogi (the green planet), the mini-fig will be E.T., and the ship would be the mothership OR Elliot's bike.

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I think TLG doesn't have a real direction with the Planet series. Sometimes it seems as they don't know if they need to put exclusive mini-figures or army-building kinda mini-figures in them. I think that affects us too. Some of us are more in to MOCs, army-building or minifigs, and the planet series is just in between of them all. That's confusing for the buyers i guess. Also TLG makes the wrong choices with the ships connecting to the planet, or with a second choice character. I think that frustrates the SWfans also a lot.

But if they're planning on making new planets my vote goes to the planet Brodo Asogi (the green planet), the mini-fig will be E.T., and the ship would be the mothership OR Elliot's bike.

Well each minifigure has an accessory perhaps a phone to go with it...

I would not be surprised if they didn't continue, and nor would I be if they did. I could care less though, I don't think TLG has taken full opportunity of this line, They should have exclusive figures for this to work successfully (for me anyway).

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