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It's late at night and Capt. Redblade is out to drain the pretzel, as it were.


"Geez, I really need to get this thing looked at. It simply can't be healthy."

Zipping up, he turns and begins to make his way toward his spot on the cold floor, away from the bucket that has already started to stink.


"You know what, as batshit nutty as this all is, I'm happy to be in company with all these big names. I'm going to have quite a good rep on EB when this is all over."

Foot steps approach...


"Oh, hai. I iz here to put you to sleep."

Redblade tries to adjust his vision, since he had foolishly decided not to take off his sunglasses at night. A Cory Hart fan does as a Cory Hart fan must.

"Who are you? I don't remember you from earlier."

The skeletal face giggles. "Oh, don't you worry, this will only hurt for a minute."


As the cloaked figure walks away, it chuckles, "See? You can't even feel it now! Ke ke ke!"


A familiar face enters the room.


"Good morning everyone. As you may have noticed, we are down a person. It seems someone has taken it upon themselves to remove Capt. Redblade from the room. I trust you won't miss him much."


"Oh, and it seems that one of you has managed the solution to the question already. Very, very, very clever. Oh yes, I wouldn't want to be on this person's opposing team."

"The answer is..."

He pauses. The sound of wires twisting reverberates in the room.


"What is that? Who is disturbing my announcement?"

Suddenly, a chandelier plummets to the ground, landing on Cecilie and smooshing all of her vital organs.


She mutters her last words, "I wanted to look like Hermione..."


"Oh dear. Anyway, the answer to that question was... Psycho Killer!"

"The winner will be off the table tonight. And that reminds me. There is a psycho killer among you. A rather unpleasant chap, if I do say so myself, so don't get put on their list, if you know what I'm saying." Def clears his throat.

"I'm going to go back to my little room for a while. Later on today, a friend of mine will be dropping in. Please show him due respect, will you? In the meantime, I'm going to catch up on some Friends DVD sets that I got on sale recently. That Chandler is really underrated if you ask me. While I do that, please begin your vote for mayor."


The host

8366587329_f5cb7e71c8_m.jpg def

The players

8367654558_7a44e45e5b_m.jpg Shadows

8366587709_bcb3f79809_m.jpg CallMePie

8367654530_55f1761231_m.jpg Zepher

8366587733_4a71664b7e_m.jpg Dannylonglegs

8366587955_7e7b98a9f1_m.jpg DarkDragon

8367654172_433ccd71da_m.jpg Adam

8367654018_375f2817f9_m.jpg Tamamono

8367654188_38315b4baf_m.jpg JimButcher

8366587923_a82fd13c4a_m.jpg Hinckley

8367654344_343884a1e1_m.jpg Cornelius Murdock

8366587407_74a19fb57f_m.jpg Scouty

8367654502_57b160b963_m.jpg PirateDave84

8366587359_20533abd5a_m.jpg Nightshroud99

8367654310_8915fab957_m.jpg Trumpetking67

8367654398_828d934668_m.jpg badboytje88

8367654176_a3945a5f6f_m.jpg iamded

8367654386_5d57c31ab9_m.jpg DarthPotato

8367654520_cb558a68b6_m.jpg Flare

8366587941_ab72ce58a4_m.jpg Alopex

8367653982_9ccf4116e7_m.jpg Pandora

8366587971_34ff23fc85_m.jpg Big Cam

8366587929_f186946e0c_m.jpg Rick

8367654072_577a93dbb6_m.jpg TinyPiesRUs

8366587517_b3faa389b8_m.jpg Dragonator

The Deceased

8370714562_35304d695e_m.jpg Capt. Redblade (Town) Chopped up night zero.

8370714554_c7f12b825a_m.jpg Cecilie (Town) Smooshed the morning of day one.

Rules (deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to (knowingly) outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral)characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting will be done in the following format; Vote: Player. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Player. No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the mayor will decide the lynch, through their vote, or by PM if necessary. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

2.5. A mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the game day one. Voting for the mayor will be done in the following format: Mayor: Player. Unvoting for the mayor will not be allowed. One may vote for themselves. In the case of a tie, the first person to achieve that number will win. In the case that the mayor loses their life, a new mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the following game day. The mayors single duty will be that of tiebreaker.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. In the case of a unanimous vote, the day may end 24 hours early. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as any that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules may result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death upon further offense.

Aw, man, the puzzle is finished already? Now what are we going to do?

I mean, oh no, some people died. :cry_sad: What sort of vacation is this? I want a refund.

Wow! 2 Down already!

We got one night kill, which may be scum or vigilante and we apparently got a serial killer! In the worst case scenario this could lead to 3 deaths a night! Which sounds rediculous. Or maybe there isn't a vigilante (since there is a serial killer). That would mean the chain saw killer is a scumbag...

Who wants to run for Mayor?

The 1970s music is too much for me to handle! And we're down two townies before the game even started. :cry_sad: At least we can hope that a townie putting the pieces together got the immunity tonight... However, given the limited number of pieces I'm led to suspect the scum kept the pieces for themselves, and waited until enough townies revealed pieces in order to solve it. I, for one, could not see the question, which seemed to relate to 1977, I'm guessing it asked what song from Talking heads.

Mommy, mommy, I need to make poo poo.

  • Author

Oh yes, the full question: What homicidal 1977 new wave hit asked the question, "Qu'est-ce que c'est?"

Now what are we going to do?

Decide on a mayor.

Decide on a mayor.

That sounds more like work than fun. You sure you don't have a deck of cards?

I saw that the question had french words in it, as soon as I made my findings public, I Googled "1977 Qu'est-ce" and got the answer; I sent it to God ... but what do you know! Someone had beat me to it!!!

Now since this is meta-gaming-fetivus, there were 3-4 people looking at the thread at that time, I unfortunately only remember one for sure; Hinck. But there may have also been Badboy and Cecile, I unfortunately cannot recall for sure whom else was reading the thread.

On to the mayor business; I propose that we elect someone which is not one of our usual town leaders (Hinck, Shadows, Etc.. we all know who they are) and instead opt to elect a player like Alopex, Flare, Darthpotatoe or someone of the likes.


Addendum: meta-gaming-festivus

Sounds fine by me.

I saweded this by the poop monster last night but I felleded asleep before I could show my mommy.


On to the mayor business; I propose that we elect someone which is not one of our usual town leaders (Hinck, Shadows, Etc.. we all know who they are) and instead opt to elect a player like Alopex, Flare, Darthpotatoe or someone of the likes.


If I had confidence that those people would do more than lurk most of the game, I might be all for your plan.

But I agree that Shadows and Hinck are probably not the best mayoral candidates.

I only trust myself right now so I'd like to put my name forward for mayor. Not only am I hilarious but I'm humble.

I saweded this by the poop monster last night but I felleded asleep before I could show my mommy.

What are you talking about and why are you showing the piece now that it doesn't matter instead of last night when it did?

What are you talking about and why are you showing the piece now that it doesn't matter instead of last night when it did?

I tolded you I felleded asleep before I could show it. I really had to potty.

I wanteded evewyone to know I has a piece, but I have to poo now. Mommy!

I only trust myself right now so I'd like to put my name forward for mayor. Not only am I hilarious but I'm humble.

Agreed; this will however also be most common thought, everyone will only trust themselves and this is why Day one is always ackward.

It was specified that the role's only purpose is to break up a tie vote; I don't see a problem with electing lurkers since they are likely to be killed/lynched early; we could then elect a player that has proven to be neutral/analytical.

This electing a mayor business wiil prove to be interesting, it will give us another voting pattern to analyze and help us in identifying who's who!

I'm not changing any of your diapers, Cam. That's just gross.

Now since this is meta-gaming-fetivus, there were 3-4 people looking at the thread at that time, I unfortunately only remember one for sure; Hinck.

Nice. And no, don't elect me mayor, for megabluck's sake. I say we make someone that nobody would want to kill by metagaming the mayor.

mayor: Flare

I tolded you I felleded asleep before I could show it. I really had to potty.

I wanteded evewyone to know I has a piece, but I have to poo now. Mommy!

No, this won't get old fast. :hmpf:

def said that someone is off the table for the night which, to me, means a Townie won the puzzle, since he said the Townie would be immune to Night Actions while Scum would have a strongarm kill.

Ah piss, the puzzle has already been solved huh. Truthfully a one night immunity doesn't seem like a huge deal this early on, however. I hope whoever got it enjoys their immunity necklace.

Big Cam sounds pretty qualified for mayor, the crap he's spurting out of his mouth is about the same as most politicians.

Should we wildly speculate about which side killed which player? Or was one a serial killer.

Who is Capt Redblade? Seems like a serial killer target, someone unlikely to be protected. However, the way the Scum team is split up, it may be a safe split-Scum kill as well. Chandelier? Vig or Serial Killer.

Cecilie is the smartest person in the room, let's face it. We're all dumb compared to her. Or maybe someone hates females. The Scum would definitely want her out early. Capt Redblade? Nobody knows if he's a genius or not, but I don't think anybody would reall want him out early.

My conclusion:

Cecilie was killed by the Scum

Capt Redblade was killed by a Serial Killer

The only doubt for that would be that Skully also bonked us all on our heads and brought us here, so could he be working for def? Or is he the psycho killer? He looks more like a psycho killer than a chandelier. I stand by my conclusion...

It was specified that the role's only purpose is to break up a tie vote; I don't see a problem with electing lurkers since they are likely to be killed/lynched early; we could then elect a player that has proven to be neutral/analytical.

This makes a lot of sense. I completely agree.

Mayor: Flare

I also agree for voting lurkers, if only for the purpose of getting them to come out and play. I feel like def would really like it if we all said lots and thought lots, so we should totally make the lurkers come and do just that by making them mayor. Though I have so-far been a little put off by the lack of mayoral speeches by our candidates. Doesn't someone want to promise to end the famine?! def didn't give us any food (not even some pills) this time, so I don't know what we're supposed to eat. I mean, sure, now on Day One it might not seem a big deal... but when we have to start eating people.... I don't want to eat my friends :cry_sad:


Mayor: Flare

Also, Hinckley def said we had to rethink our whole game this time around. Remember how the scum killers don't know their other scummy friends? Do you think that Cecile might have been a gutsy kill for the scum, had she been scum? Perhaps the scum killed redblade because even if he was on their side, he wouldn't be a big lose. I don't know, just throwing out the idea, def did say we cant assume the things we always assume- but he also told us HOW to think differently.

I think Cecile was killed by an SK because of the psycho killer business. Plus, death by chandelier seems more manical than by chainsaw, but that's just me.

def said that someone is off the table for the night which, to me, means a Townie won the puzzle, since he said the Townie would be immune to Night Actions while Scum would have a strongarm kill.

no, it said that scum would get a "unkillable strong man ability on night one"; not a kill. It is still plausible that a townie got the immunity. Which is good!

- - -

I tend to agree with Jim and Hinck that Cecilie was killed by SK or vig and that Catpain redblade was a scum kill.

Oh and since I proposed it:

Mayor: Flare

I also agree for voting lurkers, if only for the purpose of getting them to come out and play. I feel like def would really like it if we all said lots and thought lots, so we should totally make the lurkers come and do just that by making them mayor. Though I have so-far been a little put off by the lack of mayoral speeches by our candidates. Doesn't someone want to promise to end the famine?! def didn't give us any food (not even some pills) this time, so I don't know what we're supposed to eat. I mean, sure, now on Day One it might not seem a big deal... but when we have to start eating people.... I don't want to eat my friends :cry_sad:

:hmpf: I don't like to be rude but shut up. :tongue:

Also, Hinckley def said we had to rethink our whole game this time around. Remember how the scum killers don't know their other scummy friends? Do you think that Cecile might have been a gutsy kill for the scum, had she been scum? Perhaps the scum killed redblade because even if he was on their side, he wouldn't be a big lose. I don't know, just throwing out the idea, def did say we cant assume the things we always assume- but he also told us HOW to think differently.

Yes, I'm following that as best I can, thanks so much for the reminder. However, I don't think rethinking my game means I would jump to ridiculous and completely illogical conclusions. The Scum kill their own? Is that supposed to be how the Scum would rethink their game? I don't think they would rethink their game to the level of stupidity. We know Cecilie wasn't Scum, but yes, as I already thoroughly stated, the Scum have to be careful who they are killing. However, maybe Draggy is on one team and Shadows the other and they're already talking to each other. Cecilie did make a post about not wanting to share her puzzle piece, maybe the Scum were confident that she was Town because of that. So when def told us HOW to think differently, did he say the Scum would be trying to kill their own?

Cecilie is a threat. In my view, Redblade is not. Therefore, if I were to hypothesize (again) Cecilie was killed by the Scum killers (because perhaps they felt confident she was Town and took the gutsy risk of killing a fellow Scum to get rid of a strong player) and Redblade, who was unlikely to be protected or watched was the target of a psycho killer.

Why are there 2 versions of Scouty? :wacko:

I think Cecile was killed by an SK because of the psycho killer business. Plus, death by chandelier seems more manical than by chainsaw, but that's just me.

Really? :look: Physically chopping someone up with a chainsaw is less maniacal than crushing them with an inanimate object?

Scouty, vote out Skully so we can see his allegiance.

I tend to agree with Jim and Hinck that Cecilie was killed by SK or vig and that Catpain redblade was a scum kill.

If that is the case, then you aren't understanding what I'm saying at all.

I find it odd that someone who has barely spoken is being elected mayor. You guys have found a reason to justify it but I still find it suspicious.

Suspect away, bow-head. You have a better candidate, besides yourself, in the mean time? I don't want to elect an ugly troll with hair from the Sitcom Friends.

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