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Hmmm, I still think your timing's odd. If you just think it's "silly", surely there's nothing keeping you from posting it as soon as you can? We all know you're online all day. :tongue: It seems you only posted when it became apparent that no one was lying about not having a piece.

I don't really know what to say to this. I was very busy all day actually, and I posted my piece when I got the chance today. If I posted first, I'm sure you'd say that was odd that I posted so quickly, so it's just one of those types of situations. Sorta like statistics, the person doing the reporting will easily find whatever conclusion it is they wanted in the first place.

And it's almost 4am here, I'm going to bed.

I wouldn't say no to a Flare lynching today based on his behaviour so far, but I'm not sure how much it will help us learn about the people who voted for him. Regardless of his allegiance, it's clear that some of the people involved in the bandwagon for Flare are scum. It doesn't make sense to me that so many people would follow Hinckley's fairly random vote so brashly. Even if Flare isn't scum, I can see the scum trying to hop on the bandwagon of someone like Hinckley in order to get into their good graces.

Personally, I voted for Flare just to close the vote gap between him and Cornelius, just to see if there'd be any last minute jockeying from the non-voters. I suppose it was a long shot to assume scum would reveal themselves that easily, but it was worth a try. Not that being mayor is ever going to be a particularly important role in this game (provided that not everyone decides to throw their vote away on some shiny slot machine...)

Darkdragon, I find it hard to believe that both you and Hinckley would decide to vote for the same person independently of one another. There are plenty of other players who would've fit Piratedave's description. You didn't provide any reasoning for why Flare would be the best choice out of the lurkers either (though admittedly, Hinckley didn't either). It's just a very weird coincidence that both of you would independently decide on the same candidate within minutes of each other.

I don't really know what to say to this. I was very busy all day actually, and I posted my piece when I got the chance today.

I reviewed your posts and, indeed, you didn't post a lot on EB after the discussion on the missing pieces started, but it certainly wasn't the first thing you posted. You made a couple of posts in the day one thread before revealing your piece.

I DO have a puzzle piece: 8366750953_4428c03608_m.jpg

That's a pretty good piece for guessing the puzzle.

If you're going for someone for saying silly things, then I would recommend Big Cam. Stop going poop already.

I think it's pretty clear that Cam's been hit by a crappy action and several people have mentioned this. Some people are still advocating his lynch because they feel his posts don't have any content to them but no one's said we should lynch him for being silly.

Yep, there is only one piece missing and that was Cecilie's.

Actually, I think there might be room for two pieces in there but Redblade may have had one as well so...

I DO have a puzzle piece: *snip*

I know that doesn't prove that I am innocent, but it just seems to me that it is worthwhile to mention it.

If you're going for someone for saying silly things, then I would recommend Big Cam. Stop going poop already.

It does not. It's picked you cuz nobody knows you. Only reason. Big mistake Mom told me.

My bottom hurts and you make fun of me.

Vote: Flare

Hard to talk when I need to go potty.

That's a pretty good piece for guessing the puzzle.

Me too, Flare look bad like potty time at daycare.

As stated by Hinck previously it would be most interesting to vote for Flare. So I will join in the vote: Flare

Why the heck are you voting for me because it would be most interesting? Either vote for me because you think I sound scummy, or admit that you're a mafia, scummo.

While I do agree that Flare is the optimal lynch today, why are you voting for someone just because it'll be "interesting". :sceptic:

Optimal lynch, because...? I don't see the basis of why everyone thinks that I'm the ideal lynchee. I agree with the following:

As for the voting so far... not sure why Flare is on the chopping block. He was nominated by Hinck, putting him in the spotlight, and now he's our easy day one lynch that nobody will feel guilty about? Put it down to metagaming, but I find it weird that Hinck would want to elect some random he has no reason to trust. I would find it more likely that the scum would want a townie up there, so that they can then try to convert or kill that person later depending on what would be more beneficial. Trying to put one of their own up there would be far too risky in my view, for very little gain.

He didn't exactly run for mayor initially.

Why am I getting blamed at all? Its not like I was advocating to be mayor (like Cornelius was). First everyone was voting for me as mayor without a real reason or me having a say in it, and now everyone is voting for me to be lynched without any real reason (perhaps because everyone was voting for me to be mayor? In that case, why not suspect Hinckley? He's the one who started it.)

Why not post it earlier today then?

Why didn't I post the puzzle piece earlier today? Well, first off, I didn't post it in Night Zero because by the time everyone had gotten around to sharing their pieces I wasn't on, and by the next time I got onto the computer the thread was locked, and Day One up. In Day One it said that the puzzle had already been solved, so I didn't see a point in giving out my piece. Why did I not post it earlier today (literal today, not as in Day One)?? I live in a different time zone then most of you, which doesn't allow me to be posting at the same time that most of you are active. So I was not holding it back until the last moment on purpose.

It does not. It's picked you cuz nobody knows you. Only reason. Big mistake Mom told me.

My bottom hurts and you make fun of me.

Vote: Flare

Hard to talk when I need to go potty.

Me too, Flare look bad like potty time at daycare.

Wait, are you voting for me because I suggested that you were suspicious? Because if so, I really think that I'm getting voted for because no one has anyone good to vote for, and you're just choosing me because either: A. You're scum and so are the majority of the people who have been gaining up on me so far. B. You're stupid, your butt hurts, or you don't feel like actually thinking through which people seem the most suspicious. C. You have no one else better to vote for, so you might as well vote for me.

That's a pretty good piece for guessing the puzzle.

I think it's pretty clear that Cam's been hit by a crappy action and several people have mentioned this. Some people are still advocating his lynch because they feel his posts don't have any content to them but no one's said we should lynch him for being silly.

It is? I couldn't make anything out of it.

And I never knew that there is such thing as forcing a player to act like a baby :look: It sounds sort of ridiculous. Are you guys sure that its possible to be hit by a "crappy action" like that?

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Vote Tally:

Flare 6 (Pandora, CorneliusMurdock, Trumpetking x 2, Tamamono, Big Cam)

Ineligible to vote: CallMePie, Adam, Hinckley, Scouty, Alopex, Flare

A little under 24 hours left in the day.

I will Vote: Big Cam, if only to get in a vote and close the gap a little bit. We don't have to be afraid of splitting the vote, because we don't need a majority. So, let's see if anyone will follow me. It will be non-fluff to assess, at least- and honestly Big Cam offers up far less than Flare.

Trumpetking67, it seems to me that you keep switching sides. At first you're voting for me as mayor and a strong supporter, and when the tides change you were quick to switch sides to keep on the good side of the crowd. If I could vote, I would vote for you to be lynched.

This is a silly thing to say. Anybody who voted for you did so before you opened your mouth. Since then, you've opened your mouth and people have decided you'd be a good lynch candidate. Opinions evolve. That's not a contradiction, it's an evolution of our views of you. And as Bob told us in Heartlake, the world evolves around def, so this game is an appropriate place for our opinions to evolve too. If TrumpetKing67 had voted for you for mayor in one sentence and then to lynch you in the next, that would be a contradiction. Since he had a bunch of your behavior to analyze between the two votes, we can see he wasn't contradicting himself but drawing a conclusion based on your actions.

However, looking back over the day, I find the people who voted for Flare after he made his first statement the weirdest, especially those -like TrumpetKing- who now claim that his behavior makes him suspicious. So, his first -and worst- statement was OK to vote for mayor, but now that a lynch has been started, it seems Scummy? Now, that's a contradiction. :blush: I've used TrumpetKing67 for both examples but that's because I noticed my second point after reading through the threads to find out when Flare could've revealed his puzzle piece. I'd edit it but I already took the time to write it all and the ironing is delicious. :snicker:

Why the heck are you voting for me because it would be most interesting? Either vote for me because you think I sound scummy, or admit that you're a mafia, scummo.

Did the Scum teams just unite? :look:

Why am I getting blamed at all? Its not like I was advocating to be mayor (like Cornelius was). First everyone was voting for me as mayor without a real reason or me having a say in it, and now everyone is voting for me to be lynched without any real reason (perhaps because everyone was voting for me to be mayor? In that case, why not suspect Hinckley? He's the one who started it.)

The real question is: if you think that's the case, why haven't you voted for me? And after telling us what a bad mayor you would make, why did you vote for yourself? Plus, you've never answered the question: What accusations against me were you referring to when you said I had answered all accusations? I can't find any. Perhaps you can be so kind as to point them out for me.

Oh, I see now that you gambled your vote away after seeing we had all lost our votes. :hmpf: Gambling your vote is dumb! I wouldn't reccomend playing these games. So, Flare gambles his vote away and TinyPies votes for him for mayor right afterwards "just to close the gap and see the reactions" supposedly. Or whatever he said. I can see how we innocently lost our votes when we agreed to play a game where we didn't realize we were gambling our votes, but there's not excuse for the people who joined the second round.

TPRU, even if you just wanted to close the gap, didn't Flare's behavior concern you at all at that point, enough to not want to get him so close to the mayor role?

Why didn't I post the puzzle piece earlier today? Well, first off, I didn't post it in Night Zero because by the time everyone had gotten around to sharing their pieces I wasn't on, and by the next time I got onto the computer the thread was locked, and Day One up. In Day One it said that the puzzle had already been solved, so I didn't see a point in giving out my piece. Why did I not post it earlier today (literal today, not as in Day One)?? I live in a different time zone then most of you, which doesn't allow me to be posting at the same time that most of you are active. So I was not holding it back until the last moment on purpose.

Don't blame things on Time Zones. It'll never fly. You're only a couple hours off of the rest of Europe, right? Anyway, your activity level seems to be the factor in the timing. I can see, based on your posts, that you weren't compelled to post your piece until today. I'm not sure if you were online and reading this thread during other times, but if you've posted every time you've checked in here, then what you're saying about the timing checks out.

Wait, are you voting for me because I suggested that you were suspicious? Because if so, I really think that I'm getting voted for because no one has anyone good to vote for, and you're just choosing me because either: A. You're scum and so are the majority of the people who have been gaining up on me so far. B. You're stupid, your butt hurts, or you don't feel like actually thinking through which people seem the most suspicious. C. You have no one else better to vote for, so you might as well vote for me.

And I never knew that there is such thing as forcing a player to act like a baby :look: It sounds sort of ridiculous. Are you guys sure that its possible to be hit by a "crappy action" like that?

Yes. The same thing happened in a previous game called Fraulein Bloodbrick, also hosted by def.

I always make sure to read up on everything that's been written before I hit post and yours was only a short reply to Piratedave84. I embedded the quotes in response to this post by Hinck:

Thanks! :grin:

Hmmm, I still think your timing's odd. If you just think it's "silly", surely there's nothing keeping you from posting it as soon as you can? We all know you're online all day. :tongue: It seems you only posted when it became apparent that no one was lying about not having a piece.

Is it annoying when I say "Ping"?

Personally, I voted for Flare just to close the vote gap between him and Cornelius, just to see if there'd be any last minute jockeying from the non-voters. I suppose it was a long shot to assume scum would reveal themselves that easily, but it was worth a try. Not that being mayor is ever going to be a particularly important role in this game (provided that not everyone decides to throw their vote away on some shiny slot machine...)

I said this above: why would you vote for him after all the nonsense he spewed up to that point? Trying to get reaction from lurkers and Scum is a great idea, but what if that lead to Flare being our mayor? After seeing the concerns and his actual posts, didn't that seem like kind of a bad idea?

Darkdragon, I find it hard to believe that both you and Hinckley would decide to vote for the same person independently of one another. There are plenty of other players who would've fit Piratedave's description. You didn't provide any reasoning for why Flare would be the best choice out of the lurkers either (though admittedly, Hinckley didn't either). It's just a very weird coincidence that both of you would independently decide on the same candidate within minutes of each other.

I can explain how I chose Flare. I read down the list of players and chose the first name I didn't recognize. :blush:

That's a pretty good piece for guessing the puzzle.

That's the next thing we need to check: who had the best pieces for guessing. That'll take some work... :hmpf: I should be doing other things with my time.

I will Vote: Big Cam, if only to get in a vote and close the gap a little bit. We don't have to be afraid of splitting the vote, because we don't need a majority. So, let's see if anyone will follow me. It will be non-fluff to assess, at least- and honestly Big Cam offers up far less than Flare.

What's with people voting to close the gap? You either think someone is Scum or you don't and you vote for the person you think is. :wacko: I can kind of understand TinyPies's tactic to draw people out but he didn't announce it first. You don't announce that you want to see a voting pattern if you want to catch Scum in the voting pattern. You always do weird things and try to change up your game every time, but maybe you should choose logical tactics instead of weird megablocks.

:blush: Ooops, I went back to being a dick. Sorry. But your megablocks is weird. :snicker:

My two main suspicions at the moment are probably Flare and TrumpetKing. I'm sorry I never really said anything about being suspicious of you Trumpet, but you've told me (in private) about a suspicion you had but you weren't willing to voice it out loud in the day thread. If you have a suspicion, you should be able to voice it out loud for everyone to see so we can all discuss that and branch ideas off of it. You shouldn't hide it, even if it is just a scummy feeling on someone. Flare's reaction to the whole mayor thing was odd too, but like Zepher said we don't need to worry about splitting the vote because it's whoever has the most votes.

Vote: Trumpetking67 (Trumpetking67)

I also find it extremely odd how, as others have said, Hinckley and Dardragon both posted about Flare being the mayor "at the same time". Even if you did cross post, it's odd that you both voted for Flare. I know, you didn't recognize him, but that just seems really odd to me how you both did it at the same time. :sceptic: Also, I'd like to talk to Privatedave when he gets back and look more into his idea of voting a lurker as mayor, because so many people seemed to agree with him right away on that.

However, looking back over the day, I find the people who voted for Flare after he made his first statement the weirdest, especially those -like TrumpetKing- who now claim that his behavior makes him suspicious. So, his first -and worst- statement was OK to vote for mayor, but now that a lynch has been started, it seems Scummy? Now, that's a contradiction. :blush: I've used TrumpetKing67 for both examples but that's because I noticed my second point after reading through the threads to find out when Flare could've revealed his puzzle piece. I'd edit it but I already took the time to write it all and the ironing is delicious. :snicker:

I'm not sure exactly what your conclusion in this was...

The real question is: if you think that's the case, why haven't you voted for me? And after telling us what a bad mayor you would make, why did you vote for yourself? Plus, you've never answered the question: What accusations against me were you referring to when you said I had answered all accusations? I can't find any. Perhaps you can be so kind as to point them out for me.

The first retarded post that I wrote, "...Perhaps you started the voting for me because you're trying to get on my good side? Eh? Well you're totally ont my good side never going to succeed with that scheme! I'm way ahead of you! Scummo!" Accusing you of trying to get on my good side as a scum isn't an accusation? :look:

Don't blame things on Time Zones. It'll never fly. You're only a couple hours off of the rest of Europe, right? Anyway, your activity level seems to be the factor in the timing. I can see, based on your posts, that you weren't compelled to post your piece until today. I'm not sure if you were online and reading this thread during other times, but if you've posted every time you've checked in here, then what you're saying about the timing checks out.

Yes, every time that I've checked in here I've posted.

Yes. The same thing happened in a previous game called Fraulein Bloodbrick, also hosted by def.

Thanks, good to know, which removes my main suspicions of the poop-machine.

I can explain how I chose Flare. I read down the list of players and chose the first name I didn't recognize. :blush:

Is that so?

Nice. And no, don't elect me mayor, for megabluck's sake. I say we make someone that nobody would want to kill by metagaming the mayor.

mayor: Flare

It seems that your original intent was choosing someone that nobody would want to kill by metagaming. But now you are claiming that the reason you voted for me was because I was the first name you didn't recognize. Contradiction.

If Hinck and Darkdragon voted for Flare at very close times...I don't know what you're trying to insinuate here. If they were on the same team, I doubt they'd both make the post. I also doubt they're disorganized enough to make such a mistake. In fact, it seems like it's a genuine offering of a mayoral vote. I don't know if that says anything about allegiances, biting doubt it's nothing more than coincidence.

If Hinck and Darkdragon voted for Flare at very close times...I don't know what you're trying to insinuate here. If they were on the same team, I doubt they'd both make the post. I also doubt they're disorganized enough to make such a mistake. In fact, it seems like it's a genuine offering of a mayoral vote. I don't know if that says anything about allegiances, biting doubt it's nothing more than coincidence.

I don't know, it just seems too weird to be a coincidence to me. But then again, there is always the possibility of them actually wanting Flare as mayor, and like you said them posting so close to each other would be a mistake.

I also find it extremely odd how, as others have said, Hinckley and Dardragon both posted about Flare being the mayor "at the same time". Even if you did cross post, it's odd that you both voted for Flare. I know, you didn't recognize him, but that just seems really odd to me how you both did it at the same time. :sceptic: Also, I'd like to talk to Privatedave when he gets back and look more into his idea of voting a lurker as mayor, because so many people seemed to agree with him right away on that.

Well, just to show you all where the suspicion should be focused, I've thoroughly explained how I came to my vote and then aimed my first accusations heavily on DarkDragon. However, for us to have decided in private to simultaneously vote for Flare in order to ... do something Scummy, I guess ... is assuming that she and I are both stupid, which we are not. In a game like this with many veteran players, if you think you're up against Scum who would do something so blatant and stupid, you should probably check out now or re-think your deduction parameters.

The first retarded post that I wrote, "...Perhaps you started the voting for me because you're trying to get on my good side? Eh? Well you're totally ont my good side never going to succeed with that scheme! I'm way ahead of you! Scummo!" Accusing you of trying to get on my good side as a scum isn't an accusation? :look:

Sorry, no. That's nonsense.

Is that so?


It seems that your original intent was choosing someone that nobody would want to kill by metagaming. But now you are claiming that the reason you voted for me was because I was the first name you didn't recognize. Contradiction.

:facepalm: I thought the best person to choose would be someone who wouldn't be metagame killed and someone, therefore-as I've already said-I wouldn't have to guess about reverse psychology, since I know so many of these people so well, and in order to choose someone who was less likely to be metagamed (which mean people are more likely to target them for a night kill because they know what type of player they are) I chose someone I (and I would assume others) don't know as well, and you are the first person in the list that I am unfamiliar with. All the same tactic. Not a contradiction.

:facepalm: I thought the best person to choose would be someone who wouldn't be metagame killed and someone, therefore-as I've already said-I wouldn't have to guess about reverse psychology, since I know so many of these people so well, and in order to choose someone who was less likely to be metagamed (which mean people are more likely to target them for a night kill because they know what type of player they are) I chose someone I (and I would assume others) don't know as well, and you are the first person in the list that I am unfamiliar with. All the same tactic. Not a contradiction.

Its not the same thing.

Its not the same thing.

While his idea of electing someone he didn't know at all was flawed, his conclusions do follow from their original thesis.

So you saw no one (besides Zepher :wacko: ) was going to go after Cam, and you decided to see if you could make Hinck look suspicious enough to throw under the bus? Who's next when that doesn't work?

Its not the same thing.

Fine. Have fun thinking that.

I wouldn't say no to a Flare lynching today based on his behaviour so far, but I'm not sure how much it will help us learn about the people who voted for him. Regardless of his allegiance, it's clear that some of the people involved in the bandwagon for Flare are scum.

I really don't get that either; scum probably wouldn't throw up their own for a mayor nomination (especially not that early); anyone who's voting for Flare just to "find out his affiliation" should definitely be held under scrutiny.

Personally, I voted for Flare just to close the vote gap between him and Cornelius, just to see if there'd be any last minute jockeying from the non-voters. I suppose it was a long shot to assume scum would reveal themselves that easily, but it was worth a try. Not that being mayor is ever going to be a particularly important role in this game (provided that not everyone decides to throw their vote away on some shiny slot machine...)

Why on earth would you do that? :wacko: There's no reason for the scum to "jockey" at the last second to elect Flare; there's actually a fairly good chance that scum had already voted.

My two main suspicions at the moment are probably Flare and TrumpetKing. I'm sorry I never really said anything about being suspicious of you Trumpet, but you've told me (in private) about a suspicion you had but you weren't willing to voice it out loud in the day thread. If you have a suspicion, you should be able to voice it out loud for everyone to see so we can all discuss that and branch ideas off of it. You shouldn't hide it, even if it is just a scummy feeling on someone. Flare's reaction to the whole mayor thing was odd too, but like Zepher said we don't need to worry about splitting the vote because it's whoever has the most votes.

Vote: Trumpetking67 (Trumpetking67)

I also find it extremely odd how, as others have said, Hinckley and Dardragon both posted about Flare being the mayor "at the same time". Even if you did cross post, it's odd that you both voted for Flare. I know, you didn't recognize him, but that just seems really odd to me how you both did it at the same time. :sceptic: Also, I'd like to talk to Privatedave when he gets back and look more into his idea of voting a lurker as mayor, because so many people seemed to agree with him right away on that.

Well, to be fair, there aren't as many lurkers in this game than in most games, but it's definitely strange that they both picked Flare, especially when they'd never played with him. I suppose I can understand electing a lurker as mayor (as bad a decision it is), but it should at least be someone you trust to make the right calls.

Still, if DD and Hinck are scum, I trust them to not be so sloppy as to reveal that they had outside shared info (*coughwriteboardcough*) like that. Hmm... :look:

The first retarded post that I wrote, "...Perhaps you started the voting for me because you're trying to get on my good side? Eh? Well you're totally ont my good side never going to succeed with that scheme! I'm way ahead of you! Scummo!" Accusing you of trying to get on my good side as a scum isn't an accusation? :look:

It actually is; why would a townie need to get on someone's "good side"? It's not a straightforward accusation, it's more of an implication of scumminess, which is worse imo.

You're actually starting to towntell, however. :sceptic: Welp...

It seems that your original intent was choosing someone that nobody would want to kill by metagaming. But now you are claiming that the reason you voted for me was because I was the first name you didn't recognize. Contradiction.

This is actually something that's been bothering me as well. Plus, as I said earlier, there is no logic to voting for someoen you don't recognize.

Even if you want someone under-the-radar for mayor, you should pick someone you trust to hammer right in a tie. :sceptic:

Unvote: Flare (Flare)

I don't really feel comfortable with this anymore, especially after badboy and Cam followed blindly.

So, lots to catch up on. No football and Gangster Squad during mafia? Maybe the latter would count as mafia.... Anyways.

Anyway, since voting's apparently mandatory, I'm going to go and Vote: Big Cam. I don't know whether you're just screwing around or if you've been hit with a roleplaying action, but neither should prevent you from saying a single thing that's relevant. Not even any casual discussion on anything. Except for where you excused yourself for not posting your puzzle piece. You've been posting pointlessly all day, it's not inactivity. You're reading the discussions, you agreed with some people about some stuff that you didn't even bother to add anything to.

Here's all he's said so far.

A roleplaying action (I haven't read any particular ones in detail, but they've come up here before) pretty much gives you a bit of roleplaying that you have to do in every single you post you make during the day. I think you get a penalty if you forget, but I believe that's as much as it can really effect. Unless def's put in a 'cannot make any contributions whatsoever' clause to the role, it has little to do with my vote for him.

These all seem like really good points to me. I have no problem saying that def would be a total dick for putting an action in the game that forces the target to be completely useless and unhelpful the next day. I think it's more likely (yes I still have some faith in you, def :tongue: ) that Big Cam is using it as an excuse to be unhelpful. However, I think he's trying to tell us something in this post:

Hard to talk when I need to go potty.

Maybe the action does prevent him from saying anything? :look: Big Cam, if you agree with that, pee your pants. Or something...

I can't vote, and I'd probably still have mine on TrumpetKing67, but I'd advocate for a Flare lynch at this point. Yes, even though I voted for him for mayor. My reasons for voting him mayor were based on my lack of knowledge of him. Since placing my vote and hearing his responses, the knowledge I've gained is not comforting. His responses are somewhat confounding. Couple that with the fact that many people voted along quickly and some with no reason, it would be most interesting to see where his allegiance lies. If he's Scum, I'm in trouble, but I'd rather get myself in trouble and find a Scum than stay safe and not solve anything. That's a pretty long list of people who voted for him, and several of them after the tactic of voting for a lesser-known player was already loudly in question. It's almost like a lynch voting pattern. If Flare is Scum, we'd have a lot to analyze there.

I will have to agree with TinyP and Dragonator here, I don't see how lynching Flare would be beneficial to us. It's not his fault for being elected mayor, and in no way was he trying to be it before DarthPotato, Hinckley, and Darkdragon brought him up. Yes, his actions have changed and have perhaps been more suspicious since then, but maybe he just has no idea of what is going on. Even so, I would have no problem lynching him, but I still don't see how telling it would be of people who voted for him for mayor.

As for suggesting that people not share their parts, I didn't bother for a very simple reason: whenever I try to give good advice, some megablocks turns it against me in a ridiculous way and time is wasted. It isn't like anyone would listen anyway.

So let's cry about it? Being afraid of being scrutinized or not listened to is still not an excuse for not speaking up.

I think I'll hold on to my vote for a bit longer. I'll wait to see if Big Cam pees his pants or otherwise confirms that he's forced to be useless today. If he can't do that, then maybe Flare is our best option for today, even if it's not a very good option at all, IMO. :sceptic: We've seen some telling behavior from the people around him, maybe lynching him will clear up some of those suspicions. I still don't think he's scum, though.

It's not his fault for being elected mayor, and in no way was he trying to be it before DarthPotato, Hinckley, and Darkdragon brought him up.

I voted for Cornelius as mayor, not Flare. :wink:

This is actually something that's been bothering me as well. Plus, as I said earlier, there is no logic to voting for someoen you don't recognize.

Even if you want someone under-the-radar for mayor, you should pick someone you trust to hammer right in a tie. :sceptic:

So, you actually think I'm contradicting myself?

I will have to agree with TinyP and Dragonator here, I don't see how lynching Flare would be beneficial to us. It's not his fault for being elected mayor, and in no way was he trying to be it before DarthPotato, Hinckley, and Darkdragon brought him up. Yes, his actions have changed and have perhaps been more suspicious since then, but maybe he just has no idea of what is going on. Even so, I would have no problem lynching him, but I still don't see how telling it would be of people who voted for him for mayor.

Since we're supposed to metagame here, this is almost identical to a Scummy post you made in Rangnarok: "I disagree with lynching (lynch candidate) but I wouldn't mind seeing (lynch candidate) lynched, but I'm not going to vote yet." Ping.

Why is there so much markup in your post ('size'-changes)? :sceptic:

I don't know. :sceptic: I imagine you are trying to figure out if I wrote the post in a Writeboard or Microsoft Word or some other fishy behavior, but that's not the case. I always write my posts in a Reply tab whether I'm scum or not (I've never composed them in the Writeboard or Word), and I'm not scum. I tend to copy and paste from reply tab to reply tab as opposed to multi-quoting, so maybe the format got changed that way? I don't know. :blush:

As for who I'll vote for, Flare has certainly posted very strange comments--stranger than what I'd suspect of her. I'm not sure whether it's how she usually posts or whether it's because she's having a hard time scumming, as was the case last time I played with her. If nothing else comes up, I'll likely vote for her, but my heart's not quite in it yet. Big Cam is likely the unfortunate victim of a role-play action. That said, he could be a joker or a ghost-killer type, so Big Cam: 1 poop if you're the victim of a role-play action, 2 poops if you should die for some reason.

~Insectoid Aristocrat


The reason i had voted for Flare partly came from Piratedave's post, but also because I had misinterpreted the rules. I had thought that we would be electing a different mayor each day. A stupid move on my part, so I'm actually quite happy with Cornelius being our mayor. I agree that Flare's reactions and such have been suspicious, and as strange as it sounds, I'm willing to vote for him, due to my misinterpretation. There are two people that I'd like to hear a bit more from before I vote, though.

Big Cam: What the hell are you talking about????

PirateDave84: Why haven't you responded well to any of the questions asked to you, if you responded at all? (I'll check if you did shortly.)

You can't read can you? or you simply breeze over the topic and cross read everything! I explicitely said I was stepping out for 48 hours ... guess what it's been 46 hours and as stated I'm back!!!

What questions are you referring to? the only person who addressed me directly since Friday was Darthpotato (see below). Please quote any questions addressed to me directly and it wil lbe my pleasure to answer them. I read the whole thread from the moment I left and for the life of me cannot find what you are referring to (I think Scouty quoted me at one point and so did Calllmepie but I don't think they asked me a question)!!!

@ Darthpotato; I think you asked about why I googled the answer after posting my "clues"; it's quite simple, I initially thought the question itself was written in french and english seeing that "what" and "Qu'est-ce que" mans the same thing. I then thought to google it for the hell of it about 15 minutes later and BAM! the answer was right there; trust me when Def told me it was too late I was PIIIIIIIISSSSSED!!! Hope this satisfies you!!!

AH my bad!

I re-read this last page and Dathpotato asked me about my idea to vote for a lurker; here it is, the aim was rather to not elect a prominent member such as Shadows or Hinck. I did in fact suggest a few names bu did not say "vote for player X". I thought that having a lesser known player be elected could eliminate favoritism in cases where another lesser-know player would be up for a lynch against Shadows, Hinck, Big Cam, Jimbutvher, etc.

Whom was it that asked about my "solving te puzzle" then? the above posted answer is still valid reagardless.

My two main suspicions at the moment are probably Flare and TrumpetKing. I'm sorry I never really said anything about being suspicious of you Trumpet, but you've told me (in private) about a suspicion you had but you weren't willing to voice it out loud in the day thread. If you have a suspicion, you should be able to voice it out loud for everyone to see so we can all discuss that and branch ideas off of it. You shouldn't hide it, even if it is just a scummy feeling on someone. Flare's reaction to the whole mayor thing was odd too, but like Zepher said we don't need to worry about splitting the vote because it's whoever has the most votes.

Vote: Trumpetking67 (Trumpetking67)

The thing about that, was that I wasn't sure if it was worth mentioning. I wanted to, but some people had already said things against that person, my reasoning for suspicion got a townie lynched in a similar way before, and that person cooled down a lot more. If you couldn't already guess, my original suspicion was Hinckley, but that has changed now.

You can't read can you? or you simply breeze over the topic and cross read everything! I explicitely said I was stepping out for 48 hours ... guess what it's been 46 hours and as stated I'm back!!!

What questions are you referring to? the only person who addressed me directly since Friday was Darthpotato (see below). Please quote any questions addressed to me directly and it wil lbe my pleasure to answer them. I read the whole thread from the moment I left and for the life of me cannot find what you are referring to (I think Scouty quoted me at one point and so did Calllmepie but I don't think they asked me a question)!!!

A while back, TinyPies asked you a question that I don't believe you ever addressed. That is what I was referring to. And yes, I can read.

Flare, not once was I a "strong supporter" of electing you as mayor. I said that someone like Cornelius is too valuable for townies to lose by conversion, which was brought up that the mayor would be a great conversion target.

Well, I'm now pretty sure that Big Cam is not a Joker or a Ghost-Killer. Let's hope he gets better soon. While he may not acknowledge that there's something wrong with him, we all certainly can see that he's behaving like a 3 year old. I know from experience how hard making noteworthy comments while cursed with an RP action is. Then again, I was scum in Forest 2 and I was using that to my advantage. Either way, I say we refrain judgement of Big Cam until he can make sense. Poor kid.

~Insectoid Aristocrat

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