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Eurobricks Mafia, Day Two: Moonlight Medicine.


Outside, below the big tree. Flare cries. "Pelly, c'mon! Don't do this! I can help you! Anything you want! Please, I beg you! I have a family! I love my mother. Please!"




"Please! Pel~"

With an echoing bang, Flare leaves this world.



Darkdragon stares through the window at the full moon. "Purrrrr-fect ! No matter how dire things are, I love the night. It's mrrarar-mazing!" She listens behind her. "That pun sucked."

While thinking up new ways to work cat noises into her monologue, she doesn't hear the padding behind her.


The hooded figure chuckles, "How about this: I'm about to commit a feline-y.


"I'm a Baast-ard! You know, like the ancient Egyptian cat god? No? Cat got your tongue? Pussing out? Um, I'm out." He slinks off into the night.



Cornelius Murdock has gotten up to greet the sunrise. "This is my first big day as mayor!"

A cloaked figure sneaks up behind him, silent as the wind.


It speaks. "Hold still."


"Requiescat in pace."


In the morning, def greets his guest.


"Gooooood morning. I trust you slept well on the unheated floor? Well, not Murdock. He's dead. He's Town. And Darkdragon is Town. And Flare is Town. And they're all dead. Good job. Let's see how today goes."


"Oh yes, your mayor died. Looks like you have something to do this morning. Vote for a new mayor. Get to work!"

The host

8366587329_f5cb7e71c8_m.jpg def

The players

8367654558_7a44e45e5b_m.jpg Shadows

8366587709_bcb3f79809_m.jpg CallMePie

8367654530_55f1761231_m.jpg Zepher

8366587733_4a71664b7e_m.jpg Dannylonglegs

8367654172_433ccd71da_m.jpg Adam

8367654018_375f2817f9_m.jpg Tamamono

8367654188_38315b4baf_m.jpg JimButcher

8366587923_a82fd13c4a_m.jpg Hinckley

8366587407_74a19fb57f_m.jpg Scouty

8367654502_57b160b963_m.jpg PirateDave84

8366587359_20533abd5a_m.jpg Nightshroud99

8367654310_8915fab957_m.jpg Trumpetking67

8367654398_828d934668_m.jpg badboytje88

8367654176_a3945a5f6f_m.jpg iamded

8367654386_5d57c31ab9_m.jpg DarthPotato

8366587941_ab72ce58a4_m.jpg Alopex

8367653982_9ccf4116e7_m.jpg Pandora

8366587971_34ff23fc85_m.jpg Big Cam

8366587929_f186946e0c_m.jpg Rick

8367654072_577a93dbb6_m.jpg TinyPiesRUs

8366587517_b3faa389b8_m.jpg Dragonator

The Deceased

8370714562_35304d695e_m.jpg Capt. Redblade (Town) Chopped up night zero.

8370714554_c7f12b825a_m.jpg Cecilie (Town) Smooshed the morning of day one.

8383954212_c8c951b706_m.jpg Flare (Town) Lynched on day one.

8382868891_b6b8fe8a0a_m.jpg Darkdragon (Town) Chopped to itty bitty pieces on Night one.

8383954176_812d65051a_m.jpg Cornelius Murdock (Town) Throat slit Night one.

Rules (deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to (knowingly) outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral)characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting will be done in the following format; Vote: Player. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Player. No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the mayor will decide the lynch, through their vote, or by PM if necessary. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

2.5. A mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the game day one. Voting for the mayor will be done in the following format:Mayor: Player. Unvoting for the mayor will not be allowed. One may vote for themselves. In the case of a tie, the first person to achieve that number will win. In the case that the mayor loses their life, a new mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the following game day. The mayors single duty will be that of tiebreaker.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. In the case of a unanimous vote, the day may end 24 hours early. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as any that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules may result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death upon further offense.

*tap dances in*

"Oh, we got death,

right here in EB Mafia,

With a capital "D"

and that rhymes with "T"

and that stands for Town!

Yes, they were all Town,

and we should feel down,

'cuz dead Townies are bad,

but I just can't help but sing and dane and be glad!"

*does a squishy tap solo in Cornelius's blood.*

*Stages an elaborate curtain call.*

*Comes out for encore round of bows*

*Catches a rose*


*Calls his Mom to tell her about the great performance*

Well shit. RIP Flare. :sadnew:

It looks like Cornelius was killed by someone new perhaps. That sort of kill wasn't present on day 1.

Did we establish that the serial killer uses a chainsaw? I guess we can't be sure, but it seems like the sort of weapon a maniac would use. I wonder why he/she would target Darkdragon of all people, I thought they usually pick silent folk.


Well well well! I find this morning's result quite interesting!!!!

My first question is: Whu Murdock? What had he done to warant his kiling?

I will go straight at it and say what everyone is thinking: with both DD and Flare being town, this is not looking good for Hincley!

And then this:

*tap dances in*

"Oh, we got death,

right here in EB Mafia,

With a capital "D"

and that rhymes with "T"

and that stands for Town!

Yes, they were all Town,

and we should feel down,

'cuz dead Townies are bad,

but I just can't help but sing and dane and be glad!"

*does a squishy tap solo in Cornelius's blood.*

*Stages an elaborate curtain call.*

*Comes out for encore round of bows*

*Catches a rose*


*Calls his Mom to tell her about the great performance*

Hinck .... WTF?

I will go straight at it and say what everyone is thinking: with both DD and Flare being town, this is not looking good for Hincley!

*Twirls in, leaping and bounding*

"Oh, what a beautiful mourning :wink:,

Oh, what a beautiful day,

What in the hell are you saying?

Not looking good in what way?

First, you are spelling my name wrong,

next you are making no sense.

How does that implicate me?

Maybe I'm a little dense."

*twirls and dances around Dave, awaiting a response*


I actually think there's a good chance that whoever killed Corny is the scum killer. DD was a weird choice for a scum kill, so I think it's likely that that's the vig/SK.

It's completely ridiculous how y'all still lynched Flare even after he started towntelling. :wall:

And now it seems Hinckley has been hit with a roleplaying action. Either that or he's scum and mocking us all. :hmph:

*Twirls in, leaping and bounding*

"Oh, what a beautiful mourning :wink:,

Oh, what a beautiful day,

What in the hell are you saying?

Not looking good in what way?

First, you are spelling my name wrong,

next you are making no sense.

How does that implicate me?

Maybe I'm a little dense."

*twirls and dances around Dave, awaiting a response*

Shit, another curse!

What I meant was that you were pretty intent on disproving DD yesterday .. and now she's dead; you led the lynch (and mayoral vote) on Flare ... and now he's dead ...

Since you won't be able to explain yourself clearly (see: in a not-anoying way) today, I doubt we will be able to get clear answers from you.

Well, things aren't looking too good this morning. :/ I admit that I would've gone after dark dragon again today, but turns out I was wrong. Maybe her killer was a vig going off my and Rick's suspicions, or maybe it was a scum killer trying to incriminate one or both of us. Who knows?

I am enjoying this show put on by Hinckley, though.

Damn, this sucks. With a third kill my guess is hat the scum was either able to recruit a new killer, or somehow gain another kill action.

Def do you want me to update the thread to say day 2?

Corny was probably killed by the scum killer, and Darkdragon by the psycho. Or maybe she was killed by the vigilante? I guess yesterdays chain saw kill could be attributed to the vigilante too, since Capt. Redblade was a quiet lurker, likely to be killed by a clueless vigilante the first night. Corny was almost definitely killed by the scum.

After a day and two nights I had hoped to see at least one dead scum by now. :sceptic:

The only consistent kill action we've seen from night to night so far is the chainsaw killer. I still don't have a strong feeling one way or the other whether this is the scum kill or not, and really I'm open to any theories.

If we do assume Corny was killed by the scum, then that seems like a big gamble on their part when their recruiting counter-parts may well have been trying to recruit Corny last night too. So either they didn't think their counterparts would try to recruit the newly elected Mayor, or (more worryingly) they knew they wouldn't because they've already teamed up. If they have teamed up then it will make behavioural patterns easier, but we've lost a significant advantage against them.

Neither Corny nor darkdragon strike me as sensible targets for the SK, and we know we have a psycho killer. I wondered if the psycho killer was just actually the vig, but then def said he 'wasn't a nice chap' and that we 'didn't want to be on his list' or something, implying that that role isn't a Town-friendly role.

*performs a modern dance solo*

When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars,

PirateDave is starting to spew megablocks, and what he's said seems a bit too far.

It's dawning on me that PirateDave is Scum,

Yes, he could be scum,

He could be scum,

It's possible he's scum.

First you vote for me for no reason,

Say that I committed no treason.

Then he votes for TinyPies,

But PMs him and says let's be allies.

I would have lynched dark Dragon,

She was Scum telling and red-flaggin',

Now that the chainsaw was used on her,

We won't have to waste a lynch on her,

Oh, Dave is Scum.

He could be scum.

* Don's a hippie wig and flower pants*

Let the sunshine in, let the sunshine in,

And all the megablocks out.

Dave could be the scum,

I don't think he's dumb,

But his accusation seems glum.

He says I'm implicated,

Because of the town eviscerated.

But that logic is obliterated.

I think he's trying to,

Manipulate all of you,

Into thinking I am a scummy-doo

Do any of you,

Think it could be true?

Doesn't it seem a little cuckoo?

*peaces out, gets naked and does interpretive dance*

Corny was probably killed by the scum killer, and Darkdragon by the psycho. Or maybe she was killed by the vigilante? I guess yesterdays chain saw kill could be attributed to the vigilante too, since Capt. Redblade was a quiet lurker, likely to be killed by a clueless vigilante the first night. Corny was almost definitely killed by the scum.

This sounds pretty on par with what I think most.of us are thinking.

I fear the mayor role.might be a death sentence.

I should have edited out some of Alophex's post, the thing in think most of us are thinking is Corneleus was killed by scum.

Now, this is just frustrating. We are down five townies after 2 nights!!! Aaaargh!! And not to mention that Hinck is cursed, we could be in for a lot of trouble.

*performs a modern dance solo*


*peaces out, gets naked and does interpretive dance*

I can't begin to say how much your singing and dancing annoys me!!!

My vote for TPRU was purely vindictive; my vote for you was based on how I was usedf to seeing you in Heartlake; thourough and analytical. Yesterday you were a dick and your posts seem to lack the usual analytical content they usually have and to me this was weird. My accusation is based on facts and we both know it.

I am not scum; I am alligned with the town.

Now, this is just frustrating. We are down five townies after 2 nights!!! Aaaargh!! And not to mention that Hinck is cursed, we could be in for a lot of trouble.

Don't forget about possible recruitings, too. Be on the lookout for any changed behaviors.

*Hinck appears in a little sailor suit and an Austrian hairpiece*

*Dances a little minuet*

There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall,

And the bells in the steeple too.

And up in the nursery and I'm certain little Dave is popping out to say cuckoo.


If you read my posts from yesterday,

I analyzed the day away.

So what the megabluck's...

With you?


So long, farewell, au revoir, auf weidezein,

Your accusations are seeming quite insane.

*Minuet, leap*

So long, farewell, auf weidezein, goodbye,

You're seeing things differently than I do through my eye.

*Minuet, minuet, leap, leap, leap*

I actually think there's a good chance that whoever killed Corny is the scum killer. DD was a weird choice for a scum kill, so I think it's likely that that's the vig/SK.

It's a very risky move for the scum killer though, given that a freshly elected mayor is likely to attract some more nocturnal action.

Damn, this sucks. With a third kill my guess is hat the scum was either able to recruit a new killer, or somehow gain another kill action.

Or we could simply have seen, in no particular order, the scum killer, psycho killer, and vigilante. But, you may be right, so let's not rule out a change of MO or multiple (scum) killers.

Corny was probably killed by the scum killer, and Darkdragon by the psycho. Or maybe she was killed by the vigilante? I guess yesterdays chain saw kill could be attributed to the vigilante too, since Capt. Redblade was a quiet lurker, likely to be killed by a clueless vigilante the first night. Corny was almost definitely killed by the scum.

The vigilante killing Redblade doesn't really make sense to me. It seems risky to kill anyone on night zero, especially with nothing to go on.

The only consistent kill action we've seen from night to night so far is the chainsaw killer. I still don't have a strong feeling one way or the other whether this is the scum kill or not, and really I'm open to any theories.

I agree. The chainsaw killer's night zero target could be seen as a typical SK target. But after all the attention she managed to attract on day one, Darkdragon doesn't seem like a typical SK target.

I've got to agree with Rick. Darkdragon had a fair amount of controversy surrounding her yesterday. It would have been a smarter scum kill than a SK kill. Scum kill people who are the center of attention because it makes the town turn on itself and discuss who was wrapped up in darkdragon conversations. Honestly, the scum probably weren't the ones either pro or con darkdragon. Or at least not the kill team...

It's intriguing to remember that the scum can not confirm each other. A particularly clever group of townies might be able to take them down by claiming to be a team of scummies. That would be interesting to see. Be paranoid scum.

A particularly clever group of townies might be able to take them down by claiming to be a team of scummies. That would be interesting to see. Be paranoid scum.

I'm sure that's crossed a number of people's minds, but why say it out loud? Why warn the scum like that and then urge them to be paranoid? :wacko:

Then he votes for TinyPies,

But PMs him and says let's be allies.

Oh, and is this true? Is it common knowledge? I looked back and couldn't see that it was, so what exactly happened here?

And Dave, you say your vote for TPRU was 'vindictive'? Is that all, or was there something more to it?

Oh, and is this true? Is it common knowledge? I looked back and couldn't see that it was, so what exactly happened here?

*dons a beutiful kitty cat costume and amazing whisker makeup. Pirrouettes and leaps with joy throughout the room, liquidly and gracefully. Meow!*


Will not help you in this case,

It was a potato

that was throw in this place.

TinyPies said

that Dave threw a potato too

saying "Sorry,

let's be friends, do!"

*looks at the moon and sheds a tear as he pirrouettes little ringlets around the room*

*dons a beutiful kitty cat costume and amazing whisker makeup. Pirrouettes and leaps with joy throughout the room, liquidly and gracefully. Meow!*

*looks at the moon and sheds a tear as he pirrouettes little ringlets around the room*

Sorry, I know there's serious scum hunting to be done, but that was such a beautiful vision. And rhyme. :cry_happy:


*lays gracefully under a street lamp, performing a modern dance solo*

Every street lamp

seems to whisper

vindictive is not a good reason,

to vote for another

That is not our objective,

Dave is totally cheesin'...

*meows and dances a beautiful ballet, swinging his tail in rythm*

Oh, and is this true? Is it common knowledge? I looked back and couldn't see that it was, so what exactly happened here?

And Dave, you say your vote for TPRU was 'vindictive'? Is that all, or was there something more to it?

I did contact TPRU and made it public during the night:

Posted Yesterday, 06:15 PM

Frankly when I intially voted for you it was solely based on how I knew you from Heartlake, and let's face it you were acting much differently (dicksish) and to me it was odd. Then I read Shadows point about this game not being all about meta gaming and I started to look for someone else to vote for and re-read the day thread. Then When TPRU voted for me because I tried to be helpful, I thought this was more worthy of my vote which let's face it was irrelevant. I PM'ed TPRU to explain my vote; I felt confident that he would not be lynched and I felt that his asking me why I wanted to be helpful was misdirected; why I got flak (from more than one player) for being helpful still kind of baffles me.

After the day was over, I apologized for my vote and asked if we could be friends. He replied that he was not sure why, besides being vindictive, I voted for him. I then said it was purtely vindictive and explained my take on Hinck's behaviour:

Sent Yesterday, 10:53 PM

It was a vindictive vote ... Sorry! I did not want to vote for Flare and I want to see how the Draggy, Shadows and Hinck argument/situation evolves!

Can I have your take on it?

Hinck is usually super analytical, even on day one, now ir seems like he's going all out at Shadows without putting much thought in his post; only looking to contradict Shadows.

I understand how my actions can be perceived; I like to be helpful and am a big proponent of full disclosure. I usually keep my private conversations to a minimum and post everything I think of in thread

Again, I hope we can look past today and hopefully work together!


Will not help you in this case,

It was a potato

that was throw in this place.

TinyPies said

that Dave threw a potato too

saying "Sorry,

let's be friends, do!"

Potato? What?

So TPRU discussed my PM with you right?

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