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The darkdragon situation is interesting because I never saw her as that suspicious but a few seemed to go after her with great diligence.

I pursued who I thought was suspicious, just as you have for yours. I realize that I was wrong but I still think she acted suspicious. :def_shrug:

Well those are crap results from the night. Not unexpected regarding Flare though, I did think that it was a rather bad bandwagon... ah well, onwards and upwards I hope.

Darkdragon being killed is very interesting. Why is it interesting? She and I were talking last night and she said she feared that she was going to be killed that night, and by the SK. She asked if I knew anyone that could protect her; unfortunately I do not at the moment. What I was curious to know was why she thought she was going to be killed, and by the SK of all people. She didn't want to answer that unfortunately as she was a bit paranoid I might be scum. Now it is too late.

She did however say that she had been talking to Hinckley during the night. Hinckley, who was keen to vote for her, and apparently says he still would have been. She also mentioned that a lot of what he said to her privately contradicted what he had been saying during the day. Sadly, that was all she wanted to share, perhaps you can enlighten us further Hinck? I would be very interested to know what you talked about to the person you were so very suspicious of yesterday.

However, I must admit, your Dave read isn't too far off of my read of him. His voting you to "even the vote" set off some red flags for me, and although I personally think his TP vote might not have been too far off (TP's usually a pretty hard read), the fact that he apparently contacted TP after voting him is completely whacko. Did he really do that? :look:

Why is evening the vote a bad thing? I don't get why it's perceived as bad?

What's wrong with me contacting a person I voted for with no susbstance to back my vote? I was very clear in my explanation to TPRU as to why I voted for him; I even made it public!!!

Evening out the vote can be seen as scummy, because it is just bandwagoning, really. Especially since evening out a vote typically states that you think that person is scummy, but vote for someone else to even things out. It can be found incredibly annoying and strange., since you aren't voting based on your opinion, but just to even things out. And not to mention that evening out the votes may cause a tie, which puts the final vote into the hands of the possibly scum mayor. It appears even more scummy though, because we aren't looking for a majority, but for whoever has the most votes.

Why is evening the vote a bad thing? I don't get why it's perceived as bad?

What's wrong with me contacting a person I voted for with no susbstance to back my vote? I was very clear in my explanation to TPRU as to why I voted for him; I even made it public!!!

Vote for who you think is scum, not for who would even the votes out. :hmpf: If we all tried to get along in our vote choices, scum would never get lynched.

And again, why would you vote someone you don't think is scum and then contact that person!? :facepalm: That makes no sense whatsoever.

Vote for who you think is scum, not for who would even the votes out. :hmpf: If we all tried to get along in our vote choices, scum would never get lynched.

I completely agree, evening out the vote makes no sense. Vote for who you think is scum, evening out the vote just screams, NO don't lynch so and so. That's suspicious.

*Pirrouettes onto stage wearing rags*

There's a potato in my pot.

DarkDragon left it there yesterday,

She wouldn't like me to relay,

not what she wrote in the potato in my pot.

I can, however, post what I told her,

but instead of posting I'll sing instead,

I could just quote the things I've said,

but I'd rather sing to the potato in my pot.

*waltzes sadly and poorly wearing rags and sweeping the floor while the French Revolution broils outside.*

*dons hippie Jesus gear again, but earlier and with more guitar. Rocks out some majorly cool modern dance riffs*

What's the Buzz, DD, what's happening?

What's the Buzz, DD, what's happening?

Did I hypothetically vote for you? Where and when and who and how?

I've hypothetically voted for quite a few people. And you seem Scummy to me now.

Do I have any reason to trust you? Your focus on the psycho is weird.

It's a really weird focus. Your strange perspective I haven't cleared.

What's the Buzz, DD, what's happening?

What's the Buzz, DD, what's happening?

*a dance break ensues, complete with dancing harlots and other sinners while Jesus relaxes and Judas watches, horrified, although still dancing*

If the vig is smart, he'll kill me tonight. I had the second highest votes.

Draggy and Shadows's vote surprised me. Strange that two jumped on their boat.

Oh, you say you think Amy is weird, why do you say that?

You say the accusation was false and fell flat.

*Huge guitar solo followed by a dance-off between me and myself. Wooo! Dance dance dance. Hippy dance. Rock out!*

*oh2* *oh2* *oh2* *oh2* *oh2* *oh2* *oh2* !!!

*dons the rags again and waltzes sadly and poorly, French Revolution, etc.*

DarkDragon had to be the psychiatrist,

that's why she wanted to find him

Doesn't it make a lot of sense?

Why she was afraid and so grim?

How sad she found him last night,

It must've given her quite a fright.

She gave herself away yesterday,

When she said we should focus on finding the SK...

*waltzes sadly and dirtily in rags while the French Revolution broils on the other side of the revolve*

That does make sense, unfortunately. :sceptic: Explains her behavior yesterday. Also explains why she brought up that idea (converting the serial killer) so early on.

And again, why would you vote someone you don't think is scum and then contact that person!? :facepalm: That makes no sense whatsoever.

Why not? He voted for me, I voted for him! Then I wanted to clear the air and see why he voted for me and at the same time I explained why I voted for him.

Think what you will; my intentions were good! I don't think it's scummy at all. If however you feel it is; then by all means vote for me!

Do we not need to elect a new mayor? Seeing what happened last night, I doubt a volunteer will come forward!! Anybody has any thoughts on whom we should nominate?

I completely agree, evening out the vote makes no sense. Vote for who you think is scum, evening out the vote just screams, NO don't lynch so and so. That's suspicious.

Even if this was my intention, which it was not, it would have proven to be valid this morning seeing that Flare was town!

DarkDragon had to be the psychiatrist,

I suppose that makes sense. :look: It would definitely explain why she was killed, at least.

But wait, does this mean no more psycho? That'd be pretty great. :sweet:

Why not? He voted for me, I voted for him! Then I wanted to clear the air and see why he voted for me and at the same time I explained why I voted for him.

You're kidding me with this, right? :hmpf: So you're saying that everyone who votes for you is vote-worthy, and thus scum? What if ten people had voted you, would this make them all scum?

Think what you will; my intentions were good! I don't think it's scummy at all. If however you feel it is; then by all means vote for me!

It'd be my pleasure. Are you going to OMGUS me too? :laugh:

*dons rags and waltzes, always waltzing and sadly dancing*

Back to the potato in my pot,

I guess I can post the actual quotes,

these are the things I said to her,

DarkDragon the victim of the psycho killer:

Where did I hypothetically vote for you? I thought I said TrumpetKing and then Flare. Yes, you seemed Scummy and still do. Do I have any reason to trust you?

The "evening things out" people are weird. I can't wrap my mind around what that would help. I supposed TPRU had a good explanation for the mayor vote, but the others are just weird. Was it Dave or Tammo who voted for me to even it out?

Well, your post about focusing on the psycho was weird. I think I fully explained it. It's those things people say before accusations start flying that we need to look at blips people make when defenses are down.

PirateDave was all over the place today and super defensive.

If there's a vig, they should go for me since I had the second highest number of votes. Shadows is always trying to manipulate me somehow but Draggy joining in feels weird. Especially so late in the day after he already had a chance to vote for me for the same reasons. All his reasons were things that happened before his post semi-defending Flare and weakly accusing me. And his meta-gaming: he told me in Ragnarok that ranting was my scum-tell and now he says its not ranting. :wacko: it just all feels weird to me.

Yes, I knew I had "voted" for her,

I find she can be sensitive,

That must be what she discussed,

the contradiction that has Draggy fussed.

Then she goes on about Amy,

How she think that his behavior is strange.

Amy's post was way too short in her eyes,

and what he said about Draggy was all lies.

But wait, does this mean no more psycho? That'd be pretty great. :sweet:


What in the hell's the matter with you?

Why would the psycho go adieu?

The psychiatrist has been taken out,

Now the pyscho is free to move about.

*dance and waltzes, eyeing Tammo suspiciously*

You're kidding me with this, right? :hmpf: So you're saying that everyone who votes for you is vote-worthy, and thus scum? What if ten people had voted you, would this make them

No, I had no idea who to vote for and did not want to be penalized; I much rather would have witheld my vote yesterday!

It'd be my pleasure. Are you going to OMGUS me too? :laugh:

And then a 6th townie will be dead and everyone will say "oh well! His behaviour was odd, I really though he was scum" such as was done today!!!

What in the hell's the matter with you?

Why would the psycho go adieu?

The psychiatrist has been taken out,

Now the pyscho is free to move about.

But you said she found him. :look: Was that just part of the song? :sceptic:

Who is Amy?

But you said she found him. :look: Was that just part of the song? :sceptic:

:facepalm: *glares at Tammo, and waltzes again, facepalming and waltzing, facepalming and waltzing.*

When I said she found him last night,

I was referring to the fact that she was killed.

"Found" means the chainsaw cut through her brain,

Makes me think the killer is still insane.

*Accidentally waltzes his foot right into Tammo's face. Waltzing, French Revolution, etc...*

Who is Amy?


:facepalm: *glares at Tammo, and waltzes again, facepalming and waltzing, facepalming and waltzing.*

When I said she found him last night,

I was referring to the fact that she was killed.

"Found" means the chainsaw cut through her brain,

Makes me think the killer is still insane.

Alright, that clears that up.

*Accidentally waltzes his foot right into Tammo's face. Waltzing, French Revolution, etc...*


Who is Amy?

*waltzes and :hmpfs: but joyously dances and sings. :grin: Joy! Waltz, sad, dirty, rags, French Revolution, revolve, waltz*

Amy is also iamded,

that is what people call him

he is actually a little girl,

Don't eat her sausage, you will hurl.

:wacko: ? waltzing, waltzing, waltzing*

Even if this was my intention, which it was not, it would have proven to be valid this morning seeing that Flare was town!

By chance, unless your telling us you either knew for a fact that flare was town, or you knew for a fact that Hinckley was scum. If you didn't know one of those two things, then evening out the vote made no sense.

Well thanks for sharing your thoughts, I'd be more interested to know what hers were though. Did she mention any suspicions regarding the psycho?

I'm not convinced she is the psychiatrist, that seems a little too convenient. She seemed positive that the psycho was going to kill her last night though, I want to know what made her so positive of that. Did she tell you at all?

Your quotes are somewhat lacking in timestamps I notice.

*takes a deep breath, straps the tap shoes on, straw hat, white cane*

*marches and grape vines, marches and grape vines*

That's right, we got trouble, right here in EB Mafia.

With a capital 'T' that rhymes with 'P' and that stand for Potato!

Now, I know all you folks heard Darth Potato say,

that the killer should've let DD live.

He said she would've made an easy lynch so why kill her?

That's a thought the Scum would give!

Now while I think it was the psycho that did her in,

Why did Potato not think of the vig?

Since then he's said crazy things about how,

he thinks the killer would be less likely to be lynched and now,

The rambling Potato's Scum tells are pretty big.

*dance break, tappity tap*

Good points. Although Darkdragon's killer always could have just killed her because she seemed scummy in the day thread. And it would make sense for Cornelius to be killed by the scum because this was that killer's first kill tonight, and it'd be risky for them to kill on Night Zero. But like you said, my theory makes no sense if Darkdragon's killer was Town.

Then there's this from Mr. Potato, the man

who rambles about the kill

He seems to know that the sword wielder

was a separate and new blood spill

Can anybody tell for sure and what do people think?

Was the differing MO mean a new killer so there's three killers on the brink?

Cause this could be the trouble with the capital "T"

that I spoke of recently.

*tappity tappity tap tap tap, shuffle shuffle tap tap tappity tap tap tap*

Oh, yes, we got trouble,

Right here in EB Mafia,

With a capital "T" and that rhymes with "Z" and that stands for Zepher!

Someone pointed out before that the post from this man,

Sound likes warnings across the land.

For the Scum to be careful but also come running

and NightShroud did it too.

I don't think that the man was funning

or I could always be wrong too.

but Cornelius called him out for it last night.

*hush, softshoe, hush, softshoe, dance dance dance, tappity, softshoe shuffle softshoe shuffle*

You see, NightShroud suggested that the convicted Townie

would try to appeal to the Scum

Revealing a tactic and a potential gambit that he might've thought was

yet to come!

It could've been that he was really concerned,

but also that the Scum team he thought should be werned

or a signal to Flare (:wink:)

to tell him the tactic to bare.

*tappity tappity, march march march. Marches around with a sousaphone and dances on a xylophone. Drum line, march, clarinet solo, dance, march, dance, march, dance!*

Since I don't want to seem too narrow-focused, I have to agree that your reasoning in voting yesterday was pretty dumb, Dave. It wasn't even an "oh I think this guy is suspicious", it was an "oh I'm going to vote for someone nobody has voted for, for no reason, so that nobody can blame me for anything later".


Hmm, Hinck I do believe that could mean Trouble with a capital T.

...dammit if you make me start dancing I'm going to break one of your legs.

Well thanks for sharing your thoughts, I'd be more interested to know what hers were though. Did she mention any suspicions regarding the psycho?

I'm not convinced she is the psychiatrist, that seems a little too convenient. She seemed positive that the psycho was going to kill her last night though, I want to know what made her so positive of that. Did she tell you at all?

Your quotes are somewhat lacking in timestamps I notice.

*once again dons the rags and waltzes*

There is a feature on this board,

when somebody deletes a PM,

I cannot quote them anymore,

that's why the timestamps are no more.

DarkDragon cannot stand when people quote,

PMs from her in a Mafia game,

I am respecting her beliefs,

So I will not share her motifs.

I can't see what else she would be,

or why you would deny so vehemently.

She even said the psycho could be cured

and be our vig if the psychiatrist endured.

She never said anything to me

about the killer or being the psych,

The thought just suddenly hit me,

Remembering what she said yester...dee :blush:

*waltzes, plays with the dolly, is fostered by cruel innkeeper, waltzing, waltzing, waltzing.*

Hmmm, she said the psycho could be cured? I must have missed that in my skim reading drowsiness. In which case, why does Darth Potato think there is a third killer? We can't have 2 vigs, that would be silly. Or am I reading your songs wrong now?

Trouble with a capital T!

I didn't realise she could delete the timestamps on your posts, but ok.

Since I don't want to seem too narrow-focused, I have to agree that your reasoning in voting yesterday was pretty dumb, Dave. It wasn't even an "oh I think this guy is suspicious", it was an "oh I'm going to vote for someone nobody has voted for, for no reason, so that nobody can blame me for anything later".

*Jesus and hippie dancing again*

What's the buzz, Draggy, what's happening?

What's the buzz, Draggy, what's happening?

Draggy, this is quite true and I remarked on it on Day One,

When Dave placed his vote for the gay one. (that's me)

He said he didn't suspect me.

So if I was lynched, he'd be guilt-free.

What's the buzz, Draggy, what's happening?

What's the buzz, Draggy, what's happening?

*hippie dances like Jesus*

I didn't realise she could delete the timestamps on your posts, but ok.

*Quick costume change to rags and starts waltzing again*

She cannot delete time stamps,

She can just delete the thread.

After that I cannot click quote,

It's like being on a sinking boat.


*waltzes and hums, French Revolution, etc.*

*opens an umbrella and dons a rain coat. Tappity tappity splash splash tappity tappity splash*

I'm Singin' by the brains.

Just singing by the brains.

The brains of our murdered friends

Answering Draggy again.

There are three different MOs.

Chandelier, chainsaw and slit throat,

Now do you suppose,

there are three killer goats?

I'm picking your brains,

how many have slain?

I'd like to know your feelings,

do 3 MOs contain

Three killers...spilling our brains.

*tappity tap splash, tappity tappity tap splash*

She cannot delete time stamps,

She can just delete the thread.

After that I cannot click quote,

It's like being on a sinking boat.

Convenient. Your whole day keeps coming back to someone who very clearly stated to me that you looked like scum or at the very least weren't behaving normally (she even speculated that it could be your SK game) and she's dead. Her death didn't make a lot of sense to me when I first read it, given that she was already suspected and would have probably had a hard time surviving today, but now it's becoming crystal clear.

The funny thing is that in all of our discussion of this game, she never seemed obsessed with the SK at all, so your conclusion that she must have been the psychiatrist only makes me that much more suspicious that you could have jumped to a wrong conclusion there and thought you needed her dead to protect yourself. To be fair, I know what your normal SK game looks like, I remember it all too clearly from your botched attempt to kill me in MC2, but I think you learned what metagame killing me gets you from your horrible failure in Ragnarok and wouldn't repeat that mistake so soon.

Still, once a witch, always a witch.

Mayor: Hinckley

Survive the night and we'll know the truth.

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