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The Blitz-zard! - The Walls of Arkursa

Chronicles of the Urtican, Chapter Two:

Ruin. Time and cold have taken their toll on our cities and people. Our sleep was long and the world was cruel. The teeth of time have slowly devoured homes and lives. The frigid winds too have slowly devolved much of our former greatness.

But not all is lost. The wall of our nation still stand. Our ancestors toil was not in vain for the walls they built continue to live on.

Our future shows promise. We will rebuild what once was great. We will fortify our cities once again. We will rise up and make our ancestors proud. We live on...

Read the rest of the story here: The Chronicles of the Urtican

]Eilonwy77, http://www.flickr.com/photos/nannanz/8385518926/in/photostream/]Nannan Z., http://www.flickr.com/photos/68922418@N00/8384428935/]-Pendragon-, http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcdenbesten/8385511070/]'Ecclesiastes, , , , , ]Si-MOCs, ]Blake's Baericks, http://www.flickr.com/photos/legocy/8384461589/]Siercon and Coral

Check out the for all our pictures, tutorials, discussions and more!

Edited by DNL


Chronicles of the Urtican, Chapter Three:

Not just our cities will be rebuilt, but our bodies too. Time spent in slumber has weakened our once great bodies. A warrior race, reduced to feeble frames. But our minds still endure. The knowledge passed down by our ancestors remains. The old will teach the young and together we will regain our strength and might. The masters will craft great protectors to keep us from harm. We live on...

Read the rest of the story here: The Chronicles of the Urtican

Eilonwy77, Nannan Z., -Pendragon-, 'Ecclesiastes, Sirens-Of-Titan, -infomaniac-, ZCerberus, Legohaulic, Wunztwice, Si-MOCs, Blake's Baericks, :Jovian:, Siercon and Coral

Check out the Urtica group on Flickr for all our pictures, tutorials, discussions and more!



VIDEO of the MOC in action!

Chronicles of the Urtican Chapter 7: One Step Too Far

They will not all come with good intentions. Malice and greed fill their hearts. They will seek to take what they do not possess. But the power of the ancients flows through us. The forces of nature are at our command. The very ground upon which they stand does our will. We live on...


Special credit to our MOD I Scream Clone for the snow inspiration and to all the flash MOCers for ideas on the rest.


Check Out the Rest of the Flash MOC



Chronicles of the Urtican Chapter 11: Tower of Taxes

At last, that triumphant day will come. Our enemies will kneel at our feet and beg us for their life. We will be merciful but their life will come at a price. Those who wish to remain in our lands will live under Urtican Law. Tribute will be collected in exchange for safety within our walls. We live on...

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