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Rick is checking the wall for loose bricks.


"There's gotta be a way out. I'm always taken out by day two. I'm lucky to have lived this long!"

A dark figure slides up behind him.


"Can I help you with anything?"

"Yeah, look for loose ~ wha? No!"


The figure lays Rick down and slices his throat.

"Requiescat in pace."


Hours later, another figure sidles up to Pirate Dave, who is doing nothing in particular.


"Ke ke ke!"

He fires up his chainsaw, which strangely doesn't wake anyone else in the fortress.


When he is finished, Dave is in pieces on the floor.


Later in the night, another figure approaches the scattered corpse of PirateDave.


"What the heck? Now what am I supposed to do today?" The figure slinks off into the darkness.


Meanwhile, Thomas has taken Hinckley to the basement.



I can still tend the rabbits, Thomas? I didn't mean no harm, Thomas."

Thomas indulges him. "Yes, you can still tend the - chk chk - rabbits." And then Hinck is gone.


Def comes out, to share the news.


"Good morning, everyone. You'll be not particularly surprised to learn that the town is down three more townies today. How did it come to this? Well, that will be revealed all in due time."


"Now, let me say this: the death of Rick should be like the canary in the mineshaft for you. Rick's death in these things is always a dark omen. As well as a 0% rate of killing scum. That's a real bleak omen. While all is not lost, it's not so far off if you don't stop haemorrhaging townies."

He pauses, deep in reflection.

"I do have one more treat for you. One more guest. Thomas has been working on it since day one. Your lynch assassin for today:"



"Unfortunately, Cecilie has no voice box, and cannot speak. Now please, vote for a mayor. And maybe let them live this time


The host

8366587329_f5cb7e71c8_m.jpg def

The players

8367654558_7a44e45e5b_m.jpg Shadows

8366587709_bcb3f79809_m.jpg CallMePie

8367654530_55f1761231_m.jpg Zepher

8367654172_433ccd71da_m.jpg Adam

8367654018_375f2817f9_m.jpg Tamamono

8367654188_38315b4baf_m.jpg JimButcher

8366587407_74a19fb57f_m.jpg Scouty

8366587359_20533abd5a_m.jpg Nightshroud99

8367654310_8915fab957_m.jpg Trumpetking67

8367654398_828d934668_m.jpg badboytje88

8367654176_a3945a5f6f_m.jpg iamded

8367654386_5d57c31ab9_m.jpg DarthPotato

8366587941_ab72ce58a4_m.jpg Alopex

8367653982_9ccf4116e7_m.jpg Pandora

8366587971_34ff23fc85_m.jpg Big Cam

8367654072_577a93dbb6_m.jpg TinyPiesRUs

8366587517_b3faa389b8_m.jpg Dragonator

The Deceased

8370714562_35304d695e_m.jpg Capt. Redblade (Town) Chopped up night zero.

8370714554_c7f12b825a_m.jpg Cecilie (Town) Smooshed the morning of day one.

8383954212_c8c951b706_m.jpg Flare (Town) Lynched on day one.

8382868891_b6b8fe8a0a_m.jpg Darkdragon (Town) Chopped to itty bitty pieces on Night one.

8383954176_812d65051a_m.jpg Cornelius Murdock (Town) Throat slit Night one.

8382868881_04f6a4f061_m.jpg Dannylonglegs (Town) Got in the way of wild horses on Day two

8394073577_6db0c88c17_m.jpg Hinckley (Town) Lynched Day two.

8394073579_5cb52c90e3_m.jpg Rick (Town) Throat slit Night two

8395157916_c24c17e2a5_m.jpg PirateDave (Town) Chopped up Night two

Rules (deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to (knowingly) outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral)characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting will be done in the following format; Vote: Player. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Player. No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the mayor will decide the lynch, through their vote, or by PM if necessary. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

2.5. A mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the game day one. Voting for the mayor will be done in the following format:Mayor: Player. Unvoting for the mayor will not be allowed. One may vote for themselves. In the case of a tie, the first person to achieve that number will win. In the case that the mayor loses their life, a new mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the following game day. The mayors single duty will be that of tiebreaker.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. In the case of a unanimous vote, the day may end 24 hours early. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as any that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules may result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death upon further offense.

That's just perfect, another day of complete losses. :hmpf:

It's kind of sad that we were actually working together and trying to save Hinck at the end and it still didn't help. Worse, someone apparently got to him (gee, it's so hard to figure out who was more interested in saving her own megablocks than helping the town, isn't it, but wait, she's more important than he was as she made clear to us) and we're left with his misplaced suspicion of me, as well as his list of other suspects that included Dave who is now vindicated by his own death. Also interesting to note that Dave voted for the same person Hinck was so certain was scum until literally the last hour and a half or so.

For those who wonder, this is the beginning of what convinced me to change my vote and I wish like hell others had listened, but as I told him when he asked, it was really too late to get enough people to see the light.

Yes, there seems to be a case against Pandora, judging by Scouty and I comparing notes. When I put some of her quotes together though, they start to make more sense.

My feeling is, she was the person contacting me the most during the day. She kept pushing in weird ways and said all these things I had done which she was wrong about and then clarified and got back on track. But basically, she advised me to reveal Scouty and now she thinks it was wrong. Granted, she didn't have all the evidence at first but tells me I should've talked to him longer. She's accusing me of knowing it was a Town gambit and trying to get him lynched. That's far-fetched. She thinks PirateDave seems like a Townie. She said something weird about revealing my role to her, that has somehow disappeared. Can't find it.

She told Scouty things I was saying, didn't tell me she was talking to him. And weirdest of all, she said if I was Town, then Scouty would be lynched. That doesn't make any sense. If everyone believes Scouty now, why not tomorrow? My case is about Scouty's Scum tells (perceived) and nobody agrees. My Town corpse won't change that. Scum perspective.

Dave seems Scummy too. Zepher, JimB.

It's obvious he was trying to consider all possibilities and even looking to trust Pandora, but by the end of the discussion he suggested voting for her and that's what we did. As you may have read in the night topic, I asked Scouty and he was as surprised as I was at the change of direction at the end. I don't know the specifics of how he went from there to suspecting me when I believed the case he had made and voted accordingly, but I don't regret my vote and barring something amazing and unforeseen, intend to repeat it today.

To me, the things he said outline a very clear case of traditional scum manipulation, namely saying some things that make sense, vouching for one legitimate townie to appear to be one yourself, and a lot of weidness and as Hinck called it, "scum perspective", basically revealing yourself as scum by forgetting to think like a townie, namely in the obligatory setup for the next day, saying that if Hinck is town Scouty would be lynched. That's a preposterous proposition and one that he seemed particularly bothered by.

And now, I'll wait for the obvious attack to start. Or better yet, I won't. I'll go to bed and let things get in full swing before I deal with the lies and nonsense many hours from now. Have fun with that.

I wonder if this is like another game of def's where we are all town or something like that. This just doesn't make sense.

Either way I've got a good idea on who to vote for today.

Well I have to say I do regret terribly voting for Hinck and I regret not changing my vote even more! I do have to say that I am kind of baffled that Pandora is still alive. I thought she would have been targeted by either the serial killer or the vigilante.

Ah... well this sucks. I think Hinckley's allegiance will shed some suspicion on me for sure today, but I'll try the best I can to defend myself from any accusations. I'm a little surprised about Dave, with his voting patterns and him changing his votes and all it was kind of sketchy, but I guess we have confirmation on him now.

Oh, and it looks like we need to vote for a new mayor again. But I don't think we'll be getting any volunteers...

OMG, h0w c0u1d H!nck fl!p t0wn!? :wall: P!r4t3 d4v3 2, ! th0ught 4 sure h3'd b scummm. :hmpf_bad:

I wonder if this is like another game of def's where we are all town or something like that. This just doesn't make sense.

Either way I've got a good idea on who to vote for today.

wh4t r u t41kn 4b0ut? :wacko: d3f n3v3r h0st3d 4 g4m3 1!k3 th4t. th4t w4s t0t411y t1nyp!3srus. 1!k3, t0t411y. :hmpf:

! d0n't n0 w4t w3'r3 g0nn4 do n0w. m0st 0f my scumr34ds h4v3 41r34dy f1!pp3d t0wn. :facepalm: ! rly c4nt th1nk of 4ny1 t0 v0t3 4 m4yr 3!ther. :sceptic:

O great and powerful def, may we know the allegiance of DannyLongLegs who was trampled by horses yesterday?

First off, I'm not surprised that any of the dead are town. Hinckley and I were working closely together in the final moments of yesterday, having agreed with each other that we're both town. That's why he unvoted me. He could easily have left his vote on me to try to save himself. Same with Rick, another good townie lost, and another ally who was questioning events from the same stand point as me yesterday. Oh, and Dave, yeah he voted for me, but remember how suspicious it was (apparently) when I said I thought he was town, and everyone else disagreed. I expect the argument that I may have had Rick or Dave killed to provide this argument, however both of them? For the record, I didn't have either killed, because I'm town.

It's kind of sad that we were actually working together and trying to save Hinck at the end and it still didn't help.

Yeah, me too. Hinck left me his real reasons for voting for me in the first place, and all that notwithstanding, as I've already said, it is obvious he and I were working together at the end of the day. Which is why he unvoted me.

It's obvious he was trying to consider all possibilities and even looking to trust Pandora, but by the end of the discussion he suggested voting for her and that's what we did.

Yup, see above, and then he unvoted me.

To me, the things he said outline a very clear case of traditional scum manipulation, namely saying some things that make sense, vouching for one legitimate townie to appear to be one yourself, and a lot of weidness and as Hinck called it, "scum perspective", basically revealing yourself as scum by forgetting to think like a townie, namely in the obligatory setup for the next day, saying that if Hinck is town Scouty would be lynched.

You yourself think like a scum, you often say so. If you really think that I can manipulate Hinckley, of all people, then you are sorely misguided. If you think I can do so in a few hours, then... that's kinda a compliment, even though it's wrong.

I wonder if this is like another game of def's where we are all town or something like that. This just doesn't make sense.

I'm sorry Cam, but this strikes me as a very scummy thing to say. Who do you propose is killing all these people then?

Well I have to say I do regret terribly voting for Hinck and I regret not changing my vote even more! I do have to say that I am kind of baffled that Pandora is still alive. I thought she would have been targeted by either the serial killer or the vigilante.

How do you know I haven't been targeted by the serial killer? He's the day killer.

I'm pretty sure I haven't because it looked to me like the day killer wanted to target Dave, but someone else got there first. You didn't mention this, though, which is odd.

Ah... well this sucks. I think Hinckley's allegiance will shed some suspicion on me for sure today, but I'll try the best I can to defend myself from any accusations. I'm a little surprised about Dave, with his voting patterns and him changing his votes and all it was kind of sketchy, but I guess we have confirmation on him now.

Oh, and it looks like we need to vote for a new mayor again. But I don't think we'll be getting any volunteers...

And this sounds very much like a pre-emptive guilty conscience.

Before this turns into the Pandora vs Shadows show, lets not have a rerun of yesterday, where all other concerns fall by the wayside. I'd like to start with us each giving some time to think about Zepher. Quiet little Zepher, who's been almost mouse-like, but when he has appeared he's done some odd things, like trying to unnecessarily even up a lynch vote, and broadcasting loudly about potential gambits for all to hear. Hinck found him most odd too, so I think this is worth a bit of exploration.

Additionally, it's now evident who's been hit with the crappy roleplay stick today. :wacko:

:ugh: My hopes aren't high at this point. 6 townies down already. :sceptic: I probably should've unvoted Hinck - and was considering it - but the day was almost over and he seemed to be flailing suspicions are everyone he'd found suspicious so far. :sadnew: And this is why, now his two highest suspects are probably going to spend all day attacking eachother.

Before this turns into the Pandora vs Shadows show, lets not have a rerun of yesterday, where all other concerns fall by the wayside. I'd like to start with us each giving some time to think about Zepher. Quiet little Zepher, who's been almost mouse-like, but when he has appeared he's done some odd things, like trying to unnecessarily even up a lynch vote, and broadcasting loudly about potential gambits for all to hear. Hinck found him most odd too, so I think this is worth a bit of exploration.

This could be completely reasonable or an attempt to deflect suspicion that has a positive spin on it. But Hinck was suspicious of him, and he has been quite quiet...

OMG, h0w c0u1d H!nck fl!p t0wn!? :wall: P!r4t3 d4v3 2, ! th0ught 4 sure h3'd b scummm. :hmpf_bad:

wh4t r u t41kn 4b0ut? :wacko: d3f n3v3r h0st3d 4 g4m3 1!k3 th4t. th4t w4s t0t411y t1nyp!3srus. 1!k3, t0t411y. :hmpf:

! d0n't n0 w4t w3'r3 g0nn4 do n0w. m0st 0f my scumr34ds h4v3 41r34dy f1!pp3d t0wn. :facepalm: ! rly c4nt th1nk of 4ny1 t0 v0t3 4 m4yr 3!ther. :sceptic:

I almost wish Scubacarrot was here. :snicker:

Hinckley did find me odd. He even messaged me telling me so before he died. I told him I found him odd in response. But now it is clear that I was wrong. It is interesting, however, that no matter how odd he found me, he VOTED for you, Pandora. You can say he wanted me gone all you want... but he clearly felt that you were a good lynch option, because, you know, he publicly said so.

I was the first to vote for Hinck, and I was sure of the conviction until the end of the day. Hinckley usually plays with his cards close to his chest and writes plays and then lets people figure out how guilty they think someone is before he tells everyone about WHO it is. This time he pretty much blew the cover off the story right away. I didn't like it, and I didn't trust it.

While I'm not the most credible source after the lynch yesterday, I still have a number of suspects. Big Cam remains high on my list for the same reasons as Day One. He has given nothing to the town. At all. The first day people excused him because of his Roleplay action, but that's no longer a thing, and he still is giving nothing but crack-pot theories. Tammo too has been pinging my radar for days. Nothing in particular, just siding early against town, making posts that are accusatory and vague (like this one against him :blush: ), things of that nature.

That being said, my biggest suspect today IS Pandora. Hinckley and Scouty compared notes and they both found her suspect. Hinckley is confirmed town, and I think Scouty's action is at least one I believe in, which makes him slightly more credible than a lot of other players. When voting rolls around, I think Pandora will receive my vote.

Hinckley did find me odd. He even messaged me telling me so before he died. I told him I found him odd in response. But now it is clear that I was wrong. It is interesting, however, that no matter how odd he found me, he VOTED for you, Pandora. You can say he wanted me gone all you want... but he clearly felt that you were a good lynch option, because, you know, he publicly said so.

You are wilfully ignoring the most salient point. That Hinck UNVOTED me, because we were working together and he believed (rightly) that I am town. If you're putting stock in dead men's words you're looking in the wrong place, which is one of the reasons I am looking at you.

The fact that you are willing to only focus on the earlier events of yesterday is intriguing. You comments have been pointed out by others, but you were ignored in the mess that was yesterday, and now you're trying to push today in the same direction.

Read back, Hinck UNVOTED me. Rick was arguing from the same stand point as me. I was telling Scouty I thought he (Scouty) was town. I gave my opinion on Dave that he was probably town. These are not scum actions or points of view. I believe I was probably left alive because the scum felt I would be an easy lynch today. Not so, not if I can help it.

I'm sorry Cam, but this strikes me as a very scummy thing to say. Who do you propose is killing all these people then?

Really? Me thinking EVERYONE in the game is a townie sounds scummy. So your saying I'm the only scum in the game? Think about that for a second.

I am not certain of anything, I do remember playing one of def's games where everyone was town, and every time we lynched someone they showed up as town but then they were allowed one kill as a dead person, so every time we lynched a town (since we were all town) we ended up loosing double the townies. No one figured it out until the end. It was the game with cards like tarrot cards, I'm on my phone right now son I can't get you the specific thread or title, I just can't pit my finger on it, but it's there.

I'm not saying thisnisnthe same but maybe it's another twisted version of a mafia game. Since you usually at least stumble upon a scum by now with all these deaths.

Well, things are not looking good. :sceptic: It would appear we have a choice between Shadows and Pandora today for the lynch, although there are many others who deserve scrutiny. Badboy, Zepher, Tammo, and Big Cam all have pinged my radar. Badboy and Tammo have both been indecisive and seem to have been jumping bandwagons the past few days. I can understand why you be cautious to lynch someone who you're not sure of, but the votes are just flying. And they seem unjustified. All four of these people have provided very little substance with their posts, and in my eyes have not helped the town one bit. Now, with the number of townies already dead, we can't just vote off the unhelpful, but I think these four deserve a little more scrutiny.

Another thing I wish to bring up is how two killers seemed to have targeted PirateDave last night. Could one of them have possibly been the day killer? I suppose we'll see later on today, but what's concerning is that this time the killer was actually shown at night. I sure hope we don't have four killers on our hands...

And speaking of which, we have yet to see the results on Dannylonglegs. Unless he has somehow risen from the dead.

Really? Me thinking EVERYONE in the game is a townie sounds scummy. So your saying I'm the only scum in the game? Think about that for a second.

I am not certain of anything, I do remember playing one of def's games where everyone was town, and every time we lynched someone they showed up as town but then they were allowed one kill as a dead person, so every time we lynched a town (since we were all town) we ended up loosing double the townies. No one figured it out until the end. It was the game with cards like tarrot cards, I'm on my phone right now son I can't get you the specific thread or title, I just can't pit my finger on it, but it's there.

I'm not saying thisnisnthe same but maybe it's another twisted version of a mafia game. Since you usually at least stumble upon a scum by now with all these deaths.

That's quite a reaction there Cam. I remember that game too, I played it as well (and I won, which was nice). I even remember a comment about the number of dead players reading the day thread might have given the mechanics away, and there are a lot of dead players reading. However, the number of kills, as I said, makes this a very different circumstance. It has crossed my mind that def would lock us in here to metagame ourselves to death, but that was a Mafystery game. This is a Mafia game. So I ask again, who do you think is killing all these people?

Another thing I wish to bring up is how two killers seemed to have targeted PirateDave last night. Could one of them have possibly been the day killer? I suppose we'll see later on today, but what's concerning is that this time the killer was actually shown at night. I sure hope we don't have four killers on our hands...

I mentioned that.

And speaking of which, we have yet to see the results on Dannylonglegs. Unless he has somehow risen from the dead.

And I mentioned that too.

Well, things are not looking good. :sceptic: It would appear we have a choice between Shadows and Pandora today for the lynch, although there are many others who deserve scrutiny. Badboy, Zepher, Tammo, and Big Cam all have pinged my radar. Badboy and Tammo have both been indecisive and seem to have been jumping bandwagons the past few days. I can understand why you be cautious to lynch someone who you're not sure of, but the votes are just flying. And they seem unjustified. All four of these people have provided very little substance with their posts, and in my eyes have not helped the town one bit. Now, with the number of townies already dead, we can't just vote off the unhelpful, but I think these four deserve a little more scrutiny.

Well I understand why I beeped your radar. But there really at this point isn't much for me to add. I have no way of finding out if someone is townie or not and all I can do is vote. Both days I was quite late with my vote so a lot of reasons and arguments to vote for said person had already been given. Since repeating the same thing others have said isn't helping either I chose to keep my posts short. So I am sorry for not adding much of reasoning to my vote.

def has expressly told us the twist. He is not likely to tell us one twist and then make up another... :sceptic:

And your logic at the beginning of the post is assuming that you believe everyone is townies. Pandora would not assume that you believe it, she's accusing you of random lying.

You're right, Pandora, Hinckley did unvote you. But his explanation for doing so went something like this:

"Pandora, I may have been wrong about you. I'll explain in my next song"

and then in the next song...

"Pandora, if you're town..."

No real explanation. Perhaps he stopped trusting Scouty, but I think that he and Scouty were on to something. The other big candidate he shouted out was Shadows... who is confusing as always. I admit, his "can't be converted, could be converted" deal is suspicious, and if something more surfaced against him, I'd be interested to hear it. But it still sounds like you were lying to a lot of people through PM/playing them against each other, and I stick to "lynch all liars". Unless you were trying to act scummy to draw out scum (either Scouty or Hinckley.... both of whom were admittedly suspected of being scum)... my head hurts. I hate that the town has to act scummy. It makes the townies seem untrustworthy and gives the scum an excellent excuse when called out.

Hinckley's other listed suspects were Dave, Nightshroud and Potato. Dave has already been cleared... my two suspects I'd go after today would be Pandora and Shadows, but I REALLY do think there's something up with Big Cam.

How do you know I haven't been targeted by the serial killer? He's the day killer.

I'm pretty sure I haven't because it looked to me like the day killer wanted to target Dave, but someone else got there first. You didn't mention this, though, which is odd.

The day time kill totally slipped my mind! Well I personally am not sure that the third killer we saw last night is the same guy as the day time killer. Who knows maybe it is someone totally different altogether.

So your saying I'm the only scum in the game?

Oh, and was this a confession? Because it's patently obvious that I have accused others today.

Still lonely, without a conversion, perhaps?

I mentioned that.

And I mentioned that too.


Well I understand why I beeped your radar. But there really at this point isn't much for me to add. I have no way of finding out if someone is townie or not and all I can do is vote. Both days I was quite late with my vote so a lot of reasons and arguments to vote for said person had already been given. Since repeating the same thing others have said isn't helping either I chose to keep my posts short. So I am sorry for not adding much of reasoning to my vote.

There is so much more that you can do besides vote. Don't be so helpless. Read what's been said, analyze it, and contribute to the discussion. It's not difficult, but the way you're playing now is only helping the scum (if you're not scum yourself).

No real explanation. Perhaps he stopped trusting Scouty, but I think that he and Scouty were on to something.

If Hinck, knowing he was about to be lynched, had felt that either myself or Scouty were scum, he would have voted for either of us. Simple as that. He had plenty of time, and of course he said 'if' because how can anyone know anyone else is town?

my two suspects I'd go after today would be Pandora and Shadows,

And trying to push us down the path of ignoring everything else.

Well I understand why I beeped your radar. But there really at this point isn't much for me to add. I have no way of finding out if someone is townie or not and all I can do is vote. Both days I was quite late with my vote so a lot of reasons and arguments to vote for said person had already been given. Since repeating the same thing others have said isn't helping either I chose to keep my posts short. So I am sorry for not adding much of reasoning to my vote.

I heard from Hinck that you were combing through all the posts looking for inconsistencies and scumtells. Found anything yet? We're on day three, after all.

There is so much more that you can do besides vote. Don't be so helpless. Read what's been said, analyze it, and contribute to the discussion. It's not difficult, but the way you're playing now is only helping the scum (if you're not scum yourself).

Oh believe me, I have been reading. Trying to find someone who slips up but it's so hard! We have Town trying to act a bit Scummy while still remaining Townish then on the other hand we have Scum trying to act like a Towny trying to act a bit Scummy while still remaining Townish... Not to speak of any third parties... My head hurts trying to write that sentence down.

I heard from Hinck that you were combing through all the posts looking for inconsistencies and scumtells. Found anything yet? We're on day three, after all.

So far I've been quite unsuccessful...

He did vote for you. Why did he unvote you? We only have the case AGAINST you in the open. So tell us at least some of what you told Hinck to change his mind... unless it's secretive and an action... which I guess would actually make sense. :blush: Though actually why would you tell a dying man your action before you knew if he was town or scum?

Point is, I heard a compelling case against you. One person who made the case changed last minute with no explanation. I can understand how this would be frustrating to you, but as an outside observer I've ONLY heard things against you. One person unvoting you isn't "evidence" that stops the solid case from not existing. You're toting Hinckley unvoting you as a thing that proves you're innocent or at least makes the case against you invalid, but since he didn't mention the case against you while unvoting you, it doesn't affect the case at all.

unless it's secretive and an action... which I guess would actually make sense. :blush:

I would have thought that was pretty damn obvious from yesterday, but there was even more to it than that.

As to giving you any further details, well, that'd be silly, really.

But whatever it was that Hinck and I talked about (bearing in mind it's Hinck we're talking about here) it was enough for him to unvote me. And that does matter.

You have got to be kidding me! Why have we lost so many townies??? Hopefully Danny was scum, but I doubt it. At least Tammo's curse isn't horrible, we'll still be able to read and understand his posts. Now, when it comes to mayor, badboy, are you still interested in being the mayor? Do you still volunteer yourself. There is definitely a lot of suspicions around here, and I'm actually not sure which suspicions, if any, are correct. I'm a bit less suspicious of Pandora than I was yesterday, but I don't think our attention should be taken away from her. Another person that we should watch out for I think is actually DarthPotato. I feel kind of bad for him, I don't think it really helps that he has played as scum in all of his games so far, but he seems to be playing similarly to his previous games. If he was town, I would think that it would be a little bit more difficult for him, because of the fact that he has never played town before. As stated, Shadows and Zepher are also suspects, but I am also a bit curious of Alopex. He has been really quiet the past few days, and he hasn't really brought a whole lot here in my opinion. However, I feel like I could have added more yesterday as well, so that does contradict my statement.

I'm still confused why you told Hinck anything. Why would you before his alliance was revealed?

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O great and powerful def, may we know the allegiance of DannyLongLegs who was trampled by horses yesterday?

Very very very sorry for my lack of professionalism. Dannylonglegs was, of course, Town.

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