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Unacceptable? I didn't know you wrote the rules for playing mafia games.

It's not a rule. It's a reason he's voting to kill you. :laugh:

Discussion is what gets us proof and real suspicion. If we were to base every single thing we did on facts, we may as well lie down and let the scum pick us off until the investigator finds one of them.

I agree exactly with what CallMePie said.

Certainly. I was referring to Pandora. Hinck originally was making a case against her yesterday, then in was gone until after the day was over. I quickly browsed day 2, saw Hinck was town and said, yup Hinck was right and that was my post at the beginning of the day. After fully reading day 2 (the stuff I missed) I see Hinck had a change of mind and many followed. Being that he knew more than me, I'm trusting his line of thought. Which is why I have taken zero steps towards accusing Pandora today.

It's one thing if you agree with Hinck, but it's another if you're taking his words as Jesus' God's. Saying "I know who I'm voting for today" hardly justifies your reasoning for wanting to vote for Pandora. And then you trying to justify it by saying you simply agree with Hinckley? He's been wrong once already, who's to say he won't be again? You're just tailing on his words, and you're also being hypocritical. You say you want "facts" before I vote for you, but regardless of the fact that there are no "facts" to speak of, you can't even present your own suspicions.

OK, I admit I did not directly answer her question of who's killing all the townies. My bad. I don't know, maybe it's the banana sphinx or some other nonsense character or rule like some of def's other games. In a past game we were all town yet people still died

What are you even talking about anymore? I can't believe that you still insist on the possibility of all of us being town. In past games there have been scum, and all townies have died. It's called a Perfect Win (or Loss depending on what side you're on...), and they're not all that uncommon. That's why we must try now more than ever to catch these scumbags.

I agree, and a vote for me is a vote to end the game since I'm town and killing me won't help your Todd's if there even are Todd's.

:wacko: I'm willing to believe that that was a typo, but you're still not making any sense.

That's how most mafia games go. Facts lead to kills with the random good luck guess by the town.

If that's what you really think, then you have much to learn, my friend.

Oh and yeah guys I don't talk much, no one messages me so here I am posting with what I think I should do.


Oh and yeah guys I don't talk much, no one messages me so here I am posting with what I think I should do.

Yet strangely no one minds when you do it, but if I'm quiet and suggest something I'm scum, look out Nightshroud99 you'll probably be lynched tomorrow now that everyone knows.

Uhm, ok. If I tell you to be purple, will you be purple? :tongue:

Only for you. :wub:

Why should you care who the scum trust or not? Wouldn't it actually help our cause more if they inadvertently trusted a Townie and revealed themselves? And why the hell should you care whether or not you hurt the scum?? After your explanation is actually sounds even more like you were trying to shout a warning to your counterpart scum team.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: So many cofnusing points brought up. Why should I care who the scum trust or not? If the two scum teams find and trust each other, that's bad. If they find and don't trust each other, that's much better. I don't believe the scum dumb. I think they would know whoever claimed scum to them may not be scum. It was just a prodding reminder we know it too. And why the hell should I care if I hurt the scum? I've bolded that part of your post because it's so friggin' strange. What does that even mean? Isn't the town's goal to trip up the scum by any means possible!?

Despite your drive to get people talking, my vote is staying with you for now.

That's okay. Again, as the town (hell, even as the scum) we should be voting for whoever we think is the smartest vote, depending on our side. So keep your vote where you think it belongs.

That being said, while I find Pandora scummy, I find Big Cam equally as scummy (and have for three days now). Since the town doesn't agree with my Panda read, I may as well put my vote where it can be useful.

Unvote: Pandora

Vote: Big Cam

th!s !s 1 0f th3 01d3st tr!cks !n th3 b00k. u s33 !'m n0t f0110w!ng ur r34ds, s0 u d3c!d3 2 scumr34d m3, h0p3fu11y 3!th3r g3tt!ng m3 lynch3d 0r g3tt!ng m3 2 v0te w/ u. !t 3l!m!n4t3s 4n 0pp0n3nt 3!th3r w4y. h0w3v3r, !'m n0t g0!ng 2 l3t !t w0rk 0n m3 th!s g4m3.

c0ngr4ts, z3ph3r, u succ3ssfu11y turn3d 4 nu11r34d !nt0 4 scumr34d. :thumbup:

This post is funny. First you say I accuse you only after being accused. I accused you earlier in the day before you said anything. BUT, once you notice I accused you, you tell me you made your nullread into scumread... so, when I accuse you, it changes to me being scum. That's exactly what you just used as (incorrect and untrue) proof that I was scum. :laugh:

Vote: Tamamono

You've irked me from the beginning, I've played with you several times before when you were town and you're always head-on like a maelstrom of townie-ness. This game, however, you seem much more reserved; almost hesitant. You still post more than a lot of people but it doesn't have that usual flare.

This is meta-gaming at it's finest; but I feel most comfortable voting for you.

n4h, th4t's n0t f!n3 m3t4g4m!ng, !t's not 3v3n pr0p3r m3t4. D0n't 3v3n try 2 m3t4 m3 w/o r34d!ng m3 pr0p3r1y 1st. th!s m3t4 !s 0bv!0usly b4s3d 0n d4y 1 0f j3d! t3mpl3. !n th4t g4m3, ! h4rdb4113d ur 1ynch b3c4us3 ! h4d 4 g00d r34d. b3l!3v3 u me, !f ! h4d h4d 4 g00d c0ncr3t3 r34d 34r1!34r, !'d b b411s 2 th3 w411s try!ng 2 g3t th3m lynch3d 4s !'m d0!ng w/ z3ph n0w.

4nd !t's r!d!cul0us th4t 3v3ry1 !s s4y!ng th4t !'m b3!ng r3s3rv3d wh3n !'v3 b33n n0th!ng 0f th3 s0rt. !t's l!k3 1!t3r411y n0 1 !s r34d!ng m3 4t 411. wh3n ! h4v3 4 r34d, ! f0110w !t unt!1 th4t r34d !s r3fut3d. u d0 kn0w wh4t r3s3rv3d m34ns, y3s? b3c4us3 ch4ng!ng my v0t3 2 b3tt3r su!t my ch4ng!ng r34ds !sn't !t.

f4c3 !t, p4l, ur r34d !s f4k3 4nd b4d. !f z3ph3r h4dn't m4d3 hms3lf b14t4nt1y 0bv!0us scum, !'d v0t3 4 u.

Yet strangely no one minds when you do it, but if I'm quiet and suggest something I'm scum, look out Nightshroud99 you'll probably be lynched tomorrow now that everyone knows.

Oh they mind, I'm sure they do or else my name wouldn't be thrown around so much. Shall I attempt to do something then and list all the people that don't speak just so I can prove my townie-ness.

It isn't very helpful, people who have been paying attention know who is and isn't speaking.

When I first posted at the beginning if this day when I said I know who I'm voting for I was referring to Pandora because I trusted everything Hinck said when he turned up town. Although since then I've seen a lot more and now I'm confused about Pandora.

I may not say much, but that's because I don't have much to say. I'm not sure what you guys want me to say when I don't have 5 people in a private conversation like some of you. I read, I read a lot. I chime in when I feel like I have something to contribute. If someone wants to start sharing secrets with me via PM feel free, otherwise I'm not quite sure why not bickering about something I don't have the facts for is a bad thing.

What have I not followed through with and why am I wishy washy, I've stood by my votes and unfortunately they were wrong, but I've changed my focus after finding those convictions out. If changing my focus to try and get LESS dead townies is wishy washy to you, then you sound like scum. I'd think if you were a townie you'd want to do the same thing.

This is funny, I missed this post of yours', but then I come on and say the same thing. :facepalm: My point is still valid though and my opinions on the matter stay. From my own experience in these games, and what i know about players. I believe that Tammo is scum.

I think a lot of suspicion is thrown on you right now because you seem desperate to defend yourself, then say that voting you off would only benefit the scum etc.. Really, it's the way you write, it seems scummy. :wink:

It's one thing if you agree with Hinck, but it's another if you're taking his words as Jesus' God's. Saying "I know who I'm voting for today" hardly justifies your reasoning for wanting to vote for Pandora. And then you trying to justify it by saying you simply agree with Hinckley? He's been wrong once already, who's to say he won't be again? You're just tailing on his words, and you're also being hypocritical. You say you want "facts" before I vote for you, but regardless of the fact that there are no "facts" to speak of, you can't even present your own suspicions.

Well I trusted Hinckley whether everything he said was right or not. He said more right than wrong. At least in my eyes..

What are you even talking about anymore? I can't believe that you still insist on the possibility of all of us being town. In past games there have been scum, and all townies have died. It's called a Perfect Win (or Loss depending on what side you're on...), and they're not all that uncommon. That's why we must try now more than ever to catch these scumbags.

I've never seen a mafia game where the scum took a clean sweep, but then again I'm not the most experienced player.

:wacko: I'm willing to believe that that was a typo, but you're still not making any sense.

Sorry that was supposed to say odds not Todd's.

If that's what you really think, then you have much to learn, my friend.

So lynch me because I am not as experienced as you and I'm suggesting something you don't agree with. Makes sense to me.


You're emoticon goes unnoticed by the game host. If you really aren't on a witch hunt for me, I hope you vote for him tomorrow otherwise everything you say is your reason for voting against me was a lie if you don't take out all the quiet ones.

With a lack of any concrete physical evidence today (and even then, the supposedly concrete evidence we had yesterday led to the lynching of a townie), we have to rely on behavior today, and since I'm not in the best position to metagame or talk about "scum tells", I'm looking at the people who have avoided contributing.

Please remind everyone tomorrow when I die that it was you who started the bandwagon on an innocent townie who didn't talk as much as the rest.

You're acting like you're already dead. Instead of responding to the brunt of the argument, you take a defeatist attitude. I haven't played mafia in a while, but I do remember this: it's an attempt to make the town think, "Herp derp, he's trying to martyr himself, he says he's going to die and turn up town. This means we shouldn't vote for him!"

I don't find you suspicious because of your theory about everyone being a townie, and frankly, it bothers me that people are jumping on you because of it. What does strike me suspicious is your actions over the past two days. You took advantage of your roleplay action on the first day in order to avoid the responsibility of contributing to the discussion. As Hinckley proved yesterday, a roleplay action doesn't prevent you from helping out, but using that action to sit back and excuse yourself from the fray for a day is definitely suspicious. Even yesterday and today, when you didn't have a roleplay action to hide behind, you have provided little comment.

Vote: Big Cam. Prove us wrong. Be useful. Respond to our accusations and provide us with real opinions about who you think is town and who you think is scummy. Until then, my vote will stand. I don't see a case against Pandora - I was asleep during her bandwagon yesterday, but I don't see one there either - and I can understand some of Zepher's actions as falling under the category of "act scummy to lure out the scum". You are the person I find the most eyebrow-raising.

By the way, I apologize for my tardy reply here. I've been reading up on the watcher, who I think we need to have a serious discussion about. Scouty seems confident that he or she is town while Pandora seems confident that he or she is scum. I think it's definitely possible that the watcher is a scum role trying to seek out other scumbags (I raised this point yesterday), and even if the watcher is a town role, he or she was begging to be converted. Who says that this conversion hasn't happened?

n4h, th4t's n0t f!n3 m3t4g4m!ng, !t's not 3v3n pr0p3r m3t4. D0n't 3v3n try 2 m3t4 m3 w/o r34d!ng m3 pr0p3r1y 1st. th!s m3t4 !s 0bv!0usly b4s3d 0n d4y 1 0f j3d! t3mpl3. !n th4t g4m3, ! h4rdb4113d ur 1ynch b3c4us3 ! h4d 4 g00d r34d. b3l!3v3 u me, !f ! h4d h4d 4 g00d c0ncr3t3 r34d 34r1!34r, !'d b b411s 2 th3 w411s try!ng 2 g3t th3m lynch3d 4s !'m d0!ng w/ z3ph n0w.

4nd !t's r!d!cul0us th4t 3v3ry1 !s s4y!ng th4t !'m b3!ng r3s3rv3d wh3n !'v3 b33n n0th!ng 0f th3 s0rt. !t's l!k3 1!t3r411y n0 1 !s r34d!ng m3 4t 411. wh3n ! h4v3 4 r34d, ! f0110w !t unt!1 th4t r34d !s r3fut3d. u d0 kn0w wh4t r3s3rv3d m34ns, y3s? b3c4us3 ch4ng!ng my v0t3 2 b3tt3r su!t my ch4ng!ng r34ds !sn't !t.

f4c3 !t, p4l, ur r34d !s f4k3 4nd b4d. !f z3ph3r h4dn't m4d3 hms3lf b14t4nt1y 0bv!0us scum, !'d v0t3 4 u.

My lord it is hard to read this nonsense, I won't even mention that you are doing this for shits and giggles because no sane person would want to write like this.

I'm getting a laugh out of it though.

Come on then, vote for me, why don't you? Because Zepher is the bigger threat? :laugh: Don't berate me with empty threats, besides you're just going to get your scum buddies to kill me off tonight anyway, mate.

Oh they mind, I'm sure they do or else my name wouldn't be thrown around so much.

th3 0n1y p3rs0n wh0's thr0wn ur n4m3 ar0und !s m3.

I think a lot of suspicion is thrown on you right now because you seem desperate to defend yourself, then say that voting you off would only benefit the scum etc.. Really, it's the way you write, it seems scummy. :wink:

You make no sense, how is saying that my death would be a benefit to the scum, a scummy thing to say if I'm town? It's not scummy, it's the truth.

Pretty much every townie should be saying this because any town death benefits the scum.

Also why wouldn't I defend myself, I don't want to die.

You're emoticon goes unnoticed by the game host. If you really aren't on a witch hunt for me, I hope you vote for him tomorrow otherwise everything you say is your reason for voting against me was a lie if you don't take out all the quiet ones.

It's not just a matter of being quiet, it's a matter of being purposefully unhelpful. It's a matter of whether or not you contribute when you do talk, not just how frequently you talk. Using your roleplay action as a shield? Focusing on crackpot theories about game twists? These things can be interpreted as being deliberately evasive and unproductive so as to deliberately sidetrack the town.

So lynch me because I am not as experienced as you and I'm suggesting something you don't agree with. Makes sense to me.

Perhaps it would make even more sense if you actually realized what I am accusing you of. No, it's not because you're inexperienced, but I have stated multiple times why I think you're scum.

Come on then, vote for me, why don't you? Because Zepher is the bigger threat? :laugh: Don't berate me with empty threats, besides you're just going to get your scum buddies to kill me off tonight anyway, mate.

b3c4us3 z3ph3r !s 1!t3r411y scumf14!l!ng wh!l3 ur 0n1y g!v!ng g!v!ng b4d m3t4 !n ur v0te 4 me. (! h4v3 n0th!ng 4g4!nst b3!ng v0t3d f0r, but f0r g0d's s4k3 c0m3 up w/ s0m3th!ng r3m0t31y b3l!i3vable.)

!f ! !mpu1s!v31y v0t3d f0r 411 my "!n-th3-m0m3nt" scumr34s, !'d 3nd up 1ynch!ng t0wn th4t p!ss3s m3 0ff 90% 0f th3 t!me. n0, !'m st!ck!ng w/ my h4rd3st scumr34d f0r n0w.

4nd !f ! w4s scum wh4t r34s0n w0u1d ! h4v3 2 k!11 u wh3n !'m push!ng 0n u !n-thr34d. :hmpf:

With a lack of any concrete physical evidence today (and even then, the supposedly concrete evidence we had yesterday led to the lynching of a townie), we have to rely on behavior today, and since I'm not in the best position to metagame or talk about "scum tells", I'm looking at the people who have avoided contributing.

Which for the tenth time does not indicates scum.

You're acting like you're already dead. Instead of responding to the brunt of the argument, you take a defeatist attitude. I haven't played mafia in a while, but I do remember this: it's an attempt to make the town think, "Herp derp, he's trying to martyr himself, he says he's going to die and turn up town. This means we shouldn't vote for him!"

:laugh: I am already dead. I may be less experienced than some but I've played enough mafia games to recognize a bandwagon when I see one. If the few of you have already voted for me with no proof or better reasoning than I'm a little inactive then it's an easy vote for anyone like me who has no suspicions of their own.

I don't find you suspicious because of your theory about everyone being a townie, and frankly, it bothers me that people are jumping on you because of it. What does strike me suspicious is your actions over the past two days. You took advantage of your roleplay action on the first day in order to avoid the responsibility of contributing to the discussion. As Hinckley proved yesterday, a roleplay action doesn't prevent you from helping out, but using that action to sit back and excuse yourself from the fray for a day is definitely suspicious. Even yesterday and today, when you didn't have a roleplay action to hide behind, you have provided little comment.


What I don't get is why I'm the only victim of this type of lynch. How many more have been less active, or even less active than me. I don't see them on the chopping block.

Vote: Big Cam. Prove us wrong. Be useful. Respond to our accusations and provide us with real opinions about who you think is town and who you think is scummy. Until then, my vote will stand. I don't see a case against Pandora - I was asleep during her bandwagon yesterday, but I don't see one there either - and I can understand some of Zepher's actions as falling under the category of "act scummy to lure out the scum". You are the person I find the most eyebrow-raising.

Who would you like me to randomly accuse? I don't know how I can be helpful when I don't know anything the group doesn't. I NOW also don't see the case against Pandora which is why I have not and will not be voting against her today.

By the way, I apologize for my tardy reply here. I've been reading up on the watcher, who I think we need to have a serious discussion about. Scouty seems confident that he or she is town while Pandora seems confident that he or she is scum. I think it's definitely possible that the watcher is a scum role trying to seek out other scumbags (I raised this point yesterday), and even if the watcher is a town role, he or she was begging to be converted. Who says that this conversion hasn't happened?

OK, let's see if I can be helpful. The way I read the watchers PM's is he or she is scared that the action they saw was Scouty converting Shadows to scum since Shadows did not die. If the watcher is town, contacting Scouty out of the blue was a dangerous move IF his or hers thoughts about the witnessed action was correct. So since the watcher had already blown their cover by contacting Scouty, they casually brought up the fact that they are open to any result since in the watchers eyes, he or she was probably going to get killed by the scum since they knew of his or her role and suspicion.

People keep saying the watcher was begging to be converted, I read it more as a ploy to try to avoid getting killed, since the watcher knew they had screwed up by contacting Scouty. Then the whole watcher tracker thing looks an honest mistake since the watcher got to Scouty by watching Shadows, they just got a little confused when speaking to Scouty.

That's my take on the while watcher thing. I hope I was helpful.

It's not just a matter of being quiet, it's a matter of being purposefully unhelpful. It's a matter of whether or not you contribute when you do talk, not just how frequently you talk. Using your roleplay action as a shield? Focusing on crackpot theories about game twists? These things can be interpreted as being deliberately evasive and unproductive so as to deliberately sidetrack the town.

Well my apologies, that wasn't my intent. I guess I'm just too busy of a person to play mafia games.

And why the hell should I care if I hurt the scum? I've bolded that part of your post because it's so friggin' strange. What does that even mean? Isn't the town's goal to trip up the scum by any means possible!?

Oh it absolutely is, but you're twisting my words and not following your own logic here. You said:

So reminding them that the town knew it too would make them trust everyone claiming to be scum even less. And it doesn't hurt them.

Which is you saying that you making your weird proclamations doesn't hurt the scum. Which is why I said:

And why the hell should you care whether or not you hurt the scum?? After your explanation is actually sounds even more like you were trying to shout a warning to your counterpart scum team.

So you saying:

And why the hell should I care if I hurt the scum?

Means you're not even following our conversation properly. I'd be offended if it weren't so scummy.

For clarity, I'll quote the original post (without your vote for me, lest it accidentally be counted):

You clearly aren't reading. I don't find my own actions scummy (obviously). Telling the scum to be afraid makes them afraid. Knowing that any and all town could pretend to be scum... is information that they already knew. So reminding them that the town knew it too would make them trust everyone claiming to be scum even less. And it doesn't hurt them. As for continuously attacking you, I indeed find you scummy, but HAVE offered an opinion on both Cam (who I voted for on Day One WITH AN EXPLANATION) and Tammo.

You're quite clearly referring to the scum, not town, when you say "And it doesn't hurt them" because you've been referring to the scum throughout the post up to that point. The 'they' and 'them' refers to scum, so the 'them' in "And why would it hurt them?" also refers to the scum.

By the way, you take issue with me claiming to Hinck to save my life but you don't have a problem with the Watcher claiming to Scouty?

P.S. It's taken me forever to post this damn post because suddenly everybody's decided to talk and I keep having to read the interim posts.

  • Author

Vote Tally

Zepher 2 (Pandora, Tammo)

Badboy 1 (Trumpetking)

Big Cam 5 (JimB, CallMePie, iamded, zepher, Adam)

Tammo 1 (Nightshroud)

Under 17 hours to go.

I'm sorry I haven't been very talkative today. I did a lot of talking yesterday and my dreams keep me away from the action here. Or something like that. Anyway, I think I know who I want to vote for. I'm, more or less, at a loss today, so this is more a stab in the dark sort of thing. With a supposed high number of scum and our dwindling numbers, it's not going to be too difficult to catch a scum.

Vote: Zepher

On top of Hinck's suspicion of you, your behavior yesterday was quite supportive...meanwhile the likes of Rick (a townie) and Pandora (assumed townie) were constantly questioning me. You seemed to catch on to the concept pretty quickly, I'm voting for you to see if that has any meaning, which'll tell me more about other people's behaviors yesterday.

You know Pandora, you're right. My syntax was terrible. That final "them" was meant to mean that it doesn't hurt the town for that information to be public. You're right in saying that way its phrased sounds scummy... but I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Isn't that a bit of a reach? "He worded something to sound scummy?" I did word something in a way that sounded scummy, but clearly its meaning isn't scummy... and if it was it would be scummy beyond belief and a dumb dumb dumb way for a scum to slip up.

You know Pandora, you're right. My syntax was terrible. That final "them" was meant to mean that it doesn't hurt the town for that information to be public. You're right in saying that way its phrased sounds scummy... but I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Isn't that a bit of a reach? "He worded something to sound scummy?" I did word something in a way that sounded scummy, but clearly its meaning isn't scummy... and if it was it would be scummy beyond belief and a dumb dumb dumb way for a scum to slip up.

Have you read the last page? Wording something scummy is all it takes.

When the day started, I had a very different vote in mind, but since then I have come to understand at least some of what is going on behind the scenes and after a lot of reviewing, I can only fall back on how likely it is that the scum are sitting by quietly while the town flails. The results so far have certainly indicated that.

I'm not going to make a big post reviewing and restating the things that have been said so far to make my case, I'm just going to say that at this point the most suspicious person to me is...

Vote: Zepher

That said, I am almost as suspicious of Big Cam and have no problem with the vote going either way today. I think it's important to see how everyone votes and in the end, if this is a tie, I believe we can trust our mayor to make the right tie-breaking decision, so I hope everyone will take the time to carefully consider the position we're in and vote for who they sincerely think is scum without following bandwagons.

and if it was it would be scummy beyond belief and a dumb dumb dumb way for a scum to slip up.

Since we're all metagaming here, should I say anything about Werewolf? :tongue:

You could, very easily. And it did work there. But it's not worked countless other times before and after that. Point is, I take behavioral evidence over poor wording. Now, if poor wording was all we had to go on today, I might be more willing to lie down and take the death, but it ISN'T the only thing we have to go on, and the cases based on behavior are better put together (in my opinion). Of course, I happen to be a little bias.

Well, it looks like the Badboy lynch won't work out, so I will

Unvote: Badboytje88

DarthPotato and I were talking (yes, I do currently have some trust in DarthPotato), and he mentioned that Darth is acting similarly to Police Infiltration and Heartlake, where he was town. I don't know, something seems off about him. I might just go back and look. Something seems different with him. There are accusations flying around everywhere, and I think the most helpful will be Big Cam or Zepher. I feel the exact same about lynching either of them, and quite frankly I feel that the points against Zepher are just a bit stronger, but I think it would be smart to keep an eye out for Cam tomorrow.

And it looks like I forgot to Vote: Zepher

Well, it looks like the Badboy lynch won't work out, so I will

Unvote: Badboytje88

Thats a pretty poor reason to unvote somebody. It's sort of along the lines of voting for someone to even out the vote.

I guess so, but I explained it a little bit during that last paragraph. (He seems to be playing the same as the last times, he was townie then, etc.)

I just don't think the badboy lynch will work out today, and

Sorry, that posted early. I meant that I don't think badboy's lynch will work out today, but it should be something we look at. Do you think I should put my vote back on someone who obviously isn't part of today's agenda?

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