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Well I've hada good read and it isn't helping much... so I think I'm going to need to make a tough choice here and go with my gut on the current candidates. I pray that our vig takes a good look at who has been accused today and chooses his target accordingly.

Vote: Zepher

Do you think I should put my vote back on someone who obviously isn't part of today's agenda?

I hope everyone will take the time to carefully consider the position we're in and vote for who they sincerely think is scum without following bandwagons.

I'm a little worried that you think voting is agenda based as opposed to honestly showing your thoughts.

I'd love to defend myself, but the case against me is confusing at best to me. I have said common knowledge and accused people? You people just don't like daring players. :sadnew: If anyone feels I haven't appropriately answered any questions, keep them coming. I know I'm town and am very willing to continuously explain my actions to anyone who needs an explanation.

Well, I did show my thoughts honestly, and while I would like to see badboy lynched, I'd rather see Big Cam or Zepher lynched. I think maybe Badboy can receive some deeper attention tomorrow, when we have more focus towards others. Today's focus is clearly towards either Cam or Zepher, and my vote against badboy would get us nowhere, and nobody seemed to want to talk about it. It was somewhat just shrugged off, so I decided that today wasn't badboy's day. Maybe tomorrow, but not today.

Which I know makes me seem scummy because I was so sure badboy was scum earlier. I still am, but badboy is not a priority. Possibly tomorrow. I just don't see badboy as an ideal lynch target, especially if my accusation towards her will just be shrugged off and ignored.

Erm, if you think he is mostly likely to be scum you should probably vote for him... not just follow the bandwagon against people you don't feel are scum... :look:

Not once did I say that I thought Zepher wasn't scum. I said I thought that the points against Zepher were stronger. I could have been a little clearer. If you want me to take my vote back, then I will. I just don't think voting for one of the people that I think is scum will get us anywhere if nobody will talk about it. Especially if another one of my suspicions is up for lynch as well.

I could have been a little clearer. If you want me to take my vote back, then I will.

What if I'd like you to take your vote back. :look::grin:

So being that there are still a handful of votes left to be voted and I'll be going to bed after I post this, I feel like I should share what's been on my mind.

After seeing Scouty vote, and Shadows immediately follow suite and then Dragontaor doing the same. I got suspicious.

I got suspicious because they didn't vote for me. They voted for Zepher who according to most in this game has not done as much to draw attention to themselves as I did.

Being that todays lynch as well as the kills that will likely happen to tonight are probably going to end this game, I feel like I must share now even if I'm wrong.

I think Scouty, Shadows and Dragonator are scum and here is why.

I'm the watcher. I watched Adam on night one, nothing happened and I watched Shadows on night two which led me to Scouty. Now all the watcher role told me was literally that Shadows was targeted by Scouty, nothing more. So I assumed he was the recruiter. I feel now that my assumption was right. The fact that Shadows didn't die was a pretty big tell. I think Scouty is lying about being a sear or however you spell it. The reason I am turning on the only supposed friend I had is because he was the only one who knew I was the watcher, except I later found out he told Hinckley. Well since he was the only one who knew, plus I told him I was going to watch him on night 2, and guess what? I was blocked last night.

The reason Scouty, Shadows and Dragonator are voting for Zepher and not me, is they think they have me just patiently waiting for Scouty's next PM which I was, until I saw the voting pattern. The sear role just doesn't make sense in this game.Even though the vote is technically going in my favor at this very moment I taking a suggestion from those voting for me and offering all the help I can. My guess is if I am not lynched to day, I'll die tonight for my accusations anyway. All the watcher/tracker nonsense was explained in my last post where I give my thoughts on the watcher, which was easy to do since I'm him. I already feel betrayed by Scouty for him sharing my PM's in full to Hinck so ever since then I've been doubting our trust.

I'm heading to bed but I'll be up and online before the day ends for sure.

Please think about it, it makes sense.

Vote: Dragonator

By the way I'm voting Dragonator because I suspect him the killer, since I feel I know Scouty is the recruiter and then Shadows would of had to be converted so he too shouldn't have a killing action.

I got suspicious because they didn't vote for me. They voted for Zepher who according to most in this game has not done as much to draw attention to themselves as I did.

I'm not sure I've ever been accused by someone for not voting for them. :laugh:

"according to most" would be whom, exactly? The vote says otherwise, as do the comments saying that you're both suspicious, a sentiment I would say that most of us share. Even including this post, I still think Zepher has been more suspicious than you.

Being that todays lynch as well as the kills that will likely happen to tonight are probably going to end this game, I feel like I must share now even if I'm wrong.

Wait, you think the game is ending tonight? Where did you come up with that theory?

I'm the watcher. I watched Adam on night one, nothing happened and I watched Shadows on night two which led me to Scouty. Now all the watcher role told me was literally that Shadows was targeted by Scouty, nothing more. So I assumed he was the recruiter. I feel now that my assumption was right. The fact that Shadows didn't die was a pretty big tell.

Why would you assume that anyone who is targeted by another should die? That doesn't even make sense.

The reason I am turning on the only supposed friend I had is because he was the only one who knew I was the watcher, except I later found out he told Hinckley.

Hinckley, who was a townie. Do you imagine that scum would share such helpful information with the town if they had it?

Well since he was the only one who knew, plus I told him I was going to watch him on night 2, and guess what? I was blocked last night.

Except he wasn't the only one who knew, you say that Hinck did, and there's no telling who he might have told, which means it's still an odd conclusion to jump to. I think it's a lot more likely that you were blocked (if you were blocked) because someone was suspicious of you. Even you think you're incredibly suspicious looking, so how is that a surprise?

The reason Scouty, Shadows and Dragonator are voting for Zepher and not me, is they think they have me just patiently waiting for Scouty's next PM which I was, until I saw the voting pattern.

Prior to this post, I didn't even know you were the supposed watcher, but now everyone knows you're claiming it, true or not. If it's true, you've put yourself at risk for no good reason. :hmpf:

By the way I'm voting Dragonator because I suspect him the killer, since I feel I know Scouty is the recruiter and then Shadows would of had to be converted so he too shouldn't have a killing action.

I can only speak for myself here, but I haven't been converted and at least one other person knows that for a fact, which also destroys the recruiter theory, leaving Draggy as the killer which I have no idea about. It's Draggy, anything goes (but I don't think he is, call that gut instinct). :laugh:

The thing I am wondering about Big Cam's theory is if he thinks that the two scum teams united. I find it hard to believe that they would have united after three "days". That seems a little quick. If Big Cam's theory is correct, then we could be in some big trouble. But, I have a hard time believing his story. It just doesn't add up to me. It makes sense, but this could easily be a quick scum spout to save his own big behind. The only way his theory really works is if the two scum teams united. His theory suggests that a killer and a recruiter know eachother. I believe ref said thatall the killing team and recruiter teams won't know eachother. I don't believe you, Cam. I recall a phrase from Heartlake. It goes like this: "Lynch all liars". Quite frankly, you have just raised up on my "scumdar".

Unvote: Zepher

Vote: Big Cam

If Cam dies turn out town, then we do have a solid lynch tomorrow. And sorry for switching my vote so much today.

After seeing Scouty vote, and Shadows immediately follow suite and then Dragontaor doing the same. I got suspicious.

Yes, we hold hands when we vote together, because we're all in such, deep, romantic, hawt love.

I got suspicious because they didn't vote for me. They voted for Zepher who according to most in this game has not done as much to draw attention to themselves as I did.

That's because I knew you were the watcher :hmpf: I ignored all the accusations against you because 1) If I had intervened and said not to vote for you, people would assume you as the watcher, since they know how close we've been, and 2) (again) I knew you were the bloody watcher...well, at least to my extent...not enough to vote for you.

I think Scouty is lying about being a sear or however you spell it. The reason I am turning on the only supposed friend I had is because he was the only one who knew I was the watcher, except I later found out he told Hinckley. Well since he was the only one who knew, plus I told him I was going to watch him on night 2, and guess what? I was blocked last night.

S-e-e-r. That's the role I've been given, that's the role that the host is going to show at the end, that's the role I'm bloody telling the truth about.

You being blocked is nothing of my doing. Unless Hinck was lying to me when he said he didn't tell anyone else your name, it was a lucky block.

I still would not want to see you lynched. Unless this is some ploy to push the lynch back off of yourself, you're still pretty townie to me, despite my paranoia/suspicions on you. ( "verify, verify, verify" )

Also, I don't know what blocking you would do for me, since you were going to watch me, not track me, so it's not like there was going to be any danger of you catching my "evil nightly nyarrrrrr deeds" :sceptic:

Ok, so Cam is telling the truth????? That makes me want to take back my vote now.

Unvote: Big Cam

I'll hold my vote for a bit while I look things over. I'm not quite convinced that the three that Cam accused are town, though. Once again, sorry for my voting being all over the place today.

Ugh....I don't even know if I should unvote you. You've outed yourself, you're screwed anyway.

Unvote: Big Cam

Vote: Zepher

But frankly I expect you to be recruited or dead by tomorrow. :sceptic:

Ok, so Cam is telling the truth????? That makes me want to take back my vote now.

Unvote: Big Cam

I'll hold my vote for a bit while I look things over. I'm not quite convinced that the three that Cam accused are town, though. Once again, sorry for my voting being all over the place today.

Sorry, but what did you think Big Cam was lying about? Being the watcher? Why would he lie about that when the Scouty or the real watcher could disprove him so easily?

Also, I'm not sure who you were referring to here:

If Cam dies turn out town, then we do have a solid lynch tomorrow. And sorry for switching my vote so much today.

Were you saying that Dragonator would be a solid lynch tomorrow if Big Cam was a townie? Why would Big Cam turning out town immediately validate his theory about Dragonator, Shadows and Scouty?

Well, it iWell, I just was unsure. I completely forgot about Scouy to be honest. But I don't think the real watcher would come out like that if Cam lied. Too much attention for the real watcher. I didn't really think that through a lot. I meant if Cam turned out town, then we may have found a good lynch Target tomorrow. I never said it immediately proved them as scum. I don't even think Scouty is scumeant that we should look deeper into those three. But, after Scouty verified Cam's claim, I think it is pretty obvious that Expiry, Shadows, and Cam seen't scum. However, I don't know about Dragonator. I haven't gotten a strong read off of him yet.

I meant Scouty, not Expiry.

Oh, and it looks like the beginning of my post screwed up as well.

You managed to argue in a full circle there, potato. :wacko:

You say: badboy isn't scummy because Corny was, and badboy was too obvious (despite not voting for himself), but he could be scum because he might have been trying to copy Cornelius, so in fact he might be scummy because Corny wasn't.

Most of us here can work those theories out, what we'd like to hear are your opinions on what he was actually doing.

Essentially, do you think he's scummy or not?

Sorry, I was posting as I thought there. Since I put it at the end I was trying to draw the bottom line that that was a scummy thing of him to do. But I don't think it's enough to vote for him.

I probably would have voted for Big Cam, but since he has a watcher role it makes me feel uneasy about voting for him, obviously. If he lives through to tomorrow then it could mean he was converted, but I guess we'll have to see if he behaves differently or not. Anyway, I'll Vote: Zepher

Well, no one will tell me what to defend myself against, so I hope that you catch a scum tomorrow or someone gets one tonight. We're going to have a hard time if you don't. There are so many of them around... anyway, it's been a pleasure as always! :grin:

Oh, and it looks like the beginning of my post screwed up as well.

You need to lay off the potatoes, man :tongue:

Well, no one will tell me what to defend myself against, so I hope that you catch a scum tomorrow or someone gets one tonight. We're going to have a hard time if you don't. There are so many of them around... anyway, it's been a pleasure as always! :grin:

oink? :look:

Oink? No, the day is almost done, and no one will tell me anything new to defend myself against. Draggy, you and Shadows were all like "okay, I guess we vote Zepher". At least Pandora gave me a case against me I could respond to. I understand voting for me with a cause. But you're all just piling on... and now people are unvoting Big Cam and voting for me with no nod towards my behavior. Big Cam has an action. Am I supposed to fight that?

Since I will most likely be dead by the next time I'm online... I just like to always say I always have fun! :grin:

I'm not sure I've ever been accused by someone for not voting for them. :laugh:

"according to most" would be whom, exactly? The vote says otherwise, as do the comments saying that you're both suspicious, a sentiment I would say that most of us share. Even including this post, I still think Zepher has been more suspicious than you.

I may have generalized a bit and paid a little more attention to those accusing me, since I'm me. So my statement on that may be a little influenced by me being me. According to the comments I've been seeing by the majority of the players (in my eyes)

Wait, you think the game is ending tonight? Where did you come up with that theory?

Judging by the 3 townie kills per night (roughly, I know night zero was only 2) if 3 more townies die tonight, I'm pretty sure the scum will have overtaken the town in numbers. Just my guess, assuming the recruiter has been recruiting. I think he has at least 2. Plus the scum would of had to start out with at minimum 2, and I'm guessing more.

Why would you assume that anyone who is targeted by another should die? That doesn't even make sense.

I don't assume they should die, if you look back at what I said, I said since you didn't die, there was a high probability that the action Scouty has was a recruiter, since it's one of the non-harmful actions. It's just what I think, I could be wrong but I'm at the end of my rope so I'm sticking with my assumption.

Hinckley, who was a townie. Do you imagine that scum would share such helpful information with the town if they had it?

Hinck likes to talk, there is no telling how many people he told or their true affiliation. There is no way Hinck could be positive about their affiliations.

Except he wasn't the only one who knew, you say that Hinck did, and there's no telling who he might have told, which means it's still an odd conclusion to jump to. I think it's a lot more likely that you were blocked (if you were blocked) because someone was suspicious of you. Even you think you're incredibly suspicious looking, so how is that a surprise?

I'll admit my accusations of being suspicious were high and that could very well be the reason I was blocked. I'm choosing to believe it was more calculated than that. I was suspicious on day 1 and 2 yet no one bothered to block me, not until I told Scouty, and none the less told him I was going to watch him.

Prior to this post, I didn't even know you were the supposed watcher, but now everyone knows you're claiming it, true or not. If it's true, you've put yourself at risk for no good reason. :hmpf:

I saw it as a last stand/this hit me while watching TV last night and checking in on the votes. What's the point of being the last townie if then scum win. I have a theory that I think holds enough water to be viable so I'm going with it. There was probably a 60-70%chance I was and still might get lynched anyway, so I might as well do my best to serve the town so I don't go out doing nothing.

I can only speak for myself here, but I haven't been converted and at least one other person knows that for a fact, which also destroys the recruiter theory, leaving Draggy as the killer which I have no idea about. It's Draggy, anything goes (but I don't think he is, call that gut instinct). :laugh:

Well today I disagree with your gut instinct.

The thing I am wondering about Big Cam's theory is if he thinks that the two scum teams united. I find it hard to believe that they would have united after three "days". That seems a little quick. If Big Cam's theory is correct, then we could be in some big trouble. But, I have a hard time believing his story. It just doesn't add up to me. It makes sense, but this could easily be a quick scum spout to save his own big behind. The only way his theory really works is if the two scum teams united. His theory suggests that a killer and a recruiter know eachother. I believe ref said thatall the killing team and recruiter teams won't know eachother. I don't believe you, Cam. I recall a phrase from Heartlake. It goes like this: "Lynch all liars". Quite frankly, you have just raised up on my "scumdar".

If Cam dies turn out town, then we do have a solid lynch tomorrow. And sorry for switching my vote so much today.

Trust me I know my theory isn't bullet proof, but 3 days is quite a bit of time for scum to start making connections, it's possible. A lot of my theory is based on what I've experienced. Even if/when I die today or tonight or whatever, I can't promise I'm 100% right, but it's better than randomly killing the inactive players if you ask me.

The only thing I can promise you is I'm town, that doesn't guarantee I'm right, but I think I am. That's all I can give you, the truth and how I feel.

Also, I'm not sure who you were referring to here:

Were you saying that Dragonator would be a solid lynch tomorrow if Big Cam was a townie? Why would Big Cam turning out town immediately validate his theory about Dragonator, Shadows and Scouty?

I've said it before but it's worth saying again, I completely agree. I believe this to be true but I have no cold hard facts, just my theory which makes sense to me.

  • Author

Vote Tally

Zepher 7 (Pandora, Tammo, Scouty, Shadows, Dragonator, CallMePie, Darth Potato)

Big Cam 4 (JimB, iamded, zepher, Adam)

Tammo 1 (Nightshroud)

Dragonator 1 (Big Cam)

Yet to vote: badboy, Alopex, TinyPies, Trumpetking

Under 3 hours to go.

Can we still vote?? If so, I'll go back to my original vote.

Vote: badboytje88

Reading through the thread, I find Zepher the most suspicious, judging by his posts. I do hope he is scum, because if he isn't, we wont have much hope for winning by tomorrow.

Vote: Zepher

Damn, I've lost track of time. Before the day ends, I'll go ahead and vote: badboytje88, based on his weird behaviour regarding the mayor position, and his fairly apathetic attitude in general.

  • Author

Day Ends, Zepher is convicted.

Vote Tally

Zepher 8 (Pandora, Tammo, Scouty, Shadows, Dragonator, CallMePie, Darth Potato, Alopex)

Big Cam 4 (JimB, iamded, zepher, Adam)

Tammo 1 (Nightshroud)

Dragonator 1 (Big Cam)

Badboy 2 (Trumpetking, TinyPies)

non-voter penalty day four: badboy

Players have approximately 20 hours to submit their night actions.

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