Posted February 8, 200520 yr Mine's are all fantasy types except Star Ocean: Till The End of Time. Ok, these are my favorites... Radiata Stories Star Ocean: Till The End of Time Dark Cloud 2 THEY'RE ALL SWEET GAMES!! ;)
February 8, 200520 yr Mine, well, halo 2 (I cant help it!!) and grand theft auto san andreas :$ I cant help that either! :$ Then, on PC, i like The command and conqer series.
February 8, 200520 yr Hm... lemme think..... 1. Diablo 2 + Lord of Destruction 2. Half-Life 3. GTA (oh the first one was sooooooo *wub* ) Yeah, old ones, but classics... ;) There were several other great games I liked to play, e.g. Rune was fantastic (yeah, vikings.... :D) then the Worms series (Armageddon!!!) and Desperados.....
February 9, 200520 yr - dawn of war - vietcong - diablo 2 In general I love all the multiplayer games. single player : - final fantasy (the old ones, including number 7) - GBA games
February 9, 200520 yr I'm not much of a gamer (the reason why this is my first post in the new video game section) but I love the Resident Evil series. I have all of the games. :-D
February 9, 200520 yr all on pc farcry :oD call of duty :oo unreal tournament 2004 *devil* all awsome games
February 9, 200520 yr Hum maybe we could separate in two things : Multiplayers games : Aoe2 (Aoc) Counter Strike Super Smash Bros Melee *wub* (on the gamecube) I'm not very original but these are the best ^^ One player : Tomb raider (maybe the first game i played a lot (when i say a lot it is a lot :P) And, hum the first FIFA, Burnouts (i only played the second one) and the Myst serie.
February 12, 200520 yr This isnt my favorite game, but i asked my friends, and they said runescape. is a free online role playing game. you do spells, fight random people, and other generalities. Its like the sims gone majical and mideveil. Check it out at, if you must. Beware! if someone sees you playing it you will be called a nerd. i pesonally dont like it, but i thought i post my freinds opinions....
February 12, 200520 yr Mario 1 Mario 3 Mario World MW2: Yoshis Island Sim City Sim City 2000 Goldeneye Super Monkey Ball 1 Animal Crossing There are more, but I can't remember them.
February 14, 200520 yr Well i dont have that many pc games as im to fond of my ps2, at the moment my fav games are: Pro evolution soccer 4 and GTA: SA and i really dont have enough time to play other ones as it would cut down on my building time :-D ;)
February 14, 200520 yr I am really addicted to LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth at the moment, but some of my other favourites are Roller Coaster Tycoon, FIFA 2004 and Star Wars battlefront! Jon.
February 14, 200520 yr Too bad this game has no possibility (and the NGC so few) to play on internet, it would be just so HUGE !
February 14, 200520 yr Yeah this game is one of the best ever. I always use donkey kong, it is so intuitive to play with him :)
February 18, 200520 yr Puzzle Bobble, Tetris, and Super Mario World. I'm loving Mr.Driller Drill Spirits on the DS at the moment.
February 19, 200520 yr Although I have many more games than what I list here, these are my faves. ~ Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising (+ Escalation expansion pack) ~ Counter-Strike : Condition Zero ~ Command & Conquer: Generals (+ Zero Hour expansion pack) ~ Age of Mythology (+ Titans expansion pack) ~ Medieval: Total War (+ Viking Invasion expansion pack) ~ RainbowSix3: Raven Shield (+ Athena Sword expansion) ~ Call of Duty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Games I wanna get sometime in the future, but are already out just don't have the money yet. ~ Full Spectrum Warrior ~ Far Cry ~ Rome: Total War ~ Splinter Cell ~ Red Mercury ~ Half-Life 2 ~ Call of Duty: United Offensive -------- Games that'll soon release, that I wanna get. ~ Battle Field 2 ~ Age of Empires 3
February 19, 200520 yr i've played many video games in my relatively short life and i have to say that my alltime favourites are those good old 8 bitty NES-era pearls of interactive entertainment and the usual suspects on the ever-fantastic SNES. namely (among others): - megaman (all for NES) / megaman x (for SNES) - kid icarus - secret of mana / secret of evermore - demon's crest (gothic jump 'n fly!!!) - most super mario titles for said platforms - the zelda series - tenchu - stealth assassins (this one's for PSone and is indeed utter crap but still fun to play!) - sonic-series (sega genesis/mega drive) as for next gen consoles there are: - phantasy star online (episode I&II) - (of course) zelda and mario titles - both sonic adventures - the resident evil remake for NGC (this is fun to play!) and out of all competition and favouritism: - the pokemon-series! (don't you laugh! it's mostly mathematics and strategy when played accordingly!) i admit, i haven't bought new games for ages now , mostly due to me lacking any interest in virtual entertainment lately (with "lately" encompassing a period of about 3/4 year now...). i figure i somehow "grew out" of this video game hobby that once was my favourite freetime activity... and the best thing is: i don't even miss it that much! (= more time, more money, more me!)
February 21, 200520 yr and out of all competition and favouritism:- the pokemon-series! (don't you laugh! it's mostly mathematics and strategy when played accordingly!) What I've found with Pokemon is, you play it religiously but when you stop, you don't play again.
February 21, 200520 yr i really like the GTa games and latly ive ben really much into the old game MediEvil Erik
February 21, 200520 yr On PC my favorite is War Craft/Space Craft On PS2 it all Ratchet & Clank games On Xbox it definatly HALO Game Cube don't know, never had one, never will. *sick*
February 25, 200520 yr Hmmm. Ninja Gaiden (the XBOX much fun) Halo2 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Koei's ________ Warriors series (Dynasty warriors, Samurai Warriors et al) I think thats most of them, off the top of my head. Akkh
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