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Do you like the new 'battle in a box' battle packs?

No. Especially when we get figures like 75000. The droideka isn't really a minifigure (for me). I remember in 7654 we got 7, Seven(!) droids. I wish the old design back, when Battle Packs was really army builder packs.

What is the best way to build armies now?

Now? Buy figures second hand. From auction site, or whenever you find them. They are ususally cheap.

and What new battle packs would you like to see?

A pack with 4 different clones from different legions: 7th Sky Corps Trooper, 41st Elite Corps Trooper, 212th Trooper, 501st Legion Trooper. And a little vehicle, which parts as useful as the 8014 was. A saw lot of people built cool other things from the parts of 2-3 8014's.

Droid Battle Pack with Super Battle Droids and Battle Droids. STAP would be useful

Imperial and Republic Battle Packs from TOR. Now with real vehicles or little command centres. 4 republic trooper(2 red, 2 orange)/sith trooper(2 black,2 red)

Imperial Stormtrooper Battle Pack. 3 Stormtrooper, 1 Stormtrooper Commander(the blue one from SW:TFU) A little command centre with speeder bike

Rebel Trooper Battle Pack. 4 rebels, different faces. Different weapons. A little medical centre.

Or I'd like to see that: Not a little command centre, but a part of a big command centre. More BP's you buy, higher your base. I always wanted bases. LSW mostly concentrate on ships. But when the battle is over, where our figures go? Sleep in the gunship or the cockpit of a V-Wing?

The only real answer for army building: secondhand buys. It's really too bad TLG doesn't make 8014 BPs anymore, because I'd eat them up. I just keep my eyes on eBay.

They used to have something similar to that when the LEGO Star Wars line first rolled out, but Hasbro considered them to be to similar to action figures, so they threatened to sue (or maybe they did, I don't recall the whole story).

It'll be in an effect, the same thing, which is a shame because it wouldn't be that bad of an idea.

In actuality it was the magnet sets with removeable figures that made Hasbro push. Essentially, the removeable figures being sold in that fashion borderlined on action figures, with is why Lego has since had to have the figures glued to the magnets. This is also why we will probably never see a CMF style line for Star Wars - unless Disney can somehow re-negotiate the license issues and give Lego more opportunity.

It could also tie into the current Lego battle pack format - Hasbro could view a group of like figures in one set as being too similiar to an action figure army builder.

In actuality it was the magnet sets with removeable figures that made Hasbro push. Essentially, the removeable figures being sold in that fashion borderlined on action figures, with is why Lego has since had to have the figures glued to the magnets. This is also why we will probably never see a CMF style line for Star Wars - unless Disney can somehow re-negotiate the license issues and give Lego more opportunity.

It could also tie into the current Lego battle pack format - Hasbro could view a group of like figures in one set as being too similiar to an action figure army builder.

I thought it was these character packs that started it all?


Whatever it was that started it, it's a shame it was ended. Would love to get more licensed minifigures the way we can get the collectible ones.

I think the new way for is superior for most people who don't build armies and/or don't have the money to build armies.

I've tried army building in the past. I'm too poor. So I like these sets better. At least I can get some variation easily.

I thought it was these character packs that started it all?

Those figure sets did come out before the magnets, but it was during the magnet days that Hasbro supposedly made their big fuss and Lego stopped making the removeable magnets. The way I see it is that during the days of those Lego figure sets, Hasbro was still doing ok with action figures, but once the movies ended and Hasbro saw declining sales then they started trying to eliminate competition and went after Lego later with the magnet figures.

Yes the market is obviously dictating the way TLG are putting together these BPs, the opportunity, to army build is still there just not as economic, just sell of the ones you don't want, should be easy enough

Yes the market is obviously dictating the way TLG are putting together these BPs, the opportunity, to army build is still there just not as economic, just sell of the ones you don't want, should be easy enough

maybe it's not that simple what if you want all figures in current battle packs but want more variety of the figures in the BP or what if you can only afford one BP but want 4 figures from one side not 2 figures from each side?

As a non-army builder I rather like the new battle packs; being able to get unique figures from each side in one set is a nice draw.

However, for the army builders I see how this could be a frustrating move. But Bobsy has the best point thus far, kids like the leaders and the unique heroes. And kids are where TLG makes its money.

I hope Hawkman is right and Disney is able to renegotiate some of the license agreements.

Hopefully I'm not the only thinking this.... If you can't afford 2 Battle Packs, LEGO may not be the hobby for you.

Hopefully your not replying to my post as if you are you have completely missed my point

Hopefully I'm not the only thinking this.... If you can't afford 2 Battle Packs, LEGO may not be the hobby for you.

You are completely incorrect in that statement, and the ignorance in it is actually quite offending.

It is about budgeting for sets for a lot of people/parents/adults.

As it is at the moment, I am an apprentice and so on a very tight budget. However there are a lot of sets I would like to get, as well as build a decent amount of clones/sith troopers up.

I may budget in getting the Republic Gunship, AT-TE, and 1 of everything else, but real life dictates that my bike breaks down, and I have other bills to pay in which I can never truly justify spending more to get multiples of a battle pack I already have just to satisfy an army building nature.

Just because I might not be able to afford 2 battle packs, does NOT mean I havn't already got other lego sets planned/money set aside for.

I have a motorbike to keep insured/mot'ed, a car to save up for within 6 months and insure or I lose 8 years no claims bonus which is too much to lose. I have a phone bill to pay for (and its not over the top). I have rent to pay for, I have petrol allowance to pay for. I have also to pay off credit card, and to save money towards a deposit for my own house. Currently on an apprentice wage, this is an awful lot. But t doesn't mean I can not manage to scrimp and save to get at least 1 of each sets I like.

Can I definitely afford more than 2 battle packs? Probably.

Is it realistic of me to splash out on lots of battle packs because they are relatively cheap?

No because there is an awful lot that could go wrong in my life (quite often it does, my motorbike got stolen and i managed to recover it, but had to pay costs to fix certain parts) that I need to keep spare money for.

Please think a bit more in-depth before making such a daft comment...

LEGO could make some sort of buckets with some bricks in it (with the instructions for a few mini-builds) and some army-building type of mini-fig that comes with it. For instance: a bucket with the instructions for a mini tie-fighter, tie-bomber, tie-this and tie-that and then 3 stormies, a pilote, and an officer. Or something like that.

Or a bucket with some mini-clone army vehicles and some clone soldiers.

That will make a nice treat for the army-builders and also for children and the parents who buy these sets for the children.

So a good balance between bricks and mini-figs.

Lego can use the army-type of minifigs for these buckets and use exclusive minifigs for the planet series and then everybody is happy! Win-win!

The type of buckets i mean: http://media.hoopos....bucket-5539.JPG

Ow they already did that :-s:


Hahah that Aldar Beedo fig (which can be found in that set) is some ugly minifig haha

Edited by Borex

Trouble is, that sort of bucket for Star Wars nowadays would cost a bomb for common bricks and a few ordinary figs.

Dear LEGO,

Please bring back the army builder battle packs especially for Star Wars fans. We are adults who actually have money and want to spend it on a children's product! We are very loyal customers and would just ask for a little something special. Thank you for considering this request in helping ensure our children live a proper LEGO lifestyle, and grow to become productive members of society.

Faithfully yours,

Eurobricks SW AFOLs

Hopefully your not replying to my post as if you are you have completely missed my point
Sorry, I didn't understand your point at the time of my post.
You are completely incorrect in that statement, and the ignorance in it is actually quite offending. It is about budgeting for sets for a lot of people/parents/adults. As it is at the moment, I am an apprentice and so on a very tight budget. However there are a lot of sets I would like to get, as well as build a decent amount of clones/sith troopers up. I may budget in getting the Republic Gunship, AT-TE, and 1 of everything else, but real life dictates that my bike breaks down, and I have other bills to pay in which I can never truly justify spending more to get multiples of a battle pack I already have just to satisfy an army building nature. Just because I might not be able to afford 2 battle packs, does NOT mean I havn't already got other lego sets planned/money set aside for. I have a motorbike to keep insured/mot'ed, a car to save up for within 6 months and insure or I lose 8 years no claims bonus which is too much to lose. I have a phone bill to pay for (and its not over the top). I have rent to pay for, I have petrol allowance to pay for. I have also to pay off credit card, and to save money towards a deposit for my own house. Currently on an apprentice wage, this is an awful lot. But t doesn't mean I can not manage to scrimp and save to get at least 1 of each sets I like. Can I definitely afford more than 2 battle packs? Probably. Is it realistic of me to splash out on lots of battle packs because they are relatively cheap? No because there is an awful lot that could go wrong in my life (quite often it does, my motorbike got stolen and i managed to recover it, but had to pay costs to fix certain parts) that I need to keep spare money for. Please think a bit more in-depth before making such a daft comment...

First of all, sorry that my comment offended you and sorry to anyone else that was offended by it. I stand 100% behind my comment. Since LEGO changed to the current Battle Pack (BP) format, there have been numerous discussion on different boards by those who are for and those who are against it. Behind polybags and planet sets, BPs are the most affordable LEGO SW product. What I don't understand are the complaints that the current BP format has somehow made LEGO unaffordable. We all lead different lives, have different budgets, philosophies and incorporate LEGO into our lives accordingly. If I were to reach a point in my life where money got tight, it would be a no-brainer for me to cut LEGO out of my life.

Since LEGO changed to the current Battle Pack (BP) format, there have been numerous discussion on different boards by those who are for and those who are against it. Behind polybags and planet sets, BPs are the most affordable LEGO SW product. What I don't understand are the complaints that the current BP format has somehow made LEGO unaffordable.

Thats ok, perhaps I misunderstood the intention of your statement, after reading the above, it seems your original statement was rather vague but the above has cleared it up.

I also agree with you. They are no less affordable than they have been previously (except the extra £2, but still within a reasonable cheap price), they still contain 4 figs, just I guess they have gone more towards giving you what the name of the pack suggests, a battle... in a pack... not an army pack...

As nice as they were, there are too many for's and against's to come to a decisive conclusion, however it appears TLG are content for the time being the path they have chosen.

I am happy they are still cheap and affordable, as I can buy one bP and move on to th enext thing in my budget list rather than needing to buy 2 seperate ones.

But thats just me and my circumstances, there are many other people in different circumstances.

I know that this is a bit off-topic, but I think that there's some very interesting points in the recent posts. With any hobby there will always be enthusiasts that seem to be able to buy anything they want, and those on tighter budgets, but I haven't seen anyone being intentionally judgemental of other member's circumstances on this site.

For some Lego is a minor hobby, for others it becomes an obsession (personally, I try not to be too obsessed......!). However, I'm in a fortunate position in that I have a decent job, a small mortgage, no kids and an understanding wife :wink: It's a question of your situation and priorities, and I think that most people will know instinctively how to balance this.

Lego can be a very expensive hobby if you want it to be, especially if you're in 'aftermarket' territory. (10030, 10179 etc) but it can also be a £10 per month if you're on a budget and maybe save up for the odd larger set, or want to buy a small set now and again.

With the benefit of hindsight I would have purchased a load of 7667s when they were available for £5-6 each and I would have built a large Imperial Army, but I hadn't regressed into my second childhood at that point so I missed it. Alternatives for me are now either Bricklink or waiting for a new set with lots of Stormtroopers. Alternatively, if I want to build a massive Endor scene, now is a good time to be a fan....

I am sorry I was to lazy to read the whole topic :cry_sad: , so I might mention something that was already said

Do you like the new 'battle in a box' battle packs?

I like it, in some way. Though I might prefer the old version. What is good about the new ones is that you always have one to like, wheter you are clone wars fan or OT/PT fan (or both :p). You also aren't stuck now with a really useless vehicle. What I don't like is that sometimes they put a commander in one. I hate to have a commander army.

What is the best way to build armies now?

Just buy every Lego Star Wars set once, with some extra battle packs and 20$/30€ priced sets.

and What new battle packs would you like to see?

I would too love to see a geonosian battle pack featuring 2 geonosians with wings, with two special clones: flame trooper/geonosis camouflaged ARF/mash trooper and some troop carrier/bunker/small vehicle

Also something from the Mon Calamari episodes of the clone wars, with aqua droids, guarren soldier, scuba trooper, mon calamari soldier. vehicle: one or more OMS Devilfish sub.

And a kashyyyk battle pack would also be great, with some clone soldiers and wookiee warrior, for droids a stap, some droids and a dwarf spider droid.

A rebel trooper vs. stromies also needs to come, with two plain rebels and two of the new plain stormies.

and, of course, a 501st with 212th vs. some special droids.

I disagree with those who would wish for some Stormtrooper packs. We already had them not too long ago and the current one has one Stormie, so there is a possibility to grab one of those figs off ebay or BL for a fair price. Or vice versa, try to get those BPs and sell off whatever part you don't like.

I would say, though, that TLC should release more BPs in general. With the CW series bringing new stuff and troops on a regular basis, I would say 2 per year is not satisfying the army builders need at all. If we only had 6 movies, it would be a completely different story. We should get 3 or 4 battle packs a year to satisfy army builders of all OT/PT/CW.

@ topic opener = I believe 7929 is pretty good for amassing battle droids. You can sell the Gungans for a decent price on Ebay and voila = have some cheap army building opportunity.

hi i have all the new lego star wars battlepacks on my channel so please check it out i also have some new 2013/2014 lego hints and suprises.

Edited by Ricecracker
Removed link to youtube

i like the new format,not as much as the old one but still.

I think it's a simpler way to army build:you get multiples of both sides of the equasion.

as far as bps i'd like to see,i would like a Rebel commando battle pack,clone spec ops

team battle pack,and a battle droid battle pack.

hi i have all the new lego star wars battlepacks on my channel so please check it out i also have some new 2013/2014 lego hints and suprises.

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I would prefer battle packs with one faction, for example, ditch the two droidekas in 75000 and replace them with more of the new basic clones.

Edited by howie28

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