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Pandora is at wits end.


"This place stinks, all the women are dead, and nobody will even have a discussion in the day thread. I can hardly wait until this is over." She paces the floor, shuddering at the thought of using the bucket.


As if on cue, a dark figure approaches her. "Perhaps I could be of assistance."

She fights to survive, as is her wont, but it is ultimately futile.


"Requiescat in pace."

Pandora smiles.


Badboy sits with his frog.


"Ah, you understand me. You get me. You are special." With her romantic cooing, she doesn't hear the chainsaw revving.



To give her credit, she doesn't scream.


Surprisingly, in the end, the frog looks down on her.


Morning comes, and def is particularly chipper.


"Morning folks! Well, you've done it! Or, at least, you've done something. You've got some good results!" The crowd awes that something has changed. "Zepher was that Psycho Killer. Hey, do you know what a synonym for a psycho killer is? A serial killer. No shit, eh?" def's Canadian heritage slips out a little. "Anyway, Pandora was Town, but badboy, that dirty, dirty piece... of... work, was scum. So maybe things are turning around?" He looks them over. "I won't count on anything, but I'm glad to see you make some progress."


"As you may have noticed, I had to borrow Pelly's tux. The perceptive among you will know why. My God, Pelly, you are megablocking magnificent. It's unbelievable what steel you're made of."

Scouty speaks up.


"Can we vote for Badboy's frog?"


"You can try, but it's a stupid, stupid idea." Adjusting his bow tie, he leaves the room with his last message until the end of the day.

"In a new twist, you won't be voting for mayor today. It seems your mayor is still alive. Instead, you could try, you know, discussing things. More than yesterday at least. Which wouldn't take much effort indeed!"


In the corner, TinyPies gives things some thought. "Huh? I'm the mayor?"


Day four has started. Voting starts 24 hours from now.

The host

8366587329_f5cb7e71c8_m.jpg def

The players

8367654558_7a44e45e5b_m.jpg Shadows

8366587709_bcb3f79809_m.jpg CallMePie

8367654172_433ccd71da_m.jpg Adam

8367654018_375f2817f9_m.jpg Tamamono

8367654188_38315b4baf_m.jpg JimButcher

8366587407_74a19fb57f_m.jpg Scouty

8366587359_20533abd5a_m.jpg Nightshroud99

8367654310_8915fab957_m.jpg Trumpetking67

8367654176_a3945a5f6f_m.jpg iamded

8367654386_5d57c31ab9_m.jpg DarthPotato

8366587941_ab72ce58a4_m.jpg Alopex

8366587971_34ff23fc85_m.jpg Big Cam

8367654072_577a93dbb6_m.jpg TinyPiesRUs

8366587517_b3faa389b8_m.jpg Dragonator

The Deceased

8370714562_35304d695e_m.jpg Capt. Redblade (Town) Chopped up night zero.

8370714554_c7f12b825a_m.jpg Cecilie (Town) Smooshed the morning of day one.

8383954212_c8c951b706_m.jpg Flare (Town) Lynched on day one.

8382868891_b6b8fe8a0a_m.jpg Darkdragon (Town) Chopped to itty bitty pieces on Night one.

8383954176_812d65051a_m.jpg Cornelius Murdock (Town) Throat slit Night one.

8382868881_04f6a4f061_m.jpg Dannylonglegs (Town) Got in the way of wild horses on Day two

8394073577_6db0c88c17_m.jpg Hinckley (Town) Lynched Day two.

8394073579_5cb52c90e3_m.jpg Rick (Town) Throat slit Night two

8395157916_c24c17e2a5_m.jpg PirateDave (Town) Chopped up Night two

8407405589_21d8b72d2f_m.jpg Zepher (Neutral) Lynched and unremorsefully capped by Cecilie Mk II on Day three

8407405645_e9600f6340_m.jpg Pandora (Town) Throat slit, now at peace on Night three.

8407405691_a601ec65ce_m.jpg Badboy (Scum) Chainsawed on Night three.

Rules (deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to (knowingly) outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting will be done in the following format; Vote: Player. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Player. No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the mayor will decide the lynch, through their vote, or by PM if necessary. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

2.5. A mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the game day one. Voting for the mayor will be done in the following format:Mayor: Player. Unvoting for the mayor will not be allowed. One may vote for themselves. In the case of a tie, the first person to achieve that number will win. In the case that the mayor loses their life, a new mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the following game day. The mayors single duty will be that of tiebreaker.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. In the case of a unanimous vote, the day may end 24 hours early. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as any that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules may result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death upon further offense.

Excellent, we finally got one. And that pesky serial killer, I didn't think it was Zepher but looking back he was definitely acting weird. I couldn't place my finger on it before, because he wasn't acting scummy, necessarily, just weird. Well, he was killing all townies, so...

Anyways, where to begin today. We have plenty of names from yesterday that were discussed to go through. But now it's breakfast time!

Hell yes! Hell no! Hell yes, again! Can't it ever all be good, even just once in a game? :sceptic:

I really took Zepher as scum, but getting rid of the psycho is great news given that he just kept killing us townies every day, so that's one less thing to worry about. Getting a scum is absolutely amazing, and it was one that had raised some suspicions, so not only does that mean we're starting to think the right way, but it also means that our vigilante didn't kill one of us. Keep up the good work, Vig! All of that said, we took a pretty big hit losing Pandora and her role. I'm not sure I remember any game opening where a town, scum and neutral all died, but maybe it's happened before. Two out of the three, though, it's certainly an improvement for us.

Had Zepher turned up scum, I would have automatically moved on to Big Cam today, since it looked a lot like he was trying to influence us away from Zepher yesterday, but since he was neutral, I'm not sure what to make of that now. Still a little odd that after his roleclaim, he didn't end up dead. That makes me wonder why the scum thought Pandora was more important than him, or if they know something we don't.

Before commenting further, I'm going to wait to see if I hear anything from the remaining PRs in hopes that someone turned up a useful lead. If not, we'll have to review the past few days and see what turns up.

At least we don't need to pick a new mayor, for once. *eyes TPRU suspiciously* :laugh:

This is perfect! First my apologies to Scouty, Shadows and Draggy, it looks like my theory wasn't quite perfect.

Regardless we hit the jackpot.

Last night I watched Pandora with the thought she might get targeted and she obviously was. Now I don't get told the action but I do see who.

Pandora was either killed by badboy or Alopex. They targeted her together or at least at then same time. My obvious assumption is badboy killed her, but I am now extremely curious what Alopex was doing there with badboy?

Alopex, care to convince me you are not scum?

Had Zepher turned up scum, I would have automatically moved on to Big Cam today, since it looked a lot like he was trying to influence us away from Zepher yesterday, but since he was neutral, I'm not sure what to make of that now. Still a little odd that after his roleclaim, he didn't end up dead. That makes me wonder why the scum thought Pandora was more important than him, or if they know something we don't.

I agree with almost everything you said. My attention wasn't to draw you away from Zepher, rather your 3 actions to me just seemed to fit the bill, plus I assumed I was dead and I needed to get my role out there. As it turns out I now think I was wrong about you 3 and I'm quite happy no one else voted with me. I don't expect you to accept my apology after my accusation.

I recall Pandora saying if she died it would be a big hit to the town. Maybe the scum found out what her role was?

I suspect I'm dead tonight for sure.

The only thing that puzzles me is who killed badboy? Since he was scum and the Serial killer was already dead?

New post: The obvious just hit me, badboy was scum but maybe not the killer, which would make Alopex an obvious choice as scum killer. No?

Also if no one ends up with a ducked up curse today than maybe badboy was the curser(sorry, not sure the official term) which would still leave Alopex as the scum killer.

This makes sense is the two scum factions have not found each other yet other wise why would they both target Pandora? Oh boy, I'm all over the place. Either way, Alopex has some explaining to do.

Yes!!! One scummo down! It appears that the scum are trying to hide in the lurkers, so I think it would be a great idea to talk to Alopex. Why haven't you talked? You talk maybe once or twice in thread, and usually neither or very helpful, Alopex. It worries me. :sceptic:

I was talking with Pandora before her death, and she seemed to think that she would die that night, so something must be up.

Serial killer, and a scum, and now possibly a scum killer. :sweet: Awesome.

Alopex has been startling quiet the entire game. Very interested to hear what he has to say about all this.

Progress! I knew something was up with Zeph, but I didn't figure he was the serial killer. Still, it's great to have one less night kill!

And on that note, I always figured RIP guy was the vigilante, and chainsaw guy and day killer were the scum and SK. Since the SK was dead, he can't have been the chainsaw killer, so that must have been the scum, meaning the scum killed one of their own today. :tongue:

Although, this game is not like other games. Perhaps the scum are the crimson caped killer, while the vigilante is the chainsaw psycho? Hmmm.

And now my main scumread is dead, best to look into other leads. Time to look at badboy's posts with fresh eyes, I think. This lead on Alopex is certainly interesting too, let's see where that goes.

Fantastic progress, that is a much better result that we can be very happy with.

Amy the vig has to be the chainsaw dude, he killed badboy last night. :tongue:

I do believe this lead on Alopex will be very promising indeed, I look forward to his explanation.

Amy the vig has to be the chainsaw dude, he killed badboy last night. :tongue:

There are two scum teams. It's a possibility the chainsaw guy was the killing side of the scum and Badboy was the recruiting side.

But given the sword killer's list of targets....it's not likely.

Also, if the vig killed Pandora...he has very poor taste :sceptic: ... But that would imply that the scum killed one of their own. OOPS! :grin:

But, hurrah! The serial killer and a scum dead! Things aren't looking as bleak as they were before. A sad loss from Pandora, though. Is there even a town protector in this game?

Imteresting that bad boy approached me during day two, during all the hullabaloo. He was trying to push forward the idea that there can't be any additional roles, besides the killer and recruiter roles. He was trying to tell me that he thinks that the. Watcher is town, because of that suggestion.

Ah, more good news! I can confirm Big Cam's word on Alopex, as he was tracked targeting Pandora.

Fantastic! I'm sort of surprised nothing happened to Big Cam last night, but it's still great that he got this lead on Alopex. And Badboy did seem odd in the day thread, but I never thought it was enough to vote for him. It's nice to get some confirmation on him though.

Fantastic progress, that is a much better result that we can be very happy with.

Amy the vig has to be the chainsaw dude, he killed badboy last night. :tongue:

I do believe this lead on Alopex will be very promising indeed, I look forward to his explanation.

Hey beautiful. :wub: I really like that helmet. I'm not talking about the one on your head. :wink:

Very interesting news about Alopex. The question is about if he is the killer or not, we'll see what he has to claim, I guess. That is, I'll be watching right next to Draggy. :wub: What do you think sweetheart? We'll be okay as long as we're together! :wub:

Welp, I know who got struck by the curse. :grin: So, that probably leaves badboy as trying to recruit or something Pandora.

Welp, I know who got struck by the curse. :grin:

Lies, JimB is finally expressing his pent up deep desires for me, it's about time! :wub:

I think the tracker result that Scouty mentioned somewhat confirms Alopex as the killer. The tracker will have seen the first person to target Pandora, and the killer is right up there at the top of the night action order.

I can sense the drama that will occur between JimButcher and iamded today. :laugh:

I really wish we could just vote now. I'm feeling really good about this case against Alopex. See, you guys should have listened to me yesterday! :grin:

Looks like things are finally turning around. :thumbup: While Zeph being the SK strikes me as weird, at least he was antitown (and that pesky SK is out of the way :sweet:).

badboy too, although I have to admit I wrote him off and nullread him because he's usually that all-over-the-place. :laugh:

Imteresting that bad boy approached me during day two, during all the hullabaloo. He was trying to push forward the idea that there can't be any additional roles, besides the killer and recruiter roles. He was trying to tell me that he thinks that the. Watcher is town, because of that suggestion.

This was probably a softclaim to get you to ally with his team, giving you crucial information that only other scum would know.

Are the scum actionless...? :sweet:


Now, on the topic of Alopex, I think he definitely has some explaining to do. However, now that we know that badboy was scum, I think it's definitely possible that he killed Pandora. I don't know, would his kill have gone through?

Now, on the topic of Alopex, I think he definitely has some explaining to do. However, now that we know that badboy was scum, I think it's definitely possible that he killed Pandora. I don't know, would his kill have gone through?

As we were told previously, one team can kill and one can convert. What we probably saw was proof that the two teams haven't found each other, one tried to kill and one tried to convert the same person. Obviously Alopex could claim some town role and say they are innocent, but at this point, I can't think of any likely town roles that are unaccounted for. We know he wasn't a protector, that's for damn sure. :laugh:

Now it just seems like we're waiting to hear anything from him. I do hope he realises that being quiet isn't going to make us forget. :laugh:

This was probably a softclaim to get you to ally with his team, giving you crucial information that only other scum would know.

Are the scum actionless...? :sweet:

Probably. I wish I had seen that earlier. Oh, well.

I don't know if the scum would be actionless. I saw badboy's "softclaim" to be a bit of misdirection. Wouldn't a scum side with only a killer and a recruiter role seem a little underpowered??

Probably. I wish I had seen that earlier. Oh, well.

I don't know if the scum would be actionless. I saw badboy's "softclaim" to be a bit of misdirection. Wouldn't a scum side with only a killer and a recruiter role seem a little underpowered??

def said they'd be able to convert more, right? That makes it completely balanced, then. Conversion is the strongest action in the game, giving the scum other actions to top it off might make the setup scumsided.

Ah, more good news! I can confirm Big Cam's word on Alopex, as he was tracked targeting Pandora.

I don't expect you to say who, but since you are the sear, I assume you are in communication with the tracker?

Welp, I know who got struck by the curse. :grin: So, that probably leaves badboy as trying to recruit or something Pandora.
I think the tracker result that Scouty mentioned somewhat confirms Alopex as the killer. The tracker will have seen the first person to target Pandora, and the killer is right up there at the top of the night action order.
As we were told previously, one team can kill and one can convert. What we probably saw was proof that the two teams haven't found each other, one tried to kill and one tried to convert the same person. Obviously Alopex could claim some town role and say they are innocent, but at this point, I can't think of any likely town roles that are unaccounted for. We know he wasn't a protector, that's for damn sure. :laugh: Now it just seems like we're waiting to hear anything from him. I do hope he realises that being quiet isn't going to make us forget. :laugh:

Yes, yes yes. It makes sense, if the roles are being played in the typical order that Draggy was describing, then it makes perfect sense that he's the killer.

Even if not, I'm ok with lynching a recruiter.

I am not the killer, neither am I a converter. I'm not scum at all. I am the blocker. As for why I targeted Pandora? I didnt know her exact role. Yesterday she was still under suspicion, so I went after her. Seems I didnt read yesterday's thread well enough. Ask me to block anybody, I'll prove it for you tognight.

Yes, I know I haven't posted very much, and haven't added very much to the conversation. The truth is I didn't have very much to add. I dont have a gigantic network of PMs. Also I misjudged the amount of time I need for the game.

If we lynch another innocent townie, the game will probably end soon. And we wont be the winners. We have killed one scum, thats good. But there's still lot's of scum sneaking around. Choose as you will.

Sorry for any mistakes in my text, Im on a phone.

If you're the blocker then who did you block the last 3 nights and why?

If you are the blocker, then care to share with us your night targets??

Oh, that's already been asked :blush:

  • Author

Voting is open. You have 48 hours.

Vote tally:

JimB 3 (penalty x 3)

I doubt you're the blocker, I'm sorry. Kills are usually the first action seen when being tracked, and you were seen targeting Pandora. Oh, and I'm pretty sure blocker can be a scum role, too.

Oh, and you don't have to be active to be a good townie. And, on top of that, it is very hard to prove that you blocked someone. :sceptic:

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