January 29, 201312 yr Some great ideas here. I think Lego will have a blended wave which is like the first. Usually it is easy to figure out what Lego will do just based on business and playability. As others have said 6-7 sets for a movie is a good starting place. Here are some ideas to contribute to the brain storming going on: The first set will be small like Riddles or Gandalf arrives or the new Wizard battle. Could be a throwback to AuJ like a Rivendell cavalry vs warg. Another possibility could be Azog vs Thorin. Not sure what this could be. Much of DoS occurs in Mirkwood and Laketown. Another Mirkwood Elf set in the woods may be redundant. A set with Bilbo and the spiders would also seem repetitive. Hall of the Elvenking Thranduil throne room with Thranduil, Bilbo, Thorin, a Mirkwood Elf Guard (maybe 2?) about 200 pieces, a set in size similar to Uruk-hai army or Mirkwood spiders. Beorn's House or Rhosgobel This could work either way, as a throwback to the first movie or part of DoS proper. If it is Radagast we can get his sled and some spiders attacking his home. Otherwise maybe Beorn and some orcs or something. Probably would be a medium size set like Hagrids Hut from HP or similar in size to Weathertop (not so many pieces though). Smaug's descent/Smaug's awakening This set will work in one of two ways. If Smaug dies in DoS this set will be Bard vs Smaug in a burning Laketown. If not Smaug will be on his pile of gold and include Bilbo. Will be the similar in size and piece count to Mines of Moria, Attack of the Wargs or the new Council of Elrond. Assault on Dol Guldur (possible flagship set of wave 2) Includes Necromancer, Saruman, armored Elrond, two orcs, Galadriel and rehash Gandalf, maybe a Ringwraith or two? About between the size and piece count of Helms Deep, Goblin King Battle or the upcoming Black Gate set or upcoming Pirate Corsair ship. Saruman is included because Lego likes to reuse minifigs. Elrond, Galadriel and Necromancer will be new. Structure will be open and curved with broken towers. Edited January 29, 201312 yr by Mahtion
January 29, 201312 yr In hobbit, I will not say aanything because even if I have read the book I want to wait. But in LOTR my ideas are these: I ) Lothlorien with 2 trees like the pics we have seen and tith Galadriel and maybe some more elf, even if I don't want it I think lego would have Frodo, and the mirror. II )Eowyn vs fell beast and witchking, and a brick-built oliphant. Maybe some harad men or armored merry. III )Treebeard with merry and pippin, maybe some small plate with asmall tree and grishnak. IV ) A smaller set, as shelob or gandalf arrives, with Frodo/Sam/both and Faramir and a Ithilien ranger, and some tree or floor. V )Something with Gondorian soldiers, maybe the gates of Minas Tirith. Maybe Gandalf on shadowfaxe That's my ideas, hope you like them
January 29, 201312 yr I am honestly not sure about a Dol Guldur set. I am sure we will get one but the minifigures are more complicated. We will definately get the Necromancer and Gandalf although we might get Radagast though I don't think so because the scene with him in Dol Guldur is just a short flashback. Other possible minifures (Going from information from books, films and character descriptions for the films) include Galadriel, Elrond, Saruman, Bolg, Thrain and the Nazgul/Witch King of Angmar (ghost). EDIT: If you're wondering abou the character descriptions thing, there is a description of Bolg saying he is the torturer in the dungeons of Dol Guldur. Edited January 29, 201312 yr by giantevilrobot7777777
January 29, 201312 yr I don't think we will see anything too specific regarding Dul Guldur. Simply because of the production lead time. For Dul Guldur Lego can't cheat a little bit and use the book as a starting point. Everything is exclusive to the movie. And depending on when designs were finalized and edits occur they may or may not have had good access to information on the setting. It's bad enough they got burned with the barrels, the spiders and Azog/Yazneg. I'm thinking they will play it a little more cautiously with the next batch.
January 29, 201312 yr I don't think Lego will have issues with production designs because DoS has been filmed for the most part. PJ is just fleshing out scenes, some of which will revolve around the Dol Guldur attack. The design of Dol Guldur is easy to reference so Lego just needs to design the minifig prints. Elrond may be wearing the same armor so no issue there and the others will probably be similar like Galadriel, Saruman and Gandalf. Only the Necromancer really needs to be fleshed out and Lego can have some sketches and designs from Weta. Either way Lego would need to do a Dol Guldur set because it may be a huge action scene and easily draw in interest for the wave. Lego loves spooky set pieces and lots of action play features which Dol Guldur is perfect being a dungeon and ruined structure.
January 29, 201312 yr Does anybody think it would be likely to get Barad-Dur as an exclusive like Orthanc?
January 30, 201312 yr Does anybody think it would be likely to get Barad-Dur as an exclusive like Orthanc? No. There are no minifigs really associated with Barad-Dur and it's ratherly vaguely defined. It would be a waste of a UCS set - better to give us something like the Golden Hall of Meduseld.
January 30, 201312 yr No. There are no minifigs really associated with Barad-Dur and it's ratherly vaguely defined. It would be a waste of a UCS set - better to give us something like the Golden Hall of Meduseld. I guess you're right; I hadn't really thought of the difficulty in Minifigure selection, although I would love to see a smaller Barad-Dur someday, maybe with Sauron, Orcs, and maybe Frodo and Sam in their Orc disguises if they don't appear in another set (although they're really unlikely). Now that you mention it, a Golden Hall would be amazing! That would be a good way to get Wormtongue if he's not in Orthanc, and maybe a new Theoden. Edited January 30, 201312 yr by Legomaster34
January 30, 201312 yr I'd really like to see a LEGO Glorfindel as he appears in the video game. Since that seems unlikely in the near future, I'd like to build one myself. For those of you who know the game, can you point me towards a torso that looks suitable (silver with light blue, elvish design if possible)? Also, has LEGO produces light blue capes?
January 30, 201312 yr 2 orcs on Wargs and two Rivendale Warriors along with Radagast would make an awesome set! 2nd that idea. Rivendel elves in armor fighting warg riders with Radagast and his bunnies! Awesome.
January 30, 201312 yr Barad Dur could have great minifig selection. You could have the scene of the last alliance of elves and men. Minifigs such as orcs, Elendil, Isildur, Gil Galad, Sauron, Numenorean Soldier, Elf Soldier. There are plenty. In fact that is the only set I could see to include Sauron. Edited January 30, 201312 yr by jmagaletta
January 31, 201312 yr It would be good if there's a fell beast set, maybe TLG can use the new moulded dragon from the new castle sets for the fell beast
January 31, 201312 yr It would be good if there's a fell beast set, maybe TLG can use the new moulded dragon from the new castle sets for the fell beast http://www.flickr.co...in/photostream/ The one from the video game was pretty similar to the castle dragons.
January 31, 201312 yr ^ Indeed it was, I guess time will tell but hopefully they will make it aswell as a few other LOTR sets.
January 31, 201312 yr There's only two possible ways to get Sauron that I can think of, 1.Saurons fall,it would come with Elrond, Isildur and Sauron ,the ring and maybe some rocks 2.the Necromancer from the Hobbit, becoming Sauron from Lord of the Rings.
February 1, 201312 yr My son keeps hoping that they'll surprise us with a LOTR/Hobbit Advent calendar, I tell him that it's highly unlikely.
February 1, 201312 yr There's only two possible ways to get Sauron that I can think of, 1.Saurons fall,it would come with Elrond, Isildur and Sauron ,the ring and maybe some rocks 2.the Necromancer from the Hobbit, becoming Sauron from Lord of the Rings. The second seems more likely, after all, would TLG create so many new necessary molds (armour pieces different from the Ring War era) just for one set (since I do not see any other use)? Not that I am disappointed, I dislike the PJ-armoured Sauron. Let's see about the Necromancer.
February 1, 201312 yr My son keeps hoping that they'll surprise us with a LOTR/Hobbit Advent calendar, I tell him that it's highly unlikely. Highly Unlikely but not impossible. There are a lot of little builds that could work for an Advent Calendar and also it could coincide with the Release of The Desolation of Smaug. If they do release one I would get it. 3
February 1, 201312 yr I'm not sure if this is the place for my question, but how likely are we to get a hooded ringwraith in future sets? I'm debating whether I should finish my collection of nine now, or wait for the figure in a lower priced set.
February 1, 201312 yr Barad Dur could have great minifig selection. You could have the scene of the last alliance of elves and men. Minifigs such as orcs, Elendil, Isildur, Gil Galad, Sauron, Numenorean Soldier, Elf Soldier. There are plenty. In fact that is the only set I could see to include Sauron. No reason to waste a UCS slot on that. Make a Sammath Naur set for 60ish, with a gate and small cliff inside, plus the minifigs you mentioned. Keep the UCS/big slot for something more deserving. How sick would it be to get a Cirith Ungol? Minas Morgul is too big, but Cirith Ungol has all the elements of a great Lego castle - cool gate, big tower, walls and keep that don't need to be 100$ movie accurate.
February 1, 201312 yr My son keeps hoping that they'll surprise us with a LOTR/Hobbit Advent calendar, I tell him that it's highly unlikely. One of the many leaks were the 2013 Advent Calendars. There will be the normal Star Wars and City. This year they are adding Friends. I agree with jmagaleta that is is highly unlikley but not impossible. It is kind of sad since there was a very nice MOC LotR advent posted in 2012. I'm not sure if this is the place for my question, but how likely are we to get a hooded ringwraith in future sets? I'm debating whether I should finish my collection of nine now, or wait for the figure in a lower priced set. I doubt it will show up again. There are not likely to be many more waves and there is so much left to do.
February 1, 201312 yr Cirith Ungol has all the elements of a great Lego castle - cool gate, big tower, walls and keep that don't need to be 100$ movie accurate. Agreed. Add to it reasonable play features like Orcs falling down on Uruk-Hai, the magic web of the Two Watchers', and the collapsing of the door by the phial of Galadriel (although the latter two were not seen in the movies).
February 1, 201312 yr Agreed. Add to it reasonable play features like Orcs falling down on Uruk-Hai, the magic web of the Two Watchers', and the collapsing of the door by the phial of Galadriel (although the latter two were not seen in the movies). I thought TLG had only rights to the movies, not the books? If i remember correctly though the watchers were shown in ROTK game. Also concerning UCS sets, do you really not want huge ones like Minas Tirith? I think it is actually bigger than Minas Morgul, Going by the movies that is. It could be done in a manner of the Super Star Destroyer. No where near minifig scale, but an opening for a crucial scene. Such as when they are discussing what to do next after the Pelennor Fields. The Last Debate in the books. But in the movie it takes place in the Throne Room.
February 1, 201312 yr When will LEGO release army building stuff? Come on. I am referring to concrete battle packs. -The proceeding is very simple: Take some sets alike those there and replace the knights from Classic Castle with warriors from Middle earth. There are so many fantastic armies! Several Elves, Men, Orcs, Dwarves... and so much more! I don't need to count those several cultures. The different weapons and armors were fantastic! Where are the banners of Rohan, Isengard and Lothlorien? Ok, seriously: Those things aren't really complicated. I am seeing at the third wave only four LotR sets. Why is there no more space for army building? I would really like to know what the definitive issue is? Edited February 1, 201312 yr by Elander
February 1, 201312 yr I thought TLG had only rights to the movies, not the books? If i remember correctly though the watchers were shown in ROTK game. ... well having some collapsible parts hopefully does not violate the license; I mean it is not like you need a license for destructable gates or so. But with lawyers around, who knows? Why is there no more space for army building? I would really like to know what the definitive issue is? License issues; only construction sets and promotional stuff. At least that can be most frequently read.
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