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They could use Elrond's back print for the generic Noldor but Gil-Galad should have his own torso and hairpiece (his crown is distinct) but I'd settle for either of Elrond's hairpieces. What stinks is that this set would ideally have a huge number of special molds already: sauron's helm, elven shield, elven helmet, and a numenorean helmet. If we get a set similar to this, I'm sure that some of that would be left undone unless it is a $60-80 set. It's hard for me to imagine LEGO ending this theme without giving us the chief antagonist. The Mouth of Sauron being released this year also gives me a shred of hope that they might include Gil-Galad but I know it's highly unlikely.

I know he *should* have his unique armor and hairpiece, but it's similar enough considering the more important new elements required for such a set. I mean, honestly, I would forego having 2nd Age Sauron (since he could very well come off looking goofy anyways) if it meant more Noldor and Numenorean characters in a set.

What Lego really ought to do is recognize that the prologue of FOTR is probably the one thing most seen by fans of the franchise, whether casual or hardcore, and it's a defining, powerful montage that sets the tone of the entire Jackson adaptation. Thus, it totally deserves 2 sets - a "Isildur Confrontation" ~$20 set with a well-done Sauron, Isildur and Elendil; and a "The Last Alliance" battlepack with either of the following (preferably the first option, though the second is sadly more likely)

1: Noldor Archer (w/ Elven Bow in Gold), Noldor Spearman (with Gold Elf Spear and some sort of shield), Numenorean Archer (black bow), Numenorean Warrior (sword and 2nd Age sigil shieldprint)

2: Noldor Warrior, Numenorean Warrior, 2 Orcs (with hairpieces, please)


I strongly disagree. While something Gondor related is definitely number one on my list right now, I don't want Lego to focus solely on it for a whole wave. If they did that means they would potentially never make any of the great other creatures/minifigs/locations of Middle Earth. I would be more than happy with a huge +$130+ Minas Tirith set and a Mordor Orc/Gondor Soldier Army builder set like the Uruk-hai Army. If that's all we got I would be plenty satisfied. That would leave room for a Balrog, Treebeard (he would look quite a bit different than the Orthanc Ent I imagine), Oliphant w/ Haradrim/Easterlings/Ithilien Rangers, a Lothlorien set, and something with Faramir/Eowyn/With King/Gothmog/etc. After Lego gets all these sets out, I would be more than happy to see them come back and add on to the existing material. Osgiliath, the Golden Hall, etc. would be great!

I strongly disagree. While something Gondor related is definitely number one on my list right now, I don't want Lego to focus solely on it for a whole wave. If they did that means they would potentially never make any of the great other creatures/minifigs/locations of Middle Earth. I would be more than happy with a huge +$130+ Minas Tirith set and a Mordor Orc/Gondor Soldier Army builder set like the Uruk-hai Army. If that's all we got I would be plenty satisfied. That would leave room for a Balrog, Treebeard (he would look quite a bit different than the Orthanc Ent I imagine), Oliphant w/ Haradrim/Easterlings/Ithilien Rangers, a Lothlorien set, and something with Faramir/Eowyn/With King/Gothmog/etc. After Lego gets all these sets out, I would be more than happy to see them come back and add on to the existing material. Osgiliath, the Golden Hall, etc. would be great!

Both Balrog and Treebeared are buildable from already existing bricks (purist LEGO) Its not like it would take tons of bricks to build either (200 +/-) easily bricklinkable. I would also like Balrog, but Treebeared is really EASILY MOCable from that Ent with adding/taking 20-40 pieces MAX!

Lothlorien set is a waste of material, literally NOTHING important happens there and even less action than Gimli swinging his axe on Council of Elrond. Galadriel + Frodo + Mirror can easily be 10/15$ set and thats about it from even REMOTE importance of Lorien period! If you really want Lorien imo download Ewok Village instruction and bricklink parts in darker colors instead of tan and you will get a better Lorien than you would if LEGO makes it a set anyway.

I agree with Witch King + Theoden + Eowyn set but thats Gondor related stuff since its happening on Fields of Pelennor anyway and would be considered under Gondor regardless of figures since location and time of event is 3rd movie and Gondor.

Gothmog can easily be squished in Gondor sets (assaults on gate etc.)

Edited by Alcarin

I guess when we're talking Gondor, we're really talking Pelennor. Mounted Rohirrim, all Gondorians (Citadel Guard, Warriors, Knights), Witch-King, Eowyn, Mumakil, Haradrim, Easterlings...I suppose if I were forced to choose between either getting a battle pack of Gondorians or one of Easterlings, I'd pick the latter. They're hands-down the coolest design of all the film's factions.

Of course, since we're in wild speculation mode, the 'ultimate' for those with armybuilder tastes like myself would be:

Osgiliath Invaded: $24.99

Set: Modular Osgiliath Archways/Ruins - multiple peg holes for lots of possible arrangements. (in reality, a grey parts pack)


1x Gondorian Warrior (with gladius and new shield)


1x Gondorian Knight (steed, gladius, lance and banner)


1x Gondorian Ranger (elven bow and quiver, green hood and cape)


1x Easterling Pikeman (pike and repaint of roman tower shield)


1x Easterling Swordsman (tower shield and scimitar)


1x Morgul Orc (blue/grey hue as opposed to the current tan/brown orcs, includes hammer)


Do we see Easterlings at Osgiliath? Who cares? Haradrim I think belong en masse in a Mumakil set - though they could be smart and turn the Eowyn/Witchking fight into an armybuilder like so:

The Witch-King's Hour

Set: Fellbeast and some Pelennor debris. Head armor is removable for the Fellbeast.


1x Eowyn with gladius, roundshield, and swappable helm and hair. Make the helm 1 single design for Merry and Eowyn - a flatter, less ostentatious version of the current Rohan helmet. Can be turned into normal Rohirrim by keeping the Dernhelm hat and simply swapping in a male head.

1x Rohirrim Merry with gladius and new Rohan helm. Can be turned into normal Rohirrim by swapping in long legs and an alternate face.

1x Haradrim Warrior w/ spear (to fight Merry, a la Extended Edition)

1x Witch-King with sword and flail. Keep it the normal Nazgul minifig, just add removable shoulder armor, and an alternate unique molded hood/helm piece. Can be converted to normal Nazgul simply by swapping out for a normal hood and removing the shoulder armor and flail.

This is an example of something Lego could EASILY do - make an ICONIC scene that appeals to ANY fan, but secretly make it a quick 'n' dirty armybuilder for AFOLs. You can get the epic showdown, and then buy more to pad out your Rohan ranks, while getting a full complement of Nazgul on Fellbeasts, as well as a Haradrim to boot.

Both Balrog and Treebeared are buildable from already existing bricks (purist LEGO)

You could do the same for pretty much anything Gordon-related if Lego gave us 1 or 2 Gondor themed sets. It's really just the printed minifigures needed to recreate them (though the bricks all bundled in a single set makes it significantly easier). All that Lego would need to include is Gondor Soldiers, Faramir, the Witch King, Gothmog, Denethor, and Eowyn in a big Minas Tirith set and Ithilien Rangers and Haradrim in an Oliphant Ambush set (and maybe Easterlings? Dunno where else they could be features since we already got the Black Gate set and really that's the only time we clearly see them in the film). With these you could recreate Osgiliath OR Minas Tirith, and create tons of different parts of Minas Tirith as well as everything that happens at the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

Edited by Deathleech

You could do the same for pretty much anything Gordon-related if Lego gave us 1 or 2 Gondor themed sets. It's really just the printed minifigures needed to recreate them (though the bricks all bundled in a single set makes it significantly easier). All that Lego would need to include is Gondor Soldiers, Faramir, the Witch King, Gothmog, Denethor, and Eowyn in a big Minas Tirith set and Ithilien Rangers and Haradrim in an Oliphant Ambush set (and maybe Easterlings? Dunno where else they could be features since we already got the Black Gate set and really that's the only time we clearly see them in the film). With these you could recreate Osgiliath OR Minas Tirith, and create tons of different parts of Minas Tirith as well as everything that happens at the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

Except creating Balrog/Treebeard take about 200-400 pieces max and creating Minas Tirith even watered down to biggest LEGO set ever (Taj mahal?) takes like 5000+ pieces. Difference is notable.

Treebeared means changing a few pieces on Orthanc Ent nothing else. Blarog is a little more tricky I admit.

I doubt they would put Elrond into a Last Alliance set, because it was an exclusive to the LEGO LOTR game. As far as I know, when things are exclusive to a game or book, they stay exclusive. I would love, however, an Isildur, Elendil and Sauron. They could even do a army builder set like they do with SW. 2 Elven soldiers and 2 orcs.

Edited by Gremer

Except creating Balrog/Treebeard take about 200-400 pieces max and creating Minas Tirith even watered down to biggest LEGO set ever (Taj mahal?) takes like 5000+ pieces. Difference is notable.

They still need to fill that 20-30 dollar price point. Lego has done great job of spreading the sets around locations and movies in each wave. Don't expect the next wave to be much different.

They still need to fill that 20-30 dollar price point. Lego has done great job of spreading the sets around locations and movies in each wave. Don't expect the next wave to be much different.

Exactly! What do you think Lego is going to do Alcarin, make 5 Gondor themed sets that are all $100+? They need at least a couple sets in the 10-50 dollar range. Plus the chances of us getting a 5000+ piece Gondor set seem pretty slim to none considering only 2 Lego sets ever have had over 5000 pieces. If we get a Minas Tirith and an add on army builder or Oliphant, like I said, that would give us plenty of pieces and new minifigure prints to create pretty much anything else Gondor related we could possibly want. No need to make 5 or 6 Gondor sets in one wave, it would be overkill. People want variety.

This is an example of something Lego could EASILY do - make an ICONIC scene that appeals to ANY fan, but secretly make it a quick 'n' dirty armybuilder for AFOLs. You can get the epic showdown, and then buy more to pad out your Rohan ranks, while getting a full complement of Nazgul on Fellbeasts, as well as a Haradrim to boot.

I really just wish Lego would make proper army builders. I think they would sell fantastically. I mean are kids really going to pass them up completely so only AFOLS are the ones driving the sales and buying them en mass? I doubt it. Obviously if we HAD to get an army builder like you described (and kind of like the Uruk-hai Army set) or nothing, I obviously would take that, but I would love some proper army builders. 2 Mordor Orcs, a general in better armor, and a mountain troll as one battlepack, 4 Rohan soldiers and a horse as another, 3 orc Warg Riders and 2 Wargs as another, 5 Easterling soldiers... these types of sets would be my dream. Perfect for army building, only include one or two types of soldiers so you could build each army as big as you want, etc. I can dream can't I? :grin:

Exactly! What do you think Lego is going to do Alcarin, make 5 Gondor themed sets that are all $100+?

If you would read instead of just trying to disagree with me you'd see my smallest set idea is far from Gondor...


They still need to fill that 20-30 dollar price point

Wasn't uruk-hai army (Gondor style) that 30$ price point?

I really just wish Lego would make proper army builders. I think they would sell fantastically. I mean are kids really going to pass them up completely so only AFOLS are the ones driving the sales and buying them en mass? I doubt it. Obviously if we HAD to get an army builder like you described (and kind of like the Uruk-hai Army set) or nothing, I obviously would take that, but I would love some proper army builders. 2 Mordor Orcs, a general in better armor, and a mountain troll as one battlepack, 4 Rohan soldiers and a horse as another, 3 orc Warg Riders and 2 Wargs as another, 5 Easterling soldiers... these types of sets would be my dream. Perfect for army building, only include one or two types of soldiers so you could build each army as big as you want, etc. I can dream can't I?

I really wish your dream come true :D

Wasn't uruk-hai army (Gondor style) that 30 dollar price-point?

You used the number of pieces as an argument for not making certain sets. That's all I was addressing.

I imagine we'll get up to three gondor/pelennor sets. I can't imagine there being more than four in one wave unless Lego does something unexpected like battle packs.

You used the number of pieces as an argument for not making certain sets. That's all I was addressing.

I imagine we'll get up to three gondor/pelennor sets. I can't imagine there being more than four in one wave unless Lego does something unexpected like battle packs.

You wrote

They still need to fill that 20-30 dollar price point.

I see nothing about pieces in that reply.

Not to mention:

Lego has done great job of spreading the sets around locations and movies in each wave. Don't expect the next wave to be much different.

Lets see about that ''great'' job.

FOTR sets count: Wave1: 4 sets, Wave2: 2 sets

TTT sets count: Wave1: 2 (Shelob is book 2/3!) Wave2: 0 sets

ROTK sets count: Wave1: 0 sets Wave2: 2 sets

Now we can easily give both Exclusive/UCS sets to wave 2 since thats when both sets get the most ''screen time which makes final count after 2 waves about

6 vs 4 vs 2 and out of the 2 ... 1 set is a Ship (which is fine just odd! from Movie perspective but we all know LEGO likes to do ships)

Hardly what I would ever call a GREAT job...

Ps. Even both polybags were from movie 1 ;) (Gandalf and Elrond)

Edited by Alcarin

If you would read instead of just trying to disagree with me you'd see my smallest set idea is far from Gondor...


Sorry, I saw no mention of a small set nor of anything that ISN'T Gondor in your last several posts. In fact here was your initial post I responded to:

You would rather have a WHOLE Gondor wave than Treebeard or Mount Doom?


Sorry but Treebeared means another Ent that we get in Orthanc .... regardless of name!

Mount Doom means a huge pile of slopes OR it will not be big enough to be plausible. And we get more Hobbits!

I'm seriously tired of any Hobbit in LEGO, to me they're half a figure and legs are 99% useless on my MOCs also!

We need a Gondor wave, with Gondor Soldiers, Ithilien Rangers and Haradrims/Easterlings...

If LEGO would end LOTR line without Gondor(3+ Gondor sets) I would be severely disappointed with LEGO.

You blatantly say you want an entire Gondor wave. You then went on to disagree with EVERY set idea that wasn't Gondor related. Treebeard and the Balrog you said could easily be brick built on your own (as could any set in Lego though, that's kind of the idea with the bricks, lol), Lothlorien you said shouldn't be made because "nothing happens there" (you sort of agreed a small would be ok?), you said you didn't want any sets with Hobbits because their legs aren't very useful, and the rest of the ideas you shot down with your above quote. Where exactly was your idea for a non-Gondor theme set? The Galadriel mirror and Frodo set? Wow, the cheapest set in a wave is different while the other 3-5 sets are all Gondor, what variety!

Lets see about that ''great'' job.

FOTR sets count: Wave1: 4 sets, Wave2: 2 sets

TTT sets count: Wave1: 2 (Shelob is book 2/3!) Wave2: 0 sets

ROTK sets count: Wave1: 0 sets Wave2: 2 sets

6 vs 4 vs 2 and out of the 2 ... 1 set is a Ship (which is fine just odd! from Movie perspective but we all know LEGO likes to do ships)

Hardly what I would ever call a GREAT job...

These are the numbers I am coming up with:

FotR - 5 sets

Gandalf Arrives

Wizard Battle

Council of Elrond

Attack on Weathertop

Mines of Moria

TTT - 3 sets

Uruk-hai Army

Orc Forge

Helm's Deep

RotK - 3 sets

Shelob Attacks

Black Gates

Pirate Ship Ambush

I didn't include Orthanc because it is featured in all three movies and the set seems to try and depict something from each. The eagle and Gandalf are from the FotR, the orcs and white hand armor TTT, and Grima at Orthanc is from RotK. So, that puts us at 5 FotR sets, 3 TTT, and 3 RotK. That doesn't seem bad at all considering FotR hasn't had a huge flagsip set yet while TTT and RotK both have. Also, FotR has the 2 smallest sets each wave. If we break it down by price, it looks something like this:

FotR - $196

TTT - $200

RotK - $180

Not much of a difference there? Of course one could argue Orc Forge is more FotR than TTT because it includes Lurtz, but regardless RotK is still right in the middle for sets made and amount of money for the sets. If they made an entire wave centered around RotK it would seriously throw everything off since things have in fact been pretty even so far. I also didn't include the polybags since they aren't "real" sets, rather an existing minifigure thrown in a bag to promote a line. It makes them hard to place in a wave and kind of irrelevant... is Frodo's Cooking corner from FotR, or from RotK after he returns to the shire? The scene is never really seen in the movies. Is the Uruk-hai suppose to be from TTT or FotK, I would assume TTT because of the ballista but who really knows? The Gandalf poly was from the Hobbit and not even a part of the LotR wave.

Edited by Deathleech

Sorry, I saw no mention of a small set nor of anything that ISN'T Gondor in your last several posts.
Where exactly was your idea for a non-Gondor theme set? The Galadriel mirror and Frodo set? Wow, the cheapest set in a wave is different while the other 3-5 sets are all Gondor

If you consider the smallest set bad thats not my problem its variety, despite minimal.

Treebeard and the Balrog you said could easily be brick built on your own (as could any set in Lego though, that's kind of the idea with the bricks, lol)

Ofcourse it is, but Treebeared = 30 bricks changing one Ent from Orthanc... Treebeared literally brings nothing because we got an ent already which is a joke to mod for treebeared. If you disagree with that thats ok but thats a rock solid fact.

I agreed Balrog is more tricky especially cos of wings, but I can easily pass Balrog myself especially since I am fed with Gandalfs for the rest of my life (in LEGO versions)

Lothlorien you said shouldn't be made because "nothing happens there" (you sort of agreed a small would be ok?)

We will ''never'' see Official Lothlorien like Ewok Village (which would then be display value) and making it a small play set with (about the same lame display value of Uruk-hai Army/Elronds council) tell me what will kids play with it....

- A hardcore climb of fellowship (oh i only get 2/9 max fellowship) to the top of the tree?

- flicker missile will snipe them on the way to top?

Nothing else happens in a movie from Lothlorien?

Where exactly was your idea for a non-Gondor theme set?

I would say look on wave 1 and half of wave 2 ;) It has a valuable display/play value of Helm's Deep arguable one of the best designs of nonUCS sets in 2012!

I assume you are being coy. I shouldn't have to spell out the connection between price and piece count.

You may not like some of the sets that TLG has chosen to make but they haven't dedicated any wave to one book or movie; they have spread them out. No one is arguing that the next wave won't be centered on ROTK; only that it won't and shouldn't be exclusive to it.

@ Deathleech Orc Forge is a FOTR set. Lurtz is born in FOTR.

Shelob Attack is not ROTK (ok it is by movie but thats wrong anyway)

Its TTT for me period :) since chronologically it happens in book 4/6 or book 2/3 whatever you prefer which is part of story of The Two Towers.

But guess since license is for movie sets we can argue endlessly what is it 2nd or 3rd.

Also Tolkien is kinda right, Lurtz is born in FOTR which makes Orc Forge FOTR set not TTT ( even i put it wrong)

Orthanc is clearly part of TTT even if you someone says he features in every movie the name The Two Towers means Orthanc and Barad-Dur which can easily translate to the ''UCS''

We shall see what will happen.

But I know if wave 3 = last wave and we will not get 3 Gondor oriented sets I will be severely disappointed.

Edited by Alcarin

Shelob Attack is not ROTK (ok it is by movie but thats wrong anyway)

Its TTT for me period :) since chronologically it happens in book 4/6 or book 2/3 whatever you prefer which is part of story of The Two Towers.

But guess since license is for movie sets we can argue endlessly what is it 2nd or 3rd.

Also Tolkien is kinda right, Lurtz is born in FOTR which makes Orc Forge FOTR set not TTT ( even i put it wrong)

Orthanc is clearly part of TTT even if you someone says he features in every movie the name The Two Towers means Orthanc and Barad-Dur which can easily translate to the ''UCS''

We shall see what will happen.

But I know if wave 3 = last wave and we will not get 3 Gondor oriented sets I will be severely disappointed.

Technically speaking the title of "Two Towers" has been debated a lot. With a letter from Tolkien saying it is Orthanc and Minas Morgul. But I can definitely see TLG doing Barad Dur over Minas Morgul.

Edited by jmagaletta

Technically speaking the title of "Two Towers" has been debated a lot. With a letter from Tolkien saying it is Orthanc and Minas Morgul.

Ok sorry, i am just 100% sure one of the two is meant to be Orthanc ;)

If you consider the smallest set bad thats not my problem its variety, despite minimal.

I never said it would be bad, I was just confused if that was even the set you were talking about. You went on about how Lego shouldn't make a Lothlorien set, then quickly mention how a Gladriel and Frodo set with Mirror would be passable? Here is what you said:

"Lothlorien set is a waste of material, literally NOTHING important happens there and even less action than Gimli swinging his axe on Council of Elrond. Galadriel + Frodo + Mirror can easily be 10/15$ set and thats about it from even REMOTE importance of Lorien period! If you really want Lorien imo download Ewok Village instruction and bricklink parts in darker colors instead of tan and you will get a better Lorien than you would if LEGO makes it a set anyway."

I am guessing you didn't want a big Lothlorien set and would be fine with a smaller one, but you were a bit unclear and contradicting since you started saying a "Lothlorien set is a waste of material".

Ofcourse it is, but Treebeared = 30 bricks changing one Ent from Orthanc... Treebeared literally brings nothing because we got an ent already which is a joke to mod for treebeared. If you disagree with that thats ok but thats a rock solid fact.

I agreed Balrog is more tricky especially cos of wings, but I can easily pass Balrog myself especially since I am fed with Gandalfs for the rest of my life (in LEGO versions)

A big Minas Tirith set could be used to easily re-create Osgiliath too. All you would have to do is take some of the walls and buildings and make them look more ruined and destroyed.

Shelob Attack is not ROTK (ok it is by movie but thats wrong anyway)

Its TTT for me period :) since chronologically it happens in book 4/6 or book 2/3 whatever you prefer which is part of story of The Two Towers.

But guess since license is for movie sets we can argue endlessly what is it 2nd or 3rd.

It's definitely from RotK since the sets are based on the films, and in the film Shelob Attacks is in the third movie RotK. By your logic Lurtz isn't even in the books so the Orc Forge should be more from TTT then?

Also Tolkien is kinda right, Lurtz is born in FOTR which makes Orc Forge FOTR set not TTT ( even i put it wrong)

Orthanc is clearly part of TTT even if you someone says he features in every movie the name The Two Towers means Orthanc and Barad-Dur which can easily translate to the ''UCS''

I don't think the film name should dictate if a set is being strictly based on that film. The eagle clearly shows Orthanc is meant to cover at least a few key scenes spread throghout all three films as the eagles are never seen at Orthanc again in the films. Also, even IF Orthanc is based strictly on TTT that's a good thing since TTT has the fewest sets and least money invstedt into it Lego wise?

We shall see what will happen.

But I know if wave 3 = last wave and we will not get 3 Gondor oriented sets I will be severely disappointed.

I think most people would be fine with a Gondor-centric third wave that has 2 or 3 Gondor sets. I think they just want some variety too and not a wave ENTRIELY made of that. Lego could easily do a 5 or 6 wave set that has Minas Tirith, a Mordor Orc/Gondor Soldier Army buildier akin to the Uruk-hai Army set, a third set that has whatever isn't in Minas Tirith (With King, Eowyn, Merry, Fel Beast, Oliphant, etc.), a Treebeard set, Balrog one, and a sixth set with whatever. No need to go overboard with Gondor.

Edited by Deathleech

It's definitely from RotK since the sets are based on the films, and in the film Shelob Attacks is in the third movie RotK. By your logic Lurtz isn't even in the books so the Orc Forge should be more from TTT then?

If youd check youd see I gave Orc Forge originally to TTT ;)

I am guessing you didn't want a big Lothlorien set and would be fine with a smaller one, but you were a bit unclear and contradicting since you started saying a "Lothlorien set is a waste of material".

Yes you are right, I do not want big Lothlorien because it has no ''true'' meaning and while I would not mind it after wave 5/6 at this moment there is tons of places/stuff to create that has alot more meaning and has alot more action/play features than Lothlorien.

The reason I wrote Lothlorien or better say Gladariel with Frodo and Mirror on an idea of 10/15$ set is because to me thats the only ''important'' scene of the whole Lothlorien material for the story.

I would take Lothlorien also, but if it ends up as ''lame'' as Council of Elrond (by lame I mean size) I rather have no Lothlorien than Lothlorien similar to Ewok Village (which would be perfect Lothlorien with little changes and color change)

A big Minas Tirith set could be used to easily re-create Osgiliath too. All you would have to do is take some of the walls and buildings and make them look more ruined and destroyed.

Yep hence I would prefer Minas Tirith to come in 2 pieces.

80/90$ Gate + Grond

140$ Courtyard with White Tree, Hall of Kings and White Tower

If that would be the case I could care less for Osgilliath and if on top we would we rewarded with Oliphant that comes with Faramir and Ithilien Ranger, I see no need for the ruins at all.

I don't think the film name should dictate if a set is being strictly based on that film. The eagle clearly shows Orthanc is meant to cover at least a few key scenes spread throghout all three films as the eagles are never seen at Orthanc again in the films. Also, even IF Orthanc is based strictly on TTT that's a good thing since TTT has the fewest sets and least money invstedt into it Lego wise?

I agree, but lets be honest here, in which movie most of the story reveales around direct impact of Orthanc. The answer is simple.

Putting Orthanc to movie 1/3 is only a step better than putting Minas Tirith to movie 2 or 1 bracket because Gandalf goes there to read scripts and because Faramir and company look on it when going to Osgilliath.

Balrog I could live with easily, if its done nicely, but we would get ANOTHER Gandalf, and i'm already fed up with Gandalfs and Gimlies. Atleast I found use for Gimli torsos and Helmet, but Gandalfs hat i find none for. There is only so much wizards you can use in MOCs

I agree, but lets be honest here, in which movie most of the story reveales around direct impact of Orthanc. The answer is simple.

Putting Orthanc to movie 1/3 is only a step better than putting Minas Tirith to movie 2 or 1 bracket because Gandalf goes there to read scripts and because Faramir and company look on it when going to Osgilliath.

Well if we list Orthanc as strictly TTT, and Orc Forge as strictly FotR, the numbers look more like this:

FotR - 6 sets

Gandalf Arrives

Wizard Battle

Council of Elrond

Orc Forge

Attack on Weathertop

Mines of Moria

TTT - 3 sets

Uruk-hai Army

Helm's Deep

Tower of Orthanc

RotK - 3 sets

Shelob Attacks

Black Gates

Pirate Ship Ambush

And total cost of sets for each film is:

FotR - $236

TTT - $360

RotK - $180

Still not to bad really. RotK is only $56 behind FotR, and that could easily be fixed with a big Minas Tirith flagship set in wave 3.

Personally I feel like I think you do and would love to get tons of battle packs like Gondor Soldiers, Rohan Soldiers, Mordor Orcs, Moria Orcs, Easterlings, Ithilien Rangers, Haradrim, etc. In fact a Lothlorien set doesn't interest me at all. I much prefer the action scenes where the good and evil forces are clashing, or army builder sets. With that said though, I know there are tons of people who would buy a set like Lothlorien for the parts alone, or because they are big elf fans (though not necessarily LotR fans). I would much rather see this line last a long time, even if it means we get some sets that I myself don't find particularly interesting.

Lothlorien is important to the story. Though it's not action packed, it is an incredibly iconic place in Middle Earth and it should look absolutely nothing like the ewok village. This sits easily among the top 5 things I want Lego to address before the line ends. Plus, wiith that new arch and who knows what foliage, you are right on Deathleech: wonderful parts pack.

I think it's sad you can't appreciate the council set Alcarin. To me, it's one of the nicest sets I've ever seen. I feel it's absurd to expect Lego to produce every location to scale, especially within a three or four year time frame, and I do not understand your sentiment of 'if it's not this way, none at all'. The set captures the feel of Rivendell well and there's nothing stopping anyone from making it bigger if they are willing to spend more time and money.

I understand not wanting anymore Gandalfs but we all know there has to be one in each wave; the same goes for Frodo, Aragorn and maybe Legolas and Gimli. They are far more recognizable and relatable for the target age and casual fans in general.

Edited by Str0ngbad

Lothlorien is important to the story. Though it's not action packed, it is an incredibly iconic place in Middle Earth and it should look absolutely nothing like the ewok village. This sits easily among the top 5 things I want Lego to address before the line ends. Plus, wiith that new arch and who knows what foliage, you are right on Deathleech: wonderful parts pack.

Sorry to break the bubble but Lothlorien is FAR from iconic... If we just compare it to even lesser iconic buildings like Helm's Deep, Oliphant, not to even start comparing to more iconic things like Barad-Dur itself, and then Orthanc, Minas Tirith, Balrog etc...

all those are far more iconic than Lothlorien in movie.

Lothlorien goes to the rank of Minas Morgul, Bree, Pass of Caradhrass, and similar, even Council of Elrond is more iconic than Lothlorien.

I am talking about MOVIE here though, which means if we look all 3 movies in extended edition Lothlorien is one of the lesser iconic places.

I think it's sad you can't appreciate the council set Alcarin. To me, it's one of the nicest sets I've ever seen. I feel it's absurd to expect Lego to produce every location to scale, especially within a three or four year time frame, and I do not understand your sentiment of 'if it's not this way, none at all'. The set captures the feel of Rivendell well and there's nothing stopping anyone from making it bigger if they are willing to spend more time and money.

I think its one of the worst. I can buy those leaves on bricklink soon enough, if the set could obviously not give us the fellowship, they could atleast provide enough chairs without the need to buy 4+ of the same set. Its the same with Black gate though.

See I always feel a problem with a set IF

1. the sets figures do not justify multiple purchases

2. the set does not provide enough figures/objects so 1 set purchase is enough

When both those 2 criteria are detected I consider a set as less desirable. 1/2 is ok but not 2/2.

For example Uruk-hai army clearly falls on 2. but easily passes on 1. and so on and on.

Just take Black gate for example. LEGO makes it with 1 tower and puts 3 baddies and 2 good guys in and 1 Eagle. Now all Good guys are Gandalf and Aragorn. We get 2 generic orc troops which is fine (if they wouldnt give 1 of the Uruk-hai HELMET OMG! but lets leave that) then we get Mouth of Sauron which is sweet and an eagle.

So LEGO clearly makes set that requires ATLEAST double if not triple purchase to make ti atleast resembling Black gate in true meaning, but the figure choice is like a 1 time purchase (thanks to good guys especially)

So to me thats like LEGO laughing at me. ''buy 2-3 sets and be stuck with 3 Gandalfs and 3 Aragorns to represent the amazing army of nobodies on the ''hill'' infont of Black gates.

The issue with Council is the same but with 4-6 buys required to even remotely redo the Council scene. There where around 16 people on the meeting minimum, thats like 6x Council set buy. Thats 1 Ewok Village for comparisson (for EU Council = 40€ and Village will be around 240€ 6x40 = 240 ;)) and then you end up with 6x Frodo, 6x Arwen, 6x Elrond, 6x GIMLI! These figures will be worthless within 3 months and will sell for MAX 2.25€ per figure within 6 months believe me. just look on Gimli now... lowest on BL = 2.25€ not even 3$!

As I said I see no problem with multiple set required to be purchased to create the ''up to scale'' LEGO model, but it becomes an issue when figures belonging to set are not even remotely multiple usable. Atleast Eomer I can easily transform to another Rohan Soldier, what am I supposed to do with another 5x Arwens on Elronds council, she wasnt even there and council is the whole idea to put her in in the first place in my opinion.

Now I understand its a LEGO kids toy and so on and on, but I think if LEGO wanted they could come to solution, but sadly solution is not in their interests, since with any solution to my problem it means they will loose revenue over years.

I understand not wanting anymore Gandalfs but we all know there has to be one in each wave; the same goes for Frodo, Aragorn and maybe Legolas and Gimli. They are far more recognizable and relatable for the target age and casual fans in general.

Yep thats the sad part about it. :D

I think its one of the worst. I can buy those leaves on bricklink soon enough, if the set could obviously not give us the fellowship, they could atleast provide enough chairs without the need to buy 4+ of the same set. Its the same with Black gate though.

See I always feel a problem with a set IF

1. the sets figures do not justify multiple purchases

2. the set does not provide enough figures/objects so 1 set purchase is enough

When both those 2 criteria are detected I consider a set as less desirable. 1/2 is ok but not 2/2.

For example Uruk-hai army clearly falls on 2. but easily passes on 1. and so on and on.

The problem with this logic is no lower priced set can meet your standards unless it's a battlepack, or is a set depicting a small scene, location, or creature (Shelob Attacks, Gandalf Arrives, etc.). Unfortunately Lego can't make every set a huge $200+ set and do them all justice, they have to shrink the sets down to hit lower price points for kids and offer something still iconic and cool from the movies. I am sure if Lego made all sets higher priced expensive ones and did everything closer to scale you would get just as many upset fans, if not more, because the price on every set would be too high and unattainable for most people.

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that sets like the Black Gate suck because Lego goes so far as to promote buying at least 2, but then has the set full of characters you would only want 1 of. Fortunately you can buy them on sites like BL without any minifigures, or buy 2 Black Gate sets and sell the extra Gandalf and Aragorn's on BL. You could also BL some random flesh heads and use Aragorn's Gondor outfit as a standard Gondor soldier, or buy some black heads, arms, and a black hood and make the Mouth into a Nazgul. While not ideal these are all options to help deal with the not ideal set make ups..

Edited by Deathleech

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