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Actually it was Tolkien who made the witch king important. Angmar as he is referred to was the strongest and was who brought the nine nazgul together. There is a great deal written about him and his history while the other 8 are never specifically identified from one another.

Khamul is?

Eowyn, Faramir, Galadriel, the Witch-King and Gondor Soldier are essential. I can take or leave the others, but finishing the line without those five would be inexusable. :angry:

Yep, I agree as well. I would also hope for a Mordor/Morgul Orc with a new print and new helmet mould. A great (though unlikely) bonus would be Easterling and Haradrim figs. Armored Pippin and Merry would be nice, but if we get a Gondor soldier, we could make both from other parts.

As for the Gondor soldier, I guess that while a breastplate would look better, we'll most likely see a torso print like in the game. I'm also afraid we would get a plain torso under the armor. Maybe we would get a new shield mould to compensate? I always thought the mould for Theoden's shield was unnecessary, the designers could have used the mold for Boromir's shield or the Castle Skellie shield, and yet we got a new mould instead...

Actually it was Tolkien who made the witch king important. Angmar as he is referred to was the strongest and was who brought the nine nazgul together. There is a great deal written about him and his history while the other 8 are never specifically identified from one another.

While true, Angmar is the name of his realm in the north, not the name of the guy himself. Its interesting that only Khamul the second banana was given a name. And his post as lieutenant of Dol Guldur (or something like that, anyway) makes him somewhat important in his own right - in addition, wasn't he the one that chased the Hobbits to the Bucklebury ferry? (all book stuff anyway, so not relevant to the movie or LEGO license)

Edited by Ardelon

But that's the thing, they have announced every upcoming wave so far in the current wave. That's three waves they have done it now where LotR is announced in the Hobbit or vis versa. It would have been four if the second Hobbit wave had a LotR advertisement. Instead it had a Hobbit one. How can you explain this?

Failure to announce at an official Toy Fair works just as well as a "cancellation" order. But they have had reps online and I remember reading here from a rep who had said when Harry Potter, Alien Conquest and that recent Dinosaur line was cancelled.

Instead of using the space to advertise the next wave of sets, they used it to advertise the upcoming video game.

Yeah I forgot about him but I,don't recall anyone being referred to specifically that were chasing the hobbits to the ferry. And yes the witch king is from angmar but some people refer to him as angmar.

Yeah I forgot about him but I,don't recall anyone being referred to specifically that were chasing the hobbits to the ferry. And yes the witch king is from angmar but some people refer to him as angmar.

He is refered as Angmar in the Hobbit AUJ as well...It was Saruman from the White Council who said..Angmar as reference to Whitch King ...

Instead of using the space to advertise the next wave of sets, they used it to advertise the upcoming video game.

They had an advertisement for the next Hobbit wave that said the adventure concludes in 2014. Doesn't it seem weird every past wave they have advertised the next wave even though it has been a different Middle Earth theme, but this Hobbit wave they advertised the next Hobbit wave with no mention of LotR whatsoever?

I know there has been a lot of doom and gloom in regards to this beloved LOTR line. Today I stumbled upon something which may (or may not) shine a small glimmer of hope over this whole dark speculation.

I just received the excellent Lego Minifigure Visual History dictionary. On page 245 it talks about the 2013 LOTR summer sets and on the last line it says, and I quote, "The adventure was set to continue with new releases later in the year."

They are very clear about making the distinction between the Hobbit line and the LOTR line so I don't believe that they are referring to the 2013 winter Hobbit sets. The only part that worries me is the fact that it says "was set to" as in past tense. And why do they say later in the year rather than next summer? Perhaps it just creates more questions than answers but at least it is a glimmer of hope. And what you you have if you don't have hope? :grin:

Edited by djmangunz

I know there has been a lot of doom and gloom in regards to this beloved LOTR line. Today I stumbled upon something which may (or may not) shine a small glimmer of hope over this whole dark speculation.

I just received the excellent Lego Minifigure Visual History dictionary. On page 245 it talks about the 2013 LOTR summer sets and on the last line it says, and I quote, "The adventure was set to continue with new releases later in the year."

They are very clear about making the distinction between the Hobbit line and the LOTR line so I don't believe that they are referring to the 2013 winter Hobbit sets. The only part that worries me is the fact that it says "was set to" as in past tense. And why do they say later in the year rather than next summer? Perhaps it just creates more questions than answers but at least it is a glimmer of hope. And what you you have if you don't have hope? :grin:

With the way that it's worded I'd guess they mean to say that there won't be anymore sets. Otherwise why would they even say it in the first place?

MAybe that refers to how adding a 3rd Hobbit movie messed up the release schedule. As some speculated, it is possible that a 6 wave set was intended to go with the seond (and last) Hobbit movie, but then when a 3rd movie was added, 2 of those sets were pushed back to 2014. (To hopefully be paired with new, additional sets.)

The same seems possible for the LOTR sets. We only received 4 in 2013. Perhaps Lego had prepared 6, but then held 2 back to be released in 2014, now that their license was extended until then? That could possibly explain the odd wording. Hopefully we still might see at least a 4 set wave next year to pair with the last Hobbit wave.

MAybe that refers to how adding a 3rd Hobbit movie messed up the release schedule. As some speculated, it is possible that a 6 wave set was intended to go with the seond (and last) Hobbit movie, but then when a 3rd movie was added, 2 of those sets were pushed back to 2014. (To hopefully be paired with new, additional sets.)

The same seems possible for the LOTR sets. We only received 4 in 2013. Perhaps Lego had prepared 6, but then held 2 back to be released in 2014, now that their license was extended until then? That could possibly explain the odd wording. Hopefully we still might see at least a 4 set wave next year to pair with the last Hobbit wave.

My thoughts exactley!

MAybe that refers to how adding a 3rd Hobbit movie messed up the release schedule. As some speculated, it is possible that a 6 wave set was intended to go with the seond (and last) Hobbit movie, but then when a 3rd movie was added, 2 of those sets were pushed back to 2014. (To hopefully be paired with new, additional sets.)

The same seems possible for the LOTR sets. We only received 4 in 2013. Perhaps Lego had prepared 6, but then held 2 back to be released in 2014, now that their license was extended until then? That could possibly explain the odd wording. Hopefully we still might see at least a 4 set wave next year to pair with the last Hobbit wave.

Thats my hope, that they pushed more than 2 sets back to 2013 and quickly made 1-2 sets, which is also why they feel so half-finished... MEA, Dol Guldur, Black Gate, etc....

which is also why they feel so half-finished... MEA, Dol Guldur, Black Gate, etc....

Dol guldur, and black ggte does not feel half finished, dol guldur has a great recognizability from the movie and its as finished as the moria set. The black gate is litteraly half a set but it is very much completely desgned, well designed too. Once you have 2 sets it looks incredible.

I think the last two waves as a whole feel half finished. This is probably due to them being so small. Also the LotR wave had it's big flagship set as something not even that memorable from the movies and the Hobbit wave had 2 sets dedicated to the same location (with the largest set being only $70, compared to the normal $100).

If you look at the Dol Guldur Battle review, it seems most are in agreement the set feels like a glorified gray way. Sure Mines of Moria was the same in it was only a few walls, but at least there was an excuse for it there. That was a square room inside a mountain labrynth. How do you recreate that without using unnecessary pieces? Dol Guldur could of been done more like Helm's Deep where we actually get a feel and shape for the structure rather than just a wall from it.

Edited by Deathleech

Dol guldur, and black ggte does not feel half finished, dol guldur has a great recognizability from the movie and its as finished as the moria set. The black gate is litteraly half a set but it is very much completely desgned, well designed too. Once you have 2 sets it looks incredible.

Dol Guldur battle has pretty much 0 recognizability compared to what we seen in the trailer and how the fortress actually looks.... its a big grey wall with a skelly cage and a statue...... To me its highly likely that only statue will be recognizable ..

Half a set where you need x2 for it to be remotely complete (far from amazing looking if we just think how amazing they looked on screen!) and to get 2x same named heroes in it.... far from putting much thought in it huh TLG? :D

Mines of Moria is totally different... it was a room inside a Cave.... Dol Guldur is a FORTRESS.... big important difference.

Mines of Moria is totally different... it was a room inside a Cave.... Dol Guldur is a FORTRESS.... big important difference.

No it's not different, lego made the dol guldur courtyard, they did not intend to make the whole fortess.

Dol Guldur battle has pretty much 0 recognizability compared to what we seen in the trailer and how the fortress actually looks.... its a big grey wall with a skelly cage and a statue...... To me its highly likely that only statue will be recognizable ..

When you see the film or pick up the film guide/visual guide, you'll see the courtyard the set is based on, and it looks pretty close. From memory there is an extra staircase, but otherwise a good representation. As the designers said, it's based on the courtyard, not the whole fortress.

I always thought the mould for Theoden's shield was unnecessary, the designers could have used the mold for Boromir's shield or the Castle Skellie shield, and yet we got a new mould instead...

I know this was said a while ago, but the Rohan shields share a mold with Captain America's shield, so I think that's a justifies its usefulness. I agree about the Gondor/Orc stuff though, I'd hope for Gondor vs sand blue/dark grey orcs to be the main factions of a third wave.

They could of had the Dol Guldur set be closer to $100-130, had it include the DGA set (thus leaving a slot open for something else), and then made the structure more enclosed and look closer to the movie. As is it's just a wall. Sure it might be representing the court yard and look spot on, but it's not terribly memorable looking or distinct compared to say Helm's Deep. And it's true Lego could of made Mines of Moria fully enclosed.. but what's the point? Add 2 more walls that have no play features and add nothing to the set just to fully enclose it it double the cost? Mines of Moria is a square room, it's not a fortress, it doesn't need to be full enclosed. They hit all the main features with the tomb, door, pillars, etc.

As for the Black Gate set, I usually love when Lego gives us options like that. People on a budget or who only want one can get it while everyone else can get doubles and make the gate more grand. The only issue is, like Alcarin points out, is there are WAY to many named characters in the set. If they are going to advertise buying doubles and combining it, make it more of an army builder. 1 named character tops.

Edited by Deathleech

Dol Guldur battle has pretty much 0 recognizability compared to what we seen in the trailer and how the fortress actually looks.... its a big grey wall with a skelly cage and a statue...... To me its highly likely that only statue will be recognizable ..

Half a set where you need x2 for it to be remotely complete (far from amazing looking if we just think how amazing they looked on screen!) and to get 2x same named heroes in it.... far from putting much thought in it huh TLG? :D

Mines of Moria is totally different... it was a room inside a Cave.... Dol Guldur is a FORTRESS.... big important difference.

As DESKP said, its not a fortress.

Sometimes I really doubt some peoples inteligence (no offense) becouse, this information is so much obvious, that I cannot undesrtand why there are so many peoples says the same things all over again - like "this is only grey curved wall.." "this is NOT Do GULDUR but some random staircase and little Tower with dark bley something.." and blah blah blah :)

And Glorified Mines of Moria - this is the same case - it represents a scene from a movie like DGB (we will see...) both of these sets are full of named characters, and is only a point of view which of those we like more. Yes, there is a cave troll in MOM set, and yes, there are bald orcs in DGB set... but there is also Radagast and Azog + great statue. Both of these sets has atmosphere, and to be honest, DGB feels more evil, more desperate and mystic, than MOM. And other issue - stickers...almost every spot in MOM set has a sticker. In DGB there is only few of them and they are more detailed and helpfull. But this is only my point of view..

P.S. my advice to those DGB haters - u dont have to buy this set, and you dont have to have Azog minifig as well.

Before DGB came out everyone want to own AZOG minifig, and in that time we already know how that minifig look (SSDC preview) so I dont understand these little problems, frankly even Necromancer is good fig. Its better to have it if you are fun of LOTR and Hobbit rather than not have it. :)

They could of had the Dol Guldur set be closer to $100-130, had it include the DGA set (thus leaving a slot open for something else), and then made the structure more enclosed and look closer to the movie. As is it's just a wall. Sure it might be representing the court yard and look spot on, but it's not terribly memorable looking or distinct compared to say Helm's Deep. And it's true Lego could of made Mines of Moria fully enclosed.. but what's the point? Add 2 more walls that have no play features and add nothing to the set just to fully enclose it it double the cost? Mines of Moria is a square room, it's not a fortress, it doesn't need to be full enclosed. They hit all the main features with the tomb, door, pillars, etc.

As for the Black Gate set, I usually love when Lego gives us options like that. People on a budget or who only want one can get it while everyone else can get doubles and make the gate more grand. The only issue is, like Alcarin points out, is there are WAY to many named characters in the set. If they are going to advertise buying doubles and combining it, make it more of an army builder. 1 named character tops.

Yes, but this is NOT Mines of Moria, this is only Balins Tomb room... Nothing else :) same as DGB ..this is ONLY courtyard..nothing else...

I can say that TLG can do better with 130-150dollar set with bridge of Khazad Dum, and (or) with entrance with a tree, and maybe with watcher in a watter. These are same arguments, and I thing that in short while many of those who dont like DGB will like it afterall. :) And also DGB is better set for unexpensive MOC :) So go on...

Yes, but this is NOT Mines of Moria, this is only Balins Tomb room... Nothing else :) same as DGB ..this is ONLY courtyard..nothing else...

I can say that TLG can do better with 130-150dollar set with bridge of Khazad Dum, and (or) with entrance with a tree, and maybe with watcher in a watter. These are same arguments, and I thing that in short while many of those who dont like DGB will like it afterall. :) And also DGB is better set for unexpensive MOC :) So go on...

You said it yourself, Mines of Moria is just Balin's Tomb. Why would Lego add other things to the set like a Watcher in the Water or the Bridge of Khazad Dum? There are hundreds of feet of tunnel and hall between the Watcher and Balin's Tomb. I am sure Lego would of eventually made a bridge set with a Balrog if the line continued long enough, but they couldn't of realistically made all these sets connect because Mines of Moria is just to big of a labyrinth. If they did, it would just be three separate sets jumbled together without the tunnels.

I think everyone realizes Dol Guldur is just the courtyard. That doesn't really change anything or make it any more interesting. Lego could of easily done a bigger set and made it more iconic and rounded off. Instead they took a chunk of the fortress and that's all they made. It woulda been like making Helm's Deep and only including the deepening wall. Would you defend that? It's not suppose to be Helm's Deep, it's just the deepening wall! Only doing part of a set or condensing it is fine as long as they give us the main "feel" of the location, unfortunately they didn't seem to do that with Dol Guldur.

You said it yourself, Mines of Moria is just Balin's Tomb. Why would Lego add other things to the set like a Watcher in the Water or the Bridge of Khazad Dum? There are hundreds of feet of tunnel and hall between the Watcher and Balin's Tomb. I am sure Lego would of eventually made a bridge set with a Balrog if the line continued long enough, but they couldn't of realistically made all these sets connect because Mines of Moria is just to big of a labyrinth. If they did, it would just be three separate sets jumbled together without the tunnels.

I think everyone realizes Dol Guldur is just the courtyard. That doesn't really change anything or make it any more interesting. Lego could of easily done a bigger set and made it more iconic and rounded off. Instead they took a chunk of the fortress and that's all they made. It woulda been like making Helm's Deep and only including the deepening wall. Would you defend that? It's not suppose to be Helm's Deep, it's just the deepening wall! Only doing part of a set or condensing it is fine as long as they give us the main "feel" of the location, unfortunately they didn't seem to do that with Dol Guldur.

Your example about Helms Deep is out of thequestion, btw there is a set recreating only deeping wal - Uruk Hai Army, but I get your point. You must understand that Helms Deep is farmore easier to recreate as satisfying set than Dol Guldur.

Same as Barad Dur and Tower of Orthanc. TO is easier to recreate than Barad Dur at his full glory.

MOM and DGB are only scenes form movie, and TLG probably realize that its much moreeasier to recreate only scenes than full locations. Look at the GKB or Barrel Escape, or Escape from the Mirkwood spiders. These sets catches only the feeling from themovie and give us the characters which are involved in, and also there is a logic, to collect all the characters by buyng every set they put in a stock. There are some exeptions like Gandalf, because he is almost in every scene, that probably because of playability of the sets...Its really hard task to make some set based on a movie and catch all potencial buyers like AFOLs, Childs, those who buy only one or few sets becouse they have no income or money to make that effort to themselves. Anyhow, I am not defending that fact that DGB is "only wall" I am trying to be objective and unbiased.

MOM and DGB are basically same sets recreating different scenes and catching different characters. This doesent means that DGB is poor on somehow average, its a good set with atmospehere and anyone can make it larger, and thats also one of the goals of TLG...to motivate you to do some your own creations. You get for your money good start with crucial characters, and if you want to see whole fortress, do it ... :)

Lets wait until we've seen the movie before we judge how well a location is represented in LEGO form... :wink:

I concur! I've got my tickets booked for Friday morning so i'll be able to see what this scene looks like in full glory. In the meantime this tv spot shows some of the scene in full glory:

I don't understand all of the hate on DGB. Personally, DGB is the set i'm most excited about for this wave. Dol Guldur is huge when you look at a picture, so a set with the whole fortress would probably cost a lot more than 100$. My guess is that they chose the courtyard because that is where most of the fighting will happen. Also, I think we should wait for the movie to come out before we judge how "iconic" the set will be. Maybe the movie will make Dol Guldur a very well known and iconic area.

Dol Guldur


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