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Why not?

It will satisfy two scenes all togehter, so why not?

What 2 scenes... Sauron ''forging'' the Ring is not a scene (yes i know in filmmaking it is) a scene would be an assault on Mount Doom and for that Sauron is too few to recreate it....

This is not Death star with 30 figs to recreate 2+ scenes from movies....

What 2 scenes... Sauron ''forging'' the Ring is not a scene (yes i know in filmmaking it is) a scene would be an assault on Mount Doom and for that Sauron is too few to recreate it....

This is not Death star with 30 figs to recreate 2+ scenes from movies....

assault on mount doom is insanely big scene for Lego creation...but It is logical to have Souron there if there must be his minifig. Depends, if..If there will be third wave..if TLG want to give us Sauron minifig in his armour etc...If the create Mount doom...

I know this is hobbit talk, But there could be a Sauron VS white council set next year.

In DOS when you see the necromancer he is wearing the full armor+helmet from the LOTR, you only see the outine, but he looks like we know him from lotr, for sure. Lego could fudge it into the normal metal/grey armor.

I know this is hobbit talk, But there could be a Sauron VS white council set next year.

In DOS when you see the necromancer he is wearing the full armor+helmet from the LOTR, you only see the outine, but he looks like we know him from lotr, for sure. Lego could fudge it into the normal metal/grey armor.

Where did you get this info?

He probably watched the Movie :laugh:

Yeah, I saw the movie yesterday.

I'm seeing it tomorrow! I'm very much looking forward to seeing it especially to see the necromancer scenes.

Does he at least look a bit like lego's?

Edited by legofreak86

Not really... He have the shape of the LOTR Sauron, like his shadow.

Edited by N7LEGO

Yeah, I saw the movie yesterday.

OIC and he was there in his armour? Or he looks like like "angel" being from cut scene Aragorn vs Sauron?

What 2 scenes... Sauron ''forging'' the Ring is not a scene (yes i know in filmmaking it is) a scene would be an assault on Mount Doom and for that Sauron is too few to recreate it....

This is not Death star with 30 figs to recreate 2+ scenes from movies....

The Death Star is indeed proof that Lego is willing to incorporate more than one scene, event, etc. into one set. The Death Star not only represents different times, it even deals with two different structures. The Unexpected Gathering set included a Sting, even though the time period was meant to be before Bilbo set out. There is also a nod to LOTR with his book and the letter with the seal (again not yet existing when the dwarves visited Bag End).

With that said, the number one question Lego would ask with such a set is, "Would it be profitable?" This is speculation on my part, but I would imagine if Lego placed an armoured battle ready Sauron in a set, it would sell well. A Mt Doom set would not need to be too fancy. Maybe a ledge with orange/red trans pieces for lava at the bottom for the build. Since the Ring begins and ends at that spot, it seemed like an important enough location to consider.

The Death Star is indeed proof that Lego is willing to incorporate more than one scene, event, etc. into one set. The Death Star not only represents different times, it even deals with two different structures. The Unexpected Gathering set included a Sting, even though the time period was meant to be before Bilbo set out. There is also a nod to LOTR with his book and the letter with the seal (again not yet existing when the dwarves visited Bag End).

With that said, the number one question Lego would ask with such a set is, "Would it be profitable?" This is speculation on my part, but I would imagine if Lego placed an armoured battle ready Sauron in a set, it would sell well. A Mt Doom set would not need to be too fancy. Maybe a ledge with orange/red trans pieces for lava at the bottom for the build. Since the Ring begins and ends at that spot, it seemed like an important enough location to consider.


looks cool! cant wait to see some pics

My dream wave 3 LotR sets would look something like this:

$19.99 - Treebeard Encounter

3 Minifigures - Merry, Pippin, and Grishnak

This set would be a brick built Treebeard with another smaller brick built tree. Pretty self explanatory.

$29.99 - Gondor Soldier Army

5-6 Minifigures - 2 Gondor Soldiers, 3 Mordor Orcs (new armor and prints), 1 Mountain Troll, (Faramir in Ranger gear if a named character is absolutely necessary).

This would have a white wall piece that could connect to the big Minas Tirith set and be used to expand that set. The wall would be about the same size as the Uruk-hai Army wall piece. It would have a break away section. The set would also include an orc catapult, or more preferably one of those towers on wheels they push up to the wall to unload Orcs (can't recall the name atm). There is one less minifigure in this set because I figure the Troll would take up the spot of a minifigure AND a horse/Warg.

$39.99 - Bridge of Khazad-dûm

4 Minifigures - Gandalf the Gray, 2 Moria Orcs with new helm armor, Boromir

The main brick built piece of this set would obviously be the Balrog, who would be about a time and a half to twice the size of Shelob. It would also include the Khazad-dum bridge with a few stairs on each side. The Balrog would have an arm that swings up and down to imitate his whipping action. The bridge itself would break away in the center, as would the stairs on either side. Boromir isn't necessary, but I figure we prolly won't get many other chances to see him again so might as well throw him in here.

$49.99 - Oliphant Stampede

5 Minifigures - Legolas, 2 Haradrim, 1 Haradrim Chieftain, 1 Rohan Soldier on black horse

The main feature of this set would be the large molded Oliphant. It would be slightly bigger than the old molded elephant/triceratops Lego has used and would have red markings like it appears in the video game. The brick built component of this set would be the tent/stand on the back of the Oliphant. The play feature would be the platform popping off (simulating Legolas cutting the cords and making it slide off). While I would ideally like to include 2 Easterlings in this set and have it be a more expensive army builder, I don't see Lego ever including them since they were never actually shown during the Pelennor Fields battle in the movie.

$79.99 - Witch King Battle

6 Minifigures - Merry in Rohan attire, Eowyn, Witch King, Theoden, Gothmog, Rohan Soldier (or Orc instead), molded Fel Beast seen in game

Since Minas Tirith is so big, the Fel Beast will be molded, and there is really nothing of substance to build from Pelennor Fields, they could use this set to include the bottom wall of Minas Tirith with the gate section. If there is room, they could also possibly include a brick built Grond, but that is only if pieces permit (which I don't think they would if the wall/gate was about the size of 3 Helm's Deep Lego walls put together).

$149.99-199.99 - Minas Tirith

11-12 Minifigures - Pippin in Gondor attire, 2 White Tree Fountain Guards, 2 Gondor Soldiers, Denethor, Gandalf the White with Shadowfax, 3 Orcs, Nazgul, molded Fel Beast, (Faramir if not included in the Gondor Soldier Army set)

Since this is already a fairly large wave with a lot of mid-higher end priced sets, this could conceivably be a D2C exclusive and priced even a little higher with more build. The build would the second level of the city and the top courtyard with a small Citadel (think the hall in the Lego Helm's Deep). The second level would only have a small building or two and a wall while the centerpiece would be the top level. Besides the Citadel it would also have the White Tree in the middle and the point at the end with a flip function to launch Denethor to his death :grin: There would also be 2-3 sections of the wall and building that could explode and 2 trebuchets that you could place randomly at different points on the wall. I would include a Nazgul and Fel Beast because I don't concievably see people buying multiples of the Witch King Battle but people will want at least a few Fel Beasts as seen in the film. Plus it gives you the ability to recreate the Gandalf/Nazgul encounter (even though this would be a regular Nazgul when it was technically the Witch King.. possibly include two heads?).

Hi guys. I'm new to these forums. I just got into collecting Lego. Mostly LotR & Hobbit, some SW and some TMNT. That being said, the list above would make me very happy and I'd feel the collection was complete.

The Balrog, Treebeard & the Witchking/Fellbeast ... those NEED to happen.

Hi guys. I'm new to these forums. I just got into collecting Lego. Mostly LotR & Hobbit, some SW and some TMNT. That being said, the list above would make me very happy and I'd feel the collection was complete.

The Balrog, Treebeard & the Witchking/Fellbeast ... those NEED to happen.

Welcome! :)


  • The Mirror of Galadriel
    minifigures: Frod & Galadriel
  • Amon Hen Ambush
    minfigures: Boromir, Merry, and Uruk-Hai (2x)
  • The Defence of Osgiliath
    Ranger, Gondor Soldier, and Orcs (2x)
  • Witch King Showdown
    Witch King Theoden, Eowyn, and a Nazgul
  • The Battle of Minas Tirith
    Gandalf, Pippin, a Troll, Gondor Soldiers (2x), and Orcs (4x)

If this 2014 list is true, I will be happy. Eowyn!!! All I need to complete my Rohan, and a cool new helmet design.

I hope the "Nazgul" is the Witch King, and that Theoden has hair (as he lost his helmet in the movie), maybe even horse armour for Snowmane.

This line up has potential, and I too think there is the chance it is real.

If that list is real I'm a monkeys uncle. While it is the wish list of most everyone here, the source has zero credibility.

So until we see an ounce of proof it's safe to say my grandmother could have come up with the same list.

To be honest, the wishlists of most people here are far more optimistic. The list has just the real amount a few new molds (Eowyn's helmet, Witch King's helmet, perhaps Gondor helmet), a lot compromises (lots of new prints re-using of figures).

Other than that, I admit the list looks pretty much like a best of wishes (Gondor, Eowyn), but on the other hand, it is about time we see Gondor. Do you really think there will be yet another wave without Gondorian soldiers? The general direction of the list seems ok.

I would love to have those sets myself. But these type of lists have appeared before and they are usually far off the mark.

If that list is real I'm a monkeys uncle. While it is the wish list of most everyone here, the source has zero credibility.

So until we see an ounce of proof it's safe to say my grandmother could have come up with the same list.

I dunno, the list seems to lack a lot of things people want. No Balrog, Oliphant, or Treebeard? And it has Amon Hen which basically offers nothing new in terms of minifigs? Galadriel's Mirror of course has Galadriel, but not a lot of action in the scene and Galadriel would probably fit better in a Hobbit set. Also there is no army builder except Osgiliath, but for $40 bucks and only including 4 minifgs I would hardly consider that a good way to bulk up your Gondor army. Honestly I would be pretty disappointed if that list were real. The Defense of Osgiliath, Witch King Showdown, and Battle for Minas Tirith are the only sets that sound any good.

Lego would be wise to make a Sauron mold *now*. Put a Last Alliance Sauron in either a coming summer 2014 (or perhaps 2015, or exclusive at some point, whatever) in his armored grey form. Use the same mold for a White Council Attacks set in the TABA wave - except make it part black, part fiery, like they do with ninjago or something like that. A White Council Attack set could include another chunk of Dol Guldur, the Necromancer/Sauron, Galadriel, and maybe a new armored Elrond (we don't really need another Saruman at all, I'd rather they put in a battle-damaged Gandalf the Grey than Saruman, or just another Orc or something.)

Deathleech: I have an idea for action Mirror of Galadriel set. Light brick (blue) under the transparent mirror + mechanism like that one in 79006 Council of Elrond set.

I'm probably alone here but I wouldn't mind getting an Entranced Galadriel minifigure in the mirror set and a regular version in the final Hobbit wave.

Is no news by now a really bad sign

I dunno, the list seems to lack a lot of things people want. No Balrog, Oliphant, or Treebeard? And it has Amon Hen which basically offers nothing new in terms of minifigs? Galadriel's Mirror of course has Galadriel, but not a lot of action in the scene and Galadriel would probably fit better in a Hobbit set. Also there is no army builder except Osgiliath, but for $40 bucks and only including 4 minifgs I would hardly consider that a good way to bulk up your Gondor army. Honestly I would be pretty disappointed if that list were real. The Defense of Osgiliath, Witch King Showdown, and Battle for Minas Tirith are the only sets that sound any good.

Yeah cos Gandalf Arrives had so many action.... I mean those fireworks from the ''megablocks'' of his wagon were so amazing and that makes mirror scene so dull lol

Sorry had to do it :D

I just know if LOTR line ends on wave 2 (which is looking like now) I am getting 1 Pirate Ship Ambush to keep it mint for my collection and tons more uruk-hais to make a larger assault on helm's Deep!

Is no news by now a really bad sign

I would say yes... unless they are hiding and want to make us surprised with amazing last wave of great 5 + 1(exclusive) set and 2 good polybags :P

Imagine we would get a Tower Guard polybag <3 and a new torso/face print for Orc polybag....

The joy :D

Is there any news? It should be? Or news about exclusive Hobbit summer 2014 set? :)

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