December 29, 201311 yr I think the concept of expectation is being confused with entitlement. People feel that everytime a product is released that it should meet or exceed their expectations and should include all the characters or features they require, but that is not the case. LOTR was only ever acquired by TLG to help supplement The Hobbit material - it was never intended to be a stand-alone product. It filled in the gap left by the Harry Potter (fantasy) license material and maybe bridged the gap alittle when the Kingdoms line fell off and TLG worked on the next evergreen fantasy/medieval line. LOTR isn't like Star War, which has been in the public eye for decades and has maintained successful product lines for the last 19 years. The LOTR merchandise has never lasted longer than the movies - the action figure line cancelled out, the high end stuff disappeared, even WETA dropped their statue lines. Anything LOTR related now is only in play because of The Hobbit.
December 29, 201311 yr Last year at Brickvention Glenn Abell - The General Manager for Lego in Aus/Nz- was there to answer questions. I asked him if The Tower of Orthanc was real or not and he dropped me a pretty good hint. Maybe I should try asking him this year about LOTR 2014 if he is there? Edited December 29, 201311 yr by SandMirror38
December 29, 201311 yr I think the concept of expectation is being confused with entitlement. People feel that everytime a product is released that it should meet or exceed their expectations and should include all the characters or features they require, but that is not the case. LOTR was only ever acquired by TLG to help supplement The Hobbit material - it was never intended to be a stand-alone product. It filled in the gap left by the Harry Potter (fantasy) license material and maybe bridged the gap alittle when the Kingdoms line fell off and TLG worked on the next evergreen fantasy/medieval line. LOTR isn't like Star War, which has been in the public eye for decades and has maintained successful product lines for the last 19 years. The LOTR merchandise has never lasted longer than the movies - the action figure line cancelled out, the high end stuff disappeared, even WETA dropped their statue lines. Anything LOTR related now is only in play because of The Hobbit. Anything that has its own Box design and name is a stand-alone product really.... Its basic Economy and product knowledge to understand that ....
December 29, 201311 yr Well, in a way it is a stand-alone product and in a way it's not... I think it isn't because TLG has done this with other themes too (acquiring a license in time for a new movie and releasing sets from previous movies in the same franchise as well, e.g. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Toy Story, Pirates of the Caribbean and Cars). The difference here is the name: in the aforementioned franchises, the films share the same name while in the Middle-Earth franchise, we have two separate names (and therefore two themes) even though it's one single franchise. Technically, it's two products as Alcarin says (because the name differs) but in spirit, it's one product Edited December 29, 201311 yr by Lego-Freak
December 29, 201311 yr Getting a little chippy in here. I would personally like to see LEGO continue with LotR. There's a lot of holes in the line and potential for some outstanding sets. As mentioned, I feel this line is following a course similar to LEGO Indiana Jones. If there were no 3rd wave, I would be disappointed, but it wouldn't stop me from buying more of the sets from retail stores. Edited December 29, 201311 yr by Sir_Basil_Ashton
December 29, 201311 yr Well, in a way it is a stand-alone product and in a way it's not... I think it isn't because TLG has done this with other themes too (acquiring a license in time for a new movie and releasing sets from previous movies in the same franchise as well, e.g. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Toy Story, Pirates of the Caribbean and Cars). The difference here is the name: in the aforementioned franchises, the films share the same name while in the Middle-Earth franchise, we have two separate names (and therefore two themes) even though it's one single franchise. Technically, it's two products as Alcarin says (because the name differs) but in spirit, it's one product Sure, but the way it is 2 diferent brandings, means it would be easier for lego to just discontinue one of them. I do think it makes sense for lego to "milk" out some more from LOTR while it is still relevant though. Unless thats what they think they did with Orthanc..
December 29, 201311 yr What I was thinking: looking back to the beginnings of thes LOTR 2013 thread, there was a lot of talk about the Witchking and the Balrog, with many treating those, together with the 4 released sets as the wave. Now we know that the Hobbit films were originaly planned as 2 films and it seems to appear that this Hobbit wave was split into two, this wave and one for next year. Maybe they did the same with the LOTR wave so that they have a gap that can be filled. Of course you can't release two sets, so maybe they quickly made a sort of Osgiliath, Minas Tirith battle pack and a small set like say, the mirror of Galadriel, both of which wouldn't be hard to design. Of course this way we wouldn't get a Minas Tirith, which sucks, but this seems to complete the line and makes a little bit of sense, even if it's far fetched.
December 29, 201311 yr What I was thinking: looking back to the beginnings of thes LOTR 2013 thread, there was a lot of talk about the Witchking and the Balrog, with many treating those, together with the 4 released sets as the wave. Now we know that the Hobbit films were originaly planned as 2 films and it seems to appear that this Hobbit wave was split into two, this wave and one for next year. Maybe they did the same with the LOTR wave so that they have a gap that can be filled. Of course you can't release two sets, so maybe they quickly made a sort of Osgiliath, Minas Tirith battle pack and a small set like say, the mirror of Galadriel, both of which wouldn't be hard to design. Of course this way we wouldn't get a Minas Tirith, which sucks, but this seems to complete the line and makes a little bit of sense, even if it's far fetched. Yeah it does.... and that is our hope really... Allthough I must say I would prefer a good Balrog (from the LEGO game) as opposed to Witch king.... sadly Witch king has no other sets to accompany him and Balrog can feature more of moria which we already have 1 part.... I guess we shall see by the end of February unless retailers get catalog soon and someone can confirm something.
December 29, 201311 yr Yeah, bottom line for me is the more product they release from this line, the more I will buy. My hope is that if we get just one more wave, it will quench all collective thirst as much as possible. We all know the dream wave would sell very well. I think it's a win-win for both Lego & collectors/kids.
December 29, 201311 yr Yeah, bottom line for me is the more product they release from this line, the more I will buy. My hope is that if we get just one more wave, it will quench all collective thirst as much as possible. We all know the dream wave would sell very well. I think it's a win-win for both Lego & collectors/kids. Yes... We should hear something as soon as the 2014 catalog is out though.....
December 29, 201311 yr I am of the hopeful kind and I think we will get two more waves at least. I know it could not happen, but I think there is still ample sets to be made and if the theme has been selling good enough, I could see it going for a little bit after the hobbit movies are done.
December 30, 201311 yr I am of the hopeful kind and I think we will get two more waves at least. I know it could not happen, but I think there is still ample sets to be made and if the theme has been selling good enough, I could see it going for a little bit after the hobbit movies are done. Now that's just being too hopeful. We'll get one more wave, if lucky. Once The Hobbit movies end there'll be no more LOTR or Hobbit LEGO, since there isn't any cartoon or similar to get kids to become interested after The Hobbit is done.
December 30, 201311 yr I think that Lego will create 1 more wave of lotr, and then 1 massive $300 exclusive set.
December 30, 201311 yr I think that Lego will create 1 more wave of lotr, and then 1 massive $300 exclusive set. Why exactly do you think that? It's the hobbit that 'is due' for a d2c exclusive set. Lotr got it's with Orthanc. Maybe a ucs brick built gandalf? Beh that sounds like a huge waste.
December 30, 201311 yr Maybe a ucs brick built gandalf? Worst LOTR Lego Idea 2013, victory to Darth Punk. ;P In all seriousness, I think we have a few possible scenarios: Existing sets: Summer 2012: LOTR Wave 1. Major Sets = 7 Winter 2012: Hobbit Wave 1. Major Sets = 6 Summer 2013: LOTR Wave 2. Major Sets = 4 + 1 Uber Winter 2013: Hobbit Wave 2. Major Sets = 4. WORST CASE SCENARIO: Summer 2014: nothing. zilch. nada. Winter 2014: Hobbit Wave 3. Major Sets = 4-5. We get no Smaug, or a crappy Smaug. No BO5A armybuilder. No armored Elves or Iron Hills Dwarves. Lots of repacks - another identical Bard, Tauriel, Legolas, Thranduil, Bilbo, etc. BEST/DREAM CASE SCENARIO: Summer 2014: LOTR Wave 3. Major Sets = 5. Gondorian/Orc armybuilder(s). Faramir. Eowyn, Merry, Witchking. Fellbeast in an affordable set that can be bought multiple times. New print for Orcs. The Balrog. Winter 2014: Hobbit Wave 3. Major Sets = 6. New Orc helmet and/or print. Armored Mirkwood Elves. Iron Hills Dwarves. Cheap BO5A army builder(s). Galadriel. A proper Sauron. Bolg. Summer 2015: LOTR Wave 4. Major Sets = 4. Anything Lego wants - cool stuff to fill in the gaps like a 2nd Age Sauron, Isildur, Elendil, Numenoreans, Last Alliance Elves, Denethor, Celeborn, Galadhrim Elves that aren't Haldir, Fountain Court Guards, Gondor Pippin, Old Bilbo, Coronation Aragorn, Gorbag, Shagrat, Ugluk, Grishnakh, Gothmog. Tom Bombadil for maximum lulz. Winter 2015: Hobbit Wave 4. Major Sets = 4. One final exclusive Orthanc-scale set from either trilogy sometime in 2015 or 2016 at the latest. Hobbit stuff they've missed, like Radagast's house, or a proper pale Azog (a fantasy), A Goblintown Goblin armybuilder, a better Warg armybuilder (with black and tan wargs), Azanulbizar Orcs/Thorin/Dwalin/Balin, Thror, Thrain, Erebor Dwarves, Girion of Dale, Bain. Ultimate fantasy - anything that shows up in any kind of flash-back in TABA (anything 1st or 2nd Age that is mentioned in LOTR/Hobbit that they have the rights to, literally anything from Silmarillion stuff would be beautiful.) LIKELY SCENARIO (at this point in time, with the knowledge we have): Summer 2014: *something* - either a medium or small LOTR Wave 3, a Hobbit superset, or quite possibly just a single set. Maybe nothing at all. Winter 2014: Hobbit Wave 3. Major Sets = 5-6. Smaug of some sort. Dain, Bolg, armored Thorin are really the only guaranteed appearances. Summer 2015: equal chance of nothing at all or a final superset or wave from either/both trilogies to close out the line. Edited December 30, 201311 yr by Darth Caedus
December 30, 201311 yr Summer 2015: a final superset or wave from either/both trilogies to close out the line. We'll probably get a superset frow the Hobbit, most likely Smaug, but I don't think we can expect another one from LOTR as it had Orthanc. Even a long lasting theme like Harry Potter only got one.
December 30, 201311 yr As I read the new LEGO catalog has no LOTR sets inside ... not even Tower of Orthanc....
December 30, 201311 yr As I read the new LEGO catalog has no LOTR sets inside ... not even Tower of Orthanc.... The catalogue for retailers or consumers? I saw the sets from wave two in the latest catalogue for consumers (Jan-Jun 2014). Edited December 30, 201311 yr by Robert_88
December 30, 201311 yr The thing might indeed be that WB/LEGO is doing the lego movie sets that summer instead of lotr.. wich i hope isent the case, because the overlap is kindof nonexistent. but theres no lone ranger type sets in 2014 right?
December 30, 201311 yr IF there is a Hobbit wave next summer instead of a LotR one, does that mean we will probably get 2 Hobbit waves next year? One to help promote the game and for any sets they missed in the summer, and then the winter wave will cover the final film?
December 30, 201311 yr The thing might indeed be that WB/LEGO is doing the lego movie sets that summer instead of lotr.. wich i hope isent the case, because the overlap is kindof nonexistent. but theres no lone ranger type sets in 2014 right? Except that LEGO movie = LOTR + LR sets combined in numbers + some extra.... probably Galaxy Squad or even Castle....
December 30, 201311 yr I am loving the lego movie would hate to think that it killed off LOTR, there is a lot of sets for the movie but no crossover as you say, more so with space, castle and western which seem to have ended galaxy squad, castle and lone ranger. There must be room for LOTR as the Lego movie might be a bit young for some older kids and LOTR seems like it would still have a place and this is the best time as there are still the hobbit films out to help sell the sets, if we don't see any summer sets that could be it. Maybe the sales were bad but that would be Lego fault with the choice of the second wave sets. Anyway if LOTR Lego is done I wont be happy. Edit: Come to think of it all we know is that TMNT and Super Heroes are continuing but no sign of space or castle another history line like pirates or western except the ones from the movie line, there must be room for a summer LOTR wave? Edited December 30, 201311 yr by SMC
December 30, 201311 yr So, the theme is basically confirmed dead. I find it very unlikely that they would release another wave of LOTR sets in conjunction with the last Hobbit movie (since they're already going to release like, atleast 5 Hobbit sets, there's way too many to release like 10 sets due to one movie)
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