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Precicely why I wouldn't be overly put out by it... BUT, I am pretty sure that have the licence through at least the end of 2015, so who knows. Maybe we'll get lucky in summer 2015 with a hole-filler combined Middle Earth wave, as there are still many great scenes from all the films they could make easily.

In the case of licensed themes the conversion between European and US prices is usually not 1 EUR = 1 USD but even worse.

I think it depends on which country you live in though? Some like Denmark have the euro to dollar number being equal despite the value being different? Plus that might not even be MSRP, this site might jack up the prices like TRU commonly does. There are lots of unknowns.

As for these sets being Hobbit or LotR, did anyone consider it might just be Lego going back and releasing sets for AUJ/TABA that they didn't have a chance to release in the winter waves? With the video game being released a few months earlier, with so many changes to the films, and with some stuff kept under heavy wraps like Smaug's design, maybe Lego wanted to do a summer wave to cover all this stuff? I think the €90 set could easily be a giant brick built Smaug. If they dedicate all the pieces to him and he is the only build I think Lego could do it. While I would tend to think it's a LotR wave, I don't know if it's a grantee just because it's a summer wave. It seems Lego did in fact split their 2013 waves into two smaller waves to compensate the movie being broke into 3. They probably just added 1-2 sets into the waves to better round them out (so each wave is 4 sets minimum instead of 3).

Edited by Deathleech

We dont even know for sure its summer sets they had city advent calender too

And it said october

@SMC: The advent calendars are always Summer sets, everything that's released between May and October counts as a Summer set :wink: Remember, the Advent Calendars are revealed at the Toy Fairs, unlike the Winter releases :laugh:

Ok thanks guess they just seem wintery

Really hope these are lotr sets

I wrote a recent theory on the previous page about future LOTR set line, which seems logical IMO

If we DON'T wind up getting the Balrog, Witch-King/Fell Beast & Smaug ... it would be the biggest travesty in toy franchise history.

Eh, thats subjective, The lack of certainc characters in minifigure form is more important than the balrog and the fell beasts.

Mainly Faramir and Eowyn are particularly missed.

...and the three sets have been removed from legomarkabolt.hu :sceptic: The weird thing is that the other Summer sets are still listed, so I really don't know what to think of this :hmpf_bad: Hopefully someone who's managed to get their hands on the catalogue will be able to shed light on this :sweet:

Info and preliminary pics for the summer Star Wars sets have leaked, so hopefully news about LOTR isn't far behind...

Well why I am 90% sure its LOTR is I just cant see TLG releasing ''only'' 4 sets for the final movie of Hobbit.... it seems so wrong and especially illogical....

Personally i would expect 5-6 sets + possibly 1 exclusive.

Well why I am 90% sure its LOTR is I just cant see TLG releasing ''only'' 4 sets for the final movie of Hobbit.... it seems so wrong and especially illogical....

I agree. I'd be surprised if there were only 4 for TABA, and I'd be even more surprised if they were released so early in the year. So I'm still convinced these are LOTR sets. The price points work too. I've refined my rampant speculation, and taken some deep calming breaths after the sets numbers appeared, but there are some pretty obvious sets that fit them aren't there:

Mirror of Galadriel or Frodo and Sam in Mordor is the 12€ set

Balrog or Gondor army builder or Witch King on fell beast is the 35€ set

A bigger Balrog set (if it's not the 35€ one) or Treebeard is the store exclusive 79016 at 50€ or thereabouts

Pelennor fields/Osgiliath is the 90€ set

Of those I'd go for Mordor hobbits (because I think we'll get Galadriel in TABA), Witch King, big Balrog set and Pelennor/Osgiliath. But that of course is sheer conjecture!

I agree. I'd be surprised if there were only 4 for TABA, and I'd be even more surprised if they were released so early in the year. So I'm still convinced these are LOTR sets. The price points work too. I've refined my rampant speculation, and taken some deep calming breaths after the sets numbers appeared, but there are some pretty obvious sets that fit them aren't there:

Mirror of Galadriel or Frodo and Sam in Mordor is the 12€ set

Balrog or Gondor army builder or Witch King on fell beast is the 35€ set

A bigger Balrog set (if it's not the 35€ one) or Treebeard is the store exclusive 79016 at 50€ or thereabouts

Pelennor fields/Osgiliath is the 90€ set

Of those I'd go for Mordor hobbits (because I think we'll get Galadriel in TABA), Witch King, big Balrog set and Pelennor/Osgiliath. But that of course is sheer conjecture!

I somehow see more the other way around...

35€ = Balrog and Gandalf + 1-2 figs (Boromir, Frodo, Moria Orc archers)

and 50 or even 60€ = exclusive Witch King....

Why such reasoning? Because Witch king would likely introduce MUCH more new molds and printings including Fell Beast (likely) Witch King helmet, Barding printing, Eowyn, Merry (if included which is likely in Rohan armor) and even possible Gothmog (which would be logical to round 5 figs for a 50 or 60 price point set)

for 90€ set I can also see Gates of Minas Tirith with Grond .....

Edited by Alcarin

If this will be the final wave I'm sure TLG will put in a set with Frodo and Sam in Mordor/ at Mt. Doom, as it is the most important part of the movies/ the book. And it is likely to put Eowyn, as one of the main female characters in the movies.

If this will be the final wave I'm sure TLG will put in a set with Frodo and Sam in Mordor/ at Mt. Doom, as it is the most important part of the movies/ the book.

I kindof don't feel that matters. We already have a frodo/sam/gollum set, and theres not realy much action going on at mt doom. From legos point of view battle of pelenor fields is the main part of rotk.

Besides they already released a et containing the action that happens when sam and frodo are doing their business. The black gate battle.

Okay, so this is amazing news.

Let's look at this from the positive side and for now go on what everybody says about the release date and assume these are LOTR sets.

Then we'll surely get that Balrog as seen in the photograph.

Okay, so this is amazing news.

Let's look at this from the positive side and for now go on what everybody says about the release date and assume these are LOTR sets.

Then we'll surely get that Balrog as seen in the photograph.

Yep I just dont see how Balrog is not 1 set of those (if its LOTR) It was actually built as seen on some older LEGO pictures in that room..... and its probably top 5 iconic moments of LOTR....

I think it depends on which country you live in though? Some like Denmark have the euro to dollar number being equal despite the value being different? Plus that might not even be MSRP, this site might jack up the prices like TRU commonly does. There are lots of unknowns.

I quoted you the German prices. I don't know what you exactly meant with the Denmark sentence but Denmark's prices are even higher for example. The Hungarian RRP is usually the same or a bit above the German ones because of the higher VAT (the difference is usually 0-10%). As for the prices of the webshop, I'm 99% sure that they are not jacked up. On the contrary, a slight discount compared to RRP is more likely. (Hungarian webshops almost always sell a bit below RRP.)

My guesstimates:

79015: European RRP: 13-14 EUR / US RRP: 12 USD

79017: 35-40 EUR / 30 USD

79018: 90-(100) EUR / 80-90-(100) USD

(Usually the bigger the set, the proportionally smaller the mark-up compared to 1 USD = 1 EUR is.)

Edited by Nagyzee

I thought someone said the Denmark price was usually equal to the dollar amount, but I could be wrong. It's hard to keep track with so many countries all having different prices. Regardless I think the prices you quoted make the most sense. That would give us the $9.99-12.99 set with 2 minifigures and a small build, a $29.99 Gondor/Mordor Orc army builder, and a $69.99-99.99 big set. The only thing to consider is what if the 2013 waves really were split up? The price points don't really seem to reflect that got the LotR wave since we got a 13, 30, and 100 dollar set in last year. If it was split would Lege originally of had two sets at $13, $30, and $100 in a single wave? On the other hand, we DIDN'T get a small $10-13 Hobbit set, nor a $100 one in the second Hobbit wave...

This makes me still a little worried this might be a Hobbit wave. Obviously it wouldn't be TABA based sets, but maybe Lego is going back to cover all the stuff they missed, what with the movies changing from 2 to 3, character design changes, and stuff being kept under wraps so much like Smaug's appearance. It would make sense to have a summer wave covering all the missed stuff to go along with the game's release and to make up for the small 2013 winter wave. I hope this isn't the case though because I really want to see some Gondor stuff. It doesn't look like we will get a full Minas Tirith based on those prices but a nice sized Osgiliath or part of MT isn't out of the question, and it looks like there is room for an army builder and even a store exclusive Balrog.

Edited by Deathleech

This makes me still a little worried this might be a Hobbit wave. Obviously it wouldn't be TABA based sets, but maybe Lego is going back to cover all the stuff they missed, what with the movies changing from 2 to 3, character design changes, and stuff being kept under wraps so much like Smaug's appearance. It would make sense to have a summer wave covering all the missed stuff to go alone with the game's release and to make up for the small 2013 winter wave.

Good point, maybe that's exactly what they're doing *huh* If that's the case, what scenes could these be based on? And what package design would be used (obviously not the AUJ one even if AUJ sets were among these)? :laugh:

@deathleach: all you have to know about prices is that you as an American alwaysget the cheapest deal! Sometimes even half of what it may cost in the cheapest European region (e.g. Lone Ranger coach was 35$ in the US and 50 € in Germany!)

I am from Hungary and I know the mentioned Lego store personally. Their logic to display the possible new sets under the topic 'Gyűrűk ura (meaning Lord of the Rings in Hungarian) - Hobbit' is because the store is treating LOTR and Hobbit as one and single theme. The sets with new serial numbers (disappeared from their site since then) could be LOTR and Hobbit sets as well. I really think that we are going to have a new LOTR wave and by the end of the day the timing for October won't be correct (at least not for USA and for most of Western Europe). Here in Hungary we still don't have the new Hobbit sets on stock (I think it was a really bad mistake to miss the Christmas rush).

I kindof don't feel that matters. We already have a frodo/sam/gollum set, and theres not realy much action going on at mt doom. From legos point of view battle of pelenor fields is the main part of rotk.

Besides they already released a et containing the action that happens when sam and frodo are doing their business. The black gate battle.

We already have frodo/sam, but Lego doesn't like to make to many sets without including some member of the fellowship+gollum. I'm betting we will get a frodo/gollum in an Osgiliath set or maybe a mordor set. Given the sets they make, including the main characters is almost as important as the scenes their in.

According to brickset.com those are the Hobbit sets. But the missing 79016 is interesting.

According to brickset.com those are the Hobbit sets. But the missing 79016 is interesting.

Yeh but Brickset just made uneducated guess.....

I thought someone said the Denmark price was usually equal to the dollar amount, but I could be wrong. It's hard to keep track with so many countries all having different prices. Regardless I think the prices you quoted make the most sense. That would give us the $9.99-12.99 set with 2 minifigures and a small build, a $29.99 Gondor/Mordor Orc army builder, and a $69.99-99.99 big set. The only thing to consider is what if this wave really was split with the second wave we got last summer? The price points don't really seem to reflect that as we got a 13, 30, and 100 dollar set. On the other hand, we didn't get a small $10-13 Hobbit set, nor a $100 one in the second wave...

This makes me still a little worried this might be a Hobbit wave. Obviously it wouldn't be TABA based sets, but maybe Lego is going back to cover all the stuff they missed, what with the movies changing from 2 to 3, character design changes, and stuff being kept under wraps so much like Smaug's appearance. It would make sense to have a summer wave covering all the missed stuff to go alone with the game's release and to make up for the small 2013 winter wave. I hope this isn't the case though because I really want to see some Gondor stuff. It doesn't look like we will get a full Minas Tirith based on those prices but a nice sized Osgiliath or part of MT isn't out of the question, and it looks like there is room for an army builder and even a store exclusive Balrog.

Good thinking man.... yeh no 100$ and 9.99-14.99$ set in Hobbit wave (and here it looks like it) can truly mean thats those sets....

However Our Hungarian friend here said sets in his country are several months late which speaks hard in favor of Summer wave (which was LOTR till now)

Isnt the retailer catalog out yet??? Can noone confirm anything ?

I know alot of people want new figs to be in any new sets, as do I, but I'm honestly expecting to get more members of the fellowship... We have plenty of frodo, gandalf, aragorn, legolas, and gimli, but I'm really hoping we got more sets with Sam, Boromir, Merry, and Pippin! We only have one sam fig, and he might just be the most important character of them all! I could see us getting another Boromir in an Amon Hen set, as well as Pippin or Merry! Or maybe Pippin and Merry in a treebeard set! I'm hopeing for variants of those four figs as well, Sam(Weary) in a cheaper Mount Doom set, Boromir(Captain) a little out of place but could be put in an Osgiliath Set... We might also see Pippin in Gondor Armor in a Minas Tirith set, and Merry in Rohan Armor in a Witch King Showdown set... Just hopeful Ideas! :P

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