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I know alot of people want new figs to be in any new sets, as do I, but I'm honestly expecting to get more members of the fellowship... We have plenty of frodo, gandalf, aragorn, legolas, and gimli, but I'm really hoping we got more sets with Sam, Boromir, Merry, and Pippin! We only have one sam fig, and he might just be the most important character of them all! I could see us getting another Boromir in an Amon Hen set, as well as Pippin or Merry! Or maybe Pippin and Merry in a treebeard set! I'm hopeing for variants of those four figs as well, Sam(Weary) in a cheaper Mount Doom set, Boromir(Captain) a little out of place but could be put in an Osgiliath Set... We might also see Pippin in Gondor Armor in a Minas Tirith set, and Merry in Rohan Armor in a Witch King Showdown set... Just hopeful Ideas! :P

Fellowship members are pretty much the last priority (behind armybuilders, major unique characters like Eowyn/Faramir, and epic giants like Treebeard and the Balrog) but since they're the big names, I'm sure we'll get some included.

Here's a look at what's left for the Fellowship and my estimation of whether they're desirable or not:

Unproduced Versions of the Fellowship: Desirable, Yes or No?

-Boromir Captain: Yes - an excellent minifig on its own or for reuse as a Gondorian

-Aragorn Casual Rivendell: No - we have two Aragorns already and this is a pointless outfit only seen at the Council and romance scenes

-Aragorn Casual Edoras: No - though the maroon style is slightly more interesting than the above, still not an outfit featured in any particular crucial scenes

-Aragorn Elessar Telcontar: Yes - King Aragorn is "Ultimate Aragorn" and would be a great edition to any display piece

-Legolas Casual: No - Legolas' casual outfit, seen at the end of ROTK and elsewhere, isn't particularly special and has no distinguishing features

-Legolas Poncho Rivendell: No - Legolas' poncho-style thing seen at the Council is slightly interesting but not really necessary, and it wouldn't look good in lego form

-Gimli: No - we do not need any other version of Gimli whatsoever since his outfit is essentially irrelevant in lego form, as the beard and helmet are the defining features that cover most of his body

-Gandalf: No - we have both Grey and White versions and he never looks any different.

-Frodo Orc Armor: Sure - if they chose to do it, it'd be interesting, and you could reuse the armor for a generic Orc if need be

-Frodo Crack of Doom: Yes - if they're going to make another Frodo, let it be the battle-damaged Mordor version with a cool alternate "evil" face from when he finally succumbs to the Ring.

-Sam Shire: No - Sam wears some different Hobbit clothing in the Shire but it's really nothing special.

-Sam Orc Armor: Sure - see above

-Sam Crack of Doom: Yes - Sam delivers his iconic Can't Carry It For You line while in his most bedraggled form, so it'd be cool to get him in that style.

-Smeagol Nice Face: Yes - Smeagol is *sort* of a Fellowship member and since they have the mold, they might as well toss him in another LOTR set if there's an opportunity - we have two Mean Gollums and no Nice Smeagols.

-Merry Party: No - Merry wears suspenders during the Party and it's a look we could just use Bag End Bilbo's torso for to be honest.

-Pippin Party: No - see above

-Merry Rohan: Yes - The most sorely lacking version of all the Fellowship members, Rohan Merry does epic, important things in this outfit.

-Pippin Gondor: Yes - Not as desirable as Merry Rohan but still an excellent version to get - plus it can be reused as a Gondorian torso in a pinch.

-Sam/Frodo/Merry/Pippin Triumphant Princes: No - When the Hobbits return to the Shire in ROTK they all have elite princely gear but it's a 30-second scene and one that we don't need minifgure slots wasted on.

Now, Lego being Lego, they're more than likely going to give us at least a couple pure repacks of existing Fellowship members. Which of those do we need to see again?

-Aragorn Ranger: Heck No - Already an overused minifig, his print isn't even that movie accurate (too tan). Fix the print or drop it altogether.

-Aragorn Black Gate: No - Can't be reused as a Gondorian, and though it's a cool outfit, there's literally no other scene it could appear in - and Black Gate is a solid set as it is, so it's not a minifigure a lot of people who want it are going to have missed.

-Gandalf the Grey: No, No, 1000x No - The most overproduced character in the entire Tolkien Lego line. But if we get a Balrog, he's guaranteed to appear, and I accept that - just please, let him not show up in any other LOTR set. Ever. (he'll make one more Hobbit set appearance, no doubt, nothing to be done about that)

-Gandalf the White: Yes - If you're going to give us Gandalf, another Gandalf the White wouldn't go amiss - and it'd be an opportunity to include Shadowfax.

-Gimli: No - with LOTR Wave 2 already having 2 Gimlis, and 4 in the line total, we've officially OD'd on Gimli.

-Legolas: Meh - though both have been expensive sets, he's popped up twice now, and he continues to appear in Hobbit merchandise. Not a priority, but I can understand some people still missing out on him.

-Merry: Yes - If they're not going to make a Rohan Merry, repacking Merry in some random set wouldn't hurt, since he's only in Weathertop.

-Pippin: Yes - same as Merry.

-Frodo Shire: No - been in a cheap set AND a polybag, no need to repack.

-Frodo Normal: No - been in multiple lower-end sets, not necessary.

-Sam: Yes - unless they give us a new one, Sam has only seen the light of day once.

-Boromir: Yes - although they should use a new Gondorian torso and give us a Captain Boromir, he's still a rare fig. Actually, a cool idea for a Gondor battle pack would be Osgiliath with Captain Boromir, Gondorians, and Orcs - a battle that we see just having ended in TTT flashback, and who cares about canon when it comes to getting the minifigures we need?

I know they won't do it plus the it'd go over my $5/fig goal, but a $12.99 Gondor soldier vs Orc set could be a pretty cool idea for an army builder.

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I really hope that (if we do get a third wave) LEGO won't go cheapskate on the orcs for Gondor/Pelennor sets and make actual new orcs - we need Morannon orcs. Maybe a few different new prints (if they could do that with the ghost soldiers then they can do it here as well), two torsos (at least one of them bearing a slight similarity to Moria orc torsos), new heads (I guess they won't do two new heads, even though they realize there's a lot of variation. So, hopefully we'll get new helmets with double sided orc heads for a change, and not as slight of a difference as the Moria orcs but two pretty different options), some cool leg printing to fit the torsos. Knowing LEGO, they probably won't toss us any new orc weapons/shields. But I would be very satisfied with new orc heads, torsos & legs, and possibly helmets already.

(Especially if they'd have new helmets, really. Even if it's just one - a signature Morannon orc helmet would be great. Maybe a hairpiece for some of them in a few sets,

to allow for reversible heads, and hopefully a new skin color for those orcs, although another new dark tan head print would do as well. Maybe a grey orc would be nice some time.)


Edited by General Magma

I think Merry in Rohan gear and Pippin in Gondor gear would by far be the best variants we could get. Both figures have only appeared in one set apiece and both have pretty big roles and a lot of screen time in their alternate outfits. I would also love another Boromir and Sam since they also have only appeared once, and that wave has since been discontinued. Other than that I could care less for more Frodo, Gimli, Legolas, and especially Gandalf, figs. If we DID get a Balrog though, and it had to include Gandalf (which it would), maybe they could give him the hair see in the 2013 Hobbit video game advertisement? That would at least make him more accurate and different than the hat and hair versions we have gotten so many of.

I think a new Mordor Orc is long past due but I dunno how likely Lego is to make it for one last wave (especially if it was split with the second wave where the Mordor Orcs remained unchanged). I would love a double sided face because it gives more options AND means all the orcs would have to have a helmet or hair and ear piece. That means no ugly bald orcs. Some actual armor printing would also be greatly appreciated, they have used that same friggen Mordor Orc torso in like 5 Hobbit/Lotr sets now.

Imaybe they could give him the hair see in the 2013 Hobbit video game advertisement?

What is this hair you speak of? :laugh:

Hmm, makes me wonder what ever happened to the Mini Minas Tirith and Lothlorien seen in the videogame along with the summer LoTR sets...

What is this hair you speak of? :laugh:

This one:


This one:

That would indeed be very nice.

But when Gandalf actually faces the Balrog, he has no hat. He throws it aside in Balin's Tomb. It would actually be cool to get a nice Galmdring sword (ala the Sting we got).

Hmm, makes me wonder what ever happened to the Mini Minas Tirith and Lothlorien seen in the videogame along with the summer LoTR sets...

Are you talking about the bonus level? Because I finally played through it to unlock Sauron and Mouth of Sauron. Every single set that has been released is in that level, identical to it's toy counterpart. And they (obviously) also had all the other major scenes in toy set form and I'm wondering if any of those would be what we will get if they are released.

Check it out here:

Sets of interest... Barad Dur, Minas Morgul, Oliphant, Minas Tirith, Grond, Edoras, Argonath, Lothlorien, Bridge of Kazad-dum & Bree

My friend and I thought the same thing when we played the bonus level.

The bonus level has alot of building thats clearly not designed for sets at any point.

I think TLG should release the Minas Tirith from the bonus level. Then everyone would be in agreement that the one on CUUSOO is very detailed and a good representation in comparision.

Based on that micro build, I think it's safe to assume that if we do get a Minas Tirith set, it was not designed by the time the video game was released.

I think TLG should release the Minas Tirith from the bonus level. Then everyone would be in agreement that the one on CUUSOO is very detailed and a good representation in comparision.

Yea... Lets hope for a worse set so that the crappy cuusoo will look good...

logic = 0 :D

Yea... Lets hope for a worse set so that the crappy cuusoo will look good...

logic = 0 :D

Apparently I wasn't clear when I said this:

Let's up the level of respect in here. I will start discipline if we can't be civil.

This is exactly the type of set LEGO would design though, and telling a member what he can or can't post is not your responsibility. You can make your points without making someone feel stupid.

Let me be absolutely clear here. Do not call someone's MOC "crappy" or "worhtless". Constructive critcism is okay, but bashing others work because you believe it falls below your own personal standards is not what we want to do around here.

Just to remind you, Lego is a kids toy and their appealing to kids. The sets they make have to be playable in order to make a lot of money. They are not going to do everything from the movies.

These are just my guess for upcoming sets:

A Mount Doom set featuring Frodo and Sam.

A Witch King showdown set featuring Witch King, Fell Beast, Eowen, and Merry.

Just to remind you, Lego is a kids toy and their appealing to kids. The sets they make have to be playable in order to make a lot of money. They are not going to do everything from the movies.

These are just my guess for upcoming sets:

A Mount Doom set featuring Frodo and Sam.

A Witch King showdown set featuring Witch King, Fell Beast, Eowen, and Merry.

May I ask what do you think is so amazingly playable for kids in a Mount Doom set... unless you want to keep destroying the ring everyday..... Mount Doom would be even less playable than Bag End.

My 6 year old daughter has not seen LoTR but has seen the video game and the sets. The one place she identifies most with from,LoTR is Mt. Doom. She likes volcanoes as most kids probably do. I think given a choice between playing with something that shoots out fire and can explode and a city, the volcano is going to win every time. Most children are not interested in replicating TLoR, they just want something fun to play with. And they can use something called imagination to make it what ever they want it to be.

My 6 year old daughter has not seen LoTR but has seen the video game and the sets. The one place she identifies most with from,LoTR is Mt. Doom. She likes volcanoes as most kids probably do. I think given a choice between playing with something that shoots out fire and can explode and a city, the volcano is going to win every time. Most children are not interested in replicating TLoR, they just want something fun to play with. And they can use something called imagination to make it what ever they want it to be.

I can see how a mountain would be fun, but wouldn't a cool creature be just as appealing? Maybe not to a little girl, but I think boys would eat a Balrog up in droves.

I completely agree about the balrog. I certainly want one. There seems to be more a emphasis on getting Minas tirith which I understand but I think children are much less interested in.

I completely agree about the balrog. I certainly want one. There seems to be more a emphasis on getting Minas tirith which I understand but I think children are much less interested in.

I think its not about Minas Tirith but more about Gondor soldiers and possibly rangers and Tower Guards....

Balrog = old figs (except Balrog)

May I ask what do you think is so amazingly playable for kids in a Mount Doom set... unless you want to keep destroying the ring everyday..... Mount Doom would be even less playable than Bag End.

And yet... Bag End is the top seller for both Middle Earth lines, and made the top 5 most desired list for Christmas last year? While I agree that Mount Doom would make for a rather dull set. We need to be a little more cautious as to how we categorize play features. Not all play is battles or Gimli tossing levers. Sometimes a simple setting with a lot of little details works very very well. And sometimes a set doesn't need play features because it IS a play feature itself.(Bag End, LR Stagecoach, Trains, etc)

Mt Doom would certainly have merit. Besides being an incredibly important location, you could have some play action sequences here. Collapsing pylons could certainly be made. Also, if you made the "lava" out of loose transparent red and orange pieces, you could submerge a character in it. Add a light brick beneath the lava to add to the effect. Perhaps you could make the whole lava floor be rotatable so that the lava would appear to have a current and be floating. Find a way to make the floor rise, and you could simulate an eruption. Sounds like some playability to me. If that is not enough to sell the set, have Frodo, Sam, Gollum, and SAURON as the characters, and it would probably fly off the shelves. Why Sauron? Because he forged the ring there. I have brought this up before, but will restate: there is no reason why you cannot have a set that depicts more than one moment in time.

If there is to be another wave, I would think the most critical molds and prints needed would be the witch king's helmet, Gondor helmets, and a torso for Gondorians with the white tree on it, but different from how Aragorn appeared at the Black Gate. Other than those, you have just about everything else needed to recreate many scenes from the trilogy.

That sounds more like an AFOL MOC than something Lego would realistically do for a Mount Doom set. So many details and play features just for the lava! :grin:

I could see Lego putting a light brick under some transparent orange tiles and maybe having some sort of "fireball" catapult action that shoots a rock out the top. They might also do a break away bridge to simulate when the mountain erupts. I don't think a Mt. Doom set would lack play features. I think the biggest issue would just be the uninteresting minifigures. Another Sam would be nice, but I doubt many people are clamoring for another Gollum, or especially Frodo fig. I mean Gollum couldn't even have a different facial expression in the set since by that point in the film he is pretty ticked and we already got that face. The only difference with Frodo would be a weathered battered look and a light brown shirt. Do fans or kids really care about those tiny differences? Sauron on the other hand would be a GREAT minifigure to include.. but he couldn't really interact with any of the other minifigures if you are trying to recreate scenes from the film since they never meet.

Mt doom seems like nothing but play features to me, that makes sense to sets where its not just a grey drab vulcano. (like sands of time or that indiana jones set)

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