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Black Gate is one of the best sets from the theme along with Weathertop, Helms Deep, and Bag End.

By the way, its not belong to this discussion but honestly? Becaouse of LOTR , I´ve returned from my dark, really dark ages, and for example buy sets like Medieval Village Market, and also the Mediavel Raid, etc, start creating my own projects, and so on... This specific theme makes me spend a lot of my money for a kids toy...for brics made of plastic and sometimes I look ridiculous beforme my girlfriend :D

And to the topis - I thing that one more set is not so bg harm to for TLG..just one last set for say goodbye...Minas Tirith with all we want to see...lets make it 500 buck set, I dont care...but give us what we need to have. Thouse minifigs and great structure ..And I ´ll bet that TLG can solve the problems with the scale as they did in Helms Deep set...

Edited by ZCerberus
Quoting stuff that need not be quoted.

Second, Uruk-Hai Attack wasn't a battle pack in the purest sense of the term because it included a fairly substantial build that raised the price point. A 5 or 6 fig BP with small catapult type builds would have been an even bigger seller.

I am fairly certain that they have rather circumspectly indicated that the New Line / WB Middle Earth license has more stringent requirements regarding set builds / minifig than say SW, and would not permit SW type "battle packs". This is why we get the more substantial "army builder" sets like Uruk Hai Army and MEA.

Also remember set decisions are not 100% TLG's. The licensor has a lot to say. I would bet good money that New Line probably wanted Hobbit as far as the eye could see for this year. Just as Lucasfilms has often directed the leanings of Lego's Star Wars waves. Ie Clone Wars when the cartoon was prominent to Ep 3 when it was planned for re release, to next waves heavy OT and Rebels push. Lego's set decisions will often will be designed to coincide with the IP holders own marketing push.

I disagree that the line didn't sell well. I live in one of the most densely populated areas in the U.S. and have access to multiple, multiple stores. They sold around here, and I don't see any returns really since the holiday. The only 2 sets that didn't sell as well as others around here were Council of Elrond & Pirate Ship Ambush. Everything else was GONE! Do I have the sales figures in my hands, no. But I have been collecting for 25 years or so now, and I know when product moves.

I don't think there really are best or worst sets in this line. Some appeal more to people than others. I like all of the sets. My gripe is the choice of sets in wave 2. I'd MUCH rather have the Balrog, Treebeard, Witchking w/Fell Beast rather than what came in wave 2. I am happy to have what I have from wave 2, but there are still some major iconic characters, creatures & settings they have yet to touch upon, leaving the collection feeling incomplete.

One thing I don't get is all the doom and gloom here. People are literally arguing points to justify the end of the line. Look, I get the "lets be realistic" thing, but we're all fans here right? Why bother posting if you don't care then? I for one want to see at least 1 more wave come from LotR that hopefully touches ALL our wants, not just one big set. I'm sure most here want more sets as well. Just saying... where's the love?

The likeliest reason for LEGO not continuing with this theme is simply sales. I think LEGO anticipated far stronger sales from this license, thinking that the popularity and large fan base would support all of the new molds and prints needed for the sets. But remember how quickly Weathertop and Gandalf Arrives were retired? The sales just weren't up to par with what they'd originally hoped, so they obviously decided to scale it down a bit.

They also tried to widen the range when they decided to make the Corsair Ship. One of the main reasons that set was made was because 'kids like pirate ships'. Sure, it gave us the King and Soldiers of the Dead, but overall it was a very poor set choice. I think trying to widen the demographic of the theme ultimately backfired and caused sales to drop even more.

From a business standpoint, it might make sense to stop LOTR, and just ride out The Hobbit through the third film's release, then call it quits, and it seems that the likelihood of that becoming a reality is far greater than what we hope.

That being said, LEGO pays attention to these forums. They are aware of the little things that the fans want (they went out of their way to avoid a flesh neckline on the new Mirkwood Elves, so as to allow more use between flesh and yellow figs), and I'd like to think that they wouldn't just leave the fans high and dry like this. Part of me feels that LEGO will at least do one final big farewell set, if they don't do a full wave.

I was hoping you could share these sales figures use are basing your opinion on. Particularly shoplego.com and amazon. Not to mention other online stores like entertainment earth. Because without those you are missing most of the picture.

I keep seeing people talk,about poor sales yet I haven't seen a drop of evidence other than a few complaints from some brick and mortar stores. And in general these same stores are probably having problems with more than Legos. It really hard to compete with amazon who often sells Legos at a discount, no tax and free shipping. The vast majority of my leogos comes from amazon or another online store and I am sure I'm not the only one. Particularly since a line like TLoR is geared toward adults who are more likely to buy online and less likely to be hanging out in the toy department. I,do but only because I have children and even while I look I can easily,compare prices online while shopping. And I doubt I am the only one.

There is also missing from your equation the point of lines like TLoR. While yes companies want to make money they also want to bring in new customers. So,some times a product's success is measured in more than just in terms of immediate sales. Anyone who runs a business knows that the hardest part,is always getting new clients. They also know that reduced short term profits while building client relations will pay off in the long run. TLG didn't become a billion dollar company by solely,measuring success solely based on sales. Sales represent the short term while customer base represents the future. And while a balance is needed other lines like Star Wars can easily make up for other areas in the short term.

This guy knows whats up!


I was hoping you could share these sales figures use are basing your opinion on. Particularly shoplego.com and amazon. Not to mention other online stores like entertainment earth. Because without those you are missing most of the picture.

I keep seeing people talk,about poor sales yet I haven't seen a drop of evidence other than a few complaints from some brick and mortar stores. And in general these same stores are probably having problems with more than Legos. It really hard to compete with amazon who often sells Legos at a discount, no tax and free shipping. The vast majority of my leogos comes from amazon or another online store and I am sure I'm not the only one. Particularly since a line like TLoR is geared toward adults who are more likely to buy online and less likely to be hanging out in the toy department. I,do but only because I have children and even while I look I can easily,compare prices online while shopping. And I doubt I am the only one.

There is also missing from your equation the point of lines like TLoR. While yes companies want to make money they also want to bring in new customers. So,some times a product's success is measured in more than just in terms of immediate sales. Anyone who runs a business knows that the hardest part,is always getting new clients. They also know that reduced short term profits while building client relations will pay off in the long run. TLG didn't become a billion dollar company by solely,measuring success solely based on sales. Sales represent the short term while customer base represents the future. And while a balance is needed other lines like Star Wars can easily make up for other areas in the short term.

Much of the differences in reporting great or poor sales in LotR can probably be attributed to region or country. By all appearances the line did very very well in North America. Maybe less so in Germany (which is where most of the poor sales stories seem to originate.) this isn't completely unexpected. Germany traditionally prefers the more open play real world themes, particularly City. While North America barrels into the more scripted story based and IP themes.

The problem with "growing the audience" is it isn't something that historically works well for LotR based merchandising. Star Wars and Comic Book Superheroes are merchandising juggernauts that will steadily support themselves and grow, even without a direct movie tie in to draw attention. They are the sorts of lines that you use patience with and grow steadily. Whereas In outside of when there are new movies really the only merchandise that Tolkien's properties see sales in are books. Is there a potential to change that? Maybe, but it is a higher risk product line at that point.

Personally I think the line would thrive as a licensed niche AFOL product instead of a broader retail toy product. 1-3 larger sets per year over a longer span of years targeted more At the adult fan, collector and display oriented hobbiest. Just as they do with the Modulars, UCS and the Winter Village stuff. That could probably survive the merchandise downturn of the movies ending. But is it the sort of product the license holder is looking for? Is it the sort of thing TLG would even be interested in doing?

Believe me I don't want to be doom and gloom about LotR's. I would love to see more. I hope we get another wave. But I am not seeing a deep and driving business case for it. Just a lot of fan hopes. And that worries me. TLG does sometimes surprise us and do things simply because of how cool it is. So you never know? But the chances are still a lot less than we would like.

Black Gate is one of the best sets from the theme along with Weathertop, Helms Deep, and Bag End.

By the way, its not belong to this discussion but honestly? Becaouse of LOTR , I´ve returned from my dark, really dark ages, and for example buy sets like Medieval Village Market, and also the Mediavel Raid, etc, start creating my own projects, and so on... This specific theme makes me spend a lot of my money for a kids toy...for brics made of plastic and sometimes I look ridiculous beforme my girlfriend :D

And to the topis - I thing that one more set is not so bg harm to for TLG..just one last set for say goodbye...Minas Tirith with all we want to see...lets make it 500 buck set, I dont care...but give us what we need to have. Thouse minifigs and great structure ..And I ´ll bet that TLG can solve the problems with the scale as they did in Helms Deep set...

Black gateis the definition of failed set design and marketing contradiction....

having named characters 3/5 and promoting double purchase to make structure look better or appropriate even is the epitome of fail in my book....

No LOTR collector wants 2x Gandalf/Aragorn or mouths of Sauron....

Now if Gate had only Gandalf and put Troll instead of Mouth and Gondor soldier instead of Aragorn we would have a ''winner'' of the 2nd wave....

But no....

Black gateis the definition of failed set design and marketing contradiction....

having named characters 3/5 and promoting double purchase to make structure look better or appropriate even is the epitome of fail in my book....

No LOTR collector wants 2x Gandalf/Aragorn or mouths of Sauron....

Now if Gate had only Gandalf and put Troll instead of Mouth and Gondor soldier instead of Aragorn we would have a ''winner'' of the 2nd wave....

But no....

As I can see, yoiur opinion is influenced by only minifigs. Its just little failure but not apocalypse :) So you have twice main characters if you want to build complete gate... so what? keep the structure and sell minifigs, or use their parts for something yours..Aragorns body can be used as a body of some gondorian nobleman, mouth can be used (except the helmet and head) as a Nazgul or dark sorcerer and Gandalf the white ... Dunno anything :)

They were probably limited with new molds and printings that explains the uruk hai helmet on mordor orc...

As I can see, yoiur opinion is influenced by only minifigs. Its just little failure but not apocalypse :) So you have twice main characters if you want to build complete gate... so what? keep the structure and sell minifigs, or use their parts for something yours..Aragorns body can be used as a body of some gondorian nobleman, mouth can be used (except the helmet and head) as a Nazgul or dark sorcerer and Gandalf the white ... Dunno anything :)

They were probably limited with new molds and printings that explains the uruk hai helmet on mordor orc...

I am a huge fan of the Mouth of Sauron but it's a travesty that they wasted a helmet mold on him and not a Gondorian Soldier helmet. Literally, if you strip everything else away, this line needed most of all a Gondorian soldier helmet in an affordable battle-pack, and they haven't done it.

Mouth can't be used as a Nazgul either, his torso is too distinctive - as is Aragorn's, nobody else wears the colors of Gondor in that unique blue.

However, Alcarin, I both agree and disagree with you about the Black Gate - making it a "Buy 2" set was a supremely stupid decision on Lego's part since it's too costly for kids to get 2 and has no minifig incentive to buy 2 for AFOLS (3/5 uniques and 2 terrible orc rehashes). It should have been a little more expensive and included a second tower and a couple more minifigures or an Olog-hai. Putting in armybuilders wouldn't have been ideal there; when it comes down to it, the Council of Elrond was a slot wasted on what should have been an Osgiliath armybuilder. Elrond is unnecessary since he can show up in a White Council TABA set and Arwen...we can live without Arwen. Especially when there isn't an Eowyn.

As I can see, yoiur opinion is influenced by only minifigs. Its just little failure but not apocalypse :) So you have twice main characters if you want to build complete gate... so what? keep the structure and sell minifigs, or use their parts for something yours..Aragorns body can be used as a body of some gondorian nobleman, mouth can be used (except the helmet and head) as a Nazgul or dark sorcerer and Gandalf the white ... Dunno anything :)

They were probably limited with new molds and printings that explains the uruk hai helmet on mordor orc...

You might think its a little failure and not apocalypse but in a LEGO line that takes LOTR movies as a source that is a huge failure....

LOTR fans want to recreate either Fellowship scenes or make huge battle scenes.... or they want Display worthy sets (Bag End for example)

Ofcourse they are limited with new printings/molds....

But to use a mold + printing on Mouth of Sauron instead of Gondorian Soldier thats a HUGE failure....

Tell me if we made a poll (granted LOTR is done) and community had a choice for Black Gates.... Either Mouth of Sauron or Gondorian soldier with new shield and helmet.... which one do you think it would win? and what would the ratio of votes be ???

However, Alcarin, I both agree and disagree with you about the Black Gate - making it a "Buy 2" set was a supremely stupid decision on Lego's part since it's too costly for kids to get 2 and has no minifig incentive to buy 2 for AFOLS (3/5 uniques and 2 terrible orc rehashes). It should have been a little more expensive and included a second tower and a couple more minifigures or an Olog-hai. Putting in armybuilders wouldn't have been ideal there; when it comes down to it, the Council of Elrond was a slot wasted on what should have been an Osgiliath armybuilder. Elrond is unnecessary since he can show up in a White Council TABA set and Arwen...we can live without Arwen. Especially when there isn't an Eowyn.

Well i remember as a kid my parents and grandparents never wanted to purchase 2 or more of the same set.... even if those were 15€ sets...... they always told me ''you already got that pick something else there is loads to choose''

So the price factor was not the real issue... it was the fact I had the same set already... and I continue to see moms/dads who tell their sons they already got firefighters and police so pick something else when they want to pick another firefighter set.

I agree that MoS is a bit failure in comparation to the Gondorian soldier, but either way this speculations are now useless. I just want to refer that the construction of black gate itself is really great and accurate. And as a set its better than for example barrel escape, goblin king battle etc...figs are figs and there is nothing you and I can do with this...I am also disapointed with the result, that we didn get a soldier of gondor with those accesories we need...

I agree that MoS is a bit failure in comparation to the Gondorian soldier, but either way this speculations are now useless. I just want to refer that the construction of black gate itself is really great and accurate. And as a set its better than for example barrel escape, goblin king battle etc...figs are figs and there is nothing you and I can do with this...I am also disapointed with the result, that we didn get a soldier of gondor with those accesories we need...

My point of such ''speculation'' or better said comparison was so that you would perhaps understand that limitation were used poorly inside LOTR theme overall where MoS is the prime example.... but my whole argument falls if we get a 3rd wave...

figs are figs yes I agree there is nothing we can do about it or ever could but to say they are minor part of LEGO that is kinda unfounded ... it perhaps hold some truth for the 1990s but today figs are possibly even more important than the structure or build itself....

figs sell the set alot of the time.

At first i want to say Wow Proximo you know how to bring someone down -.-

It were just Theory's no facts! Pff...

1. I don't know for Ninjago but not for HP for example.

2. So far so true...

3. I can't find any law which stated this but maybe you know more than I haha.

4. I guess you will wait a very long time.

5. Beside the fact that we are in the Lord of the Rings thread here, these figures are ugly anyway. Even printed legs don't change anything.

6. We don't talk about the lack of pictures, but about the more and more obvious hints that there isn't a third wave at all.

We already know the setnumbers and boxsizes of the new Hobbit sets, they will be released in October or even later. It's now January so... I don't see your logic here.

Well lets see

1. HP? that's like 2011 wasn't it? those are older. maybe Lego agreed with announcing it now

2. Yeah :P

3. That sounds like Logic?

4. Or not.

5. I agree with you there the Simpsons are really ugly, And LOTR kinda has something to do with The Hobbit hasn't it? i saw some more posts from the Hobbit here

6. Wich hint? i know LOTR fans are starting to sweat a little now but who knows? You'll never know when you find hints like Box Numbers. The Hobbit ones where just destiny :D, Box numbers and other hints are found randomly? but i agree it's starting to be a little weird now...

Never ever do that again... i never saw someone react so fully to a post!

Well lets see

1. HP? that's like 2011 wasn't it? those are older. maybe Lego agreed with announcing it now

2. Yeah :P

3. That sounds like Logic?

4. Or not.

5. I agree with you there the Simpsons are really ugly, And LOTR kinda has something to do with The Hobbit hasn't it? i saw some more posts from the Hobbit here

6. Wich hint? i know LOTR fans are starting to sweat a little now but who knows? You'll never know when you find hints like Box Numbers. The Hobbit ones where just destiny :D, Box numbers and other hints are found randomly? but i agree it's starting to be a little weird now...

1. I don't see any reason why it should be like that. 2011 is not far away from now.

By the way: As far as i know there wasn't any official announcement for the end of LR too and this was 2013...

3. No. Thats sounds like wishful thinking of someone who don't want to see the signs. If you compare the situation with other licensed themes you will see that the number of waves has nothing to do with the number of movies. I have to admit: 4 PotC waves would have been very nice...

4. I bet you will.

5. So then we agree at least in one point.

6. Err... there aren't any new LotR sets in the trade catalogue compared to new hobbit sets. If that isn't a hint for you i don't know what you consider as one.

Never ever do that again... i never saw someone react so fully to a post!

Why not? There is always a first time....

Edited by Proximo

I never collected them, but wasn't the HP line popular? If it was, Lego certainly missed out on many scenes and characters. So can't we use that as a comparison? I'm sure many people were disappointed when the HP line ended and my gut (sadly) tells me I'm probably going to be disappointed the LOTR line.

I read it here some time ago and now it is seriously being discussed - the LOTR line is about to end half way??? Sry, but i can't get it - really! :hmpf_bad:

While i have a knack for (civil) castle line sets, this remains a mystery for me. I can hardly believe that TLG leaves such a theme before exploring the license thoroughly. Reminding me of the LEGO LOTR packshot posted some time ago, there is just a lot left to be done. Some Gondorian set and the witchking on his mount would as logical as desirable choices for finishing the theme. Unlike marvel and superheroes stuff, LOTR is famous all around the world and actually can easily be merged/combined with another product line (castle/kingdoms). So i hope that the decision of TLG to leave LOTR is neither final, nor official. :oh3:

I never collected them, but wasn't the HP line popular? If it was, Lego certainly missed out on many scenes and characters. So can't we use that as a comparison? I'm sure many people were disappointed when the HP line ended and my gut (sadly) tells me I'm probably going to be disappointed the LOTR line.

Yeah but LEGO atleast did hogwarts(Minas Tirith), Hogwarts express (Fell beast :P) and so on and on and on....

How many sets did HP line have when ended?

67 according to first glance in catalog of Bricklink granted a few are polybags and those multibox kits etc... lets say 50.....

50 is still over 4 times more than LOTR had so far....

Big difference imo.

I've heard several people say that Lego might be hesitant to make a Balrog because parents might not like the "demonic" appearance. But would a Balrog really be any worse than this: http://shop.lego.com...Listing=listing ?

Exactly... that logic holds nothing ....

I just realised something, LEGO ended Kingdoms prematurely for LEGO LotR. There were 16 Kingdoms sets, 12 if you don't count the the polybags or battlepacks. There are currently 15 LEGO LotR sets, 12 if you don't count the polybags. Now I'm really upset that LEGO discontinued Kingdoms for a line that lasted just as long as it did.

Personally I think the line would thrive as a licensed niche AFOL product instead of a broader retail toy product. 1-3 larger sets per year over a longer span of years targeted more At the adult fan, collector and display oriented hobbiest. Just as they do with the Modulars, UCS and the Winter Village stuff. That could probably survive the merchandise downturn of the movies ending. But is it the sort of product the license holder is looking for? Is it the sort of thing TLG would even be interested in doing?

I completely agree with this and I know other toy companies like Hasbro have done similar things. They do more limited runs on items and they aim them specifically at adults. They generally are a little higher price, but also much higher detail and available only online. If we look at the sets, the ultra detailed ones aimed more at adults (Helm's Deep, Bag End), and the army builders (Uruk-hai and Mirkwood Elf Army), seem to be the biggest hits? I feel Lego could easily do a few sets a year and market them at adults and still have a huge hit on their hands. They could still make lots of money doing something like that and keep fans happy. Imagine a Gondor Soldier/Mordor Orc Army builder and like Osgiliath, or the army builder and a 2 part Minas Tirith set? I bet AFOLs would eat it up, LotR and non-LotR fans alike. So many nice white bricks and the Gondor Soldiers could make an AWESOME Castle faction if you remove the flesh head and hands. Lego could release 2-3 sets per year. The first could be the Gondor wave. The next wave could be the creatures pack and have a Balrog, Fell Beast, and Treebeard set.

I honestly never understood Lego's decision to pick up the LotR theme. The Hobbit makes sense, the movies are out now and the book/films seem to target a younger audience. The LotR though? They are rated PG-13 and came out over a decade ago, most kids aren't the recommended age to even see the films nor were the alive when the films came out. I can just picture kids in a store, they are probably like "I want Lake-town Chase set mom, let me get it! Lord of the Rings.. what the heck is that? No I want the Hobbit!

It seems like if Lego WAS getting the LotR license, they should of also tried to get the figure license since no one else currently holds it for the LotR that I am aware of? I know ToyBiz did years ago when the films came out, but now...? Bridge Direct has the Hobbit but I doubt LotR since they aren't doing ANYTHING based on it. Maybe it was a package deal or something. Regardless can you imagine a CMF LotR wave? Gondor Soldiers, Mordor Orcs, Uruk-hai, Rohan Soldiers, Easterlings, Haradrim, Ithilien Rangers, Iron Hill Dwarves, Lake-town Men, Rivendell Elves, Lorien Elves, Wild Men, Erebor Dwarves, Moria Orcs, Gundabad Orcs and Undea. That's 16 seperate figures right there and EVERY one could be an army builder and would be eaten up in droves. Do all their helms in soft plastic like the CMF and you give everyone the faction they want, an easy way to army build, and it's cheaper for Lego. Heck, you could even throw in some great main characters like Sauron, Old Bilbo, etc. that would have trouble fitting in normal sets. Of course Lego could just do real battle packs like they do for Star Wars, but ya...

Edited by Deathleech

I just realised something, LEGO ended Kingdoms prematurely for LEGO LotR. There were 16 Kingdoms sets, 12 if you don't count the the polybags or battlepacks. There are currently 15 LEGO LotR sets, 12 if you don't count the polybags. Now I'm really upset that LEGO discontinued Kingdoms for a line that lasted just as long as it did.

Legos kigdom and castle themes, will always be going on and off, its not like they are lost forever, like LOTR will be once it's done.

Regardless can you imagine a CMF LotR wave? Gondor Soldiers, Mordor Orcs, Uruk-hai, Rohan Soldiers, Easterlings, Haradrim, Ithilien Rangers, Iron Hill Dwarves, Lake-town Men, Rivendell Elves, Lorien Elves, Wild Men, Erebor Dwarves, Moria Orcs, Gundabad Orcs and Undea. That's 16 seperate figures right there and EVERY one could be an army builder and would be eaten up in droves. Do all their helms in soft plastic like the CMF and you give everyone the faction they want, an easy way to army build, and it's cheaper for Lego. Heck, you could even throw in some great main characters like Sauron, Old Bilbo, etc. that would have trouble fitting in normal sets. Of course Lego could just do real battle packs like they do for Star Wars, but ya...

I'm pretty sure I remember reading that Lego does not have the license to release battle packs/ CMF lines because another company has the action figure license (or something like that) so all mini figures have to come with some type of building set.

I'm pretty sure I remember reading that Lego does not have the license to release battle packs/ CMF lines because another company has the action figure license (or something like that) so all mini figures have to come with some type of building set.

I talked about that in my post. Who has the action figure license for LotR (NOT the Hobbit)? Does Bridge Direct hold both since they have the Hobbit one? If so why haven't they released any LotR stuff?

The Simpson's is the first licensed CMF line for LEGO. Depending on the success of it others may follow. Megablocks was able to do a similar one when they had the Marvel license. There are rumors that the Comic Con exclusives for Superheros came from a plan to do licensed CMF for them.

If ever LEGO was to do a Middle Earth CMF, I think they might mix both LotR and The Hobbit. I also think that army builders would not be enough. They would want main characters too. I could see a Frodo variant with this minthril coat exposed or Pippin in his Gondor squire outfit.

I am just surprised as the difference between polybags between LotR and The Hobbit. The LotR was not available in the US but the Hobbit has incredible army builders. There are still Lake-town Guards at my local TRU. Wouldn't it be great if LEGO got one more use out of the Rohan helmet with a polybag?

I just wish that the retailers catalog showed LotR sets instead of Hobbit ones. :cry_sad:

Lego making an LOTR CMF series would be inordinately profitable given just how many would be purchased by AFOLs. Let's dream for a second...

Lego LOTR CMF Series: 16 figs, $2.99 apiece

I've marked after each listing how many of each I would purchase at minimum.

Free Peoples:

Gondorian Warrior: Helmet, Shield, Gladius. x10

Man of Rohan: Helmet, Battleaxe, Green cape. x2

Numenorean Warrior: Helmet, Shield, Spear, black cape. x6

Last Alliance Elf: Helmet, Shield, Elven Spear, blue cape. x6

Guard of the Fountain Court: Helmet, Spear, black cape. x4

Galadhrim Warrior: Helmet, Elven Spear, grey-blue cape. x4

Ithilien Ranger: black cape and black hood, bow, quiver. x3

Oathbreaker: deathly green cape, helm, green-colored weapon. x5

Forces of Darkness:

Morannon Orc: Grey skin color, crude sword, Great Eye shield. x4

Morgul Orc: Pale green skin color, crude polearm. x5

Corsair of Umbar: ratty black hair, cutlass, corsair torso. perhaps a bow and quiver. x3

Mordor Uruk: crude mace, ratty black hair, blueish skin. x6

Moria Goblin: iconic Moria Goblin shield and helmet, crude sword, dark green skin. x8

Haradrim Warrior: black ninjago headwrap, spear, bow, quiver. x4

Easterling: helmet, tower shield, poleaxe. x10

Nazgul: same as in Weathertop (most people still want/need to collect 9 of them) x9

And I can definitely see myself scraping up every spare penny to buy more Last Alliance, Gondorians, and Easterlings. Lego Unlicensed is about the bricks, but Lego Licensed is about the minifigures - and minifigures are the coolest way the build armies. Smaller and less goofy than action figures, bigger and easier to manage that Games Workshop stuff.

Edited by Darth Caedus

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