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May I ask you how much money you spent on all of those sets and add ons from BL? :)

I honestly have no idea. Almost all the sets were bought at 20-25% off U.S. prices, and the BrickLinked figures were mostly $3-4 a piece save some of the rarer ones like then Nazgul and Undead. I have other hobbies, but don't spend any money on other Lego themes, just LotR and the Hobbit.

Lego gave me a quick response to the email I sent them earlier today. Sadly, it tells us nothing. I expected that much! It almost sounds like a stock response that they just alter a bit to give the feeling that it's been personalized. ...but oh well, at least they take the time to respond at all, and in almost no time at all.


Thanks for getting in touch with us.

Isn’t it exciting that there are so many new LEGO® sets every year? It’s great to see you’re eagerly waiting and trying to find out about what we’ve planned for the future. It's always nice to hear from a fan that has come back to us. I hope that you enjoy building for a long time. I have been actively building now for almost 40 years. We are 3 generations strong at my house. Lord of The Rings has been a fan favorite as well. I read the Hobbit for the first time in 1972 and have been hooked ever since.

I'm sorry that I can’t tell you anything about any new Lord of the Rings sets at the moment. Something like that might be coming soon, but our new toys are always kept secret until they’re announced in the catalogue or on LEGO.com. That’s because it takes a long time to design and make new toys, and we sometimes need every minute until they hit the shelves to make them perfect. Besides... we look forward to surprising you!

^ I received a similar response within a few hours of sending my email.

Here it is:

Dear Mark,

Thank you so very much for getting in touch with us.

Isn’t it exciting that there are so many new LEGO® sets every year? It’s great to see you’re eagerly waiting and trying to find out about what we’ve planned for the future.

I'm sorry that I can’t tell you anything about any new Lord of the Ring sets, at the moment. Something in that theme might be coming soon, but our new toys are always kept secret until they’re announced in the catalogue or onLEGO.com. That’s because it takes a long time to design and make new toys, and we sometimes need every minute until they hit the shelves to make them perfect. Besides... we look forward to surprising you!

Same here. I am shocked I got a response within hours of sending, but it's just about that same response. Hey, at least they know there is still interest. They're not saying yes, but they also aren't saying no just yet.

I personally feel they do have more sets ready to go but they're either figuring a way to work them in to their scheduling somehow, or they're gonna wait and see how the current LotR/Hobbit sets sell & how the future Hobbit wave sells.

I still have quite a few sets to go before I complete collection (i.e. time to get the cash together), but I will be buying them all so... I'm still very hopeful.

In looking at those e-mails the term "context sensitive automated response system" comes to mind. Those look suspiciously like response bots. Untouched by human hands. On the positive side those sorts of systems are likely tied in to generate data for marketing, so it will report interest. And apparently the AI likes to read the Hobbit, so bonus! (Sadly Lego appears to have bought the "nerd" AI personality and not the more expensive "Scarlett Johansen" upgrade.)

(Sadly Lego appears to have bought the "nerd" AI personality and not the more expensive "Scarlett Johansen" upgrade.)

:laugh: If only that technology were real.

mdelleman, the response you got seems to suggest that we could be in for something. While vague, it could be a solid hint. Then again, the overall future of this theme is looking bleak.

To be completely honest, I'd be happy with LEGO ending the theme soon. Give us sets that cover Gondor and the Battle of Pelennor, and I'll be happy. LEGO LOTR and The Hobbit has been very expensive, and with the upcoming Star Wars films and inevitable sets, I'm looking forward to being able to set my sights away from LEGO Middle-Earth in the near future.

Long time lurker here. I finally decided to register after I sent Lego a message regarding the fate of the LotR line and received the following response. Unlike some of the other responses I've seen posted, this one actually says the LotR line is ending. I know that you are all skeptical of new members, so I uploaded a screenshot of the email on my long abandoned blog.

Thanks for getting in touch with us.

I’m sorry but unfortunately we do not have any current plans to expand the LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™ theme line. That line and The Hobbit™ theme were developed in cooperation with the theatrical release of those films and while we love them just as much as you, we will not be producing more of the sets at this time.

Our Product Developers in Denmark invent new LEGO® toys every year. They spend their time trying to find new and fun toys that are better every time. The shelves in toy shops aren’t big enough to hold everything so sometimes we have to stop making a few of the older sets.

I hope one of our many new LEGO toys will inspire you. To take a look through the hundreds of toys we offer, go to shop.LEGO.com and see what catches your eye.

Other fans have told us about some websites where you might also be able to find older models:




Keep in mind that these are not our websites so the LEGO Group isn’t responsible for their content, and the items they’re selling could be new or used.

We appreciate your comments, so I'll be passing your interest in LEGO The Lord of the Rings on to the design team. You never know, some of the old treasures might make a comeback!

Thanks again for getting in touch. We're always pleased to receive feedback! If you could take a moment to complete a four question survey by going to the link below, it will help us make sure we are providing the best customer service to you.


I agree that I don't want the theme to go on for a prolonged span of time. One more wave covering the most wanted sets would do it. Key moments/characters/beats/locations.

The Balrog ... with Gandalf and a couple Moria Orcs

Treebeard ... with Merry, Pippin and Grishnakh

The Witchking Showdown ... with Eowyn in armor, Merry in armor & maybe half of King Theodin (haha)

And 2 sets to cover Gondor/Pelennor/Minas Tirith/Osgiliath like a Helms Deep/Uruk-hai Army (ideally) ... or even Dol Guldur Ambush/Dol Guldur Battle sized

Would need Faramir & Gondor Rangers or Soldiers (depending on how they do it), Gothmog, Mordor Orc Lieutenant (aka Skully)

An Osgiliath set could work either way... with Gondor Rangers OR Soldiers. It's a tough call... but at this point I would take either.

oh far out...


I need to buy more LOTR! :O

I would like at LEAST one more big LotR wave to make sure all the main characters and factions are sufficiently covered. It would have:

1.) A Gondor Soldier/Mordor Orc Army builder set with Faramir, at least 2 Gondor Soldiers in armor, and 3 Mordor Orcs with new armor and prints

2.) Osgiliath (or preferably a huge Minas Tirith) with Gothmog, Denethor, Pippin in Gondor armor, etc.

3.) A Balrog set with a few Moria Orcs that each have new helms and Gandalf and Boromir,

4.) A Witch King vs Eowyn set which would also include Merry in Rohan armor

These would be the four most desired sets in the next wave. It would cover all the major factions and characters and leave nothing major out. A fourth wave after that wouldn't be totally necessary, but there would still be enough untouched material to make some interesting and distinct sets from. It could have stuff like an Oliphant with some Haradrim and Easterlings, Treebeard with Grishnak, Merry, and Pippin, Mount Doom with Frodo, Sam, and Gollum, and Lothlorien with Galadriel, Celeborn, the mirror and some nice white trees with bridges and buildings in them. A proper Rohan Soldier army builder would also be a plus, maybe they could just have the Golden Hall with them, Theoden without armor, Eowyn in dress, Gamling, etc.

Hi group. This has taken about half an hour of work on my part to try to scale this screen shot because I couldn't figure out how to PM ZCerb. Oh well, this is what I came up with and I seriously doubt it will be embedded. Now I'm done, take it or leave it. I'll post the other one in my next reply. Thanks for the discussion..... Well, it looks like I can only upload the one. I think because I'm new. The other was just a lower shot of the email with the rest of the text. I don't think anyone cares any longer anyways.

I could not describe a better future for more LOTR myself. All would sell extremely well and I would have a hard time not buying every Gondor army set I found.

Just look at what this guy could look like...



Yeah, the Gondor Soldier on the right looks really good. That game had a lot of unique and quality looking figs. If only....


Edited by egg roller

Funny how the long time lurkers seemed to be getting the non automated responses.

Bricklink? It's highly unlikely TLG is recommending people to buy from resellers. And why

even mention older sets when TLG is obviously still selling TLoR sets. Not to mention the newly released

and future hobbit sets. The question was about a line continuing, not,about retiring/retired sets.

The responses from TLG that are appearing from this new wave of members seems to be all over the map.

So either these reps,really have no idea (highly likely) or some ones chain is being yanked. I'm guessing both.

Not to say that we are being trolled... But regardless of the fate of LotR or The Hobbit lines, TLG would NEVER EVER discuss that status or continuation of a product line while there is still announced product in the pipeline, and the contract is still in full effect. Doing so would have a decidedly negative impact on both the upcoming Hobbit release wave, and any LotR or Hobbit product still remaining on retailer shelves.

Customer Service would never answer in that manner because quite frankly they would never ever know. We tend to find out about this sort of stuff well before any Lego support rep does.

So I am starting to really doubt any of these mysterious "first time posters" (amazing how they all offer up screen shots of e-mail as proof?)

well this is what they told me

"Thanks for getting in touch with us.

We're certainly planning on making more LEGO® Lord of the Rings™ themed sets. Some future sets on the horizon are a multitude of new Hobbit themed sets based on the new movies made by Peter Jackson!

Thanks again for getting in touch. We're always pleased to receive feedback! If you could take a moment to complete a four question survey by going to the link below, it will help us make sure we are providing the best customer service to you.

LEGO Survey link

Please let us know if you need anything else.

Happy building!


LEGO Service"

Here's the response I got:

"Hello and thank you for contacting The Lego Group. Unfortunately at this time we cannot tell you ANYTHING about the future of our Lord of the Rings line. Stop asking. While you wait for news please feel free to go out and buy more of our product though. Lots and lots of product! Thanks again for getting in touch. We're always pleased to receive feedback! If you could take a moment to complete a four question survey by going to the link below, it will help us make sure we are providing the best customer service to you."


I'm not asking you to believe they sent that to me, I don't really care if you do or not just thought I would share. Also im not saying that the guy knows what he is talking about either.

Here's the response I got:

"Hello and thank you for contacting The Lego Group. Unfortunately at this time we cannot tell you ANYTHING about the future of our Lord of the Rings line. Stop asking. While you wait for news please feel free to go out and buy more of our product though. Lots and lots of product! Thanks again for getting in touch. We're always pleased to receive feedback! If you could take a moment to complete a four question survey by going to the link below, it will help us make sure we are providing the best customer service to you."



We should have a contest.

Heres mine:

this is an automated emaill.

We donot thank you for asking us anything about our Lord of the Rings line of products. Were foucusing on making lots and lots of money with The Lego Movie and dont care at all about The Lord of the Rings. Go spend you Money on those sets! Lots and lots of money.

Stop asking about The Lord of the Rings.

Go Buy Lego

Not so kind Regards,

'Nerd' AI

Tee Hee Couldn't resist it

I think those of us who doubt the responses people are posting from TLG (I admit I do) should send emails too, and then compare to see if there's anything we can glean from the answers. I'm gonna send one anyways.

I think those of us who doubt the responses people are posting from TLG (I admit I do) should send emails too, and then compare to see if there's anything we can glean from the answers. I'm gonna send one anyways.

The e-mails just seem to be a totally mixed bag. a few people were told the LotR line will continue, a few told it will be ending, and most were not told much of anything at all. Like others have said, I doubt the reps really know anything themselves.

Boooo I want more LotRs...

Like most of you, I'm waiting for a Minas Tirith set. How about this?


It is just a concept art, but would you like to see something like this as a set?

why did u all get response from TLG?

i wrote few times to Lego Germany/Austria and i never get an answer from them :(

my last mail regarding LOTRO/Gondor was previous month.....till today no response from them :(

Edited by Hepitos

Like most of you, I'm waiting for a Minas Tirith set. How about this?


It is just a concept art, but would you like to see something like this as a set?

This is exactly what i had in mind..... except i would remove the Beacon, make the gates dark bluish gray (as in movie) and change 1 Gondorian Soldier into Archer accessories (but keep the shield in armory!)

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