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Wait and see. Told you guys not to panic :p

And wow some of you have spent A LOT lol. I am in college so I have to budget myself, but I currently own about 1/2 of the LOTR and Hobbit sets.

Sadly I think the LoTRs theme is a dead. I am glad I got at least one of everything. It was I felt a popular theme. I can only hope for more fantasy/medieval themes in the future. We still have some hobbit sets!

It really does seem to be a mixed bag of customer rep replies. One thing that we can pretty much lay to bed is 2014. I don't think there will be any LOTR this year. As others have said, there is just not enough room on the shelves for the current Hobbit line, tons -seriously-, tons of Lego Movie sets and merchandise, a third Hobbit wave, and more in 2014. If we want to keep up hope, 2015 is where it's at. No Hobbit and no Lego movie. I just hate waiting and the unknown. I wonder what TLG will slot into the open spaces in that year.

I wonder what TLG will slot into the open spaces in that year.

2015 is new Star Wars, Avengers, Batman vs. Superman and Ant Man. No shortage of movie tie ins that year.

2015 is new Star Wars, Avengers, Batman vs. Superman and Ant Man. No shortage of movie tie ins that year.

Well thats just "star wars" and "super heroes", I doubt they will make more sets than usual for those themes,

They will proapbly make Rebels and episode 7 sets instead of any clone wars or epi 1-6 sets.

Similar thing with marvel, less spiderman more avengers and or ant man.

With dc it'll propably be almsot all "MOS2" sets, seeing as that includes the all powerfull selling tool Batman aswell.

So we're still left with a gap in themes. Might have been intended for potc before that got delayed.

Edited by deskp

now my little collection

1x Gandalf Arrives

1x Shelob Attacks

1x Attack on Weathertop

1x Mines of Moria

2x Battle at Helm's Deep

2x Escape from Mirkwood Spiders

1x Barrel Escape

1x An Unexpected Gathering

2x Pirate Ship Ambush

1x Tower of Orthanc

1x Dol Guldur Battle

2x Elrond polybag

2x Attack of the Wargs

1x Black Gates

4x Orc Forge

5x Mirkwood Elf Army (not more, because of missprints on elf hair and TLG will not send new ones)

15x Uruk-hai Army

no other polybags, because they are not available in europe/austria :(


2x Cave Troll

3x Gray Warg

3x White Warg

3x Undead Soldiers

5x Goblins

8x Orc Hunters

10x Rohan Soldier

10x Moria Orcs

20x Mordor Orc

10x Gundabad Orc

34x Uruk-hai

Edited by Hepitos

Hepitos: It´s interesting that no other polybags were available in Austria, as you wrote. Because in Czech Republic, there were Frodo, Gandalf, Uruk-hai, Mirkwood Elf, Elrond polybags available. I never saw them in shops or e-shops, but they were available on the online auctions Aukro.cz (similar to eBay). But I guess those polybags were bought abroad.

sure Mr. Cube, they were bought abroad :)

you can see it on the basis of amount.

In USA u can get polys for about EUR 4-5 ?

and on aukro.cz? i don't speak czech :)

i will not buy polys for each EUR 10-15 for armybuilding, that's just brainless

i don't like TLG's sales policy ..... :thumbdown:

sure Mr. Cube, they were bought abroad :)

you can see it on the basis of amount.

In USA u can get polys for about EUR 4-5 ?

and on aukro.cz? i don't speak czech :)

i will not buy polys for each EUR 10-15 for armybuilding, that's just brainless

i don't like TLG's sales policy ..... :thumbdown:

A little less than 4 euro per polybag, including tax. I love my 16x Laketown guard polys, but Lego really should release them abroad as well.

Hepitos: There is 1 Gandalf polybag at the moment for 149 CZK (about 5 EUR) on Aukro, and seller´s shipping internationally, if u are interested. As I said before, in CZ were polybags available online, but I´m surprised that I didn´t see any Hobbit 2nd wave polys yet. It would be nice if the LotR and Hobbit polybags were everywhere like CMF...

no thanks. i already have a gandalf, frodo and aragorn army :)

yes, they should be available everywhere, but TLG is USA fan and hate the rest of the world

Edited by Hepitos

OK. I would not say that they hate the rest of the world...I just don´t understand their sales policy :)

I mostly have just boughten the LOTR sets, The only Hobbit set I bought was the Riddles in the Dark.

LOTR movies are much better and the sets are as well.

Personally, I think Lego will make a third wave. I'm thinking maybe for winter 2014-2015.

Personally, I think Lego will make a third wave. I'm thinking maybe for winter 2014-2015.

Next winter seems somewhat unrealistic with the third Hobbit wave being released in October :wink: Usually there's a gap of 5-6 months between waves within a theme (and yes, I consider LOTR and the Hobbit one theme or at least two subthemes of an overall Middle-Earth theme :grin: ). I think it's not that unlikely that a final wave (if there turns out to be one) could be released in Spring 2015 to coincide with the DVD/Bluray release of TABA. TLG's regular release schedules have gotten mixed up recently thanks to movie splits, release date shifts and the marketing for their own movie, thus a weird release date like that wouldn't come out of left field. Besides, there's still scheduling trouble ahead with the unconventional release date of Star Wars Episode 7 :laugh:

Today I got the response from TLG. As expected I got the standard response and they didn't confirm or deny anything. But I didn't expect a lot and I wrote them to show that I'm interested.

no thanks. i already have a gandalf, frodo and aragorn army :)

yes, they should be available everywhere, but TLG is USA fan and hate the rest of the world

To be honest, you guys aren't missing much. All the Middle-Earth polybags so far have been pretty sub par. The Frodo and Gandalf ones were down right terrible. Legolas seems like he will only be useful for the hair piece (much cheaper to buy em on BL though if that's all you want). The Uruk-hai poly was nice, but the Uruk-hai Army set had more value for the price. It had a better price per piece, the new swords and shields, $5 per figure, and a horse. Of course not all minifigures were Uruk-hai, so the polybag did have it's merits if you just wanted to build a huge Uruk-hai Army but had no interest in Rohirrim. It was only widely available in the UK though (and dirt cheap to boot), through the newspaper so us Americans didn't even have that one widely available. The Mirkwood Elf polybag was also decent, but with the release of the Mirkwood Elf Army set it's pretty much worthless. MEA gives you better elf prints, an elf with ears, plus all the orcs and warg with more pieces.

The ONLY poly that is really useful and unique right now with no better options for massing armies is the Lake-town Guard. I am sure come the third Hobbit wave though we will get another option for them and that poly will be sub par eventually as well.

Edited by Deathleech

To be honest, you guys aren't missing much. All the Middle-Earth polybags so far have been pretty sub par. The Frodo and Gandalf ones were down right terrible. Legolas seems like he will only be useful for the hair piece (much cheaper to buy em on BL though if that's all you want). The Uruk-hai poly was nice, but the Uruk-hai Army set had more to offer for the price. It had more pieces, the new swords and shields, the same number of figures, and a horse. Of course not all minifigures were Uruk-hai, so the polybag did have it's merits if you just wanted to build a huge Uruk-hai Army but had no interest in Rohirrim. It was only widely available in the UK though (and dirt cheap to boot), through the newspaper so us Americans didn't even have that one widely available. The Mirkwood Elf polybag was also decent, but with the release of the Mirkwood Elf Army set it's pretty much worthless. MEA gives you better elf prints, an elf with ears, plus all the orcs and warg with more pieces.

The ONLY poly that is really useful and unique right now with no better options for massing armies is the Lake-town Guard. I am sure come the third Hobbit wave though we will get another option for them and that poly will be sub par eventually as well.

yeh :)

Has anyone considered that the branding might just be changing in 2015?

We know the Hobbit is ending this fall, and there has been no news/word on LoTR; maybe 2015 is both and neither - Called Middle Earth, or something similar that just combines both themes going forward.

I mean there isn't a series called OT, PT, A New Hope, etc. It's just STAR WARS.

And although these films are 80 years apart there is a GREAT deal of possible crossover (at least as far as molds, prints, settings, and some characters go).

Just a thought.

I would love a joined Middle-Earth theme in 2015, if that means we get more LOTR (and Hobbit) sets :sweet: !

There is one problem though, I think. Does the name 'Middle-Earth' ring enough bells? I mean everybody knows 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings' because the films are called that way. Middle-Earth is a nice name to combine the two franchises, but will it be popular/recognizable enough?

Star Wars covers it all set-wise, but the movies are also all called 'Star Wars', so this is different I think.

I do know that probably everybody knows where Middel-Earth stands for/comes from, but I think it's a little less easy to use as a branding name because of the lack of being a movie title.

Edited by Trunkbass

Meh, I don't think that would work since there's no real logo for "Middle-Earth" (you know, with the special font they use for LOTR and the Hobbit) :wink: Besides, TLG would have to merge the product pages and the s@h sections and that's quite some effort for something that's basically pointless :grin: The way it is now it's also easier for the regular customer to differentiate between the subthemes :wink:

Besides, it's unlikely more sets for the Hobbit would come out, the current sets cover pretty much everything.

I think if they were going to merge the,two lines they would have already done so. The Hobbit has been directed more,toward children where as TLoR was more toward the AFOL. Thus the need to keep them separate.

I'm just hoping for one more wave of TLoR but I don't have the feeling TLG would continue beyond that point. They just don't seem that invested in the two trilogies to maintain a longer term commitment. The,lego movie seems to sucking life away from other lines. But for the,long term it's a smart move for,TLG.

Besides, it's unlikely more sets for the Hobbit would come out, the current sets cover pretty much everything.

Agreed, it already stretched a bit thin.

Edited by Darth Punk

The current sets cover pretty much everything.

Well kindof. It would depend on the quaity of the possible new sets right.

They did make a really bad set for thranduils realm technically, but they could make a kickass larger set, showing the entrance and some stuff inside for example. - would include the palace guards + trumpeteer + Narzug as exclusives

Beorns house is also left, they could make that into a back wall open type house like bag end. including horse, cow, pig & chickens - Would include a Shirtless Beorn with a not-super-angry face as exclusive.

Rivendell is not really covered nor the sequence with the elves killing the orcs+wargs. - woud include armored erond and the even soldiers as exclusives.

Bard's house is not covered, Laketown is like the perfect city to make multiple sets for, so naturally expandable. - Could include Bard's daugthers + percy as exclusives

The 3 trolls are also not covered, but i think it's fairly obvious why cause of the 3 huge molds it would require.

While I'd like to see some of those, Rivendell is covered with Elrond's Council, the trolls as you said have the issue of the molds, Beorn's house is too civilian for TLG and the forest realm has MEA and the barrel escape, as well as the spider set. Lake city has one set already, and most likely one of the four in October is also lake town.

As I said, unlikely, and for more Hobbit set discussions, we have a different thread for that :)

Well kindof. It would depend on the quaity of the possible new sets right.

They did make a really bad set for thranduils realm technically, but they could make a kickass larger set, showing the entrance and some stuff inside for example. - would include the palace guards + trumpeteer + Narzug as exclusives

Beorns house is also left, they could make that into a back wall open type house like bag end. including horse, cow, pig & chickens - Would include a Shirtless Beorn with a not-super-angry face as exclusive.

Rivendell is not really covered nor the sequence with the elves killing the orcs+wargs. - woud include armored erond and the even soldiers as exclusives.

Bard's house is not covered, Laketown is like the perfect city to make multiple sets for, so naturally expandable. - Could include Bard's daugthers + percy as exclusives

The 3 trolls are also not covered, but i think it's fairly obvious why cause of the 3 huge molds it would require.

As a Tolkien fan I feel like,there is a great many things TLG could do,with these two lines. Both second waves were underwhelming with a few exceptions. But the realities are that only so many sets are going to be made and only a select few are going to be large. I just wish their choices had been better. They still have time to redeem themselves and renew the excitement that some of those here have lost. If there ends up not being a third TLoR wave it will be sad. A great opportunity squandered and most likely never to be revisited.

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