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There is still hope. Especially if it is true about TLG extending The hobbit and it being part of an evergreen line. Which would be a natural progression into TLoR. And with hope come dreams which leads to discussion of future TLoR which is why we are here.

Otherwise what is the point?

It could have something to do with TLM, a reason like the fact they delayed the SW sets for the States. I don't think it would work as an evergreen line, but you never know.

Thanks for contributing to the topic, oh wait. You didn't. But we can let it get back to the "blame Lego", "Lego makes NO sense" and "gimme gimme gimme or I quit" thread that it was, if you prefer.

Why exactly are you here? I haven't heard a single positive idea or thought uttered by yourself? Let alone any ideas about future TLoR sets. If you would like to preach about business perhaps you should start a new topic since obviously none of us including those of,us who are self employed seem to not have a clue about. Perhaps you could add to a discussion rather than judge everyone. That's my contribution. What is your going to be that doesn't involve name calling?

It could have something to do with TLM, a reason like the fact they delayed the SW sets for the States. I don't think it would work as an evergreen line, but you never know.

I think it's very likely that TLM is playing havoc on TLG's schedule.

What new molds?, i couldn't see any all the heads are from the Collectable Minifigure Series.

We haven't even seen leaked pictures of that series yet, but the Simpson House already has a release date. Therefore, you could argue that Lego used brand new head molds in a D2C set before releasing it in any other set.

I'm not whining page after page after page about how wrong Lego is and how they "make no sense". I'm pointing out their strategy for those too dense to see it. Yeah, I get it, any defense of Lego isn't welcome here in this anti-Lego pity party you folks want to throw. Oh, and it's also not cool to complain about complaining, yet that's the bulk of what goes on in this thread. And sorry if Darthleech can't see the logic in anything yet feels the need to comment on every single page. When grown men come here to say they're going to stop buying Lego for themselves and their children because they aren't getting the little plastic people that they demand, don't you think that's going too far?

Every. Single. Sign has pointed towards Lego building out to at least 3 waves. And it's just pitiful the amount of whining people are doing here because their top picks weren't in wave 2. It's not confirmed as cancelled, for starters, and even still, they gave us a lot to begin with, so the hatred people are throwing Lego's way is really unjustified. Oooh, that makes me a Lego apologist! Whatever. Lego has done far more good for me than any one of you have.

The point is, you people want to concentrate on Lego's faults, even unconfirmed rumors of fault, rather than celebrating what they've done right. I still hope for the best, but you lot are the biggest bunch of petulant whiney children I've ever encountered! Honestly, if I worked for Lego I'd be sure to NEVER intereact with the fans due to the pure sense of entitlement you guys have! So hey, you guys keep whining page after page after page about Gondorian soldiers, etc, like it hasn't already been talked to death over the last few scores of pages! Keep repeating yourself page after page just to try to sound like some kind of expert, when you're really just blowing smoke.

You people sure get viscious when someone disagrees with you. Enjoy your ignorant pity party!

Robert said Lego didn't give us SOME important things, not that they didn't give us ANYTHING important. Maybe you would of seen that part if you could put aside your zealot-like defense of Lego for just a second?

Your logic is severely flawed. So Lego is going to release the Mouth of Sauron, a character not even in the standard release of the film (you know, the one the "general public" is most likely to see), but they won't give us a character like Faramir or Eowyn? They play major roles and are seen in huge chunks of the second and third films. MoS isn't even the Extended Edition of the films 5 minutes.

Funny how you have commented on EVERYONE'S concern with the LotR wave in the last few pages with your "let's be thankful for anything they give us" attitude. You honestly are coming off MUCH worse than any whining, what with needing to respond to EVERY concern anyone has with the LotR. And no, I don't know about Lego's marketing strategy, DO YOU? You claim to know what they are thinking but there are so many flaws with your logic it's not even funny. Like this:

Actually that's not true. Lego has been reported as saying PotC sales were actually pretty good but they intended to end the line regardless because there were no movies to help support sales. If that is true, Lego could of easily planned ahead and made more diverse sets and covered more important characters. You claim Lego released lesser characters to give us something to look forward to later on? Ok, well why would they give us the B or even C team sets when sales from the first wave (A team) were in question? Why not give us the strongest second wave possible if there is a good chance things will be cancelled due to poor sales? Companies generally give costumers "filler" waves when the line is a huge success and they know full well they have many, many waves to produce and can afford to throw in the odd ball character here and there.

Also I said a few pages back I have no idea why Lego does what they do. I acknowledged we aren't their main target audience and maybe testing shows that certain sets we find lame would be huge hits with kids. I really don't know.

It's sad how you always have so much to say yet so little of it has meaning. Mouth of Sauron is a visually interesting villain with more appeal than Eowyn to Lego's target market. You know, the main demographic for Lego, kids too young to have even seen LOTR in the theaters and likely only through the DVD's. That was a great set to get out a King Aragorn figure, with lots of play appeal to the kids. I don't think the kids are demanding an Eowyn. But, here's where your logic completely FAILS you: I never said they didn't plan on getting to Eowyn eventually! So stow your holier-than-thou attitude. I only come off "much worse" because I dare to disagree with you, and point out the massive gaps in your questionable "logic". You fail to see any point I make as being anything more than Lego apologism. You want to bash Lego but seem to feel entitled to talk all you want and get chuffed when someone dares disagree with you. Do you actually have things worth saying or do you just want to be seen on every page in this thread? I think you really ought to take a break from posting constantly in this thread and go get some perspective.

But LEGO does not make new molds for D2C. The molds needed for Orthanc had to be created for other cheaper sets. Sauramon's unique hair was created for The Wizard Battle.

If LEGO replaced The Wizard Battle for anything Gondor related, then Sauramon would have had the same hair and beard (albiet in different colors) then Gandalf the White.

They are so close to each other they wouldn't need a new piece.

Edited by Tolkien

It could mean that The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings sets are indeed evergreen, but part of the evergreen theme 'Castle'.

I think this is the case

...for those too dense to see it...

...Lego has done far more good for me than any one of you have...

...you lot are the biggest bunch of petulant whiney children I've ever encountered...

...you're really just blowing smoke...

...You people sure get viscious when someone disagrees with you. Enjoy your ignorant pity party...

An excellent example of why people should work out their unresolved personal issues before raging like a maniac on a Lego forum, of all things.

Personally, I've come to terms with the fact that Orthanc could well be the last LOTR set ever. Did Lego make poor decisions in set/minifig choices for Wave 2? Yes. Would these sets be better if AFOLs from Eurobricks selected the subject and the minifigs for each set? Without a doubt. But it's all water under the bridge. I'm not going to absolve Lego with the "at least we got any LOTR sets at all" but neither will I rail against them. At this point, I'll take any more LOTR sets as a divine miracle, and hope eagerly that the TABA sets include a good armybuilder and a half-decent Smaug.

I think this is the case

This is one thing that bugs me though - Castle may be an evergreen theme, but it's an evergreen theme that Lego has been doing rather poorly of late. Uninspired sets and forgettable factions and designs. It's why Lego Tolkien has been a breath of fresh air IMO, and I'm not eager to go back to more year-in year-out generic Castle stuff. However, if we can get more stuff like the Joust or the Medieval Market or even the brilliant little blacksmith set, it'll live up a lot better to the concept of Castle as an evergreen theme.

Edited by Darth Caedus

An excellent example of why people should work out their unresolved personal issues before raging like a maniac on a Lego forum, of all things.

I get it. You can't counterpoint what I've said, so you're left to insulting me instead. Just like the rest here. Attack the messenger when you can't fight the message. I guess you support the guy who said he'd stop buying Lego for his kids then?

I shouldn't expect much sense to come from a group that think that Lego is intentionally teasing them by not giving them everything they demand when they demand it.

Why would anyone listen to you? I am pretty sure if someone wrote TLG to complain their response would not be to stop whining.

Thankfully TLG knows about serving its customers and don't just ignore them because they cannot agree.

The only person you are convincing is yourself. Certainly not the trait of a business person. Yes some people are passionate about this topic and have every right to speak. And there are plenty of us who do so in a positive light.

So once again I ask, what do,you,have to offer other than to,point out everyone's flaws, the very thing you accuse people here of doing in regards to TLG? I think the term lead by example comes to mind.

I'm not whining page after page after page about how wrong Lego is and how they "make no sense". I'm pointing out their strategy for those too dense to see it. Yeah, I get it, any defense of Lego isn't welcome here in this anti-Lego pity party you folks want to throw. Oh, and it's also not cool to complain about complaining, yet that's the bulk of what goes on in this thread. And sorry if Darthleech can't see the logic in anything yet feels the need to comment on every single page. When grown men come here to say they're going to stop buying Lego for themselves and their children because they aren't getting the little plastic people that they demand, don't you think that's going too far?

You aren't whining page after page but you are commenting on literally EVERY post in the past few pages that shows the least bit of concern with Lego's current LotR releases. To make it worse you have a very condescending tone. You keep mentioning how we are all children throwing temper tantrums yet you are the only one I see coming off like a raging teenager with your zealous stance. Your posts are FAR worse than any of the ones complaining about the LotR line. Ya, we get you think Lego gave us more than we deserve, you have made it blatantly clear in the last 10+ posts you made (and all on a single page no less). Give it a rest already? Oh, and it has been pointed out how your logic STILL makes no sense. Sir Blake said it best I think:

"Kill a line because it underperformed? Understandable. Load the line with screwball set choices that guarantee poor sales and neglect obvious choices that would certainly sell better? Unforgivable."

We all fully understand Lego might have put in some weird set choices to save the "good stuff" for later. What we don't get is why, if the line was doing poor and there is a chance it might be cancelled, Lego wouldn't give us their A-game in terms of releases? You keep talking down to us like we are some kind of idiots, but you seem to be the one too dense to realize we are all well aware companies hold some of the good stuff back for later. The differences is they do it when they KNOW a line is doing well and they have to stretch the releases across many waves, not when the line is in question and could be ending very soon. Why is this so hard for YOU to understand?

Every. Single. Sign has pointed towards Lego building out to at least 3 waves. And it's just pitiful the amount of whining people are doing here because their top picks weren't in wave 2. It's not confirmed as cancelled, for starters, and even still, they gave us a lot to begin with, so the hatred people are throwing Lego's way is really unjustified. Oooh, that makes me a Lego apologist! Whatever. Lego has done far more good for me than any one of you have.

Ya, no. There was no LotR advertisement in the second Hobbit wave and there is no LotR summer wave in 2014. The ONLY sign pointing towards a third wave is the total lack of Gondor stuff and a few important characters, but Lego has ended lines before without giving us crucial things. Case in point PotC.

The point is, you people want to concentrate on Lego's faults, even unconfirmed rumors of fault, rather than celebrating what they've done right. I still hope for the best, but you lot are the biggest bunch of petulant whiney children I've ever encountered! Honestly, if I worked for Lego I'd be sure to NEVER intereact with the fans due to the pure sense of entitlement you guys have! So hey, you guys keep whining page after page after page about Gondorian soldiers, etc, like it hasn't already been talked to death over the last few scores of pages! Keep repeating yourself page after page just to try to sound like some kind of expert, when you're really just blowing smoke.

You people sure get viscious when someone disagrees with you. Enjoy your ignorant pity party!

I'm pretty sure YOU are the one who started getting nasty first? Oh right, YOU were. Just look at Darth Caedus' post above for a small sample of your insulting comments. Are you trolling or really this dense? You come on the forums and criticize literally every one who is upset Lego might not release a full LotR range, then when there is backlash (and rightfully so) you play the victim. And just for the record, here is what I said in one of my posts so obviously I can see logic in some things:

"Of course I don't hate Lego for doing what they do and I am sure they had their reasons. Maybe their testing with kids showed that is what would sell best. Who knows? I wouldn't stop buying Lego just out of spite since I seriously doubt they left out certain characters or factions just to spite us. They probably just had trouble fitting them in sets or making sets that hit all their check boxes. If I stop buying Lego after the LotR/Hobbit themes end it will be because nothing else currently interests me. I will be pretty disappointed if we don't get one more wave covering the remaining few important characters and Gondor, but I will be happy we got LotR at all. Most of the sets were amazing and to get the line in the first place really was a treat."

You might want to take a good hard look in the mirror before you start chastising everyone else. You would think literally EVERYONE telling you this would be a hint.. but I guess not. And WE are the dense ones :hmpf_bad:

Edited by Deathleech

I get it. You can't counterpoint what I've said, so you're left to insulting me instead.

Were you not just calling us smoke-blowing, petty, whiny, ignorant children? I personally don't see a problem here.

They are so close to each other they wouldn't need a new piece.

I agree. I think LEGO skimped on the Gandalf design using no new molds for either the Gray or White. But I appreciate the extra detail in Sauramon.

I wonder how many of the molds created for the LotR line have to remain exclusive to that line. Some Star Wars stuff in individually copy writed such as the Stormtropper helmet. But the Prince of Persia dagger has found its way as a common elf dagger in The Hobbit line.

Would the Uruk helmets, shields, and swords ever show up in a regular Castle line or are they too distinctive for LotR? They already gave then to orcs in the same theme.

OMG. It's....almost....as if.....Lego were saving something for future waves! As if, perhaps, they wanted to actually make money off their investments?

And for an 18 and older site, there is a ton of immature tantrum throwing going on. Again, there are a few voices of reason mixed in here, but there are plenty of others drowning them out with hollow threats and whining. "Wah, I hate everything Lego does, and if they don't give me wave 3, I quit" Ugh.

Uh, hey genius, it's the fact that you complain how it "doesn't make sense". Sorry if you want to focus so hard on the word "some". Maybe you should read both our posts again?

Are you kidding me? Before you make comments like this ^ you need to take a long look at yourself in the mirror and re-read the posts you've made. Attacking others here isn't adding to the conversation.

I really hope all the speculation on future LotR waves turns out to be true. I hope we didn't wait all these years to get a LEGO LotR line only to have it cut short prematurely.

Edited by Sir_Basil_Ashton

The only problem I see is this thread has degraded to a lot of people not talking about Lego or future sets for the LoTR franchise and instead arguing and devolving into pettiness.

Why would anyone listen to you? I am pretty sure if someone wrote TLG to complain their response would not be to stop whining.

Thankfully TLG knows about serving its customers and don't just ignore them because they cannot agree.

The only person you are convincing is yourself. Certainly not the trait of a business person. Yes some people are passionate about this topic and have every right to speak. And there are plenty of us who do so in a positive light.

So once again I ask, what do,you,have to offer other than to,point out everyone's flaws, the very thing you accuse people here of doing in regards to TLG? I think the term lead by example comes to mind.

There's a way to verbalize your complaints without whining. After a few people insisting that they would give up Lego altogether if they didn't get what they want, even not buying for their kids if they didn't get what they, the parent wants, and complaining about how Lego "makes no sense" as if they are doing everything wrong. THEN you have people foolishly believing that Lego is personally trying to tease them with their releases, as if Lego is intentionally trying to provoke them! This thread is full of a bunch of truly sick negativity! How do YOU respond to someone complaining that they hate EVERYTHING Lego puts out, but will quit if they don't get a 3rd LOTR wave? Would any business person seriously believe that person will be much of a future customer anyway? But really, who puts such ridiculous demands out there like that?

I get it, you guys want to dogpile on me and take out your frustrations. But seriously, the level of entitlement going on here is truly mentally sick! Funny, how you choose not comment against anyone else who wants to bash Lego, but you'll speak up if you feel like someone's supporting Lego. And what, pray tell, do YOU have to offer? Who are you to determine what's worthy or not? You've posted your own off-topic comments then complain about things going off-topic. Hypocritical, isn't it? I HAVE posted positive comments in this thread. I have contributed. I just don't come back every single day to repeat myself. This isn't a discussion forum any longer, just a room full of parrots! Gondor, Gondor! Eowyn, Faramir, Witch King! Mouth of Sauron is bad! Lego bad! Yeah, not exactly the most stimulating of discourse.

Were you not just calling us smoke-blowing, petty, whiny, ignorant children? I personally don't see a problem here.

Cherry pick much? Or do you care to actually read where I actually put my money where my mouth is and provided counterpoints to the arguments? Quit whining ;)

Cherry pick much? Or do you care to actually read where I actually put my money where my mouth is and provided counterpoints to the arguments? Quit whining ;)

I was purely pointing out your hypocrisy. The post had nothing to do with your points.

  • Author

Ya, no. There was no LotR advertisement in the second Hobbit wave and there is no LotR summer wave in 2014. The ONLY sign pointing towards a third wave is the total lack of Gondor stuff and a few important characters, but Lego has ended lines before without giving us crucial things. Case in point PotC.

Yeah, but if I remember correctly, we were constantly hearing things about POTC not selling well back then.

Aren't we quite often hearing the opposite about LOTR and/or The Hobbit?

Thank you and have a wonderful day! From all of us here we appreciate your concerns and thoughts. Even those who until now have never written the word gondor.

You aren't whining page after page but you are commenting on literally EVERY post in the past few pages that shows the least bit of concern with Lego's current LotR releases. To make it worse you have a very condescending tone. You keep mentioning how we are all children throwing temper tantrums yet you are the only one I see coming off like a raging teenager with your zealous stance. Your posts are FAR worse than any of the ones complaining about the LotR line. Ya, we get you think Lego gave us more than we deserve, you have made it blatantly clear in the last 10+ posts you made (and all on a single page no less). Give it a rest already? Oh, and it has been pointed out how your logic STILL makes no sense. Sir Blake said it best I think:

"Kill a line because it underperformed? Understandable. Load the line with screwball set choices that guarantee poor sales and neglect obvious choices that would certainly sell better? Unforgivable."

We all fully understand Lego might have put in some weird set choices to save the "good stuff" for later. What we don't get is why, if the line was doing poor and there is a chance it might be cancelled, Lego wouldn't give us their A-game in terms of releases? You keep talking down to us like we are some kind of idiots, but you seem to be the one too dense to realize we are all well aware companies hold some of the good stuff back for later. The differences is they do it when they KNOW a line is doing well and they have to stretch the releases across many waves, not when the line is in question and could be ending very soon. Why is this so hard for YOU to understand?

Ya, no. There was no LotR advertisement in the second Hobbit wave and there is no LotR summer wave in 2014. The ONLY sign pointing towards a third wave is the total lack of Gondor stuff and a few important characters, but Lego has ended lines before without giving us crucial things. Case in point PotC.

I'm pretty sure YOU are the one who started getting nasty first? Oh right, YOU were. Just look at Darth Caedus' post above for a small sample of your insulting comments. Are you trolling or really this dense? You come on the forums and criticize literally every one who is upset Lego might not release a full LotR range, then when there is backlash (and rightfully so) you play the victim. And just for the record, here is what I said in one of my posts so obviously I can see logic in some things:

"Of course I don't hate Lego for doing what they do and I am sure they had their reasons. Maybe their testing with kids showed that is what would sell best. Who knows? I wouldn't stop buying Lego just out of spite since I seriously doubt they left out certain characters or factions just to spite us. They probably just had trouble fitting them in sets or making sets that hit all their check boxes. If I stop buying Lego after the LotR/Hobbit themes end it will be because nothing else currently interests me. I will be pretty disappointed if we don't get one more wave covering the remaining few important characters and Gondor, but I will be happy we got LotR at all. Most of the sets were amazing and to get the line in the first place really was a treat."

You might want to take a good hard look in the mirror before you start chastising everyone else. You would think literally EVERYONE telling you this would be a hint.. but I guess not. And WE are the dense ones :hmpf_bad:

And here it is. The completely expected, long-winded reply from Deathleech. You disagree with me that Lego planned a 3rd wave based SOLELY on their lack of advertising it??? Yeah, that's why you get my "condescending tone" as you feel it is. You think Lego owes you full disclosure of everything they're doing and if YOU can't see it, it must not exist. Your logic is so badly flawed. Do you really think they planned out wave 1 without writing down plans for wave 2, 3 or more? When they planned wave 2, they definitely had plans for wave 3. And Lego brought it's A-Game to wave 1. I'm actually sick of reading your ignorant comments page after page. And your quote of Sir Blake is a good example: wave 2 was NOT a bunch of "screwball set choices". They make perfect sense if you have a wave 3 planned out. But you, in your short-sightedness, insist there wasn't one, because YOU don't see wave 3 pictured in the Hobbit booklets. I guess that means there's no Simpsons house, either?

There's every chance Lego is waiting until after Hobbit to release wave 3. OR poor sales might have killed it (from the very strong A-Game of wave 1!) Black Gate sells very well in my neighborhood. Mouth of Sauron is a very cool looking figure to the main target market of Lego's chief demographic.

Yeah, you WANT to think I started getting "nasty" first. I guess you don't care to read what I was first responding to, huh? Hey, maybe next you guys will think LEGO sent me here to further tease and provoke you? You know, like they do with their releases, right?

The 2011 LEGO Stockholders' Report that said that the PotC was exceeding expections. LEGO cancelled it anyway since it lacked movie tie-ins.

Sales of several licence-based product lines were considerably above expectations in 2011. This applies to LEGO products based on Star WarsTM, Harry PotterTM and Pirates of the CaribbeanTM

I was purely pointing out your hypocrisy. The post had nothing to do with your points.

Do you even know what hypocracy is? Clearly not. You just want to insult me. Try looking in a mirror next time.

Do you even know what hypocracy is? Clearly not. You just want to insult me. Try looking in a mirror next time.

Hypocrisy = pot calling kettle black = a person is guilty of the same thing of which they accuse another.

I'm not whining page after page after page about how wrong Lego is and how they "make no sense". I'm pointing out their strategy for those too dense to see it. Yeah, I get it, any defense of Lego isn't welcome here in this anti-Lego pity party you folks want to throw. Oh, and it's also not cool to complain about complaining, yet that's the bulk of what goes on in this thread. And sorry if Darthleech can't see the logic in anything yet feels the need to comment on every single page. When grown men come here to say they're going to stop buying Lego for themselves and their children because they aren't getting the little plastic people that they demand, don't you think that's going too far?

Every. Single. Sign has pointed towards Lego building out to at least 3 waves. And it's just pitiful the amount of whining people are doing here because their top picks weren't in wave 2. It's not confirmed as cancelled, for starters, and even still, they gave us a lot to begin with, so the hatred people are throwing Lego's way is really unjustified. Oooh, that makes me a Lego apologist! Whatever. Lego has done far more good for me than any one of you have.

The point is, you people want to concentrate on Lego's faults, even unconfirmed rumors of fault, rather than celebrating what they've done right. I still hope for the best, but you lot are the biggest bunch of petulant whiney children I've ever encountered! Honestly, if I worked for Lego I'd be sure to NEVER intereact with the fans due to the pure sense of entitlement you guys have! So hey, you guys keep whining page after page after page about Gondorian soldiers, etc, like it hasn't already been talked to death over the last few scores of pages! Keep repeating yourself page after page just to try to sound like some kind of expert, when you're really just blowing smoke.

You people sure get viscious when someone disagrees with you. Enjoy your ignorant pity party!

It's sad how you always have so much to say yet so little of it has meaning. Mouth of Sauron is a visually interesting villain with more appeal than Eowyn to Lego's target market. You know, the main demographic for Lego, kids too young to have even seen LOTR in the theaters and likely only through the DVD's. That was a great set to get out a King Aragorn figure, with lots of play appeal to the kids. I don't think the kids are demanding an Eowyn. But, here's where your logic completely FAILS you: I never said they didn't plan on getting to Eowyn eventually! So stow your holier-than-thou attitude. I only come off "much worse" because I dare to disagree with you, and point out the massive gaps in your questionable "logic". You fail to see any point I make as being anything more than Lego apologism. You want to bash Lego but seem to feel entitled to talk all you want and get chuffed when someone dares disagree with you. Do you actually have things worth saying or do you just want to be seen on every page in this thread? I think you really ought to take a break from posting constantly in this thread and go get some perspective.

I'm pretty sure everyone in this topic knows what they are talking about. Maybe we don't explain everything 100% in full detail, but that doesn't mean you have to jump on whatever we say and criticize it.

And we all understand that Lego is a business, this thread is base on what we think will be the future of Lego LOTR.

I am also sure that Lego had big plans for wave 3 of lotr. Why would they put out the sets they did in wave 2 and not give a hint of a Gondor type wave? Probably because they were planning on finishing it off with a bang and they got sidetracked or halted for an unknown reason.

Edited by Admiral Khan

The 2011 LEGO Stockholders' Report that said that the PotC was exceeding expections. LEGO cancelled it anyway since it lacked movie tie-ins.


I think the two ships sold extremely well while the other sets did poorly. The ships helped to keep the line from sinking as it were.

So I think that yes it exceeded expectations but not well enough to stand on its own without a direct movie tie-in.

This is fun.

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