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They should really do an army-builder heavy CMF series for LOTR. If not that, maybe a big chess set. Witch King! Gondor soldiers as pawns!

Love the chess set idea! Seems doubtful to have Gondor soldiers since it would require a new helmet mold at least, but I'd be all over that.

a chess set with 8 gondor soldiers would sell out before it even went on sale

They would need to do a couple new parts. I know that usually these types of sets don't get new parts, but maybe if they did them in the softer/cheaper CMF type molds.

It's been said a million times before, but a chess set OR a CMF set for LotR figures would of made Lego a killing. Aragorn in his king attire as the king, Gandalf the White as the queen, two brick built Ents as bishops, 2 mounted Rohan soldiers as knights, 2 Rangers of Gondor as rooks, 8 Gondor Soldiers as pawns for the good side. Bad side would be Sauron as King, Saruman as Queen, two mountain trolls as bishops, 2 mounted warg riders as knights, 2 white hand Uruk-hai as rooks, 8 Mordor Orcs as pawns. I would easily pay $80-100 for a set like this. Of course it would NEVER happen. Even if Lego somehow made a LotR chess set they would most definitely fill all the spots except the pawns with Fellowship characters, not grunts.

I think a CMF LotR set would have been an even better option. Imagine all 9 fellowship characters in wave 1. That would leave 7 spots left. Sauron, Saruman, Gondor Soldier, Rohan Soldier, Uruk-hai, Mordor Orc, Witch King (with black hood to also serve as Nazgul). BAM! Instant hit. You nailed all 9 fellowship characters, the main bad guys, AND got all the big factions at least one army building figure. Wave 2 could be some more obscure characters and alternate prints. Gandalf the White, King Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Haradrim, Easterling, Rohan Merry, Gondor Pippin, Theoden, Lothlórien Elven Soldier, Gollum, Gothmog, Haldir, Elrond, Moria Orc. BAM! Another hit with a good mix of main characters and army builders.

Lets be honest, the LotR sets are all about the figures anyways so these two options would of worked wonders. Most people aren't even that big a fan of the sets, they catch the most flak but hardly anyone ever complains about the figures other than a color being slightly off.

It's been said a million times before, but a chess set OR a CMF set for LotR figures would of made Lego a killing. Aragorn in his king attire as the king, Gandalf the White as the queen, two brick built Ents as bishops, 2 mounted Rohan soldiers as knights, 2 Rangers of Gondor as rooks, 8 Gondor Soldiers as pawns for the good side. Bad side would be Sauron as King, Saruman as Queen, two mountain trolls as bishops, 2 mounted warg riders as knights, 2 white hand Uruk-hai as rooks, 8 Mordor Orcs as pawns. I would easily pay $80-100 for a set like this. Of course it would NEVER happen. Even if Lego somehow made a LotR chess set they would most definitely fill all the spots except the pawns with Fellowship characters, not grunts.

I think a CMF LotR set would have been an even better option. Imagine all 9 fellowship characters in wave 1. That would leave 7 spots left. Sauron, Saruman, Gondor Soldier, Rohan Soldier, Uruk-hai, Mordor Orc, Witch King (with black hood to also serve as Nazgul). BAM! Instant hit. You nailed all 9 fellowship characters, the main bad guys, AND got all the big factions at least one army building figure. Wave 2 could be some more obscure characters and alternate prints. Gandalf the White, King Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Haradrim, Easterling, Rohan Merry, Gondor Pippin, Theoden, Lothlórien Elven Soldier, Gollum, Gothmog, Haldir, Elrond, Moria Orc. BAM! Another hit with a good mix of main characters and army builders.

Lets be honest, the LotR sets are all about the figures anyways so these two options would of worked wonders. Most people aren't even that big a fan of the sets, they catch the most flak but hardly anyone ever complains about the figures other than a color being slightly off.

As cool as this would be (I own two LOTR chess sets) I think the best thing Lego could have done was create a micro scale line that included one new minifigure. So like a micro scale Barad-dur with Sauron, a micro scale Minas Tirith with Gondor Soldier, a micro scale Rivendell with Elf Knight, etc. That way the sets are cheap like Star Wars microfighters which sell well and as you say it's about the minfigures. Also Lego can be creative and capture iconic locations properly because of the smaller scale.

A chess set is an interesting idea. Strangely, it could potentially fill in the most vital missing minifig holes. My ideal chess set would be:

Good Side:

King Aragorn in his coronation outfit

Galadriel as the queen

Gandalf the grey and Gandalf the white as the two bishops

Riders of Rohan as the knights

microbuilds of Minas Tirith and Edoras as the rooks

Gondor soldiers as the pawns

Bad Side:

Witch King in armor as the king

The One Ring on a pedestal as the Queen (queen is the most powerful piece in chess :wink: )

Saruman and Gothmog as the bishops

Mounted Nazgul as the knights

microbuilds of Barad Dur and Orthanc as the rooks

Mordor orcs as the pawns

I love the CMF wave idea, tho since we've had so many characters already they could skip to the "wave 2" choices with alternate prints (Rohan Merry, Gondor Pippin) as well as most-wanted figs like Faramir, Eowyn, Witch-King, Gothmog, and a Gondor Soldier. Pretty sure we ran thru many possible assortments awhile back, but others could include orc-armor Sam and Frodo, an orc with the same torso design as the Moria orc but perhaps the cloth is in a different color, with a new helmet to match the armor print... a different Rohan soldier might be nice too, with the video game Eowyn helmet (so even if "civilian" Eowyn is in the series, we can swap torsos & headgear with the Rohirrim and have Dernhelm... and a dude in a dress :laugh: )

A chess set is an interesting idea. Strangely, it could potentially fill in the most vital missing minifig holes. My ideal chess set would be:

There is a core problem with a Chess set. Pretty much an insurmountable one. "Games" or more specifically "board games" are a separate license. Lego was able to get a small piece of it with the "Constructable Games" which are viewed as enough of their own thing to not bounce against others. But I think at least one other company holds the specific LotR chess license. (I want to say Franklin Mint or something similar).

The CMF idea has major issues as well. First, They have given us a pretty clear impression that the Middle Earth licenses have if anything a higher part per minifig requirement than many other licenses. This si why we can't have SW style Battlepacks and instead we get the $30 Army Builders. It is safe to assume that single figures are right out. (Figure both the action figure licensee and Games Workshop with the gaming figs would have a stroke). Second problem, this really isn't a license that would work with CMF's. Look at the characters. Mainly earth tones. Weird complicated hard to differentiate names. Just not enough single fig differentiation to work as a collectable line for the average consumer. Now if they could add 2 or 3 LotR figures into a broader line that included other licenses? That would work. But by itself? It would tank hard.

There is a core problem with a Chess set. Pretty much an insurmountable one. "Games" or more specifically "board games" are a separate license. Lego was able to get a small piece of it with the "Constructable Games" which are viewed as enough of their own thing to not bounce against others. But I think at least one other company holds the specific LotR chess license. (I want to say Franklin Mint or something similar).

The CMF idea has major issues as well. First, They have given us a pretty clear impression that the Middle Earth licenses have if anything a higher part per minifig requirement than many other licenses. This si why we can't have SW style Battlepacks and instead we get the $30 Army Builders. It is safe to assume that single figures are right out. (Figure both the action figure licensee and Games Workshop with the gaming figs would have a stroke). Second problem, this really isn't a license that would work with CMF's. Look at the characters. Mainly earth tones. Weird complicated hard to differentiate names. Just not enough single fig differentiation to work as a collectable line for the average consumer. Now if they could add 2 or 3 LotR figures into a broader line that included other licenses? That would work. But by itself? It would tank hard.

But what about micro buildings? That would qualify as construction sets and still sell a Minifigure like we all want. It's not a Battlepack because it has only one, it would be like larger polybags. Like the SW microfighters it would have around 200 pieces each set.

But what about micro buildings? That would qualify as construction sets and still sell a Minifigure like we all want. It's not a Battlepack because it has only one, it would be like larger polybags. Like the SW microfighters it would have around 200 pieces each set.

It would probably work within the license. But who outside of a few of us more fanatical fans would want micro buildings with 1 fig at a $9 price point. I don't think this has been a shining success for the SW group. And the kiddies like them.

A micro buildings with 1 fig sounded good to me but I think that is only because we are so desperate for the key figs we are missing, more sets is what we need

I've kind of given up on collecting this franchise. I barely started and bought several sets but since Lego seems to be abandoning it can't really get myself to buy anymore.

You've gotta at least pick up Orthanc, if you haven't already. What a fantastic set.

I've kind of given up on collecting this franchise. I barely started and bought several sets but since Lego seems to be abandoning it can't really get myself to buy anymore.

And THIS is an example of why Lego probably will never announce a line is ending, especially when related sets are coming out or still on shelves. It's hard to start collecting a line you know will be ending soon or might not put out sets based on your favorite scenes.

Shouldnt be too long till we see instructions from the new hobbit sets... Can't wait to see if there's an ad for lotr.

Shouldnt be too long till we see instructions from the new hobbit sets... Can't wait to see if there's an ad for lotr.

At this point, I highly doubt there will be. If Lego was going to give us a third LotR wave, they probably would have done it between the two Hobbit waves rather than wait nearly a year between releases. Also the waves seem to be getting less and less attention from the Lego designers and their budget appears to be shrinking based on the lack of new molds in the third Hobbit wave. Add to that the second Hobbit wave was barely stocked in most areas, and the writing is pretty clear on the wall.

At this point, I highly doubt there will be. If Lego was going to give us a third LotR wave, they probably would have done it between the two Hobbit waves rather than wait nearly a year between releases. Also the waves seem to be getting less and less attention from the Lego designers and their budget appears to be shrinking based on the lack of new molds in the third Hobbit wave. Add to that the second Hobbit wave was barely stocked in most areas, and the writing is pretty clear on the wall.

Sadly I have to agree with all of this

At this point, I highly doubt there will be. If Lego was going to give us a third LotR wave, they probably would have done it between the two Hobbit waves rather than wait nearly a year between releases. Also the waves seem to be getting less and less attention from the Lego designers and their budget appears to be shrinking based on the lack of new molds in the third Hobbit wave. Add to that the second Hobbit wave was barely stocked in most areas, and the writing is pretty clear on the wall.

Lack of new molds?

We have a whole freaking new dragon mold!! Also, With-King crown, Thorin's hair and crown and a new dwarf helmet.

But anyway, I think this wave will flop like LotR wave 2 and we will have no hope for LotR 3.

4 new fig molds + all of smaug.

Hobbit had plenty resources, they jsut didnt use them well.

After seeing the new Hobbit wave, I also think Lego has given up on Hobbit/LOTR, and just fulfilling their contracts.

It is time for brickforge or brickwarriors or one of the other custom parts companies to step in and create a Gondor style helmet and a Witch King mask. I'm glad I bought a load of BF dwarf helmets when they were cheap.

But can they do that? I mean, it would be great to have brickforge/brickwarriors Witch King mask and other stuff (i.e. uruk-hai general helmet, elf helmets...), but can they do that without the licence?

But can they do that? I mean, it would be great to have brickforge/brickwarriors Witch King mask and other stuff (i.e. uruk-hai general helmet, elf helmets...), but can they do that without the licence?

If they name it right, yes. They already have Elven helmets, Dwarven helmets, etc.


And Goblin shields with white hand print...


Of course, they wouldn't call them Gondor helmets, but come up with a generic name.

Actually one might extract the model meshes from the computer games and 3d print it oneself, or customize it and mold it professionally like the guys from Brickforge/Brickwarriors do.

Even if they did make a third wave, which I highly doubt, I would not expect to see everyone get what they are looking for. Just because they could finally make a Gondor set would not mean you would get generic Gondor soldiers. Hobbit Wave 3 has made it painfully obvious that having sets packed with rehashed main characters is all the rage. There were some nice things about Hobbit Wave 3, but they really wasted an opportunity with the Battle of Five Armies set. There will be no Iron Hill dwarves or armored elves in that line. If they did actually do Gondor, sure you might get Faramir, Witch King and Eowyn finally, but you would likely get rehashes of the umpteenth Gandalf, Legolas, and Gimli in the place of the Gondor Soldier. Orcs would probably be the only generic army builder type you could expect.

The odd thing is that in places like the Lego Store or Toys R US, there are plenty of Hobbit, LOTR sets still on the shelves. However, it is much harder to find the Uruk Hai Army set as well as the Mirkwood Elf Army set. I wonder why?

The odd thing is that in places like the Lego Store or Toys R US, there are plenty of Hobbit, LOTR sets still on the shelves. However, it is much harder to find the Uruk Hai Army set as well as the Mirkwood Elf Army set. I wonder why?

Yes, unfortunately they haven't taken on board that you give an army builder and the set sells better.

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