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I think they checked. But that does not mean that there were lengthy discussions on it. It may be as simple as IDEAS asking at a staff meeting if they should stop projects on expiring Middle Earth licenses and were told "No." After all, if they want to do it, they could negotiate a new license. They did for Ghostbusters, Minecraft, and Back to the Future.

The unknowns is whether WB would want too much for it and whether TLG thinks there is enough sell potential to justify large sets. After all, there could be no new molds.

The best I hope I see is The Simpsons. TLG is willing to run a D2C exclusive line just for them. There are enough hardcore fans to keep Orthanc going and I believe would could for future sets of the same size on a yearly basis.

The Simpsons has the CMF series to provide new molds. Middle-Earth likely would have to survive on the existing molds.

I think they checked. But that does not mean that there were lengthy discussions on it. It may be as simple as IDEAS asking at a staff meeting if they should stop projects on expiring Middle Earth licenses and were told "No." After all, if they want to do it, they could negotiate a new license. They did for Ghostbusters, Minecraft, and Back to the Future.

The unknowns is whether WB would want too much for it and whether TLG thinks there is enough sell potential to justify large sets. After all, there could be no new molds.

The best I hope I see is The Simpsons. TLG is willing to run a D2C exclusive line just for them. There are enough hardcore fans to keep Orthanc going and I believe would could for future sets of the same size on a yearly basis.

The Simpsons has the CMF series to provide new molds. Middle-Earth likely would have to survive on the existing molds.

Eowyn, Faramir, and Denathor could easily be achieved with existing molds, but we need new molds for the Witch-King, Gondor soldiers, and a most other figures we would want.

I think they checked. But that does not mean that there were lengthy discussions on it. It may be as simple as IDEAS asking at a staff meeting if they should stop projects on expiring Middle Earth licenses and were told "No." After all, if they want to do it, they could negotiate a new license. They did for Ghostbusters, Minecraft, and Back to the Future.

The unknowns is whether WB would want too much for it and whether TLG thinks there is enough sell potential to justify large sets. After all, there could be no new molds.

The best I hope I see is The Simpsons. TLG is willing to run a D2C exclusive line just for them. There are enough hardcore fans to keep Orthanc going and I believe would could for future sets of the same size on a yearly basis.

The Simpsons has the CMF series to provide new molds. Middle-Earth likely would have to survive on the existing molds.

All it means is they checked to confirm that the license was available and not currently locked by another company. That is it. This does not cover or include a conflict with their own internal licensing groups plans or what they already have locked, as that evaluation is done at review. The check at 1000 is basically to make sure it is not one of the "impossible licenses". Something like Transformers, which is outright owned by a competitor, or Halo, which is already locked in by someone else. They do not examine the complexities of their own already in effect licenses at this time. Nor do they examine conflicts or non competes with their current licenses until review.


Has anybody seen a misprint like this one before? This is the second one I own. They were both found in different sets and almost a year apart. I only know of 3; the two I own and 1 my friend also found.

It took me a few minutes to actually notice colour differences, I was originally looking for some misaligned printing or other defect :) All 3 of mine have the blue vest and brown undershirt.

Whats interesting about that "defect" is it actually is more accurate to Aragorn's fellowship look. He has never worn an all grey waistcoat that continues onto the trousers, in Two towers and rotk the grey shirt becomes a brown one but the waistcoat remains dark brown and the jacket a darker brown. Its a shame they didn't just go with this for both variants but give one the grey shirt and one the brown.

See: http://static.tumblr.com/17d2d3dd6dc25032827ba198f51bad51/xehqojs/BBgmrw9vf/tumblr_static_aragorn-lord-of-the-rings-lotr-warrior-favim.com-316879.jpg

Wow, I think this unique version you have is so much better!! Like "legofreak86" said, it's more accurate and even if it doesn't I think it has better moccing potential.. Sadly my two versions are the official one :sadnew:

Shouldn't this thread be unpinned? We know that there won't be any Lotr sets this year and it appears that Lego is already making it's in-house, fantasy oriented replacement for next year. I'm no mod, but I feel that this, Castle 2013, and Lotr 2013 should be unpinned as they have outlived their purpose.

Just my thoughts :classic:

Shouldn't this thread be unpinned? We know that there won't be any Lotr sets this year and it appears that Lego is already making it's in-house, fantasy oriented replacement for next year. I'm no mod, but I feel that this, Castle 2013, and Lotr 2013 should be unpinned as they have outlived their purpose.

Just my thoughts :classic:

Well there is yet 1 more hope for one set: the minas tirith project that reached 10000 on ideas last november,

Well there is yet 1 more hope for one set: the minas tirith project that reached 10000 on ideas last november,

But wouldn't that technically be an Ideas set if approved? :look:

Why do you care BrickJagger? Seriously...

It would have both the IDEAS logo as well as a Lord of the Rings logo if it was approved. And if it was there would be a lot of happy fans here.

The set line for theme as been extremely lackluster at best. While some sets such as the Uruk-Hai army was well designed many other sets just weren't. Look at Dul Guldor Ambush for $20. It's plain ugly and not appealing at all to anyone kids and AFOLS. The goblin king battle. For $100 you get a tiny little set in comparison to other $100 sets. The mines of moria. Cool yes and with essential minifgures, but for $80 you barely get anything.

In summary, the reason for the poor sales was the simple lack luster design and price point when compared to other sets. During the release of many of these sets, you could get much more for the same price. Hence why many kids probably passed over these sets which resulted in poor sales.

The set line for theme as been extremely lackluster at best. While some sets such as the Uruk-Hai army was well designed many other sets just weren't. Look at Dul Guldor Ambush for $20. It's plain ugly and not appealing at all to anyone kids and AFOLS. The goblin king battle. For $100 you get a tiny little set in comparison to other $100 sets. The mines of moria. Cool yes and with essential minifgures, but for $80 you barely get anything.

In summary, the reason for the poor sales was the simple lack luster design and price point when compared to other sets. During the release of many of these sets, you could get much more for the same price. Hence why many kids probably passed over these sets which resulted in poor sales.

But What is your point?

Because you´re wrong, if you think that LOTR and HOBBIT line are poorly designed. Almost every set is detailed, with many tiny brick pieces, and brings to customers really nice scaled down pictures of familiar places from movie. Not all of them are accurate, obviously, but thats not TLG´s fault, its just because Peter Jackson made some radical changes after set´s was made...

All and all, sets are nice, and high prices are caused by license. And sorry if I dont follow your opinion, but Dol Guldur ambush is quite nice set, with two orcs and Beorn and kinda useful parts... Goblin King battle contains ove 800 pcs including 7 minifigs + 1 big Goblin King. Moria set have more than 700 pcs and contains 6 minifigs + cave troll + 2 sceletons, so whats your problem? with prices? Yes MM is kinda small and it has only 1 corner from the original Chamber of Mazarbul but it could be easily extended (just look at google - find Mine of Moria set mod/moc) and the structures in set are extremely detailed. Only thing I hate there are those stickers. But I can live with them as many guys here. Whe MM was released, it was assumed as one of the best LOTR sets, and still is.

Edited by Blazej_Holen

Has anybody seen a misprint like this one before? This is the second one I own. They were both found in different sets and almost a year apart. I only know of 3; the two I own and 1 my friend also found.

That's interesting, and I agree it does look better. if you weren't in Australia I'd be trying to snag your extra ;)

But What is your point?

Because you´re wrong, if you think that LOTR and HOBBIT line are poorly designed. Almost every set is detailed, with many tiny brick pieces, and brings to customers really nice scaled down pictures of familiar places from movie. Not all of them are accurate, obviously, but thats not TLG´s fault, its just because Peter Jackson made some radical changes after set´s was made...

All and all, sets are nice, and high prices are caused by license. And sorry if I dont follow your opinion, but Dol Guldur ambush is quite nice set, with two orcs and Beorn and kinda useful parts... Goblin King battle contains ove 800 pcs including 7 minifigs + 1 big Goblin King. Moria set have more than 700 pcs and contains 6 minifigs + cave troll + 2 sceletons, so whats your problem? with prices? Yes MM is kinda small and it has only 1 corner from the original Chamber of Mazarbul but it could be easily extended (just look at google - find Mine of Moria set mod/moc) and the structures in set are extremely detailed. Only thing I hate there are those stickers. But I can live with them as many guys here. Whe MM was released, it was assumed as one of the best LOTR sets, and still is.

My point is what I said in my last paragraph. There was no point for many kdis to buy these sets. Hence the huge amounts of sets left over and clearances. I know it and you know it.

More over the constant repeat of characters without a good army builder helped to reduce the sales of this theme. With the 117th Gandalf in a set or the 200th Gimli, what's the point of anyone buying more sets? Sure you want the main characters for the movie, but what are these characters going to fight? The two orcs that comes from mines of moria? At least there are orcs, there are zero regular soldiers except for the one rohan archer in Uruk Hai army. How is any suppoesd to recreate the awesome scenes from LOTR with these terrible minifig placements?

That is for the fans of LOTR. If someone didn't see the movie which is probably many kids. LOTR/Hobbit was the main psuedo "castle" line, but there was simply no chance or opportunity to build an army for those that usually buy this genre. There is no appeal for collecting many of these sets. Once again, the PPP and the set size is terrible for many of these sets in comparison to what is on the shelves. For example, those ugly Chima sets that so many kids buy.

Don't confuse me as a person that despises the line. I'm pointing out the flaws that everyone here knows is in the line but won't readily admit it. These flaws prevented more waves of this line that I would gladly buy. I have mines of Moria and it's a great sest. Very iconic. For an AFOL. For my kids, it isn't.

I disagree with nearly every assertion you have made Bobbtom. The only thing I can agree with there is that I would also gladly buy more.

Most kids probably don't want to recreate the massive battles in the movies, they probably want more character driven action. Ask a kid which he would want more as a Lego set:

Eowyn vs. the Witch King, or

Two big armies of nameless Orcs and Gondor soldiers.

He's going to chose Eowyn vs. Witch King, because that story is more exciting for them. Same thing with Moria. The main focus of that scene is the fight with the cave troll, so as long as that figure is included, kids will want that set.

You compare LotR to Chima, but Chima has the same premise: Most of the sets are character driven. There is not a lot of army building involved.

Most kids probably don't want to recreate the massive battles in the movies, they probably want more character driven action. Ask a kid which he would want more as a Lego set:

Eowyn vs. the Witch King, or

Two big armies of nameless Orcs and Gondor soldiers.

He's going to chose Eowyn vs. Witch King, because that story is more exciting for them. Same thing with Moria. The main focus of that scene is the fight with the cave troll, so as long as that figure is included, kids will want that set.

You compare LotR to Chima, but Chima has the same premise: Most of the sets are character driven. There is not a lot of army building involved.

But what do these characters fight? 100 Gandalfs v 100 Gimlis?? Chima just released cheap battle packs with 4 minifigures each. Kids want characters yes, but these characters need someone to fight and if the kids watch the movies, there becomes a point where they want to recreate the battle scenes. Hence why chima released battlepacks. When someone thinks of LOTR, they think of the characters int he BATTLES. That's nearly the entire main focusing point of the movies. The battles. If they didn't watch the movies, what's the point of buying a wide variety of LOTR sets if the sets keep repeating minifigures?

But what do these characters fight? 100 Gandalfs v 100 Gimlis?? Chima just released cheap battle packs with 4 minifigures each. Kids want characters yes, but these characters need someone to fight and if the kids watch the movies, there becomes a point where they want to recreate the battle scenes. Hence why chima released battlepacks. When someone thinks of LOTR, they think of the characters int he BATTLES. That's nearly the entire main focusing point of the movies. The battles. If they didn't watch the movies, what's the point of buying a wide variety of LOTR sets if the sets keep repeating minifigures?

Funny I always thought the point was the story and the characters. One of the reasons Tolkien wrote LoTR was to show how horrible war could be, not to celebrate it.

Funny I always thought the point was the story and the characters. One of the reasons Tolkien wrote LoTR was to show how horrible war could be, not to celebrate it.


My point is what I said in my last paragraph. There was no point for many kdis to buy these sets. Hence the huge amounts of sets left over and clearances. I know it and you know it.

Kids wouldnt buy the specific sets you mentioned, like Moria or Goblin King Battle, since they probably couldnt afford them. That would be the parents, which would mostly buy LotR/Hobbit sets because their kids like the movies, namely those particular scenes, and thats enough of a reason to buy them. I seriously doubt a kid or a casual nonFOL parent would be counting the price per piece, piece count, or similar parameters of the sets.

More over the constant repeat of characters without a good army builder helped to reduce the sales of this theme. With the 117th Gandalf in a set or the 200th Gimli, what's the point of anyone buying more sets? Sure you want the main characters for the movie, but what are these characters going to fight? The two orcs that comes from mines of moria? At least there are orcs, there are zero regular soldiers except for the one rohan archer in Uruk Hai army. How is any suppoesd to recreate the awesome scenes from LOTR with these terrible minifig placements?

The average kid, or even adult LotR fan or AFOL, isnt going to buy a zillion sets with hundreds of Gandalfs/Gimilis whatever. Its good business to spread these characters out.

Kids wouldnt buy the specific sets you mentioned, like Moria or Goblin King Battle, since they probably couldnt afford them. That would be the parents, which would mostly buy LotR/Hobbit sets because their kids like the movies, namely those particular scenes, and thats enough of a reason to buy them. I seriously doubt a kid or a casual nonFOL parent would be counting the price per piece, piece count, or similar parameters of the sets.

The average kid, or even adult LotR fan or AFOL, isnt going to buy a zillion sets with hundreds of Gandalfs/Gimilis whatever. Its good business to spread these characters out.

That is true, no average kid can buy MM on random day. However, if a parent were looking to buy a kid a large set for a special occasion, there is no reason to buy The Goblin king or Moria. For the price of the Goblin King, a parent could buy an entire castle for the same price. What do you get with the Goblin king? A throne and two platforms. It is with this fact that led to so many LOTR and The Hobbit sets not being bought. If someone which would be many adults was just looking to buy a lego gift and had no exact request from a child they will and did pass over many of the LOTR and Hobbit sets. The sets are too small in comparison to other sets with the same price. This partially explains the poor sales. The movies being old and for older audiences also reduced sales, but not by much. Many themes such as city have no largely popular movie yet still sell well.

It's good business for a line that has many sets. There is nearly no incentive to buy more LOTR/Hobbit sets if you feel like you already have the set. Star Wars has many many characters that many buyers want, but the line is extremely varied and you won't have a problem with constant repeated characters. The battlepacks are an amazing success for the Star Wars lines. When the Imperial Dropship came out, my sons wanted mass amounts of stormtroops to build their army. It was a great set. No repeating characters like Darth Vader in it that would make one hesitant to buy it again. You'll always need more stromtroopers, but more than one or two Vaders? The $20 sets with Vader filled this void.

Edited by Bobbtom

When I was little I didn't give two sh#ts about the main characters, in fact I dreamed of a lego Minas Tirith and vast armies of Gondorian and Rohirrim soldiers, I wanted to recreate the Battle of Pelennor Fields-especially the cavalry charge.

When I was little I didn't give two sh#ts about the main characters, in fact I dreamed of a lego Minas Tirith and vast armies of Gondorian and Rohirrim soldiers, I wanted to recreate the Battle of Pelennor Fields-especially the cavalry charge.

My kids are exactly the same. They don't know anyone else's names when they watched the movies besides Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. The only thing they were telling me was how cool the cavalry charge and the arrow barrages were.

It is this that many members here and AFOLS forget. You don't watch the movies for when the Fellowship is sitting around smiling. You don't watch it only for the character development. You watch these movies for the epic battle scenes that everyone remembers.

Edited by Bobbtom

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