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I'm still dissapointed that they didn't make a Bree/Prancing Pony set for Lotr or Hobbit. Imagine how awesome a nice Prancing Pony set would've been, especially one that is as detailed as An Unexpected Gathering. With the release of Hobbit sets, I hoped for it again, but sadly, they didn't make it for Hobbit as well.

There does seem to be some differences with the head prints. Gollum looks similar to the Hobbit version but with more of a smile this time. Gimli's eyebrows are raised higher as if he has a surprised look on his face. And the cheekbones on Legolas are smaller and at a different angle to both the LOTR and Hobbit versions.

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There does seem to be some differences with the head prints. Gollum looks similar to the Hobbit version but with more of a smile this time. Gimli's eyebrows are raised higher as if he has a surprised look on his face. And the cheekbones on Legolas are smaller and at a different angle to both the LOTR and Hobbit versions.

Gimli's angry head seems to be new, as well. I think it resembles Gimli a little bit more. (Left = Dimensions, right = original)


Gollum's face print seems to have some slight differences when compared to the AUJ version.


As for Legolas, his cheekbones are indeed a little smaller and narrower, but it also seems like his eyebrows are shaped differently now, which I don't think was all that necessary, but it does look a bit more elegant, in an elvish way.


Edited by General Magma

The updates on those three characters are not enough to prompt to get them at full price. Dr Venkman has arm printing and shares a new hair piece. If there were significant updates to a Lord of the Rings minifig, I would get it. Sadly, they missed the opportunity to give Gandalf hair attached to his hat.

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The updates on those three characters are not enough to prompt to get them at full price. Dr Venkman has arm printing and shares a new hair piece. If there were significant updates to a Lord of the Rings minifig, I would get it. Sadly, they missed the opportunity to give Gandalf hair attached to his hat.

True, that really is a shame. And not only Gandalf, but Gimli and Legolas both could've used some improvements made possible by arm printing and more advanced leg printing, including side leg printing for Legolas and two different colours for his arms.

Edited by General Magma

I just hope TLG makes a Sauron and a Witch King, I would like a Balrog and Minis Tirith too, but thats not going to happen.

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What if they were to release a regular Sauron set, along with a Witch-king pack + a mini Fell Beast, a Frodo pack (printed legs)

and a pack with Faramir + Ithilien ranger or, much better yet, a Gondorian soldier? Any of those would be great (though the Frodo one would be just good).

I could maybe see those things happening... I'm just having my fingers crossed that any of them will actually happen in the first place.

Such great opportunities for Dimensions... opportunities that I hope will not be tossed aside.

Edited by General Magma

Lego doesn't seem opposed to doing bad guys (Joker, Wicked Witch), grunts (ACU Trooper, Cybermen), or lesser characters in their Dimension packs which gives me hope we might see Sauron, Eowyn, the Witch King, or even Gondor Soldiers. At the same time though, it seems they packed the first wave with LotR material and none of the later waves have ANYTHING (that we know of so far). None of the LotR sets have new molds either, unlike several other themes, which also doesn't give me much hope.

I would love to see any kind of Minas Tirith set. It could either be a single large one, like Helm's Deep, or a collection of smaller ones you could enjoy individually or string together. Possible sets if they take the latter route:

Gates of Minas Tirith: Two big parts would be the main gates/gatehouse and Grond. Could come with a troll, Gandalf, Witch-king, and a few Gondor and orc soldiers

Walls of Minas Tirith: Designed to be modular and attach to other wall sets and/or the gates, could come with a siege tower and/or orc catapult, plus a few Gondor archers and orcs

Burning of Faramir: Playset with Gandalf, Pippin, Faramir, and Denethor in the crypt

Tower of Ecthelion: Both the tower itself and the adjacent courtyard, with the White Tree. Maybe include a trebuchet to help defend the city.

I think all of these could be successful independently, and if designed with this in mind, could absolutely be combined to create an epic Minas Tirith. Honestly, I am quite astonished at the lack of ANY Minas Tirith-based set.

There's no denying the line was incredibly mishandled. The lack of anything Gondor was absolutely ridiculous.

I was also thinking its a shame NujuMetru's Edoras project is no longer on Ideas. It was a great looking set at an affordable price range that was actually getting a lot of support at one point, but unfortunately got overshadowed by his Minas Tirith project. It would be nice to see Edoras be given another shot on Ideas with stronger campaigning this time around.

It would be nice if TLG gave us a LotR Chess set with these pieces to throw us a bone,


King/Sauron 2 to 3 new molds

Queen/Witch King 1 new mold



Castle/Uruk Hai Berserker or Gollum

Pawn/Uruk Hai


King/King Aragorn


Bishop/Gandalf the grey

Knight/Legolas or Elrond


Pawn/Gondor Soldier 1 to 2 new molds

all new molds could be used in Lego Dimensions.

Edited by Dr.Cogg

Dr Cogg, I doubt anyone here would turn down such a set. But what you call "throwing us a bone", I call giving us all missing minifigs we are clamoring for. Though Eowyn seems out of place as Queen to King Elsesser. Shouldn't that be Arwen? Of course, we want the Eowyn more. :wink:

I don't understand how Ghostbusters scored all those new molds (Slimer and Stay Puff Marshmallow Man). Maybe a future wave will have some new LotR characters...

I wasn't sure on Arwen's name.

I don't understand how Ghostbusters scored all those new molds (Slimer and Stay Puff Marshmallow Man). Maybe a future wave will have some new LotR characters...

Or the Portal Gun getting a new mold. There's only one Portal set in Dimensions (so far) and it got a new mold, meanwhile there are 4 different LotR characters/sets in Dimensions and not a single new mold and barely new printing.

Well the existing series/licenses hardly got any new molds did they?


Completely agree with you there Reuell! Strong words...

Well the existing series/licenses hardly got any new molds did they?

Yeah that got me annoyed as well, I was hoping for a good Gandalf this time

The next LEGO Ideas review deadline is in the beginning of September. Two Lord of the Rings set have already made it, and if we try hard to promote it, Barad-Dûr could make it too:


Please support and share; it could be our last chance to convince LEGO to make one last Lord of the Rings wave.

Edited by Sir Gareth

Unfortunately neither of those projects that made it into the next review stand much of a chance of being made into sets. Rivendell I can pretty much guarantee won't, it's just too massive. Lothlorien is also pretty big for an Idea's set.

As of right now, the Caterham Super Seven and Adventure time projects look like the most likely candidates, with the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man coming in a close third. That is, if it's piece count was reduced. The creator said he used lots of small pieces but Lego already has that license so the project has that going for it.

Actually LEGO having the Ghostbusters license will hurt it since LEGO likely has already considered the set. I don't think a LotR set will get approved via Ideas. But for each one we get there, we make LEGO consider the viability of further sets.

Loveletter to TLG:

i know there´s a lot of stuff missing from the LOTR-range, but i just realized that after all i´m more than happy that this line was even produced! Think about it, not only do we (Tolkien-Fans) got our Heroes in Minifig-Form (ok, some are missing) but we also got some awesome "Fantasy/Medieval"Torso Prints, a range of Orcs that don´t look goofy and Elves Hair(with pointy ears) in different colours! So in all seriousness, thank you TLG for even touching the whole Tolkien license, i´ve really enjoyed to collect the Figures and i´m more than glad i was able to build Armies from several factions and even collect a lot of doubles that i can use the Heads/Torsos/Hair to create other Fantasy/Medieval figures! Of course it could have been better in the end with a final 3rd wave, but hey, at least we´ve got anything from LOTR the greatest Fantasy-Epos ever :laugh:

I don't think a LotR set will get approved via Ideas. But for each one we get there, we make LEGO consider the viability of further sets.

I agree with that one: it is after all the third LOTR set to reach 10,000.

May be we do not get an extra set, but it might get more Dimensions sets (cf. Portal, Ghostbusters, BTTF).

I'm sure we'll see more characters at some point. I can't imagine they'd leave out Frodo and Aragorn as playable characters. But I do really hope we see some new characters as well. Eowyn, Faramir, Sauron and the Witch-King are the four big ones for me.

I won't be happy if they start rehashing minifigures like Azog, Arwen, Tauriel, Mouth of Sauron, King of the Dead etc before them. Does anyone know how frequently the new waves will be released?

We don't know exactly what their plans are like beyond the first five waves, but FWIW those first five are apparently all due two months apart - September, November, January, March, May.

Actually LEGO having the Ghostbusters license will hurt it since LEGO likely has already considered the set. I don't think a LotR set will get approved via Ideas. But for each one we get there, we make LEGO consider the viability of further sets.

I dunno. It's a bit different then other licensed themes because Lego got the Ghostbusters one specifically for the Ideas set rather than vis versa like a lot of Ideas sets proposed for existing Lego licensed themes. I agree that the more LotR projects we can get to 10,000 votes though, the more likely Lego will be to give us something new for the range.

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