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I think that the next LOTR/Hobbit SDCC exclusive should be, rather than anything from the films, Peter Jackson! It would make the best exclusive fig. He wouldn't likely be in any real sets, and if distributed more reasonably, unlike Azog, he wouldn't be too expensive. I think a PJ fig would kinda make the whole theme feel complete.

Naah, Sauron would make it complete.. Well only having all main charactehrs would mean make it complete. A PJ figure isn't seomthing im looking for. Lego did Him already with the ship, they had their fun with him.

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I wouldn't want him in one of his cameos (we technically already got him as a Corsair). I think a proper version of him would be a really cool collectible for LEGO and non-LEGO fans alike. He wouldn't be a fig used for anything. Just a really cool collectible. That's what LEGO has missed when it comes to the SDCC figs. They should make figs who would likely never be put in normal sets, yet still have that exclusive aspect. So many Super Heroes fans have been robbed of the chance to get some of their favourite characters because they are so rare and cost unreasonable amounts of money online.

Sorry, this kinda turned into a rant.

Soooo? In a line that already is like 60-70% Dwarf's... you want ANOTHER short fat hairy minifig?


My top wants for 2014 would be:

-Witchking vs Eowyn set

-Mumakil set

-Some kind of Minas TIrith set

-Golden Hall of Edoras

-Some kind of Lothlorien set with Galadriel

-Prologue battle pack

There are MANY more I'd like but those are my top. Hopefully TLG will come through with some of them...


^ I completely agree with your list, Zylek. Those sets pretty much represent my most wanted list for LOTR as well; the only other ones I would deem as essential are Balrog and Treebeard sets.

Posted (edited)

I feel like there aren't many new sets they could make for the first 2 movies. Maybe:

- Amon Hen (with Boromir and Lurtz, because we've already had too many Aragorns and Gimlis)

- Some set based on Edoras

- Treebeard

- Osgiliath (with Faramir, Frodo, a Ringwraith and his Fell beast and maybe a Gondorian ranger)

But IMO what we really need is battle packs:

- Rohirrims

- Lorien elves

- Last Alliance

There are more possibilities for the 3rd film however:

- Mumakil

- Larger set based on Minas Tirith (the gates maybe. They could even make a smaller set with soldiers like they did for Helm's Deep)

- Fall of Osgiliath (with Gothmog, Madril and some soldiers)

- Witch-King vs Eowyn

- Gondor battle pack (Gondorian soldiers + rangers or guards)

- Orc catapult and/or siege tower

Edited by Elrond
Posted (edited)

Dont forget about the Balrog.

Yeah I thought about that one too but the main problem is see with such a set is the minifigs. So far, all LOTR and Hobbit sets contain at least 1 exclusive minifig (79005 being an exception) and I think that's also pretty much the case for all the licensed sets. The only minifigs that could be included in a Balrog set are members of the Fellowship and Moria orcs, and we've already had those in other sets.

Also, I just had another idea for the Two Towers: a set based on the battle between the warg riders and the Rohirrims.

Edited by Elrond

true but the Balrog would be exclusive and would be a big draw, boromir could be good to as he has only come in one other set


I think brown Wargs and Rohan printed horses would be ace, so a Two Towers Warg Battle set would be great.

Give Gothmog a Brown warg, and have some printed rohan horses attacking, and you can have a much better set still containing those 2 elements withouth making a relatively unimportant scene into a set.


Give Gothmog a Brown warg, and have some printed rohan horses attacking, and you can have a much better set still containing those 2 elements withouth making a relatively unimportant scene into a set.

Fair point, but TTT set could feature Hama and Sharku. It would be expensive to get a Warg cavalry going with just one in the set. Obviously they won't be restricted to just one set.

It'd be cool to see more trolls too with different prints.


I think the Balrog scene would have enough going for it to warrant being made into a set. The Balrog build of course would be unique and really appeal to kids i would imagine. Lego could also add two more Moria Orcs with the cool helm they wear which is pretty distinct and would be brand new. This would help bolster our pathetic Moria Orc numbers. We could also get another Boromir which, while not totally new, might be the only other set we see him in. The only thing that would be really rehashed is yet another Gandalf, but unfortunately he would be pivotal to the set seeing as he is the one dueling the Balrog. Heck, they even would have a great play feature with tipping pillars and break apart stairs and exploding bridge piece in the set.

Besides the Balrog I would love to see an Eowyn vs Witch King on Fel Beast set, some big Minas Tirith related set with Denethor, Faramir, and Gothmog, an add on wall piece and army builder similar to the Uruk-hai Army set except with Mordor Orcs and Gondor Soldiers (maybe 2 Gondor Soldiers, Gothmog here instead on brown Warg, and 3 orcs?), a Treebeard set with Merry, Pipping and Grishnak, and lastly a Mumakil possibly with Faramir and his rangers as well as a few Haradrim. That's 6 sets and would pretty much cover all the iconic places and characters we have yet to see be made. Of course there are still a few others I would hope to see such as Sauron, Galadriel, Easterlings, etc. but if we got everything else I listed I could easily do without them (plus some like Galadriel will prolly show up in a Hobbit set eventually).


Apart from Gondor soldiers/rangers/guards and Faramir/Eowyn/Witch King the last thing I would really love is if LEGO give us a ''battle pack'' or atleast a rather cheap set (around 30$) with 2 of those with shields ofcourse... they could use Roman soldier shields (like for gondor soldiers) and I would just hoard that set lol



Have you seen the video game Easterlings, Alcarin? They look fantastic! Imagine LEGO would go all out and give us Haradrim (not sure if the headpiece would be new), Easterlings (new helmets), Rangers, Gondor Soldiers with new helmet, printed shields and armour, Citadel Guards (new, 'winged' helmet), the Witch-King (new helmet), Eowyn (reprinted Rohan helmet) and a molded Fellbeast. :D This line is oozing with potential, and I will openly weep when it comes to an early end.


Have you seen the video game Easterlings, Alcarin? They look fantastic! Imagine LEGO would go all out and give us Haradrim (not sure if the headpiece would be new), Easterlings (new helmets), Rangers, Gondor Soldiers with new helmet, printed shields and armour, Citadel Guards (new, 'winged' helmet), the Witch-King (new helmet), Eowyn (reprinted Rohan helmet) and a molded Fellbeast. :D This line is oozing with potential, and I will openly weep when it comes to an early end.

The videogame Easterlings looks trash, less mold work and more printing would be much better.


It's a shame Lego didnt put 2 Easterlings in the Black Gate set (and removed one of the Orcs). If they had done this they could of been covering a few Black Gate scenes simultaneously instead of just the end when the battle takes place. It would of also been a perfect time to include some Easterligs since that is really the only time we get a good look at them in the movie. It also would have made the set more appealing to people wanting to buy multiples since Lego was already promoting buying multiples of it anyways for the gate connecting aspect.


Have you seen the video game Easterlings, Alcarin? They look fantastic! Imagine LEGO would go all out and give us Haradrim (not sure if the headpiece would be new), Easterlings (new helmets), Rangers, Gondor Soldiers with new helmet, printed shields and armour, Citadel Guards (new, 'winged' helmet), the Witch-King (new helmet), Eowyn (reprinted Rohan helmet) and a molded Fellbeast. :D This line is oozing with potential, and I will openly weep when it comes to an early end.

You mean ?


While the helmet and shield look great I think printed armor would be sufficient imo...

or even the Samurai armor in gold to reduce costs.

I keep waiting for those shields in LEGO from Roman commanders... never seem to drop in sets...


It's a shame Lego didnt put 2 Easterlings in the Black Gate set (and removed one of the Orcs). If they had done this they could of been covering a few Black Gate scenes simultaneously instead of just the end when the battle takes place. It would of also been a perfect time to include some Easterligs since that is really the only time we get a good look at them in the movie. It also would have made the set more appealing to people wanting to buy multiples since Lego was already promoting buying multiples of it anyways for the gate connecting aspect.

That would have been perfect. I would even have been ok with one Easterling and one orc, just to ensure a bit of variety.


That would have been perfect. I would even have been ok with one Easterling and one orc, just to ensure a bit of variety.

No doubt, even one Easterling would have been significantly better than the zero we got. Ideally I would of liked to have seen two or even three in the Black Gate set and no Orcs. That way we could have a small regiment of at least four, or six from buying two BG sets to form a "complete" wall, and buying more beyond that (and selling the bricks and other minifigures besides the Easterlings) would of allowed us to quickly build up a sizable force.

Don't get me wrong though, I understand Lego was trying to portray the final battle so they needed an orc or two, it just sucks because the Black Gates are the only place we really see the Easterlings on screen. Sure we know they are at the Battle of Pelennor Fields and other various battles because of the books, but we never actually see them there which makes me worried they might easily be passed up by Lego. I mean where else could they include them besides a battle pack? Including them in the Black Gate set would of made the set cover a few different parts of the movie AND gave us the Easterlings, which personally I think could of been amazing looking minifigs.

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