January 26, 201312 yr I would like to see some army building sets without main characters: Like 6021: LEGO could exchange the knights with elves, men and orcs. --> Or see for example some another sets: 6040, 6061, 6073, 6080 And the best thing would be if LEGO would combines the above mentioned army sets with 3 in 1 creator sets. LEGO has only to release some of those creator sets inclusive modular functions and we could buy each set several times, connect those buildings together and could build complete cities. And when you would just seeing those complete artworks. I swear to you, you would collect those modular creator sets in order to build those complete artworks. Therefore has LEGO finally to become innovative: Just imagination: LEGO would release an instruction for Rivendell and you could build according to the instruction with only 3x medium-sized (3 in 1) modular creator sets the complete landscape!! ---> LEGO could include in that instruction additional instructions for further creator houses: Those creator houses were named variable creator houses (hidden easter eggs). Dynamic Bricking: (hidden easter eggs) (3 in 1) modular creator house A + (3 in 1) modular creator house B = variable modular creator house X. (3 in 1) modular creator house A + (3 in 1) modular creator house C = variable modular creator house Y. (3 in 1) modular creator house B + (3 in 1) modular creator house C = variable modular creator house Z. (hidden easter egg = variable modular creator house) In this case would LEGO releases 3x (3 in 1) creator sets (A/B/C) and we must buy 15x sets in order to build the complete Rivendell landscape. And as centerpiece of Rivendell could LEGO releases 1x main set with the demanded main characters! For example the secret council? At the other sets (the creator sets) were included soldiers (please with helmets) and civilians (with exchangeable faces, hairs, legs and torsos). That procedure would the people bring back to LEGO's core values. Give your customers some more time and let those creator sets (like the sets in the eighties) 3x years available. The people would collecting those creator sets (buying those 3 in 1 creator sets) several times in order to build your complete artwork and not only for the minifigures. --> It would become more to a combination of army building and landscape building.
January 26, 201312 yr Dude stop saying legos not innovative. In theory to AFOLs your theory sounds mediocre at best, but I assure you 15 sets just to have one full small aspect of middleearth (rivendell) is exttemely unrealistic. Its impractical and would never happen. Has TLG ever done creator sets with a licensed theme? I would much rather spend the money up front on one set and save myself from the hassle of it. Im sure there are alot of people who feel opposite me , but I still think its highly unlikely this would increase sales or profitability just like the idea of battle packs.
January 27, 201312 yr Okay so here is my IDEAL yet REALISTIC wave 2. but first, i must say that minas tirith will be unlikely in wave 2, and if it is it probably wont be that collossal. i would expect maybe a minas tirith about as big as helms deep. but that is just my opinion and you may have your own. my idea would make minas tirith consist of 3 parts Pippin Proves his Worth Price: 9.99 Items: Gondor Signal Fire (Replacable top to make it look like its on fire or not lit) Minifigures: Pippin Faramir shows his Quality Price: 19.99 Items: Osgiliath building (8" tall and about 5" wide and long with flick-fire action that can knock it down) Minifigures: Faramir (Ranger), Frodo, Sam, Mordor Orc Upper Minas Tirith Price: 24.99 Items: Minas Tirith Courtyard (Includes White Tree) all about 10" long and can fit on the big rock in Lower Minas Tirith Minifigures: Denethor, Gandalf White, 2 Fountain Guards Faramir's Charge Price: 29.99 Items: Osgiliath building (tall as in previous set) Osgiliath building (shorter, about 6" wide by 6" tall) Minifigures: 2 Mordor Orc Archers, 2 Gondor Knights, Faramir (Knight), 3 Horses Osgiliath Price: 39.99 Items: Osgiliath building (same type of tall building but a little different) Osgiliath building (like the shorter building but a little different) Osgiliath statue (Can flick-fire fall apart) Mordor Boat (small, not much bigger than Gollum's one) Minifigures: Madril, Gothmog, 3 Mordor Orcs, 2 Gondor Soldiers Amon Hen Price: 59.99 Items: Amon Hen (approx. 10 inches long by 6" wide and 6" tall), 2 Trees Minifigures: 4 Uruk-Hai, Lurtz (armored), Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Boromir Isengard Price: 74.99 Items: Orthanc (not terribly tall, maybe 20", can open up side ways to palantir throne room), 2 Trees, Brick-Build Treebeard (Almost exactly like a bionicle, but awesome) Minifigures: Merry, Saruman, 2 Mordor Orcs, 2 Uruk-Hai Lower Minas Tirith Price: 139.99 Items: Minas Tirith (in all its splendor. diameter i am thinking would be about 14" and it would be a half circle. 3 layers of it with the big rock that sticks out. Upper Minas Tirith can fit on the rock. And a place to attach the beacon.) Mordor Siege Tower, 2 Mordor Catapults, 2 Gondor Trebuchets. Brick-Build Fell Beast Minifigures: 2 Gondor Archers, 4 Gondor Soldiers (can switch between sword and spear), Witch King (<-- they better get his helmet right), Mountain Troll, 6 Orcs (they need to make them somewhat different from eachother, they seemed alot more like rabble in the movies, not all uniform. they come with mismatched weapons) Guritz Edited January 27, 201312 yr by Terminatot
January 27, 201312 yr Personally I don't think we will see many more LOTR sets. If we get another wave though I would think these are the likely candidates. Fall of Gandalf Gandalf, Brickbuilt Balrog and some of the bridge of Khazad dum. Battle of pellenor Legolas, moulded Mumakil, haradrim x2, ruins of Mnas tirith outer wall. Encounter with Treebeard Merry, pippin and brick built Treebeard with some smaller trees and Orc Mimas tirith Helms deep size set with troll, orcs x2, 2 soldiers of Gondor plus Faramir Gates of minas tirith Separate add on with grond, more orcs and another soldier of gondor Eowyn vs witch king Eowyn,witch king, moulded fell best, merry and some scenery I'm not convinced we'll see much more though. I hope they do a last alliance set though so we can get Sauron.
January 27, 201312 yr Would still like to see Minas Tirith as a UCS. You might have to reduce the levels so you could get in the top level. Even then I don't know if people would be willing to shell out $400 for this sized set. On 1/26/2013 at 4:59 PM, Elander said: I would like to see some army building sets without main characters: Like 6021: LEGO could exchange the knights with elves, men and orcs. --> Or see for example some another sets: 6040, 6061, 6073, 6080 And the best thing would be if LEGO would combines the above mentioned army sets with 3 in 1 creator sets. LEGO has only to release some of those creator sets inclusive modular functions and we could buy each set several times, connect those buildings together and could build complete cities. And when you would just seeing those complete artworks. I swear to you, you would collect those modular creator sets in order to build those complete artworks. Therefore has LEGO finally to become innovative: Just imagination: LEGO would release an instruction for Rivendell and you could build according to the instruction with only 3x medium-sized (3 in 1) modular creator sets the complete landscape!! ---> LEGO could include in that instruction additional instructions for further creator houses: Those creator houses were named variable creator houses (hidden easter eggs). Dynamic Bricking: (hidden easter eggs) (3 in 1) modular creator house A + (3 in 1) modular creator house B = variable modular creator house X. (3 in 1) modular creator house A + (3 in 1) modular creator house C = variable modular creator house Y. (3 in 1) modular creator house B + (3 in 1) modular creator house C = variable modular creator house Z. (hidden easter egg = variable modular creator house) In this case would LEGO releases 3x (3 in 1) creator sets (A/B/C) and we must buy 15x sets in order to build the complete Rivendell landscape. And as centerpiece of Rivendell could LEGO releases 1x main set with the demanded main characters! For example the secret council? At the other sets (the creator sets) were included soldiers (please with helmets) and civilians (with exchangeable faces, hairs, legs and torsos). That procedure would the people bring back to LEGO's core values. Give your customers some more time and let those creator sets (like the sets in the eighties) 3x years available. The people would collecting those creator sets (buying those 3 in 1 creator sets) several times in order to build your complete artwork and not only for the minifigures. --> It would become more to a combination of army building and landscape building. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly how I think Lego should start running its Castle Theme as well. Too often they produce a set that really offers nothing to the theme and this way it offers the chance to make bigger sets. They have begun to do this with Jabba's Palace - Rancor Pit and the two Helm's Deep sets. Really think this would be a winner.
January 27, 201312 yr On 1/26/2013 at 4:59 PM, Elander said: I would like to see some army building sets without main characters: Like 6021: LEGO could exchange the knights with elves, men and orcs. --> Or see for example some another sets: 6040, 6061, 6073, 6080 And the best thing would be if LEGO would combines the above mentioned army sets with 3 in 1 creator sets. LEGO has only to release some of those creator sets inclusive modular functions and we could buy each set several times, connect those buildings together and could build complete cities. And when you would just seeing those complete artworks. I swear to you, you would collect those modular creator sets in order to build those complete artworks. Therefore has LEGO finally to become innovative: Just imagination: LEGO would release an instruction for Rivendell and you could build according to the instruction with only 3x medium-sized (3 in 1) modular creator sets the complete landscape!! ---> LEGO could include in that instruction additional instructions for further creator houses: Those creator houses were named variable creator houses (hidden easter eggs). Dynamic Bricking: (hidden easter eggs) (3 in 1) modular creator house A + (3 in 1) modular creator house B = variable modular creator house X. (3 in 1) modular creator house A + (3 in 1) modular creator house C = variable modular creator house Y. (3 in 1) modular creator house B + (3 in 1) modular creator house C = variable modular creator house Z. (hidden easter egg = variable modular creator house) In this case would LEGO releases 3x (3 in 1) creator sets (A/B/C) and we must buy 15x sets in order to build the complete Rivendell landscape. And as centerpiece of Rivendell could LEGO releases 1x main set with the demanded main characters! For example the secret council? At the other sets (the creator sets) were included soldiers (please with helmets) and civilians (with exchangeable faces, hairs, legs and torsos). That procedure would the people bring back to LEGO's core values. Give your customers some more time and let those creator sets (like the sets in the eighties) 3x years available. The people would collecting those creator sets (buying those 3 in 1 creator sets) several times in order to build your complete artwork and not only for the minifigures. --> It would become more to a combination of army building and landscape building. It would be a bit of a waste. LEGO can only produce a certain number of sets which is why we only get 5 or 6 sets for each wave of LotR and The Hobbit. Also there wouldn't be much point to have 3 big expensive sets for Rivendell, it's not the most important part of the books or movies, the only notable part of it is the council of Elrond and not everybody would be able to afford one big modular set, let alone 3. If you really want the whole of Rivendell then try build parts of it yourself, thats what LEGO's core values are, to get people to be creative and use their imagination.
January 27, 201312 yr On 1/27/2013 at 9:37 AM, Vindice said: Personally I don't think we will see many more LOTR sets. If we get another wave though I would think these are the likely candidates. Fall of Gandalf Gandalf, Brickbuilt Balrog and some of the bridge of Khazad dum. Battle of pellenor Legolas, moulded Mumakil, haradrim x2, ruins of Mnas tirith outer wall. Encounter with Treebeard Merry, pippin and brick built Treebeard with some smaller trees and Orc Mimas tirith Helms deep size set with troll, orcs x2, 2 soldiers of Gondor plus Faramir Gates of minas tirith Separate add on with grond, more orcs and another soldier of gondor Eowyn vs witch king Eowyn,witch king, moulded fell best, merry and some scenery I'm not convinced we'll see much more though. I hope they do a last alliance set though so we can get Sauron. I can imagine they would do all of those sets and maybe also:Last alliance: Sauron, Isildur, Elendil (possibly), either some orcs, elves and men although I'm not enirely sure because the set would probably be small due to there not being much scenery in set except maybe the entrance to mount doom. I also don't think they would have Elrond in the last alliance because of the limited edition Elrond with the game. It depends on the set size and imagination of the designers. Lothlorien: Galadriel, Frodo, Sam and Boromir. I assume we will see it because of the images from the game and depending on what happens in the hobbit films we can't be sure that Galadriel will be at Dol Guldur also considering how the story of what happened at Dol Guldur has been changed a lot already in the film. Also it will be a chance to get Boromir agin in a cheaper set unless they make... Amon-Hen: Aragorn, Boromir and Lurtz, maybe some other figures. Based mostly off the fact that there needs to be another set with Boromir because he is a member of the fellowship and therefore an important character. If LEGO does make it and it only comes with Aragorn, Lurtz and Boromir we can asume it will be cheap (maybe) and therefore it's a cheap set with Aragorn and Boromir so people who may not have been able to afford other larger sets with Aragorn and Boromir can finally get them. Also another set with some rohirim would be good because we only have one so far. Edited January 27, 201312 yr by giantevilrobot7777777
January 27, 201312 yr I agree, as many of you have stated, the Balrog is a must. The bridge of Khazad dum would be nice as well along with Gandalf with a sword and a staff. Also, Orthanc would be amazing. The tower would be so detailed (or so i hope). I really wouldn't buy it if it's not going to be spectacular. Obviously with Saruman and some Orcs. The addition of Treebeard and other Ents and Merry and Pippin is a great idea. As for the Witch King, no matter what set he comes in that's fine, as long his figure is available.
January 27, 201312 yr A balrog set would offer no new minifigures, Not something I'd be interested in.
January 27, 201312 yr On 1/27/2013 at 7:23 PM, deskp said: A balrog set would offer no new minifigures, Not something I'd be interested in. It would offer no new "characters". There is however room in it for some new minifigs. A new Galdalf fig (maybe a bot of scorching, new staff and Glamdring?) A new Frodo (mithril vest showing?). New variants of Moria Orc archers. Plus if they do it in a cheap enough set, such as Shelob, I could forgive no new figs.
January 27, 201312 yr On 1/27/2013 at 9:55 PM, Faefrost said: It would offer no new "characters". There is however room in it for some new minifigs. A new Galdalf fig (maybe a bot of scorching, new staff and Glamdring?) A new Frodo (mithril vest showing?). New variants of Moria Orc archers. Plus if they do it in a cheap enough set, such as Shelob, I could forgive no new figs. Or the moria orcs with helmets from the video game. It would also be a way to get a cheaper Boromir, who can't be in a whole lot of other sets.
January 28, 201312 yr LOTR wave 2 have 4or5 new molds, if hobbit wave 2 also only comes with 4 new molds heres wich ones I would want: Thranduil hair/crown, Radagast hair/hat, Bolg beard, Beorn hair/beard (if needed) & Smaug stuff Presumably we'll get more wave 2 molds for Hobbit than lotr since its based on a current movie. Orcrist would be a welcome addition. Edited January 28, 201312 yr by deskp
January 28, 201312 yr Here are some of my ideas for the wish list: Hobbit Eagles rescue Piececount and price: ± 250, € 29,99 Minifigs: Azog, Thorin and another dwarve, one or two orcs, molded eagle Build: Brick build tree Troll encounter Piececount and price: ± 350, € 49,99 Minifigs: Bilbo, Gandalf, One or two dwarves, 2 molded trolls Build: 1 brick build troll (stone version) acampfire and turnable spit Dol Guldur Piececount and price: ± 300, € 39,99 Minifigs: Radagast, Necromancer, Dead King Build: Entrance of Dol Guldur and Radagast’s slede Beorn’s House Piececount and price: ± 450, € 59,99 Minifigs: Beorn, One or two dwarves, molded bear, 2 orcs, molded warg Build: Beorn’s house Smaug’s lair Piececount and price:'± 700, € 79,99 Minifigs: Bilbo, one or two dwarves Build: Wallpieces of the lair (like Mines of Moria set) Part brickbuild, part molded Smaug Arkenstone and other treasure Town of Esgaroth (exclusive) Piececount and price: ± 1500, € 149,99 Minifigs: Bard, Bilbo, a few dwarves, a few townsmen Build: Two or three buildings (like Diagon Alley set) Harbor part where the dwarves arrive in their barrels Another Smaug Lotr Last march of the Ents Piececount and price: ± 200, € 29,99 Minifigs: Merry, Pippin Build: Brick build Treebeard Edoras Piececount and price: ± 450, € 59,99 Minifigs: Aragorn, Théoden, Éowyn, Grimas, Rohan guard Build: Golden Hall Battle of Osgilliath Piececount and price: ± 850, € 99,99 Minifigs: Faramir, Gothmog, Nazgul, Gondorians, orcs Build: Nice scenery with ruins of Osgilliath Edited January 28, 201312 yr by narbilu
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/28/2013 at 1:54 PM, narbilu said: Town of Dale (exclusive) Piececount and price: ± 1500, € 149,99 Minifigs: Bard, Bilbo, a few dwarves, a few townsmen Build: Two or three buildings (like Diagon Alley set) Harbor part where the dwarves arrive in their barrels Another Smaug Believe thats Lake town/Esgaroth not Dale. Personally I don't think Smaug would or should come in multiple sets, I'd rather it be in the smaug's lair set so Lake town could be beter/bigger.
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/28/2013 at 2:44 PM, deskp said: Believe thats Lake town/Esgaroth not Dale. Personally I don't think Smaug would or should come in multiple sets, I'd rather it be in the smaug's lair set so Lake town could be beter/bigger. The only problem with this is how Lego creates sets based on action scenes for the most part. I cannot believe that they would pass up the opportunity to do a Smaug vs Bard in a burning Laketown set. Also Lego prefers to reuse molds and or set pieces so even a brick built Smaug would probably be seen twice, the other in his lair.
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/28/2013 at 2:44 PM, deskp said: Believe thats Lake town/Esgaroth not Dale. Personally I don't think Smaug would or should come in multiple sets, I'd rather it be in the smaug's lair set so Lake town could be beter/bigger. My bad... it in deed is Esgaroth, Dale was the other town which was destroyed by Smaug
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/28/2013 at 2:55 PM, Mahtion said: The only problem with this is how Lego creates sets based on action scenes for the most part. I cannot believe that they would pass up the opportunity to do a Smaug vs Bard in a burning Laketown set. Also Lego prefers to reuse molds and or set pieces so even a brick built Smaug would probably be seen twice, the other in his lair. Yeah, he'd propably be in a set based on the Bard situation. I don't see Smaug's 'lair' being a desierable set. I hope we get better/more interesting DOS sets since we already have 2 scenes from that movie covered with sets already. Does people think we'll get a full 6-7 sets or 4-5 like lotr?
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/28/2013 at 3:57 PM, deskp said: Yeah, he'd propably be in a set based on the Bard situation. I don't see Smaug's 'lair' being a desierable set. I hope we get better/more interesting DOS sets since we already have 2 scenes from that movie covered with sets already. Does people think we'll get a full 6-7 sets or 4-5 like lotr? Since the next Hobbit wave will be based on a specific film, we'll likely get a full 6-7 sets. Also, since two of the major scenes from DOS have been covered already, we could either get two DOS sets, or we could get one exclusive Trollshaws set instead of a larger DOS wave overall. I'd rather 4-5 DOS sets and an exclusive Trollshaws set (exclusive because thats likely the only way LEGO would justify the three unique troll molds). I really just want to see a decent Laketown, Thranduil's Halls. Beorn's house, and something with Azog. I really want an Azog fig.
January 28, 201312 yr I think Azog might be in a small-medium sized set in his first fight with Thorin because it's the only major scene he's in except for warg attack which has been done. I imagine the set would have Azog, Thorin and some rocks if it's small because there isn't much scenery. If the set was to be bigger it might also come with an armoured dwarf and an orc with the entrance to Moria. A lot of pepole will want Azog because he is the major villain in the first film and some people who have seen the Unexpected Journey may have been disapointed we didn't get him so I guess that is Lego's motivation for making an Azog set. Yes I do know Lego had no idea about Azog being in the film (or at least the Azog design used in the film because he originally was/looked like Yazneg) so please don't complain about that, in fact from what I had seen I don't think anybody but the people working on the film knew until it was released.
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/28/2013 at 4:20 PM, Fives said: and something with Azog. I really want an Azog fig. I'm sure we'll get an Azog figure at some point. Do you recon he will be light gray? and Use the goblins "bald cap" Wonder if he gets a new hand or full arm mold. Seeing as all waves have a cheap(ish) 100piece 2 minifigure set what do you guys think/want it to be for DOS? Thranduil + throne confronting Thorin? Galadriel + someone + some buildt thing? or maybe more likely Gandalf + Radagast + a tree or part of a wall?
January 28, 201312 yr Author On 1/28/2013 at 5:28 PM, deskp said: I'm sure we'll get an Azog figure at some point. Do you recon he will be light gray? and Use the goblins "bald cap" Wonder if he gets a new hand or full arm mold. Seeing as all waves have a cheap(ish) 100piece 2 minifigure set what do you guys think/want it to be for DOS? Thranduil + throne confronting Thorin? Galadriel + someone + some buildt thing? or maybe more likely Gandalf + Radagast + a tree or part of a wall? Yeah, they must use at least that bald cap thing, if they leave him with a regular bald head he'll look like Kratos from God of War, not Azog anymore. I think it might be Gandalf and Radagast in Dol Guldur, although we've already had a Gandalf polybag for that. Maybe it'll be something from An Unexpected Journey.
January 28, 201312 yr Yeah, Radagast and Azog are my most wanted figs from Hobbit. I can imagine set like this: Radagast's Investigation Includes small part of Dol Guldur courtyard with two statues and rabbit sledge. Figs: Radagast, Twilight (ghost) Ringwraith and Sebastian the hedgehog.
January 28, 201312 yr I would like to see a small-medium sized set based on Radagast's sled and the chase with the Wargs. Set could include the sled with a new bunny mold, a new Radagast fig, two Wargs, one with a plain orc, one with Azog. And maybe there could be the rock with the secret path to Rivendell and a tree. Although Azog is inaccurate to this scene, Yazneg is inaccurate to the tree scene, so just put Azog in this set and then give him the White Warg. Sure, kids will notice, but they likely won't care because they'll be getting Azog AND Radagast, plus more Wargs, in one set.
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/28/2013 at 8:30 PM, Fives said: I would like to see a small-medium sized set based on Radagast's sled and the chase with the Wargs. Set could include the sled with a new bunny mold, a new Radagast fig, two Wargs, one with a plain orc, one with Azog. And maybe there could be the rock with the secret path to Rivendell and a tree. Aren't the FRIENDS bunny good enough? the FRIENDS hedgehog certainly will work out great as Sebastian with a less "barbie" print. I'd rather get Rivendell knights and wargs from that scene with the rock. Anyways I hope we don't get another white warg.. one is quite enough, sadly I think thers no avoiding it..
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/28/2013 at 8:56 PM, deskp said: Aren't the FRIENDS bunny good enough? the FRIENDS hedgehog certainly will work out great as Sebastian with a less "barbie" print. I'd rather get Rivendell knights and wargs from that scene with the rock. Yeah! That would be awesome! 2 orcs on Wargs and two Rivendale Warriors along with Radagast would make an awesome set!
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