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So it looks like my eagerness to help has lost me yet another game. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of these.

Good game def, and congrats to the scum.

So it looks like my eagerness to help has lost me yet another game. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of these.

Good game def, and congrats to the scum.

I think the point was, since the Scum needed to find each other, confirming that someone killed someone else was what the Town wanted to avoid. Kind of like me outing Scouty when I was sure he was Scum. Not the way to do it in this game. But, live and learn. We could see it clearly from the dead. Funny how death makes it all clear. :laugh: Scouty, same with confirming that you knew who the blocker was after Alopex claimed. That made it even more clear to the Scum that he was Scummy, I would imagine. Probably gave them a bit more confidence in contacting each other. Again, it's easy to be an armchair quarterback. I failed at being subtle myself, didn't I? :blush:

Pie, I thought you were Scum because you seemed to wanted to hook our teams up when I was about to be lynched.

So my plan worked perfectly, I just did absolutely nothing with it... :facepalm:

So it looks like my eagerness to help has lost me yet another game. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of these.

Good game def, and congrats to the scum.

Oh, I wanted to say this to you Cam: while in this setup you allowed the scum to win, in a normal setup you would've been a huge asset to the town. I've played watcher or some variant of it at least three times, and I've never been really effective with it. If the scum teams didn't have to unite, you would've killed a lot of scum with your strategy. :thumbup: So don't feel discouraged.

I really appreciated you going into this in the spirit of the game after I explained that your role was virtually unwinnable. Maybe not trying to win so much was a kind of freedom...

Are you kidding?! I wish I could just brainlessly kill everyone in every game. I'm sad I only got that many kills. Thanks so much for the game, def!

Congrats to the scum team. I wish I hadn't been killed before I could even start playing (damn you Zeph, but it was fun to watch (and kind of painful to watch town slaughter themselves...)

Yes, I'm sorry about that- I've just seen you take down too many players. You always have strange targets when you have a power role, so when shooting in the dark I wanted to potentially take out someone who may trip me up.

I wish I had taken out a scum or two. I wouldn't have minded the game continuing a bit longer. Shadows, you were my next target. I almost killed you instead of PirateDave the night I double killed Dave by accident. I knew Scouty wouldn't be protecting you, but I was afraid you'd be watched. :grin: Should have gone with my gut!

I always have SO MUCH fun playing with you all! :wub:

Again, thank you to def and the other players for making this such a fun game! :grin: This was my first real mafia game in literally years, so I was a bit nervous going in and I definitely felt a bit overwhelmed at times. I certainly learned a lot and had a good time doing it.

Jim, thanks for your kind words. I really think that the scum win owes much of its victory to you. :thumbup: You were certainly towards the bottom of my list of suspects before I was converted (which turned out to be a real blessing) and after reading through the scum history, I could tell what a magnificent job was being done by the whole team. As for myself, I was kicking myself when I picked up on the clues Shadows left, but by he had already been outed.

Also, I have to commend Big Cam for delivering the single best line of the entire game. "Well shit." :laugh:

Too much fun. Nobody in the town should point fingers at other townies for helping us, you all did it and the most vocal will be the ones who helped the most. :laugh:

Seriously, we couldn't have done it without you guys! :pir_kiss:

Scum: Awesome. It's sad we didn't get to spend more time together, we could have had some real fun, but we did anyway. :sweet:

Town: Love you. Always trust Shadows. :wink:

def: Thank you for what was kind of a crazy but in spots very normal, almost classic game. There were a few times that reminded me of earlier EB games, which was especially enjoyable. I'm sure, as always, there will be a lot of discussion of balance, but at least from what I can tell so far, you set up a game that was a lot more complicated for the scum than I initially expected, and it makes the whole thing work. Blind trust, the kind that comes without at least some form of investigation result, is an incredibly difficult thing to work out in a game like this. We see towns do it all the time, and it usually gets them killed when they trust the wrong people. For scum, it would be instant death to the whole team if it's wrong, so it makes the game complicated in an entirely new way from what we're used to here, and that's both exciting and fun at the same time.

Also, I have to commend Big Cam for delivering the single best line of the entire game. "Well shit." :laugh:

Agreed! :wub:

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Sorry if my posts didn't sound interesting. :sadnew:

It wasn't that you weren't interesting, it's that you came across as uninterested in playing, it's a different point. Honestly, when the conversation tanked on day three, I felt that about a number of players. Cecilie was very interested in playing, and since she died at the start of the game, I let her see behind the scenes, and griped a few times to her.

It's a real common thing in mafia, and even more common on EB, that vanillas have a 'what am I supposed to do?' attitude, and contribute little. Maybe it wasn't the case with you, Potato, but you weren't particularly active in thread or behind scenes. You were more of a lurker.

I was real disappointed that town never really tried to pull a fast one on scum. They didn't know the other team until day five. Say Big Cam lied about CallMePie targeting someone, and they say it's proof his miller claim was a lie. There was a fair chance of some scum opening up a line of communication with him. I thought that the town weren't trying to take advantage of their advantage of having the scum teams split up. Scouty seemed to be with the business with Hinckley, so that was something, but it was something to push further. There were ways town could use the scum being split to their advantage. At least Flare, on day one, could have claimed to be scum in the last two hours of the day, and tried to drag someone with him, and make the scum more paranoid about contact.

It was a new mechanic, so I can't blame people for not exploiting it as much as they could. I was hoping since it was explained in the sign up that people would give it deeper consideration.

All the same, better to focus on the good, and there were some good players here.

Scouty, Draggy, TinyPies and I were planning to pose as a scum faction and one of us claim to Alopex before he was lynched. But we didn't, because Scouty said Shadows already had contacted him and we figured only one of us should've gone forward to get the names... :ugh:

We did try def! I think quite often we tried with the wrong people in private though. :laugh: As for doing so in the main thread, it was hard if you didn't have some supporting townies that you could rely on. It's easy to claim scum, but you're more likely to be killed for it than to actually manage to bring down some scum with you, especially when a lot of townies didn't really grasp this idea and were quit happy to go with the lynch all liars concept. I think a lot of people didn't really know how they could exploit it successfully, which made them cautious. Perhaps the way to spot the scum would be to look for who wasn't trying to appear scummy. :laugh:

Thanks for the great game def, I loved the concept and it was a lot of fun to play. :thumbup:

Scouty, I would've protected you last night, but I figured that since you'd become a vanilla and since you were the towniest of the town, you were going to be converted. Also I knew Big Cam would watch you anyway, so I protected Shadows instead. :blush: I hadn't realised we were so close to losing though. I really wasn't expecting the recruiters to start off with three players.

I was real disappointed that town never really tried to pull a fast one on scum. They didn't know the other team until day five. Say Big Cam lied about CallMePie targeting someone, and they say it's proof his miller claim was a lie. There was a fair chance of some scum opening up a line of communication with him. I thought that the town weren't trying to take advantage of their advantage of having the scum teams split up. Scouty seemed to be with the business with Hinckley, so that was something, but it was something to push further. There were ways town could use the scum being split to their advantage. At least Flare, on day one, could have claimed to be scum in the last two hours of the day, and tried to drag someone with him, and make the scum more paranoid about contact.

Us townies did get together and try to contact Alopex on the last day, but for some reason we ended up trusting Shadows with the job. :hmpf:

Thanks again, def. Are us surviving townies going to get killed now, or were we too boring to get proper deaths either?

Yeah that was unfortunate CallMePie, we had a great plan there.

But we didn't, because Scouty said Shadows already had contacted him and we figured only one of us should've gone forward to get the names... :ugh:

*polishes his Town badge* :wink:

It's weird because I really was just playing town. No pressure, no trying to steer things. The times when I seemed confused during the game, like the 'kekeke' killer or what Scouty's role was, those were legit. The most suspicious things I did in the game were normal for townies, even though they often get them killed, so I think that gave everyone just enough lingering doubt to keep trusting me, and by trusting me, I mean not quite reaching that "aw crap, I'm not sure, just kill Shadows" point. :laugh:

Us townies did get together and try to contact Alopex on the last day, but for some reason we ended up trusting Shadows with the job. :hmpf:

And everyone should know that I hate stings, so I was really worried that making contact with him would look incredibly scummy, but it was the game to look scummy, so no harm done, I used "the sting" as a cover to make legitimate contact. :grin:

I mean not quite reaching that "aw crap, I'm not sure, just kill Shadows" point. :laugh:

That was what I felt like when Hinckley got lynched. I could've unvoted, but at that point I figured his death would at least help to clear things up. His death pretty much confirmed Scouty to me.

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I can't say what you guys did in private, so take all that with a grain of salt. Really, you know if you were exploiting the rules or not.

There will be a day's end, but not while I'm at work! When I get home tonight, I'll wrap up the narrative for everyone.

Since the scum united while I was sleeping last night, I saw no reason to let day five drag on, and let you guys start on the conclusion. Ferris Bueller had already claimed it: it's over.

All of the townies quite fortunately thought that Alopex was the scum killer, when he was in fact on the recruiting team. Only the other scum team could know that he wasn't Pandora's killer, thus allowing us to differentiate between the scum who PM'd him and the townies who tried to pull a sting.

The scum was really lucky that we had these kinds of coincidences helping us (like how Zepher never ended up targeting a scum and how Shadows was framed on the same night that Pandora investigated him).

Scouty, I would've protected you last night, but I figured that since you'd become a vanilla and since you were the towniest of the town, you were going to be converted. Also I knew Big Cam would watch you anyway, so I protected Shadows instead. :blush: I hadn't realised we were so close to losing though. I really wasn't expecting the recruiters to start off with three players.

I think, in some instances, that the protector prevents conversions, too. Am I wrong?

Oh, and we knew that the watcher was Big Cam as soon as Hinck/Scouty quoted the PMs. Theres.nothing.like.Cams.phone.posts. :wink:

And I hate to add insult to injury, but even with TinyP contacting Alopex (after Shadows did), it was still a poor claim. You got the wrong team, and made a claim that we knew would be false from the beginning of the game. Sorry. :tongue:

I think, in some instances, that the protector prevents conversions, too. Am I wrong?

It wasn't the case in this game, my role specifically stated that my protection only works against scum and vig kills.

And I hate to add insult to injury, but even with TinyP contacting Alopex (after Shadows did), it was still a poor claim. You got the wrong team, and made a claim that we knew would be false from the beginning of the game. Sorry. :tongue:

We weren't planning on making that claim. After Shadows reported that you guys wanted to see a group pm, I figured that claiming to be the sole recruiter was the only possible way of getting around that.

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So it looks like my eagerness to help has lost me yet another game. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of these. Good game def, and congrats to the scum.

Cam, I wanted to second what JimB said... If this were a traditional game, your play would have been great, and the scum would have made you a priority to take out, I think.

Except the part where you said that you thought the game was trick. I did one of these :wall: The whole point of the game for me was not to have some tricks. I wanted the winners and losers to have done so on clear terms, and not because of over complicated game mechanics.

It wasn't the case in this game, my role specifically stated that my protection only works against the scum and vig kills.

It wasn't, and I hadn't given it any thought, but maybe I would add that in if I did it over again :sweet: It would be nice for town to have some protection from recruiting other than simply the cop role... Wouldn't have changed anything in this game I think, but it would be a better balance.

Nightshroud! *shakes fist* How did you freaking survive through this, you Scummy little runt?? :tongue:

No one paid much attention to everyone of your pings. :grin:

I did find it slightly odd that Nightshroud added me on steam, not sure what he wanted but he didn't say much to me... :laugh:

For fun is all. :blush:

I'm quite please with my game this time, I tried to play as a townie which was difficult as I've only played town once and been scum 4 times... Going on this, I figured Tammo was scum, without proof though. :purrr: I also messaged iamded and relentlessly pursued him as scum, but nothing manifested. I don't think there was any real way to make either of us come clean to each other, it wasn't until Alopex was caught.

I am kind of disappointed my name wasn't seriously thrown around, I wanted practice defending myself. :hmpf_bad:

I learned a lot from Shadows, just reading his thought processes and his ideas. It was also a pleasure to play with Badboy; the other team was also great even with my limited contact.

Town was fun, there were too many lurkers though... :devil:

A big thank you to def for letting me play, it was a great game! :classic:

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And I hate to add insult to injury, but even with TinyP contacting Alopex (after Shadows did), it was still a poor claim. You got the wrong team, and made a claim that we knew would be false from the beginning of the game. Sorry. :tongue:

Town claiming to scum only have a 50/50 chance of getting it right. That, plus going on what they know, but with Badboy and Alopex both targeting Pandora, there was still only a 50/50 chance.

As I said in the deadboard, I may host this exact game over again, with all the same roles, and maybe a little tweak or two. It would still make for a challenging game, but each side would clearly know what they are up against.

Would people want to play this again, or was once enough?

That was what I felt like when Hinckley got lynched. I could've unvoted, but at that point I figured his death would at least help to clear things up. His death pretty much confirmed Scouty to me.

No, I agree with you there. I was the best lynch, either way, at that point. As the song said, in not so many words, if I would've been left alive, there would've been too many questions remaining. Too many people were suspicious of me to leave me lingering. My dead Town corpse was the only way to confirm who I was and what my suspicions were.

Only if I'm the SK again.

Would people want to play this again, or was once enough?

I'd play again.

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