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The 5 chosen heroes, their confidence high but their experience little, begin their walk to the meeting place designated on the Quest Sheet. Those 5 chosen heroes are none other than...

Heroica01.jpgJeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554) *Party Leader!*

Age: Unknown, Male Automaton Ranger

Level 1

Power: 4

Health: 6/6

Gold: 5

Equipment: Sagitta (WP: 3, longbow)

Inventory: Potion, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll


Sir Brickington (Brickington)

19 year old human male knight

Level 1

Power: 4 (Level 1 + WP: 3)

Defense: 2 (SP: 2)

Health: 10/10

Gold: 0

Equipment: Great Sword (WP: 3) and Triangle Shield (SP: 2)

Inventory: Potion, Bedroll, Venom


Name: Unknown. Most call him "Em," though his real name remains largely mysterious. (I just can't think of a good name, okay?)

Age: Unknown. Presumably mid twenties.

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.

Class: Ranger.

Level 1

Power: 4

Health: 6/6

Gold: 10

Equipment: Bow(WP:3)

Inventory: Smoke bomb, Potion

163394_10200503910985329_1078813508_n.jpg Name: Arnulf Bishop (Shoker86)

30 yrs old male Human Rogue

Level: 1

Power:4 (1+3)

Halth: 7/7

Ether: 0

Gold: 0

Equipment: Dagger(WP:3)

Inventory: Potion x2, Venom, Bedroll

8446595942_7541628ef8_m.jpgKarie Alderflask (Played by Kintober)

22 year old Human Rogue, lvl 1

Power: 4

Health: 7/7

Gold: 0

Equipment: Heirloom Dagger (WP:3)

Inventory: Venom (1), Bedroll (1), Potion (1)

The motley crew of rangers, rogues, and a single knight take a short moonlight walk through Eubric to their destination. Night had set, and with it, the meeting location looked more beautiful then ever...


The Luminous Passage was an odd place, but a breathtaking one nonetheless. During the dark hours the forest was an eery, yet tranquil, place of wonder. Odd glowing bulbs dot all the foliage, lighting the way forward and illuminating he path ahead... Their contact, Allen Lias, was waiting for them just a bit deeper into the passage. The party notices a glowing spider, busily working away on his intricate web. Though most of the party merely heard him clicking his mouth as he worked, the rangers instead heard the illuminated little fellow whistling happily as he toiled away

QM Note: Welcome to Quest 56, everybody! Please tell me if I somehow botched any of your inventories! :blush: I realize not all of you had a chance to prepare in the marketplace, but I may be busy for most of tonight, and I wanted to get this up. You all have 24 hours to confirm. Feel free to do some shopping in the marketplace before you post in here, if you wish - I'll edit your inventories accordingly with the new goods. :sweet:

Edited by Endgame

"Sir Brickington is confirming! I am honored to be in your service, my lord! Looks like I will be be the only knight on the quest. Good to see you Karie, my lady." He said it with pride knowing that he was the single knight seeing that his new friend Karie was coming along as well.

"Good to see you Sir, my name is Arnulf Bishop, and good to see charming lady Karie, my compliments " Arnulf looks astonished at wonders around him, dazed at splendors he imagined not so long ago. " I confirm" said Arnulf with sense of pride in his voice.

Karie blushes a bit, which is barely visible through the extensive white makeup.

"Lady? Jeez, can't remember the last time I was called that." She ponders to herself.

"And to you too, good sir knight!" She replies, accompanied by a gesturous, expressive bow.

She notices the other rogue in the party.

"Arnulf, I presume?" She puts her hand out, expecting a him to respond with a hand shake.

Karie is ready to kick sense stealing jerks in the head.

(OOC) I will be gone for a little while, so don't worry, I'll be back by tommorow late midday.

Edited by Kintobor

"Well, some of the things those viscous monks tought me is courtesy, yes it is Arnulf Bishop from very distant town of Metz" Arnulf took ladie's hand nervously "I see that we share carear path my lady, and that is something those old monks didn't like a bit " said Arnulf trying to sustain laughter. "How did you become rougue my lady, if i may ask?"

Edited by Shoker86

  • Author

QM Note: Bit of a crash course on how things work outside of battles! :sweet: You can talk to and inspect pretty much anyone or anything you like. Just make sure to bold your actions like this when doing so. Also, remember to always keep your class's job traits in mind - they can be a huge help if used at the right time in the right place. If you need a refresher on how your class operates or what job traits you have, don't be afraid to either ask or check the first post of the Rules & Discussions for an explanation on the basic classes.

There isn't much to do at this juncture, but there is someone you can talk to before you forge onwards... I'll move this along when you've all confirmed and do what you like. Feel free to roleplay as much as you like, too! I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. :thumbup:

Hello, Mr. Arnulf Bishop. Good to be in your company. You will probably prove useful on this adventure."

Sir Brickington was trying to be as polite as possible. He never approved of Rogues, with the exception of Karie. But he was shock because he never met a Rogue who had manners like Arnulf had.

"Good to have you here as well, Sir" replied Arnulf, "I'm hoping to see your battle cappabilities". Arnulf looked Sir Brickington in eyes, trying to make a first judgment on this man, one of the two thing he didn't like was empty titles , without some real substance.

Edited by Shoker86

Let's not be at war, after all we are the same side in this quest. You may not approve of me, and vice verse, but let's all get along shall we not? I think we have more things to worry about, like the other members of the group showing up."

With that Brickington looked Arnulf in the eyes and with a smile put his hand out.

"Agreed" Arnulf shook his hand without hesitation."I hope they 'll come soon".

Walking up to the group, the green- and white-clad ranger grinned. Em, the ranger in question, slowly nods to the group, extending a hand to nobody in particular. "Name's Em; pleasure to meet you all," he offers, clearly speaking with a somewhat gruff voice. He regards the surroundings with awe, not used to such sights, though his rugged features don't show it-- only his darting eyes, glinting with the many colours, do. "Nice place. Consider me confirmed."

Em's gaze slowly made its way over to the toiling spider, and he walked over to it, keeping a respectful distance. "Hello, friend," he whispered to it, smiling to himself, not expecting a reply.

OOC: (Am I doing that right? Ergh, I'm new around here, still not used to it. If I do anything wrong, just let me know).

  • Author
  On 2/7/2013 at 12:18 AM, emjajoas said:

OOC: (Am I doing that right? Ergh, I'm new around here, still not used to it. If I do anything wrong, just let me know).

QM Note: Exactly how it should be done. :thumbup:

The glowing little creature pauses momentarily, then turns to face Em. He speaks in a perky, upbeat voice - clearly, this 8-legged little critter had optimism to spare!


"Hiya, stranger! I can't wrap my tongue around your complicated human tongue, and very few people seem to be able to speak Spider - always nice to have a little chat with you humans!

What brings you to these parts?"

Jeaux arrived in the clearing to find all of the other party members had already arrived. He had met the knight shortly after he had first arrived in the hall. Seeing how restless he was for action before, Jeaux thought it would be good for him to get out and burn off some energy. He was less familiar with the other 3 members of the party.

"Greetings, my name is Jeaux. I assume you are the other heroes who were hired by the town watch?"

As he waited for their reply he took in his surroundings. He had never seen such beauty in nature before. He was not unfamiliar with trees and forests, but plants that glowed like this after the sun had descended below the horizon was a new sight for him and it did not seem natural. He noticed a spider nearby, whistling while he worked diligently on his web. The spider seemed to glow with the same radiance as the plants, a bright florescent green that pulsed like a heart beating.

Jeaux knew the person who had hired them was most likely waiting further down the passage way, but he thought it wouldn't hurt in the meantime to try and gather more information as to the nature of the quest and the one who had contracted them.

He asked the spider nearby if he (or she) had seen someone come by earlier in the night and what the spider knew about the individual.

  • Author
  On 2/7/2013 at 12:25 AM, joeshmoe554 said:

He asked the spider nearby if he (or she) had seen someone come by earlier in the night and what the spider knew about the individual.


"Ooooh, more strangers! Better yet, strangers I can speak to!

People I saw pass by? Well, there was a man in a green hood who walked by about 20 minutes ago. You're really lucky if he is on your side! There are so many crooks running around Eubric, it can make a spider sad... Luckily, they've mostly stayed out of this beautiful little nook of Eubric. Thank goodness for that!"

QM Note: Excellent, you've all confirmed - within 3 hours, too! When you're chatting with the spider, just give me the cue and I'll move this along.

"Greatings Master Jeaux, is this propher way to adress automaton, pardon me if made a mistake, i have pleasure to be Arnul Bishop " Arnulf turned around to see Em, "Greetings Master Em, Arnulf Bishop, now if are all here, what course of action we shall take, as party leader i suggest that Master Jeaux do the talking" suddenly Arnulf noticed talking spider and felt stupid for not notixing him earlier

"Well pleased to meet you spider, can you tell us more about this man, some details, you might have noticed ? "

Edited by Shoker86

  On 2/7/2013 at 12:44 AM, Shoker86 said:
"Greatings Master Jeaux, is this propher way to adress automaton, pardon me if made a mistake

"I wouldn't know, and to be completely honest I'm not quite sure how that is relevant at the moment."

Jeaux relayed what the spider had said to the rest of the party. It seemed that they and their employer were not the only ones in the passage this evening, though why should that surprise anyone. Eubric was a large city after all and this was a public area, open to everyone. Why shouldn't there be others here simply enjoying the scenery. As the cordial spider had said, this part of Eubric typically experienced less crime than the rest of the city, so it was probably nothing. Probably...

"As we have all arrived, it would only be polite to not keep our employer waiting, unless someone has a reason to stay here for a while longer."

Edited by joeshmoe554

  • Author
  On 2/7/2013 at 12:44 AM, Shoker86 said:

"Well pleased to meet you spider, can you tell us more about this man, some details, you might have noticed ? "

QM Note: Bolding will do quite alright, no need to make it bigger. :sweet:

The spider cocks his head in confusion, unable to understand the Rogue's tongue. Thankfully, the two rangers in the party kindly translated.


"Ooohh, okay. Like I said, I don't understand human tongue very much. It seems like only rangers can speak to me."

QM Note: Shoker, rangers have "Animal Talk", allowing them to speak to animals. As a Rogue, you are unable to do that - instead, your job trait is "Flee", allowing you to run from a battle if needed.


"That green hooded guy was the only person I've seen pass by tonight. Maybe he is your employer?"

What will the party do?

Edited by Endgame

"Agreed, it is time to move to meet our employee" it seems this wonderfull evening and so many peaple to meet distracted Arnulf. He noted this thought for future, you should watch for people, but never let it distract you from reaching tour goals.

OOC: thanks for correcting me

Edited by Shoker86

"Thank you, kind spider-friend. I wish you well."

Bowing, Em walked a short way forward, looking around for anything he could see-- Any trace of the man who passed by. He was especially curious for footprints. The kind and number of footprints, along with the depth of them, would be able to tell him quite a bit about their contact-- or whatever enemy lay in wait. He crouched, searching the ground.

"And Arnulf, friend, it is just 'Em.' There is no need for formalities such as 'master,'" he said, somewhat uncomfortable with the idea that someone would portray him as having enough class to be called "master."

"Welcome my fellow quest members, the name is Sir Brickington, it is a honor to be in your presence."

Sir Brickington walked up to his party leader and looked him in the eyes and put his hand out.

OOC: I have 0 gold not ten. ;)

Edited by Brickington

Karie stares at the two rangers making weird noises at the spider.

"Great, we're being led by spider whispers." Karie snarks.

"As to how I got into this business Arnulf, it was Arnulf right? Anyway, when I was younger, you could of called me a bit of a rebel. Going against mom and dad's wishes and what not. So, I flunked out of this upper class school they sent me to and worked as a pickpocket for a while. A bit of singing and dancing on the side, but as of late I've been back at my roots trying to pay for bread, or in some cases steal it. And when news of this "noble" organization came to my ears, I hopped on a boat and kicked the door in to the place. I've heard about you actually, the guy that cheated the monks, right?"

Karie continus the conversation with Arnulf as she continues up the path to her "employer", while keeping an eye on the "spider whispers".

Edited by Kintobor

"Wow, Karie you have the exact opposite of personality of mine." Sir Brickington walked along with the two. He said that comment with some laughter and then some despair. He looked at Karie for some advice.

"I think I am in the wrong place. I am here with two spider whisperers and two rogues like yourselves, not that anything is wrong with you guys. God only knows what my father would think of this!"

Edited by Brickington

"You were in the wrong place the moment you met me!" Karie snickers.

"If you're looking for something poetic, I got nothin', it's what you feel you need to do. Daddy's not going to come running all the way from where ever it is you came from to lull you to sleep. Hold on, something poetic is coming. I'm going to borrow a poetic saying since none come to mind. An old friend told me this: "Greatness isn't counted by the hand your dealt. It comes from how you play it. You follow?" Karie asks.

Edited by Kintobor

"That daddy is dead." He said that looking up at the sky.

"But, yeah I understand, I came here to do a job and that's what I'm going to do. Sorry for the moment. Maybe when I think I am in the wrong place, I'm actually in the right place, after all I did meet you." He looked up at the rogue and smiled. "Now let's get back to what we came here to do."

Edited by Brickington

Karie stops for a moment, realizing she just said something rather incensitive. But how was she to know? All along she just assumed that Brickington's father was off waiting on some foreign shore, waiting to greet him upon return. It couldn't have been more different.

"Yeah, sure, I guess so."

Karie keeps quiet, and continues to walk with the others.

Edited by Kintobor

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