Posted February 15, 201312 yr As I promised. Wonder if this one will cause as much disagreement as the last one? :/ 1. Captain America Avenging Cycle- I needed this from the word GO. 2 exclusive minifigures, my favorite Avenger and for a cheap price. What could go wrong? Well... The Captain America figure was subject to many complaints that the skin tone didn't match the normal flesh colour. I really couldn't care too much but as it was a frequent remark, it deserved a mention. Unlike some, I don't mind the Chitauri even if the likeness to the film isn't there. (I actually wouldn't mind a few more). Yes, I suppose I would have prefered for Caps to have his WW2 cycle and not that bulky thing but as I collect LEGO motorcycles, and the alternative was the PQ one which I have, I'm not fussed. And again, sure there isn't much depth to the launcher thing and the glider isn't all that great, the small price is made up for just with CA. As will be a recurring theme in this thread, playability for the target market is key to many (if not all) of the Marvel sets. 8.5/10 2. Wolverine Chopper Showdown- Another on my wishlist which was eventually fulfilled, this made an awesome medium sized set. 3 exclusive minifigs, all of which were magnificent plus an (initially) nice looking chopper and another bike for my collection! But once we examine the 'copter, we can start to see some faults. As I was building this, I noticed a hole under the pilot's feet which I mentally begged to be filled in before the build was done. It wasn't. Secondly, the bit at the back messes with my OCD because TLG should have included the fin piece which covers 8 studs and not the 4 stud option which tampers which the symmetry of the vehicle. I would have also been pleased to see the 2x? be tiled but it's no biggie. As always, the target market don't care about my nit-picks so I'd describe these as 'AFOL-mods' which are easy enough to mod but could (not should) have been done originally. I must add that the minifigures are wonderful and I have now picked up 2 Deadpools in result. 8.5/10 3. The S.H.I.E.L.D Car- This was a nice set that I didn't bother picking up due to it's lack of any exclusive minifigures and the fact that the truck wasn't really anything unique. I'd honestly describe it as a City reject. LEGO needs to learn that not everything in the superhero world is vehicle based. On the other hand, it contains some nice functions and slightly abstract parts but other than that it's meh. Loki is an abysmal minifig (I mean that helmet is so exaggerated and the rest of it looks like a tablescrap purist custom). Still, it's a minifig which is vital to a Avengers collector like myself. Iron Man looks neat but it's appearing in a polybag later this year and possibly IM3 sets (reserved for later article). Hawkeye is just bizarre as it shares no comic or cinematic likeness to the actor but it's still awesome! The truck is fine. That's the only word I can really think of. Fine. 7/10 4. The Quinjet- Clearly the best set of the wave. Lovely features, great parts and a ton of minifigures. But as the readers should have learned by now, no set is flawless- and I'm just evil enough to nit-pick the hell out of this thing *insert fiendish laugh*. The minifigures are good but as someone mentioned before, 1 exclusive is not really enough for the flagship set. I think this is the FS set but I'm not 100%. The set is just so impressive on my shelf that I can't stop myself smiling when I see it. The jet itself is immense what with it's fab brick built cockpit and 'nice' central hub section. But... I hate the 'drone'. It's pointless. It's non-existent. It's... all about the playability. LEGO needed to include a gimmick because imagination isn't enough these days. It is certainly impressive how it's mechanics are so compact but for us FOLs, it takes up space which could have a more open hangout spot. This is a level 2 'AFOL mod'. The back is nice but as Tereglith mentioned in the review, nothing substantial from the line can fit in the back. I did get the PQ bike back there though. No complaints on the minifigures, design wise. Loki is again included but LEGO didn't have much choice when it came to villains. The chariot is a cute extra but nothing more. The landing gear would also probably snap under the Quinjet's weight but whatever. It's still a great, great set. 9.5/10 5. That Hulk thing- It has Hulk in it. That's it. I was lucky enough to get Hulk from a trade so I went mental with the fact I didn't have to shell out an outrageous amount of cash for 'that'. Granted, it has some nice parts but I don't buy sets that large to use as a parts pack. Loki makes another appearance and Hawkeye's LEGO adventure gets crazier as he now appears to drive an undersized jet. I fully acknowledge the reasoning behind this set and if I was still a small child I would have loved this set. As I'm not and it would probably bore reader's to death, I won't go into this in detail at all. Besides, I don't own it so I'm not fit to roast it with faults. Extras: Special note to the Hawkeye and Thor polys. The Hawkeye one let me complete my Avengers whereas the Thor one is epic also. Is was also fortunate to acquire the minifig-sized Hulk which is nice for Quinjet scale. -TT EDIT: I missed out Spidey, I'll save him for 2013 thread- coming soon. Edited February 16, 201312 yr by RaincloudDustbin
February 15, 201312 yr How about just adding to your existing threads for the 2013 sets? You already separated out DC and Marvel and I've debated merging them.
February 15, 201312 yr Captain America Avenging Cycle Great set, especially for the price point. I'd have preferred more "traditional" Cap colors for the minifigure, but it was clearly the movie version, so I won't fault it for that. I will fault it a bit for the maroon motorcycle. I ended up trading in the red motorcycle from the City fire motorcycle set. How about just adding to your existing threads for the 2013 sets? You already separated out DC and Marvel and I've debated merging them. For what it's worth, I would vote to keep Marvel and DC threads separate. I think there's such a thing as cramming too much into one thread. When a thread gets to a certain size it can look a little unwelcoming. And the Marvel and DC lines are technically distinct anyway, so that seems like a logical division for the threads to follow. Edited February 15, 201312 yr by Luke Styer
February 15, 201312 yr For what it's worth, I would vote to keep Marvel and DC threads separate. I think there's such a thing as cramming too much into one thread. When a thread gets to a certain size it can look a little unwelcoming. And the Marvel and DC lines are technically distinct anyway, so that seems like a logical division for the threads to follow. That's what I decided in the end. But I think that's as many threads as needed.
February 15, 201312 yr Author OK, I'll just add on the 2013 stuff later. Thanks for the replies though.
February 15, 201312 yr Author *UPDATE Doc Ock set- I didn't bother getting this one as it had no real appeal to me. I managed to buy a £2 Spidey keychain and get all the chain off leaving me with a normal minifigure. Sure, Iron Fist is cool but he's not an essential by any means. Doc Ock is different. I think he's a good counterpart to his self in the show but I just don't seem to like him. The old one was great but I appreciate that he needed a cartoony update with the rest of the Spiderman sets. He's one of the easier customs tbh so another reason this set is not crucial. The build itself is fine with some nice little elements and functions but nothing ground-breaking. It was a nice break from all the Avengers stuff and introduced a new Spider-man minifig which was long overdue. It was a real shame that TLG couldn't secure the ASM license but it's not the end of the world. I do now own the dark blue Spiderman which is cooler but it's nice to have one which is less inconspicuous in relation to the rest of the figs from 2012. Overall, it's nice but nothing really new. A lab with a few new minifigs and functions. Could belong to any line really and therefore proof that it's not special. 7/10 2013 I sighed with relief when the news that more Superhero sets were on the way after New years and LEGO seemed to be stepping up their game. Whilst the first wave seemed to introduce some new characters to the line, 2013 looked to carry on the franchises whilst showering us with new and much needed characters. Spidey-cycle- It's a pretty kick-megablocks set. I don't yet have it but I'm sure to pick this up at some point. It includes 2 'nice' vehicles and 2 more minifigures both of which are a gift to LEGO fans with a tight budget like me. Venom is pure class as a minifigure and could almost pass off as a black suit spider-man. Nick Fury, while I would have liked him to be less cartoony, is an effective minifigure and I'm grateful that they included him at all after he didn't appear in any Avengers sets. The car is evidence of TLG finally picking up some AFOL techniques in the shape of the windscreen and the transforming tyres. The cycle just bolstered up the set which isn't a bad thing as the car on it's own would have been fairly lackluster and plain. I would have prefered the car to be SHIELD blue but niteangel showed it's a simple mod so it's not a big deal. It's undoubtedly a good set but perhaps not great. 8/10 Daily Bugle- I haven't seen this properly so I won't comment on the interior but I will say that outside looks nice (not a touch on the modulars but that isn't it's job so...) I hope Dr.Doom will become a part of my collection one day but I'll hold out for F4 sets as I really don't like the Bugle Showdown. Spiderman has already been mentioned and Nova just looks a little silly but Firefly is kinda cool. Not really my style but I'd welcome him into another set if the chance was to arise. Doom's plane is slightly poor- nothing new about it. The building itself is fine as is Jameson but nothing on the DC Funhouse which is still my favorite of the Superhero structures. At least LEGO didn't focus this around another crappy vehicle. 7.5/10 IM3- I'll get 2 if not 3 of these. From what we can see the Mansion is cool enough but the rest seem like minifigure packs! It seems LEGO have done a battle pack job on these- released some killer minifigs and included a rubbish generic boat/'buggy' that nobody wants so that whoever owns the action figure license won't sue their balls off. Believe me, there is nothing 'ultimate' about a bulky tin can with a gun on the back. Although it pains me, I'll still need that set for the wicked Iron Man suit. Sure, I wish the hall of armor consisted of real parts but we all knew that was a long shot. I'll have to wait to see about the other parts but from my initial thoughts... 8/10 Thanks for reading, TT
February 15, 201312 yr I'll critique these with you, Raincloud Dustbin. Keep in mind, I have purchased all the super heros sets, some even twice. I am a minifig custom guy, so I'll add some notes there too. Here we go: 1. Captain America's cycle set--only bought it for CA (I would rather have a comic version, but this one is cool, too)...the rest is 'meh'. I know they had to give us a couple aliens, so no complaint...I just don't like them. The cycle is forgettable, but not bad. For customizing, this set doesn't really have much more than two sets of purple hands (hard to come by) and the CA for making a Bucky Barnes version of CA. 7/10 2. Wolverine Chopper showdown--this is fairly typical of the Marvel line: Top-notch minifigs, 'meh' build. The chopper is alright, no real complaints...just nothing inherently 'Marvel' about it. Customizers get an old man face, wolverines face (more versatile than one would think) and not a whole lot more, although Deadpool's body could be used for some things. 8/10 3. SHIELD truck--truck is ok...IM is awesome, but Loki and "Hawkeye" aren't. I hate what they did to Hawkeye's look in the film, and we got him in two sets!! Woot. Loki is ok, but as Raincloud mentioned, his head piece is...large. Still, this set is just another minifig pack with a vehicle thrown in. Customizing opportunities are significant here, though. All three heads/faces are very versatile. Hawkeye's red goggles can be used to make a slew of characters. Funny enough, this is a set I have two of, for the customs (I might turn that car blue one day too). 7.5/10 4. Quinjet--Raincloud mention my only criticism: Only one exclusive minifig in such a big set is a dissapoinment. The build, however, is the best of all the Marvel stuff, imo. It is sturdy, large and has a lot of spaces to mess around with. It also looks supremely cool. 9.5/10 5. SHIELD base-thingy--Yeah, this build is sort of cool, but I wish it did not come with a jet. The pieces would've been better used if they made the base bigger. The big Hulk is sweet and is pretty much the biggest reason to buy this set. The other minifigs give some custom options, but nothing that hasn't already been noted. 7/10 6. Doc Ock's lab: This is pretty much in the same boat as the Helicarrier set--nice little base, nothing too special. The vehicle, however, is awful. It serves zero purpose and reminds me of a Yugo. I really love the Iron Fist mini, as I am a big fan of obscure characters. The Doc Ock makes me wish I had the old one, and I will eventually customize a new one for myself. It isn't a bad fig and represents the show well enough, but he is ugly, imo...and not in a good way. Spiderman is...Spiderman; who doesn't love him? Sure the older SM seems more liked, but I was never a fan of the metallics. Not a huge amount of custom options here, except maybe Doc's head. 7/10 7. Spidey Cycle: Great set, imo--even though it doesn't come with any scenery, which has been my biggest complaint with the whole super hero line. The car is great fun, in a little package (just like my wife, lol!!). I do also widh it had been made in blue. The cycle is cool and fits the car well in theme. The minfigs are so good, though. Even though I will always rail against Fury being ethnic (imagine if they had made the Black Panther white--people would rage. I see no difference), but it is still a cool minifig, especially if you make hime talk in a Sammy Jackson voice. Venom is in my top-five from the entire super hero line. Nuff said. Very little customizing options here. 9/10 8. Daily Bugle: Great figs--JJ, Beetle, Nova and Doc Doom are all well done, imo (again, I love obscure characters, so Nova is a great addition for me). There are so many exclusive figs (at this point) in this set that they made it a 'must buy', for me. The Doom vehicle is another waste of time on this front, and the piece count would've been better served to amp the Bugle. The Bugle is cool, if not a little plain. It has some cool rooms and I like the fire escape. Still, I would've liked another floor or the option to close it for a more modular feel, which could've been done if they left out the vehicle. Since both Doom and Beetle can fly, I don't get the point of it, at all. There are actually a lot of nice items in this set for customizing: green cape and hood, two sets of Beetle wings, Nova's head, JJ's hair and face--some good stuff, if not expensive if buying just for those things. 8.5/10 9. IM3 sets--the only build that interests me is the mansion wall(s). It could've been a lot cooler, though (again, lose the cheesy vehicle and add to the scenery!!) The copter, boat and fire trike range from uninspired to "YUCK!!", imo. The minfigs are ok. IM and Warmachine are top-notch (I'd welcome an IM with no opening mask, however, in favor of a trimmed down size to it), the others are just a bunch of humans, basically. They are alright, but nothing special. Mandarin gets his own special place, however. I don't like his minifig--at all. Not the face, not the costume and def not the beard!! I don't care if this is how the movie will present him. That only means it is a failure on a couple levels. Despite this opinion, I'll be buying them all--completionist, customizer and supporter of all thing LEGO+super hero. I'll wait to give these a 'rating' until I get them in hand. Ok, despite my critique, I love that LEGO has the Marvel license and look forward to many more sets from the line. Edited February 15, 201312 yr by Repeter
February 15, 201312 yr Author Thanks Repeter, I agree on most points and seeing as I'm also a big customiser (don't post my work on here btw) I can understand everything you said. TT
February 15, 201312 yr It's interesting to see how different everyone is. I guess that is how LEGO continues to sell well with the majority of their themes because what appeals to one won't to another and vice versa. As far as the 2012 Marvel sets, I think they did a great job overall incorporating a playset with really good figures. It was linked to the movie, so basically whatever the license stipulated would be needed and since I had all of the sets when they first came out in April?May? I didn't know what was going on. I didn't see the movie until about October of last year, so the sets finally made sense after that time. But I bought the sets for the figures since I was a huge comic book fan growing up in the early 90s. I use the pieces for MOCs and the figures for display, so it's a win-win ultimately (other than the price sometimes). As far as sets go, I'd say for the most part they were there just for the figures since they are a hot seller right now. I can honestly say I didn't build any of the sets I purchased from 2012 Marvel. I never bought the Quinjet because I didn't want to spend that amount of money on it, but I may try to pick it up on Amazon since it went down in price a little. The downside is only 2 exclusive figures. Granted, I think I may be one of the few people that actually like the Loki figure and I love that headpiece. I am actually using it for my GoH builds at the moment. I think it looks like a great fantasy helmet. I'm actually going to pick up a few more on bricklink I think. I think Hawk-eye looks good compared to his movie version, but I'd always prefer the costumed purple Hawk-eye in LEGO form. As for Spider-man, I don't really care about him, but I picked up the sets anyway because I like the figures. The Doc Ock set was meh for sure and since I don't watch the show, I didn't know much about it. I should have waited to get Spider-man sets this year only and pass on last year's. But the Nick Fury car is a neat transforming machine. I hope they do something similar to the Back to the Future set, otherwise I will probably pass on that and make my own Delorean with my newfound knowledge.
February 16, 201312 yr I collect mini figures from these sets, and despite the fact that you didn't buy the shield truck, you should consider the fact that the iron man minifigures are completely different, as is the one in the shield truck is Mark VI, while the Iron man in the Quinjet is Mark VIi, so in my opinion justifies the purchase. the one thing I hate about the new marvel sets is the size of the sets, the nick fury and spider man bicycle are WAY too small, I was like that's it? I understand it's a 20.00 price set, but damn the batboat for that price is twice the size of the nick fury car, and most of all the spider man bike feels like a cheap lego toy knock off. The Daily Bugle Set in my opinion is spot on, but it has elements that don't fit quite right with the set, the green box doesn't do what it's advertised to do in the box, the box breaks in two when I do, overall the inside of the building is pimp and playable, it also has a lot of playability with it, which is a plus. On the other hand Dr Doom's plane has to be cheapest/worse vehicle known to man. They didn't even bother to throw in any controls, and I don't find any good use for that claw that comes attached to it. I know it's meant for kids and all, but at the least the jet of hulk's escape was actually fun to use, but dr doom's is way to rigid.
February 16, 201312 yr Author I mentioned that it's appearing in a polybag this year so no reason for me to get it. Edited February 16, 201312 yr by RaincloudDustbin
February 18, 201312 yr Yeah though who says is going to be the same one? It could be another variation of Iron Man, since IM 3 is coming out.
February 18, 201312 yr So did Lego publicly state that the Marvel Superhero sets are specifically "made for kids" while other themes are NOT or why do you guys say this? hmm I agree though, they DO seem that way, just wondering if it's official or it just happens this way...
February 18, 201312 yr I don't know about any official word, but I don't get the 'made for kids' thing. I liked bases, scenery and forts when I was kid. In fact, I pretty much have the same thought process as when I was 5yo (I'm almost 40 now) and when is LEGO so difficult, a kid can't put it together? I just think they cheesed out on the super hero theme. It's like they knew we would all buy them for minifigs...and they are probably right.
March 4, 201312 yr Author Hello again, I recently got the Spidey Cycle set and I was not disappointed. I am going to go into it in more detail now I adore all the minifigures- Nick Fury in particular. I wish that he had side printing but we know LEGO doesn't really do that so I'm not upset. Spiderman as I've said before is meh but I use him in MOCs since the old one doesn't seem to fit in. Venom is awesome but his symbiote feelers are a bit crap to be frank. I love the car and the cycle is pretty cool too. That's it for another round.
March 4, 201312 yr To me the Marvel sets by far beat the Bat... I mean DC sets. The Quinjet and Spidercycle are both incredible. Next week I'm getting the Daily Bugle and maybe the Malibu Mansion if, its out in the UK. The only thing that kind of bugs me is that unlike Star Wars, Indiana Jones and POTC, LEGO didn't visit the previous MCU films. I'm hoping this changes in the future but, even a best of set with main characters thrown in would go unappreciated.
March 4, 201312 yr The only thing that kind of bugs me is that unlike Star Wars, Indiana Jones and POTC, LEGO didn't visit the previous MCU films. I'm hoping this changes in the future but, even a best of set with main characters thrown in would go unappreciated. Unless I'm mistaken, LEGO doesn't have the licensing rights to make sets based on anything pre-Avengers. I would have liked sets from "Iron Man." And "CA:TFA," but we won't get them. :(
March 4, 201312 yr I don't know about any official word, but I don't get the 'made for kids' thing. I liked bases, scenery and forts when I was kid. In fact, I pretty much have the same thought process as when I was 5yo (I'm almost 40 now) and when is LEGO so difficult, a kid can't put it together? I just think they cheesed out on the super hero theme. It's like they knew we would all buy them for minifigs...and they are probably right. Personally I generally find superflous bits of scenery a bit of a waste, so I like the sets as they are, though I understand your viewpoint. I'm also sad to see so many people hatin' on the truck, I love that SHIELD truck :P I just think it's really cool, the Helicarrier SHIELD Jet too, but maybe because I've been out of Lego for years and Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape was my first new build since 2005. I also love Hawkeye's minfig, but then I loved the design in the movie, since it echoes his Ultimates suit. While he's not ginger (in the film or comics) I somehow think it fits the minifig well. I do wish Loki's body had been black instead of grey though. Lego seems very black-phobic these days, TDKR Batman was grey instead of black, ditto War Machine and Bane's mask. While Batman and Bane look good (probably better than they might) with the changes, I think War Machine looks far too much like Mk II Iron Man in grey (even though WM is more of a darker grey than true black, he's still a darker tone than Lego's grey). p.s. apologies for not capitalising LEGO but too lazy and tired to change it right now.
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