February 17, 201312 yr Guts raises an eyebrow, then throws down a few more coins. "See that the lady gets to drink, as well."
February 18, 201312 yr Nerwen says quietly, just loud enough for Guts to hear, Thank you Guts. But I had meant for one of the other patrons to hear and begin a conversation, as a way of gathering information. Perhaps you might approach one of the groups of patrons?
February 18, 201312 yr Guts chuckles: "Most of the people here are afraid of you, Nerwen, I doubt you're their type. I'll be right back." The raider goes to the table where the scruffy sailor men sit, he remarks: "Anyone up for a game of cards?"
February 18, 201312 yr Nerwen isn't sure if she should be amused or offended by Guts' remark. As a distraction from having to decide whether to punch him or laugh at him, Nerwen wanders around the bar. She slides into a chair opposite the sailor boy but cannot tell if he is asleep or awake... Edited February 18, 201312 yr by Chromeknight
February 18, 201312 yr Eric decided to linger at the bar for the time being. He started to speak to the fishman bartender. "So, you have any juicy gossip to share? I always do love me a good rumour" ChromeKnight, you should drink the Mead I bought. It'd be a shame to just let a 25 gold Mead go to waste .
February 18, 201312 yr Author On 2/17/2013 at 6:57 PM, Scubacarrot said: "Hm. I'll have another of those rums. The amount of water you add to them make them easy to drink." Guts laid down another coin. "So, what do you think about the tolls, insane, aren't they?" The bartender passes another rum to Guts, taking one more gold from him. "Yeah, there aren't any friends of the tolls in this bar. That's why you don't see any of them Bonapartes around - except that Reno-fellow. Haven't seen him in quite a while, but Mariel over there used to spend some time with him. He was one of her favourite customers, so to speak." The bartender points at the aloof barmaid with the eyepatch. On 2/18/2013 at 8:01 AM, Scubacarrot said: "Anyone up for a game of cards?" The men sitting around the table are all old, with bushy beards and crude tongues. "Cards? That's a game for soddy landlubbers! We old seawolves prefer Trip-Trap - or Triple Magic, as it's called nowadays." "Why did they have to go and change that, anyway? Trip-Trap was a perfectly fine name!" "Bah, it wasn't modern enough for these young sissies you see aboard nowadays!" "Yeah, everything was truly better in the olden days. Back then, ships were made of wood and men of iron! Nowadays it's the opposite, bwahah!" "Squawk!" On 2/18/2013 at 12:47 PM, Chromeknight said: She slides into a chair opposite the sailor boy but cannot tell if he is asleep or awake... Nerwen takes the mead Eric offers her, and drinks it, feeling encouraged. She then decides to go speak to the sailor slouching in the corner. As Nerwen gets closer, she sees that the young sailor is obviously sleeping off his drunkedness. On 2/18/2013 at 6:35 PM, Khorne said: "So, you have any juicy gossip to share? I always do love me a good rumour" "If you want good rumours, you should go talk to my colleague Scheherazade at the Heroica Hall. You'd have to be a member to get into the Saloon, though. I don't know how she does it, but Scheherazade knows every member of that damned leisure club for wannabe-heroes. I ask you, what good have they done to the well-being of this city so far, other than licking the boots of the powers that be?" Party: Guts Holla (Scubacarrot) 44 year old male human Raider Level 23 1/3 *Natural Respite* *Immune to Weakened, Asleep, Confused, Blinded, Darkness and Ice* Power: 54 (23+28+3), 35 for ranged attacks (23+9+3) Health: 36/36 (7+22+7) Gold: 166 Equipment: Lifestealer (WP: 28, ice- and darkness-elemental, attacks restore 3 health; dagger), Dancing Shoes (In the turn after a miss is rolled, the wearer can act twice; immunity to asleep-, confused- and blinded-effects and to darkness and ice-elements; footwear), Pugilist's Gloves (+2 Power; immunity to weakened-effect; handwear), Spiked Collar (+1 Power; accessory) Inventory: Stag Antlers (WP:10, intimidation; halberd), Fafnir (WP:14; greatsword), Throwing Knife (WP:9, light-elemental; retrievable), Throwing Axe (WP:5; retrievable), Hollow Dagger (WP:6, hollow; dagger), 10 Grand Potion, Grand Tonic, Elixir, 10 Remedy, 3 Phoenix Essence, 10 Mead, 10 Smelling Salts, 10 Nostrum, Metasimian Ale, 5 Smoke Bomb, 2 Deadly Venom, 2 Neutralizer, Shovel, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Bedroll, 3 Mythril Shard Eric (Khorne) 30 year old Human Nord Raider Level 21 1/3 *Natural Respite* *Immune to Fragile* *Evasion* *Encouraged* Power: 40 (21+19) Defense: 5 Health: 39/39 (8+20+7+4) Gold: 36 Equipment: Godricsleif (WP:19; ice- and darkness-elemental; greatsword), Counterstrike Gloves (Counter with strength equal to their level after getting hit by a Free Hit; handwear), Boots of Evasion (Wearer takes half damage in front row; footwear), Heavy Armor (SP:5, immunity to fragile; bodywear) Inventory: Drengazuli Grom'az (WP:6; dual strike, Lightning-elemental; axe), Sticky Gloves (+50% gold from stealing), 2 Diseased Silverfish Wings (WP:8, inflicts cursed; retrievable); 6 Silverfish Wings (WP:8; retrievable), Garnet (Earth), Scroll of Sleep, 12 Grand Potions, Venom, 10 Meads, 10 Smelling Salts, 5 Nostrum, Mulled Wine, Fire Bomb, Lightning Bomb, Nerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight) ***Party Leader*** 262 year old female Elven Shaman Level 17 *Immune to Sealed* *Encouraged* Power: 31 (17+14) Defense: 3 Health: 34/34 (9+16+6+3) Ether: 27/27 (5+16+1+3) Gold: 36 Equipment: Magical Staff (WP:14, water-elemental, staff), Robe of the Archmage(SP:3, Max.Ether+5, immunity to sealed; bodywear), White Cloak (+3 Max Health; backwear) Inventory: Mourning Star (WP:9, inflicts fragile-effect; mace), Shackles of War (prevents anyone fleeing; accessory), Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Sealing, 3 Grand Tonics, 2 Potions, 3 Elixirs, 2 Remedies, Phoenix Essence, Phoenix Incense, Essence of Sorrow (50% assassination chance on non-immune target), Mead, Venom, Fire Bomb, 2 Ice Bombs , Bone, Shovel, Bedroll
February 18, 201312 yr The mead was fuel for the fire inside. Nerwen rarely drank, it usually had little effect on her. But this drink was strong and flowed through her limbs, she stretched like a tiger and... Shook her he'd gently. They were here for work, not play. Previous quests had taught her that drunks rarely appreciated being 'cured' of their hangovers, though she could do it, she left the sailor to sleep and approached the Terra Chimans nearby. She did not know their language and customs, but reasoned that if they were here in Eubric, they would at lest speak common. Greetings travelers. Are you here for business or pleasure? Edited February 18, 201312 yr by Chromeknight
February 18, 201312 yr Guts turns his head away from the sailors, triple magic was a notoriously unfair game, he wasn't going to play it anytime soon. Turning back to the bartender, signalling to send him another rum, he remarks: "Yeah, I heard some of those ''Heroes'' in the hovels saved the Bonapartes from a bloody fate, were it me, I'd do the opposite!" He added: "What's the story what that sleepy, clean looking kid, looks like he wandered in the wrong place. All it takes is a quick hand and his purse is gone, and the hand doesn't have to be quick."
February 18, 201312 yr Author On 2/18/2013 at 7:50 PM, Chromeknight said: Greetings travelers. Are you here for business or pleasure? The half-alligator, half-man creatures glanced at Nerwen, then at each other. "Greetings, spear-eared woman. Me Captain Dundee of Le Alligaléon, this my crew of good weregators. This our last night here. We ship fruit and cocoa beans from Terra Chima. Very tasty, you go buy! We sell them all now, sail home tonight." On 2/18/2013 at 7:53 PM, Scubacarrot said: "What's the story what that sleepy, clean looking kid, looks like he wandered in the wrong place. All it takes is a quick hand and his purse is gone, and the hand doesn't have to be quick." "That poor lad's purse is long gone, trust me. His mates left him there last night, and he's been sleeping ever since. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already missed his ship."
February 18, 201312 yr On 2/18/2013 at 7:20 PM, Sandy said: "Yeah, there aren't any friends of the tolls in this bar. That's why you don't see any of them Bonapartes around - except that Reno-fellow. Haven't seen him in quite a while, but Mariel over there used to spend some time with him. He was one of her favourite customers, so to speak." The bartender points at the aloof barmaid with the eyepatch. Eric overheard the bartender mentioning Mariel and turned his head. Searching the crowd, he quickly spotted the barmaid. He eyed her for a while before moving in. The eyepatch was a bit of a turn-off, but it's a detail the Nord could easily ignore. Confidently, borderlining arrogance, he stepped over to her. Time to work his charms once more. He put on a slick smile and adressed the ginger barmaid. "What an honour for us common sailors to be graced by the presence of one so gorgeous such as you. Forgive my insolence, but might you have sadly lost your eye to the rage of a jealous mermaid? I heard tales of their viciousness when confronted by a common Human who outmatches them in sheer beauty." He looked down upon her, towering high above her. He let his gaze wander all over the barmaid until his icy eyes finally settled on her one good eye. His eyes sparkled with childish mischief. Eric stared at her intensely, but not in his usual threatening or discomforting way. He smiled as he looked at her, trying to size her up and figure out what kind of person he was dealing with and how to proceed. "Would you honour me by accepting a drink? I heard the rum they serve here is magnificent."
February 18, 201312 yr On 2/18/2013 at 8:23 PM, Sandy said: "That poor lad's purse is long gone, trust me. His mates left him there last night, and he's been sleeping ever since. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already missed his ship." "Hm, his loss, I imagine... Got something better than this rum? Some wine, perhaps? Any kind will do. What do you think about them flying ships, crazy aren't they?"
February 18, 201312 yr Author On 2/18/2013 at 9:20 PM, Khorne said: "What an honour for us common sailors to be graced by the presence of one so gorgeous such as you. Forgive my insolence, but might you have sadly lost your eye to the rage of a jealous mermaid? I heard tales of their viciousness when confronted by a common Human who outmatches them in sheer beauty." The nigh-topless barmaid giggled at Eric's approaches. "You mean this eyepatch, sir? Tehehe! It's just a memento from a very dear friend. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me eye, tehehe." Quote "Would you honour me by accepting a drink? I heard the rum they serve here is magnificent." "I'd love a good swig of rum, but Cuttler does not approve of us gals drinking on the job. 'E says it makes us all the more likely to tip our trays, tehehe!" On 2/18/2013 at 9:51 PM, Scubacarrot said: "Hm, his loss, I imagine... Got something better than this rum? Some wine, perhaps? Any kind will do. What do you think about them flying ships, crazy aren't they?" "Flying ships? Ptooie! Those blue-skinned Ji Pei devils should have left their devilish machines where the devil they came from! It's no business for us honest folk, no sir! Now that you mentioned, that Reno-fellow used to talk about the Ji Pei machinery often. I tried to snap him out of it, but in vain. Wouldn't be surprised if he was aboard one of those flying deathtraps right now - Mariel mentioned that he went away on a trip or something."
February 18, 201312 yr On 2/18/2013 at 8:23 PM, Sandy said: The half-alligator, half-man creatures glanced at Nerwen, then at each other. "Greetings, spear-eared woman. Me Captain Dundee of Le Alligaléon, this my crew of good weregators. This our last night here. We ship fruit and cocoa beans from Terra Chima. Very tasty, you go buy! We sell them all now, sail home tonight." Thank you, I will. I know somebody that likes cocoa with hot milk. And I do like fruit. Was it a long journey, were you harassed by other ships? And have you found a cargo for the homeward journey?
February 19, 201312 yr Author On 2/18/2013 at 11:51 PM, Chromeknight said: Thank you, I will. I know somebody that likes cocoa with hot milk. And I do like fruit. Was it a long journey, were you harassed by other ships? And have you found a cargo for the homeward journey? "Hair megablocks? No, my bottom smooth like silk. Long journey, yes. Terra Chima far away. Yes, we get new cargo to take home."
February 19, 201312 yr Fair winds to you then Dundee. May Neron keep you safe. Thinking that the young man may hbe in trouble if he has slept so long, Nerwen spends ether to heal the sailor of his drunken sleeping. If that does not work, she will use a remedy.
February 19, 201312 yr Author QM Note: Just nudging him awake would have worked as well, but as you wish... Nerwen uses her healing powers to make the young sailor recover from his deep sleep. She could not cure his major hangover, though... "Wh-what? What time is it? OWWW, my head is killing me!" Party: Guts Holla (Scubacarrot) 44 year old male human Raider Level 23 1/3 *Natural Respite* *Immune to Weakened, Asleep, Confused, Blinded, Darkness and Ice* Power: 54 (23+28+3), 35 for ranged attacks (23+9+3) Health: 36/36 (7+22+7) Gold: 166 Equipment: Lifestealer (WP: 28, ice- and darkness-elemental, attacks restore 3 health; dagger), Dancing Shoes (In the turn after a miss is rolled, the wearer can act twice; immunity to asleep-, confused- and blinded-effects and to darkness and ice-elements; footwear), Pugilist's Gloves (+2 Power; immunity to weakened-effect; handwear), Spiked Collar (+1 Power; accessory) Inventory: Stag Antlers (WP:10, intimidation; halberd), Fafnir (WP:14; greatsword), Throwing Knife (WP:9, light-elemental; retrievable), Throwing Axe (WP:5; retrievable), Hollow Dagger (WP:6, hollow; dagger), 10 Grand Potion, Grand Tonic, Elixir, 10 Remedy, 3 Phoenix Essence, 10 Mead, 10 Smelling Salts, 10 Nostrum, Metasimian Ale, 5 Smoke Bomb, 2 Deadly Venom, 2 Neutralizer, Shovel, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Bedroll, 3 Mythril Shard Eric (Khorne) 30 year old Human Nord Raider Level 21 1/3 *Natural Respite* *Immune to Fragile* *Evasion* *Encouraged* Power: 40 (21+19) Defense: 5 Health: 39/39 (8+20+7+4) Gold: 36 Equipment: Godricsleif (WP:19; ice- and darkness-elemental; greatsword), Counterstrike Gloves (Counter with strength equal to their level after getting hit by a Free Hit; handwear), Boots of Evasion (Wearer takes half damage in front row; footwear), Heavy Armor (SP:5, immunity to fragile; bodywear) Inventory: Drengazuli Grom'az (WP:6; dual strike, Lightning-elemental; axe), Sticky Gloves (+50% gold from stealing), 2 Diseased Silverfish Wings (WP:8, inflicts cursed; retrievable); 6 Silverfish Wings (WP:8; retrievable), Garnet (Earth), Scroll of Sleep, 12 Grand Potions, Venom, 10 Meads, 10 Smelling Salts, 5 Nostrum, Mulled Wine, Fire Bomb, Lightning Bomb, Nerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight) ***Party Leader*** 262 year old female Elven Shaman Level 17 *Immune to Sealed* *Encouraged* Power: 31 (17+14) Defense: 3 Health: 34/34 (9+16+6+3) Ether: 26/27 (5+16+1+3) Gold: 36 Equipment: Magical Staff (WP:14, water-elemental, staff), Robe of the Archmage(SP:3, Max.Ether+5, immunity to sealed; bodywear), White Cloak (+3 Max Health; backwear) Inventory: Mourning Star (WP:9, inflicts fragile-effect; mace), Shackles of War (prevents anyone fleeing; accessory), Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Sealing, 3 Grand Tonics, 2 Potions, 3 Elixirs, 2 Remedies, Phoenix Essence, Phoenix Incense, Essence of Sorrow (50% assassination chance on non-immune target), Mead, Venom, Fire Bomb, 2 Ice Bombs , Bone, Shovel, Bedroll
February 19, 201312 yr Guts turns to the sailor, and asks: "You, what ship were you supposed to be on?"
February 19, 201312 yr On 2/18/2013 at 10:05 PM, Sandy said: The nigh-topless barmaid giggled at Eric's approaches. "You mean this eyepatch, sir? Tehehe! It's just a memento from a very dear friend. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me eye, tehehe." Was wearing eyepatches becoming some sort of fad in Eubric? First there was Tesni and now this woman. Eric only knew eyepatches from Southern pirates, who usually wore them to hide missing eyes or cover up scars. Up North, people would usually wear their scars with pride and not cover them up like this. The South was a strange place. "A memento from a now ex-eyepatched friend? Perhaps we might have an unexpected connection in common. A friend of mine named Reno wears an eyepatch, too. In fact, he even pointed me to this fine drinking establishment. It wouldn't by any coincidence happen to be his eyepatch, would it?"
February 19, 201312 yr Author On 2/19/2013 at 5:40 PM, Scubacarrot said: "You, what ship were you supposed to be on?" "Supposed to?! What time it is, please tell me! Is it morning yet? The guys couldn't have done this to me!!! " On 2/19/2013 at 6:25 PM, Khorne said: "A memento from a now ex-eyepatched friend? Perhaps we might have an unexpected connection in common. A friend of mine named Reno wears an eyepatch, too. In fact, he even pointed me to this fine drinking establishment. It wouldn't by any coincidence happen to be his eyepatch, would it?" Mariel blushes a bit. "Aye, this is Reno's eyepatch. 'E said 'e wouldn't need this where 'e was going. I 'ope 'e was talking about a trip, and not about, you know "offing 'imself". 'E did seem under the weather when we last saw each other. Oh, Reno! 'Ow I miss 'im so, even though its only been days since 'e left!"
February 19, 201312 yr On 2/19/2013 at 7:53 PM, Sandy said: "Supposed to?! What time it is, please tell me! Is it morning yet? The guys couldn't have done this to me!!! " "Morning has come and gone, kid, it's the next day, from what I heard from the barkeep."
February 19, 201312 yr Author On 2/19/2013 at 8:13 PM, Scubacarrot said: "Morning has come and gone, kid, it's the next day, from what I heard from the barkeep." The sailor buries his head to his hands. "No no no no NO! This can't be... I swear I'll never take even a sip of rum ever again! My ship has already sailed, then... Which means I'm left with no job and no money in Eubric Freeport, out of all the places! What do I do now?!"
February 20, 201312 yr Nerwen was surprised that her use of healing did not heal the sailor-boy's hangover. She shrugged. Must have been powerful drink he'd had. Seeing that Guts had the conversation with the young sailor covered in his own inimitable way, Nerwen looked around. Eric was obviously enjoying his conversation with the shirtless barmaid. The old sailors in the corner were busy rolling dice. Only the strange pair on the other side of the taproom remained. She approached them Greetings. Perhaps you can help us. We are looking for Reno Boneparte.
February 20, 201312 yr Author On 2/19/2013 at 11:41 PM, Scubacarrot said: "I asked you a question, boy." "Uh, the ship in which I serve... I mean, served, was The New Hope, from Newharbour. It's just a commercial vessel, carrying passengers and cargo in-between the two cities. It'll be back in a month or so, but the officers never let sailors who have missed the ship come back. I'd have to buy a ticket to go back home, but I'm broke. And there's nothing there for me, anyway..." On 2/20/2013 at 1:40 AM, Chromeknight said: Greetings. Perhaps you can help us. We are looking for Reno Boneparte. Nerwen strutted to the two merpeople sitting on the corner, observing the situation. "Greetings! *gurgle* *spit* Me and Jaws here noticed you and your friends were asking for someone. It only figures it was that poor bastard Reno you were after... *slurp* I bet he's gone off to fulfill that silly dream of his to become the King of the Seas, or something. We used to throw dice together, and after a few drinks he would start rambling about taking over command and his secret past as a pirate. Of course that was all drunk talk. *spuddle* *spit* Everyone knows that the last thing a Bonaparte would do was resort to piracy. *gurgle*" "He was raving mad, I tells you." "Who asked you anything, Jaws? *splat* *slurp*"
February 20, 201312 yr On 2/20/2013 at 7:00 AM, Sandy said: "Uh, the ship in which I serve... I mean, served, was The New Hope, from Newharbour. It's just a commercial vessel, carrying passengers and cargo in-between the two cities. It'll be back in a month or so, but the officers never let sailors who have missed the ship come back. I'd have to buy a ticket to go back home, but I'm broke. And there's nothing there for me, anyway..." "Well, good luck with that." Guts moves over to the table with the two fish-men and sits down.
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