Posted February 19, 201312 yr In another EB thread (I won't say which), someone claimed that anyone who only collects minifigs isn't an AFOL. I mostly collect minifigs and LEGO monsters. The buildings, vehicles and other brick-built constructions in my display collection are there to complement my minifigs. I consider myself an AFOL but maybe I shouldn't. Perhaps, I should reclassify myself as an AFOMF, to coin an acronym. What do you reckon?
February 19, 201312 yr I think I know which topic you are talking about. Anyway, I think it's the same thing. I had times I preferred mini-figs more than the actual sets and bricks. A fan of LEGO is a fan a of LEGO. So, I think you should consider yourself a AFOL.
February 20, 201312 yr Lego minifigs are Lego, are they not? Whoever made that claim is lucky I didn't see it. -Omi
February 20, 201312 yr AFOL , SMAFOl.. like tomato's and tometo's.... I collect SW figs and build, and to add to that, I collect Blacktron I figs and add the differend heads I can find , right now I have about 300 differend heads on the figs. So yeah ! you're AFOL ! grtz Saint
February 20, 201312 yr Lego minifigs are Lego, are they not? Whoever made that claim is lucky I didn't see it. -Omi This right here. What exactly are minifigs if not LEGO? I guess TLG has been messing with us all these years...
February 20, 201312 yr I love the idea of a minority group within a minority group. No doubt AFOMFs would look down upon 'normal' AFOLs with an element of disgust as they childishly build with their little plastic bricks, people who actually play with their minifigs should be regarded with equal disdain. In addition to collecting Minifigs I do other-stuff with Lego so sadly I would have to be excluded from this elite club ... Maybe I could give up building etc.?
February 21, 201312 yr I have wondered about this. I mostly just collect and customise minifigs, and I have wondered if this makes me less of a 'real' AFOL than those who actually build with lego bricks. But as others have said above, minifigs are lego. Also, I'm pretty sure people outside of the AFOL communitly wouldn't really see the distinction.
February 21, 201312 yr Well if we are going to be all precise about what does and does not make you an AFOL, I would consider myself an AFOLOTRL or an AFOSWL. Somehow that does not sound right Basically if you like Lego and you let it be part of your life in whatever way, you are an AFOL. Oh yeah, and being an adult
February 21, 201312 yr The way I look at it, Lego minifigures are still Lego, and considering TLG's moving to make their minifigures more attracting for sets I don't really see how that doesn't make you an AFOL. Tl;dr the person who said that is wrong.
February 21, 201312 yr Well, if minifigures become the star attraction, then a true AFOL would be a rarity in the long term. I think if you are an adult fan of LEGO, then you are exactly that, an AFOL. Same goes for TFOL, and I would assume CFOL? Someone that buys only the LEGO keychains or LEGO video games, but not bricks, they still like a LEGO themed product, wouldn't they also be a FOL? But since I buy bricks to MOC/display and collect figures, I would venture a guess that I'm an AFOL. And having this many posts on this website would account for how I spend my time.
February 22, 201312 yr Considering LEGO's main selling point lately seems to be minifigs, is there really any difference between the two?
February 22, 201312 yr Ignore the haters. Like what you like and pay no mind to anyone who tells you how to enjoy your hobby "correctly."
February 23, 201312 yr It all sounds like hair splitting to me. Lego is Lego and I'm certain that when I was still into Brick wargaming and owned hundreds of minifigs customised for Steampunk and Colonial wargaming I was still very much an AFOL. These days I'm into Lego trains, - is somebody going to say I'm not a true AFOL because I mainly build locomotives and rolling stock and not buildings. I've also just started to collect Friends mini-dolls, will somebody now say I'm outside the fold because the mini-dolls aren't proper minifigs. As far as I'm concerned if it's made by Lego and since last time I checked in the mirror I was still middle aged I must be an AFOL. Case closed.
February 23, 201312 yr Adult Fan Of me that explains things nicely! Although I suppose if there are specific categories I guess that I must be a SWAFOL, actually that doesn't sound too bad....perhaps I'm onto something here! In all seriousness it's all Lego and if there are guys who only collect figures, for whatever reason, it's bound to result in more sets being split and the parts ending up on Bricklink, so to me it's a win-win. Personally I like to build, especially larger sets, for the challenge but I'd never critise anyone for collecting minifigures; it takes a serious amount of dedication & money to do it.
February 23, 201312 yr Since we don't have the context it's difficult to judge what their intent was. I'd simply go with this as my reply for a lame sounding comment: "Niche, look it up." :D
February 24, 201312 yr Lego is Lego, if you like it then your a fan of it, it's that simple. So yeah, you're an AFOL .
February 24, 201312 yr There's no one right way to enjoy LEGO products. Exclusionary, arrogant generalizations like that only serve to divide what should be a healthy, diverse fan community. Some fans prefer to collect sets or minifigures for display/bragging rights, others prefer to play with them, others prefer to build their own models, and still others prefer heavier, more craft-oriented customization like creating their own parts and minifigures. Some LEGO fans don't buy LEGO products at all, instead becoming fans of LEGO story media like the BIONICLE books and movies, the Ninjago TV show and graphic novels, or the LEGO video games by TT Games. Some take this a step further by creating their own art, stories, and animations based on LEGO products and properties. Some may engage heavily with the AFOL community at large, while others prefer to express their interest through other venues. The only thing you have to do with LEGO products to qualify as a LEGO fan is enjoy them! What that means is entirely up to you!
February 24, 201312 yr Surely minifigs as a whole are just a sub-collection of LEGO? I collect Superheroes but should I not consider myself a FOL because I don't collect every single theme? No, I think not.
February 24, 201312 yr It's fine. I consider sticking to minifigs only at this point, since, especially in the superhero sets, the builds do little for me, but the minifigs are awesome. I don't know why one part of a fringe collector group needs to differentiate themselves from others in the same group. Reminds me of a debate of whether MOC'ers were better Lego collectors than simple builders... Snobbery in general is lame, snobbery among a small fan base is kind of sad. If you're an adult, and you spend your time on websites reading about Lego, yeah, you're an AFOL.
March 3, 201312 yr If you think you are, then you are. Don't let people behind a screen tell you what you are In which case you can ignore me too lol
March 20, 201311 yr I think it's a matter of geek pride. I can definitely tell you that the hobbyists that talk online today are less fanatic than those talking "back in the day". So, I think some AFOLs have a desire to say "oh, I'm a REAL fan, you're just a wannabe fan". Basically, they want to maintain their identity as a raging geek by not including you in the group. And, to some extent, I have to admit that the term may become diluted when we extend it to all adults that have purchased a LEGO set. If (for example), someone bought a Tower Bridge set and displayed it on their bookshelf, is that enough to qualify them as an AFOL, even if they never buy another LEGO set? I tend to think "nah, not really", although I have difficulty putting my finger on exactly why, or how many sets it WOULD take before I'd be comfortable calling them an AFOL. After all, I'm sure there are AFOLs out there who can't afford to actually BUY LEGO, but still would qualify based on their interest level. Anyway, while I wouldn't classify you as an "EXTREME AFOL", you're definitely still an AFOL in my book. DaveE
March 20, 201311 yr I think it's a matter of geek pride. I can definitely tell you that the hobbyists that talk online today are less fanatic than those talking "back in the day". So, I think some AFOLs have a desire to say "oh, I'm a REAL fan, you're just a wannabe fan". Basically, they want to maintain their identity as a raging geek by not including you in the group. And, to some extent, I have to admit that the term may become diluted when we extend it to all adults that have purchased a LEGO set. If (for example), someone bought a Tower Bridge set and displayed it on their bookshelf, is that enough to qualify them as an AFOL, even if they never buy another LEGO set? I tend to think "nah, not really", although I have difficulty putting my finger on exactly why, or how many sets it WOULD take before I'd be comfortable calling them an AFOL. After all, I'm sure there are AFOLs out there who can't afford to actually BUY LEGO, but still would qualify based on their interest level. Anyway, while I wouldn't classify you as an "EXTREME AFOL", you're definitely still an AFOL in my book. I would say that they're an AFOL if they consider themselves one. No matter how much LEGO you actually own, or build, if you can say "I'm an adult and I like LEGO", then you're an AFOL. A person who buys a Tower Bridge to display on a shelf may just like architecture/models, or they might actually like LEGO and be a fan. I don't think we can judge someone if they are an AFOL or not, only they can.
June 4, 201311 yr I would say you're an "adult fan of certain components to do with lego such as but not limited to minifigs but still collect sets as well" or an AFOCCTDWLSABNLTMBSCSAW.
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