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Part One, by Masa of Kaliphlin back there.

The waves lapped the boat's side, as Ageven and his companions traveled down the Arkbri River, just a day after their escape from Cedrica. It was hard to imagine that this peaceful scene could any day now become a battlefield, but so it was, for Victor Revolword had taken Cedrica, and there was no saying what he might do! Suddenly, from the water right ahead of them, a crocodile sprang out, pulling from his garments a soiled and dirty letter. Without a word, he dropped it into Ageven's lap. With a start of surprise, Ageven read the letter, his four companions crowding around him. It was from Gaius, Mikel Kalores' head of household affairs. Ageven promptly agreed, sending a return letter by means of the crocodile. They would now strike across the desert, descend to Eastgate, and rescue Merith, fiance of the late Dugal MacLean, who, it was feared was in great danger from Petera MacLean, Dugal's brother, now in control of Eastgate, and suspected of having turned to the side of Revolword.

Four days latter the travelers entered Eastgate, gathering supplies - of which, indeed, they were in need of. The city was peaceful - though Revolword had captured Cedrica, the inhabitants felt they had nothing to fear, there city was well protected and guarded. For three days they remained in Eastgate, trying to find out what information they could - but they were strangers, only Ageven had even seen Merith close, and Petera was ever watchful. On the eve of the third day Gad walked the streets, wondering what excuse Ageven could come up with. It seemed to be a hopeless task. Merith, had hidden herself away somewhere in the city. It was evident that Petera was searching for her vigorously, though without much stir; the inhabitants of Eastgate would not favor his purpose. They were in a race - a race against Petera, a race against time - a race which, do what they wished, it seemed they were loosing. Lost in his thoughts, Gad paid little attention to where he was going. Suddenly a young man, in the garb of an assassin, ran into him - whether on purpose or not, he could not tell. Gad recoiled instantly, but the man said, in a low voice, "Come with me, I know what you are looking for." The hilt of a dagger gleamed in the sun for a second, and Azc felt he had no choice but to follow.

After having walked for several minutes, they finally entered a house, located very near the city wall, where Gad's suspicious companion locked and bolted the door. In answer to Gad's look of surprise, he said, "It is better so. The very stones have ears in this place."

"What is it you think I wish to know? You must be mistaken, I am a stranger in the city. I have come with Ageven Deraim, in search of supplies..."

"And in search of someone, if I mistake not. At any rate I can trust you." He then told Gad, much to his surprise, that Merith was in hiding in that very house, and that it would be an easy task to let her down over the wall. "But it must be done <i>quickly</i>! Petera is not one to sit back and wait. Another three days of searching and he will have found her!"

"Of course," replied Gad, who was rather unsure of what to do. "You are aware, however, that I can do nothing without Ageven? We had planned on leaving today, and I dare say it would be easy enough to row up the river latter tonight and have her come over?"

"That is a very good plan. I will be waiting near the city gates at dusk tonight, if Ageven has agreed, give me a nod as you leave, I will understand. Now you had better return - stay a minute, I will take you, it would be difficult for you to find your way through the streets all by yourself."


Later that night, in almost complete darkness, a boat floated silently down the river, along the wall's edge. Kaflar and Azc had been sent to Barqa ahead of the other three, so the boat was less heavily laden. They were startled, suddenly, by a soft low whistle. Raz backed his oars instantly. "This must be the spot."

Ageven nodded, and with scarce a sound stepped over the side to the rock by the wall's edge. "There is no fear of a little noise," whispered Gad's mysterious friend, "this guard at least is asleep."

"Or a little light either?" asked Ageven. "Good, light us a torch, Gad." Under the fitful torchlight Raz made out two figures on the top of the wall, and soon the grating of a chain was heard, Merith was being let down, and she was soon on the slight ledge of rock. Ageven helped her into the boat. The sound of the chain being pulled up was all that could be hear for a second, but then the young man spoke, "Ageven Deraim, do not trust Petera. He has turned to Revolwords side. But you need fear nothing from Eastgate, it's inhabitants are still Kaliphlin, they will not side with Revolword. You must go now, but if you ever need information from Eastgate, I am on your side." With a wave of his hand he descended the wall, and the group was left alone to float down to Barqa.

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Overview shots of the two set ups (not darkened):

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Comments are welcome, I guess the story was long but I had a lot of ground to cover, so to speak...


That's a really nice build, and great use of light in the photography as well! I especially like the use of the dark grey plates.

Thanks! I really had a tough time deciding whether to use the dark photos or not... I'm glad you like it!

Nice build and great story! Is this a collab between Kaliphin MOCers?

Sort of, as SkaforHire asked MK or me to take care of Merith and we decided to cooperate on it.



Really nice wall design here, it has a lot of character, and looks very impressive. Now if I ever do build walls for Eastgate in MOC form, I have somewhat of a template to follow!

I like where the story is going so far! (I think it is continuing? or was this the end?) I am glad you got her out safely, now I wonder what she has overheard and if it will be useful at the siege of Queenscross.


Really great job on both the story and the MOC! :thumbup:

I like where the story is going so far! (I think it is continuing?)

I have another MOC or two built that will conclude this segment of the story. Won't have time until at least this weekend as am going out of town for a few days. Once Merith gets to safety it will be up to you if she goes on another adventure... :wink:


Really nice wall design here, it has a lot of character, and looks very impressive. Now if I ever do build walls for Eastgate in MOC form, I have somewhat of a template to follow!

I like where the story is going so far! (I think it is continuing? or was this the end?) I am glad you got her out safely, now I wonder what she has overheard and if it will be useful at the siege of Queenscross.

Thanks! I was pretty much working with whatever I had with that one, my light grey brick count is sadly lacking... otherwise I would have kept going with the two side turrets until I got to the top (or even a little higher). As Masa said, he has one more, so what she's overheard is I guess up to him...

Really great job on both the story and the MOC! :thumbup: ...

Thanks! :sweet:

Maybe she will kill Rerolword...

Now that would be a cool twist...


I really like this kai, especially the pictures taken in the dark! Great story too!

Thanks Kabel! Honestly though, I didn't actually take the pictures in the dark, I just darkened them on the computer later... :grin: (I do wonder what they would have looked like if I had taken the photos in the dark... I'll have to try it someday!)


Thanks Esurient!

Great build! your really improving, most noticeably too, both build and photography quality

keep it up!


Thanks! :sweet: I was actually a bit surprised at how well this photographed!


Nice story to accompany the MOC.

Thanks Captain Settle!

Great build and photography, the figs posing illustrates the story well :thumbup:

Thanks, one good thing about building first and writing the story afterwards!

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