March 14, 20159 yr Author Hi Strand, this one cost me £624.89, including all P&P etc. Everything was bought new (well, apart from one part!) but I didn't bother with any of the minifigures. If I hadn't used the Dark red 6 x 14 plate, and ordered blue 6558s (rather than black) I could have saved myself around £30, so it's still possible to build a reasonably 'original' version for under £600. To be honest, I've had a lot more problems with the orders for this one than my first, which has been very frustrating. But, seeing it finally all come together has made it worth it!
March 14, 20159 yr Its doubtful that I will ever build one of these (due to the cost and size) so I am loving these mid build photos that show details of how it goes together, which you can't see once it is finished, some really useful ideas like the links that connect the long technic bricks to stop them seperating due to the weight of the model.
March 19, 20159 yr Author Update: I've made a bit more progress in the last few days, although as I'm still missing 10 of the 6 x 8 LBG plates I've had to build some sections out of sequence. However, the underside is almost finished, the mandibles are complete, docking rings and cockpit attached and I've just added the first engine block. Overview: It's getting there! Apologies for the lighting, but the UK is currently shrouded in a less than ideal smog..... I'm currently up to about page 240 (minus a couple of sections that I can't build yet), but it's definitely starting to look more Falcon shaped. My favorite part: I don't know what it is about the docking rings but they're just beautiful I'm hoping that TLG ship my last 10 parts in the next couple of days, otherwise I might need to hit Bricklink again. Unfortunately, Mrs Lobot is starting to look rather 'disappointed' by its ongoing presence on our table so I need to get it finished! Cheers, Robin
March 23, 20159 yr I need help!!!! For those that have a 10179- how do you transport it? Anyone taken one tk a show or display? Mine will have about an 800 mile car journey and I want to get it there with as little time fixing it as possible.
March 23, 20159 yr I finished mine a couple of months ago, but I ordered the 5x5 technics bricks to make it stronger.
March 23, 20159 yr Lobot you have a LOT to answer for. Because of you, I'm fully committed to bricklinking my own. I'm convinced I'll have screwed up somewhere with the various shades of grey, but still enjoying it immensely. So far I'm 4083 parts in for a total cost of about £240 which must mean I have some of the scary ones to come, however I defo won't be a slave to perfection, so the original grey rigging and screen printed dish can 'do one' Awesome fun though and not even started building yet.
March 24, 20159 yr Count me in too. I spent a little time digging through my "bulk" pieces and i''m off to a pretty good start! :)
March 24, 20159 yr I've decided to go for this build and stumbled across this thread, it's great to see that there are so many others working on this, and that it is not impossible to do. Rooting through my old Lego I found over 900 parts, not all the correct color, but for internal parts that's not a problem for me. To get the common parts I am planning on hunting adverts for "10 kg of Lego" (20 Pounds of Lego) in the local classifieds. If it looks like there are a lot of useful parts I can buy it, hunt out the parts i need, and then sell it as "9.5 kg Lego" for almost the same price. Has anyone else considered this as a strategy? I guess it will be time-consuming, but maybe good for the common parts, and I might try to hook up with a couple of friends so we can pool resources on this. The "shades of grey" issue will be a challenge. Has anyone mixed old and new greys, and if so, how does it look? I plan to build the set with my kids and have fun playing with it, so we won't care too much about the exact color match, and if it all looks new or not. A lot of my old Lego is looking very battered, and we can hide as many of these pieces in the interior and underside as we can. (I seem to remember the Millennium Falcon in the films looking a little battered, and I can't imagine Han and Chewie caring too much about the exact color match of the spare parts they were scrounging in their travels.) It's a few years before my kids will be able to help with the build, so time is not an issue...
March 24, 20159 yr As it happens, In 2010 I started the build of my Falcon, the first out of my Dark Ages, with a 20 kg job lot of lego from eBay. In hindsight, I was extremely lucky: that 20kg came from another AFOL. In particular, there was a huge bag of light grey parts which gave me a great start on my Falcon. I then spent about another £300 on Bricklink and eBay to complete the stock UCS Falcon. I don't think that this was a typical experience, mind you... you're more likely to have to buy quite a few lots in order to harvest parts from them. YMMV! My Falcon has quite a mix of old and new gray. I personally like it, and think it adds subtle detail and tonal variation which suits the Falcon quite well. There are some good photos of how it looks on this post here. Disclaimer: by the time I photographed it, it wasn't a stock UCS Falcon anymore. Edited March 24, 20159 yr by ScottishDave
March 24, 20159 yr Not to distract from the original post, and surely not to submit that this is equal to or better than a UCS falcon, but there are alternatives to BLing a UCS MF. I purchased two 7965's, used a few of my own elements, and here is the result. @ nearly 3,000 pieces it is no UCS, but it is no 7965 either. Also, with pneumatic landing gear and full interior (with all the hoses, detailed hyperdrive, etc. that would make Han very happy) it adds stuff not found in a UCS model. The overall build was fairly easy.... just extended the dimensions of the 7965. Once you have the chassis, you are well on your way and you can add any details you want. In the photo below you can see how large it is compared to other models in my den (like the UCS B-wing). BLing a UCS falcon is loads of fun I am sure. But... there are alternatives. In my mind, this is funner and so much less expensive! mm....don't know why the video won't post correctly. ANyone?
March 25, 20159 yr Author Lobot you have a LOT to answer for. Because of you, I'm fully committed to bricklinking my own. I'm convinced I'll have screwed up somewhere with the various shades of grey, but still enjoying it immensely. Awesome fun though and not even started building yet. Count me in too. I spent a little time digging through my "bulk" pieces and i''m off to a pretty good start! :) It's always great to hear about other Bricklinking projects, the Falcon is certainly very challenging, but the final result is well worth the effort! I look forward to seeing some photos and progress updates. Just ask if you have any questions and I'll do my best to help Anyway, it's time for an update: The good news is that my LEGO order arrived yesterday with the missing 6 x 8 LBG plates. Unfortunately, there was only 8..!! Now I like to think that I'm quite a tolerant & understanding person, but I'm not overly impressed by the 'service' that I've received from TLG of late, but I digress. Anyway, after a quick trawl of my boxed sets I managed to find a couple of plates so I'm finally in business! I'm hoping that I can finish it in the next couple of days, but I thought that you might like to the last couple 'in progress' photos. I'm really pleased with how it's turning out, I think that I got the balance between cost - accuracy just about right, but I do miss the yellow 32555s. I appreciate that it's totally illogical, but they brightened up the place somehow!!
March 25, 20159 yr Thanks Lobot, I'll certainly contact you if I get stuck. I've already decided to compromise on a few things, the yellow L-shaped 5x5 brackets, grey rigging and printed dish at least. Most of the rest look OK-ish
March 26, 20159 yr As it happens, In 2010 I started the build of my Falcon, the first out of my Dark Ages, with a 20 kg job lot of lego from eBay. In hindsight, I was extremely lucky: that 20kg came from another AFOL. In particular, there was a huge bag of light grey parts which gave me a great start on my Falcon. I then spent about another £300 on Bricklink and eBay to complete the stock UCS Falcon. I don't think that this was a typical experience, mind you... you're more likely to have to buy quite a few lots in order to harvest parts from them. YMMV! Yesterday I picked up 17 kg of Lego for about £320, mostly space related, so it should be a good haul. It was in the local classifieds, so I could meet the seller, and take a look it before deciding to buy. This is important, I looked at another batch earlier and there were not that many useful parts in that one, it also saves on shipping. I'm about 20% of the way through sorting through it, and have a lot of parts for the Falcon. There is a mixture of old and new greys, but all the parts are in very good condition. I've got a lot of the plates and the special bricks, lots of engine grills, roof bricks and other parts. Only 4 levers and one telephone receiver though... If you plan to do this you will need to invest a lot of time sorting through it all. Checking parts to see if they are in the inventory takes most of the time, but gets quicker as you learn what is what. It's also a little disheartening to find a piece and think "Do I need one of these?", then find out you need 94 of them. Its more fun that putting in an order though, I'd recommend it if you have the time. If you know your stuff, which I don't, you may will come across some rare parts to trade. Not sure if I will save any money this way, or if I will sell the unneeded parts or keep them for the kids. Hopefully it will get me started with many of the bits. I'll let you know how this worked out in $ per part when I'm done.
March 31, 20159 yr I started Bricklinking it too. Was intending to do it with one huge order a month, but this is addictive, so no way of sticking to my promise. I have about 950 parts to go and paid about €500 so far including shipping (I also used €30 worth of VIP points). Some of the rare pieces are yet to come but some are already in the pocket. Some parts are actually a lot cheaper at Lego like the dark greay Technic beams, some wedged pieces and slopes. I felt guilty about the amount of money I spent, but now that the first parts are coming it it gets less surreal and just fun! All I did so far was looking at digital imaged of Lego parts on BL... If Lego is every going to rerelease this set (I asked them many time), I am going to strangle someone in Billund... (BTW I have brand new sealed 10225 for sale to cover the costs of the Falcon) Edited March 31, 20159 yr by merman
April 2, 20159 yr If the next series of Star Wars does prompt a re-release, I'll still get one and just build something else with my BL haul. I've swapped out a few weirdly expensive parts along the way, were it makes little or no visual difference.
April 6, 20159 yr Author Final update: Well, after a lot of time and effort it's finally finished, and it's been well worth it Lobot takes it out for a quick flight around Bespin (and shows Chewie how it should be done!) All finished: If you're thinking about this, I'd strongly recommend it just for the challenge, but be prepared to invest a lot of time and effort into it! Be warned though, Bricklinking is very addictive.....! It's been good fun second time around and kept me occupied for several months. I'll admit that the delays have been rather frustrating at times, but I guess that it's just one of those things and I hope that it wouldn't happen to anyone else! Cheers, Robin
April 6, 20159 yr That's a very nice ship! Still I can't avoid noticing all the things I4d do differently... prepared to invest a lot of time and effort into it! And money...
April 6, 20159 yr Wait. Dont get new grays to replace the discolored ones. The falcon was about 50 shades of gray
April 6, 20159 yr Looks great! Congratulations on finishig it (again)... So, whats your next BL-project, then?
April 6, 20159 yr Author Thanks for the comments everyone! Yes, it's not the cheapest project, but in comparison to a half-decent original version it's a bargain! I guess it just depends if you've got sufficient time (and motivation) to take this on; I don't want to discourage anyone from attempting this but I'd really recommend that you do a fair bit of planning first. I managed to get good deals on a couple of large Bricklink orders, as the stores were having significant sales and that really helped with the final cost. But, if you haven't used Bricklink before it may be worth trying something smaller (and cheaper!) first, otherwise it could get very expensive. And, as for another project, you'll just have to wait and see...!
April 8, 20159 yr Lobot - I noticed you opted to purchase the black engine lattice. Did you keep the black color or did you paint them gray? I'm curious to see how they look on the final product.
April 8, 20159 yr If you need another project, I recommend you retry the UCS Star Destroyer. I'm doing it and it's turning out really good. I have a thread about my progress. Caution: There is a lot of spray painting involved
April 8, 20159 yr Hi Lobot, would you mind sharing with us what you paid for the BL MF? I am still tempting to start this project bevause i think its in the 700-900€ league (500-700£) so, more expensive a potential new UDC MF (EP VII or VIII) would be. But on the other hand is no deal where you have to put ALL the money at the same time on the table to get it. I dont mind waiting a year to have all parts together and spending 50-70€/ month averagly for the parts. Dino
April 19, 20159 yr Folks following this thread might appreciate someone saving you a few dollars. When I Bricklinked the 10179 last year I spent a LOT of time finding ways to reduce the cost. I have a table listing the part substitutions I made over on my page Swapping out these pieces reduced the price by $800, including the $130 boat rigging pieces on the engine and the $80 radar dish.
April 19, 20159 yr Having build it with the saving tips of bmerigan I can say most of them work perfectly, but I wouldn't agree to all of them if I would do it again... The rigging and the dish are a no-brainer of course... but the long technic pins in blue are visible on some of the corners of the mandibles and of course on the radar dish... so it would be nice to have a few in black, too. The levers imho don't look good in black... I'd look out for light gray ones and switch them out, still a lot cheaper than LBG ones. Also the 6L bars instead of the 6,6L ones is pretty visible in some areas (mainly at the cockpit) and (again imho) doesn't look too good... I bit the bullet and got used ones from the US. I myself switched the colors of the long technic bricks to light gray and black for the internal parts... possible, but also very visible on the mandibles, so you must be extremely careful what colors you can easily switch. My tip on switching colors: Have a very good look on the instructions first and think about which part goes were... then you can decide. Also it is muuuuch harder when your sitting in a huge pile of parts and look for DBG parts in the instructions, that you switched to black or light gray or something else... trust me! I searched some parts for hours before realizing I don't have them (in that color at least...) Edited April 19, 20159 yr by H_Solo
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