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It is complete!

It took a while and was quite an effort, but the result is impressive!

For some reason, I'm left with a lot of parts! I know that B%P were generous, especially with DBG Technic beams, but other than that I don't know why there's no many parts left! Is BL inventory wrong? Anyway, better too many, than not enough.

23096718864_7727cb6a93_c.jpgDSC_0716 by SpacePirate, on Flickr

23724837145_619b7dea24_c.jpgDSC_0730 by SpacePirate, on Flickr

23356901259_ffb2bc86e2_c.jpgDSC_0726 by SpacePirate, on Flickr

23096738344_aab4e1bccc_c.jpgDSC_0734 by SpacePirate, on Flickr

23429177700_39c05db747_c.jpgDSC_0762 by SpacePirate, on Flickr

23096713074_0b92b2b02f_c.jpgDSC_0690 by SpacePirate, on Flickr

23616329682_608137dfa0_c.jpgDSC_0696 by SpacePirate, on Flickr

Full album available at: Flickr

Edited by SpacePirate

Congratulations on finishing the project!

A great looking piece, isn't it? About the leftover pieces, I had the very same problem, but with other bits (lots of 2x3 plates) I know, that the lists you can download are sometimes not too accurate but I think I did some duplicate orders somewhere along the way... With over 5000 parts you're bound to make some kind of mistake...

It is complete!

It took a while and was quite an effort, but the result is impressive!

For some reason, I'm left with a lot of parts! I know that B%P were generous, especially with DBG Technic beams, but other than that I don't know why there's no many parts left! Is BL inventory wrong? Anyway, better too many, than not enough.

That's a great-looking build! My attempt has stalled a little bit due to time constraints, but now I'm feeling inspired to give it a bit of a kick.

To keep things interesting and spread the cashflow a bit, I'm toying with the idea of splitting the model into subassemblies (e.g. frame, mandibles, landing gear etc.) and then each month ordering all the required parts for a couple of them and building as I go along. I need to do some tinkering to see how this might affect the overall costs, but I reckon it could be fun.

Congratz. Fleet is growing :) Han would be proud. I like the brick sculpted dish, much better than attempts for custom stickers ;)

Thank you all. It is quite a piece.

H_Solo, you're right about the number of parts. I ended up missing four lots of parts, so had to quickly re-order them last minute.

EdmanZA, splitting the projects into phases is a good idea, though you want to emphasise on ordering rare parts regardless of your approach. Get them out way as you order other parts. I recommend that if you decide to build it in sections, you still order full lots of particular parts. Say, if you require 5 of LBG 1 x 2 Brick #3004, still get full lot of 39 required to build the Falcon, etc.

krisandkris12, thanks. I also think that custom dish looks better than that sticker. I have big hands, so I'd struggle to apply it, even with tools. Besides, for what it is, the sticker is quite expensive. I saw someone from Germany sell it on eBay, for about £6-7 a piece, so it's quite an expensive undertaking if the first attempt fails. The idea of brick sculpted dish is not mine, but it looked so good, I had to reproduce it :)

I am taking the plunge and going to start planning my UCS MF. It is that time again for Lug Bulk. I missed it this year. So I plan to take advantage of it now. I will also pool my element inventory of used pieces and set them aside for the MF. Third I will have a list of pieces and check what my LUG support has for redemption. I know I have some elements like the large dish in plain LBG. Seeing Dagsbricks and other articles I am comfortable forgoing the rigging piece and substituting for used elements as well as what ever color is cheaper for internal parts. I am also comfortable using Light Gray mixed with LBG to give the MF more flavor and break up the monotony. Make it feel more authentic that it was cobbled together with various piece as per the MF lore.

It is complete!

23429177700_39c05db747_c.jpgDSC_0762 by SpacePirate, on Flickr


I was thinking of using LBG light saber bars clipped onto modified plate with vertical clip, but this ladder look is pretty good too.

Edited by Solscud007

^I was suggesting this setup with screwdrivers while ago in another thread, wondering if you got the same inspiration elsewhere?

Forgive me if this is old. I am just starting to get my feet wet with all the UCS mods and BL strategies. I saw this alternate engine build. But even the round vents on top are different.

Millennium Falcon - Sublight Engine

Yes, that's an oldie - but a goldie.

I adapted that engine design for the UCS a while back, with lighting: discussion thread and LXF files are here.

There is also a general thread for UCS mods. There is another version of the mod on that thread, by Daphatty.

A very impressive project well done! I especially like that custom brick built satelliete/radar dish texture... looks awesome :classic::thumbup:

I really like your engine mod. I had it in my mind that I was going to go the all trans blue 1x1 round plate route, but after looking at screenshots of the Falcon, there are clearly vertical bars like you have. I think this will be the way to go.

I hope you guys don't mind if I share my story here.

I was in my dark ages when the 10179 was released, honestly I wasn't even aware of it. It was someone at my workplace back in early 2013, who rekindled my love for LEGO.

He showed me a picture of his Death star, and it got me curious. I ordered the UCS X Wing, and then got hooked. Shortly after I learned of the 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon. A quick search on Amazon and Ebay made it clear that I'd probably never own this set, my wife would kill me.

I stumbled upon the Eurobricks forum and read of people "bricklinking" / "rebricking" the 10179.

That gave me a little bit of hope, but being an expat that lives in the Philippines would make it a challenge.

Having the parts sent directly to the Philippines wasn't an option for me. I had items shipped through snail mail before, items went missing, arrived damaged or postal officers would try to extort ridiculous amounts of money.

My only option was to order the needed parts and have them shipped to my parents, who could then bring my orders with them during their yearly visit.

I was worried that some parts could be missing, nobody would be checking the orders once they'd have arrived at my parents. I started ordering in May 2014 and my parents would be arriving for the Christmas holidays in 2014. I guess it would have been difficult to make a claim, 7 months after I placed the order.

But to my surprise, all orders were complete. I ordered from approx. 13 different merchants within Europe (my parents live in Germany), I wanted to keep the number low and order as many elements as possible from a single seller, I thought that would keep the failure rate low (missing parts).

All Bricklink transactions went smooth and without problems. I encountered a problem when I ordered from Lego's online store though. My first PAB order went without problems, I was able to pay using my Credit Card. My second order, which was made through the special parts catalog caused me some headaches.

Back then, the credit card had to be verified through the phone, and every single time it would fail. I had no clue what the problem was, I had paid my Bricklink and Lego PAB orders without problems, why wouldn't it work ?! Turned out that my Bank doesn't allow phone transactions. So I had to ask my dad to pay for it.

My parents had everything stowed away in their luggage, I don't know if I was happier to see them or knowing that they had my Lego orders with them haha.

Christmas 2014 was quite exciting.

The Millennium Falcon has changed quite a bit over the past 12 months. I got inspired by some of the modifications that were posted here on Bricklink.

December 2014


June 2015 (modified greebling, raised access port tunnels)


Around October 2015 (Ep7 Radar dish, smaller access ports on mandibles)


December 2015 (working on lights mod)



Once that is done I want to work on the engine flaps, and then I believe I'll be finally done modding the Falcon.

Edited by BrickSash

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Bravo Sir, thats what I call passion!

Thanks a lot !

Nowadays I noticed that the mandibles are slightly drooping. I have not changed anything on the frame itself, but I guess it's just something that will happen after a period of time.

I remember ScottishDave mentioning something about reinforcing the mandibles. I'd highly appreciate it if he could shed some light on how he did that.

BrickSash, that is a really nice Falcon, and quite a tale of how you got it out to the Philippines! Well done with the mods as well: they look great.

I remember ScottishDave mentioning something about reinforcing the mandibles. I'd highly appreciate it if he could shed some light on how he did that.

Yes, I'd highly appreciate it if he could shed some light on the drooping mandibles of my Falcon as well. He was so confident that he had it licked, but after a year on the desk the mandibles are 5mm down at the front. :hmpf_bad:

I was thinking of using LBG light saber bars clipped onto modified plate with vertical clip, but this ladder look is pretty good too.

Using LBG light sabers is a good idea, maybe combine it with LBG rigid hoses for a look similar to original rigging. I also think it's a good idea to mi LG with LBG, as I've noticed that at certain points building out of mainly LBG pieces felt a little monotonous.

To be fair, there are so many ways to mod the engine. This is where people's imagination can produce some inspiring results. I'd like to see the mod with screwdrivers. And I think that BrickSash's backlit engine is just another level.

BrickSash, congratulations on completing the MF despite having to put up with the difficulty timescale of ordering parts. I think in my case between conceiving the idea and receiving the last orders, it was about 3-4 weeks and I was already getting impatient...

I was also late to learn about UCS sets and rekindle the interest in Lego. It was only after I accidentally came across an article on investing in Lego, which was earlier this summer... I can't believe I missed out on the Falcon when it was out and on SSD and Imperial Flagship amongst other things. I think I'd also like the Eiffel Tower and Taj Mahal.

Anyway, TLG are releasing new UCS Death Star and Snowspeeder in 2016, so there's something to look forward to :)

BrickSash, that is a really nice Falcon, and quite a tale of how you got it out to the Philippines! Well done with the mods as well: they look great.

Yes, I'd highly appreciate it if he could shed some light on the drooping mandibles of my Falcon as well. He was so confident that he had it licked, but after a year on the desk the mandibles are 5mm down at the front. :hmpf_bad:

Thank you ! Yours though is the best modified Falcon I've seen so far.


I hope we'll get to see how you pulled off the front hull modifications and mandibles one day. I was drooling over your lxf files and I'm looking forward to integrate those engine flaps and the hull modification.

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that the mandibles on your Falcon are drooping as well. Nothing I came up with was providing enough support to make a difference.

BrickSash, congratulations on completing the MF despite having to put up with the difficulty timescale of ordering parts. I think in my case between conceiving the idea and receiving the last orders, it was about 3-4 weeks and I was already getting impatient...

I was also late to learn about UCS sets and rekindle the interest in Lego. It was only after I accidentally came across an article on investing in Lego, which was earlier this summer... I can't believe I missed out on the Falcon when it was out and on SSD and Imperial Flagship amongst other things. I think I'd also like the Eiffel Tower and Taj Mahal.

Anyway, TLG are releasing new UCS Death Star and Snowspeeder in 2016, so there's something to look forward to :)

Thank you ! Congratulations on your MF as well.. I know it's quite an achievement.

It was really tough having to wait that long, but at the end it all paid off.

The SSD was the second set I bought, it retired shortly after. I regret that I missed the ISD, and of course I wish I could have bought a retail 10179, but I was 6 years too late

Should they ever reissue the 10179 or release a redesigned UCS Falcon I'll make sure that I'll buy two !

Update: I just put my Falcon back together. I was one power function light short which was supposed to be for the cockpit and ramp. I'll get back to it after new year.





Edited by BrickSash

Really like what you did to the ramp with those inverted tiles!

Thanks. I always thought that the original ramp looked unfinished. Adding inverted tiles is a quick mod.

This is some amazing work, whoever used LG plates on their Falcon. It makes it look more authentic in my opinion.

BrickSash, really like the all the lights and the ramp. I agree the original IS unfinished.

Thanks. I always thought that the original ramp looked unfinished. Adding inverted tiles is a quick mod.

The inverted tiles look excellent. May I borrow that idea?

Thank you ! Yours though is the best modified Falcon I've seen so far.

This is some amazing work, whoever used LG plates on their Falcon. It makes it look more authentic in my opinion.

Thank you both. SpacePirate, if you want more details, please check out my thread.

I hope we'll get to see how you pulled off the front hull modifications and mandibles one day. I was drooling over your lxf files and I'm looking forward to integrate those engine flaps and the hull modification.

I do also want to create an LXF of the mandibles myself. I will get there one of these days/weeks/months.

Edited by ScottishDave

The inverted tiles look excellent. May I borrow that idea?

Of course !

I do also want to create an LXF of the mandibles myself. I will get there one of these days/weeks/months.

I'm really looking forward to that day. I've been wanting to make the front hull panels rounder.

So rumor mill has begun to spin about a possible new UCS MF. In the past two weeks I have been sorting my collection and setting aside pieces to build my own UCS MF. I have over 1,000 pcs already sorted and set aside. Should I continue and bricklink the rest or wait for the rumor to be true? I am extremely impatient. Even if I bricklink this one, I will probably buy the new one anyway.

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