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LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 225 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you rate this entire Series 10?

  2. 2. How do you find this review? Do you find it helpful and useful?

    • 1 - Very helpful and useful
    • 2 - Somewhat helpful and useful
    • 3 - Little helpful and useful
    • 4 - Not helpful and useful at all
  3. 3. Right now, what is the best released LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series so far?

  4. 4. Do you think Series 10 is a huge improvement compared with other series?

  5. 5. Do you like the distribution allocation number based on the designs for Series 10?

    • 1 - Yes, I love it
    • 2 - Neutral and it made no difference to me
    • 3 - No, I hate it

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Hello everyone,

I believe many of you are anticipating and wondering if this traditional pictorial review will ever come and I am glad to be back once more to share with all of you on this LEGO Collectable Minifigures reviewing tradition right here in Eurobricks. I could still vividly remembered that The LEGO Group (TLG) have just recently released Series 9 in just 3 months ago and now Series 9 is slated for 'retiring soon' in the Shop@Home/US. With Series 10 releasing fast and furious, it is no surprise that Series 9 being the first wave of the year 2013, to be cast aside for the new glorious instalment known as Series 10.

Firstly, I will like to give my most sincere continued thank you and gratitude to TLG for giving me this exclusive early insight before others, so I could actually sit down quietly to evaluate and review this brand new LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series. I will also like to give my thanks to Eurobricks Staff/LEGO Ambassador, CopMike and my fellow Eurobricks Staffers for able to facilitate and continue to support me on this. Last but not least, I must also thank my wife, Kim/Belun for being so understanding and support me for this review! This review probably came at a very wrong time where my personal life is probably be the most busiest chapter of my life where I do not have the luxury of time! Thank goodness, everything went smoothly and I could still continue to deliver this review. To be honest, if my wife is not supportive enough during this hectic period, I don't think I can ever pull this review into action.

As always, let's do a re-cap for all of the past Eurobricks Collectable Minifigures polls once more. It started with a humble beginning of Series 1 followed by Series 2 in the year 2010 and it continue to spread like wildfire with another 3 strong waves of minifigures craze in the year 2011, putting Series 3, Series 4 and Series 5 in an excellent harvesting year. In the year 2012, we celebrated with Series 6, Series 7 and recent Series 8. With the beginning of the year 2013, we have the recent new Series 9 and now I will like to invite the rest to drop their votes into the new Series 10 poll statistics as well.

Name: 71001 LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10

Theme: LEGO System / Collectable Minifigures / Series 10

Year: 2013

Minifigs: 16 unique minifigures plus 1 super rare Mr.Gold (subjected to approximately 5000 minifigures worldwide)

Price for 1 box: USD N.A, GBP N.A, EURO N.A, SGD $294.00

Price for 1 packet: USD 2.99, GBP 1.99, EURO N.A, SGD $4.90

Resources: Brickset, BrickLink

An image of an 71001 LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 box


Please do not be mistaken of the colour schema. It is not the same yellow colour similar to Series 1. Instead this Series 10 is covered with the golden colour. It is a pretty nice colour to commemorate the tenth series and more importantly, the golden colour come with another promotion which will be explained in a few sections below.

[Reference 1]

[Reference 2]

[Reference 3]

[Reference 4]

The 10 different colour packaging themes for Series 1 to 10 boxes



I just can't believe myself that I actually manage to continue to place all of the past and current LEGO Collectable Minifigures boxes together for this superb group shot to able to illustrate the 10 unique colour package themes for Series 1 to 10. It is certainly a wonderful feeling to see them place side by side to witness the different colour transition for different series.

What could possibly contain within these mysterious sealed packets?


I can't believe this is the Tenth Series for the incredible LEGO Collectable Minifigures Theme


The LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series (CMFs) is slated for worldwide release on the 1st April 2013. This is definitely considered to be another outstanding job done for the TLG CMFs design team who are able to marvel us with many more great minifigures concept for this new series. In general, I do not think that this is something which is being done poorly or another form of mere repetition, just to create to generate more sales volume but I continue to see TLG being able to continue to value add the whole LEGO experience with more superb minifigures enhancements through these dream designs that came out of the TLG CMFs design team. Even though there is a leak of parts design back in late November which is discussed in this topic, there is some sort of mixed reactions coming from the community and to be honest, I did not pay much attention on the details yet even though it is more or less to be considered as the finalised design. However, I will not think it is best to judge it harshly without judging it through real images of the actual minifigures. Because to me, that actually make a huge importance in this kind of evaluation and affirming my belief whether these minifigures are continued to be regarded as remarkable minifigures of the LEGO CMFs theme.

Please do note that the naming that I have use for this review are official TLG minifigures naming for Series 10. So, there is absolute no doubt or misinterpretation on the naming used.

Front view comparison between Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 packets


Wow, I just always amazed when I group all of the series together for a group shot. This is just so crazy to see a huge pile of different unique packets for Series 1 to 10. There are altogether 10 different packets and design packaging for this single theme since the year 2010. I know there are many other late collectors who got into LEGO at a pretty late stage and missed out on the earlier series and have to pay a hefty amount to catch back the chase. It will be quite painful and tedious to collect the early series once more especially Series 1 since I have recall that Series 1 is having limited production plus the fact that it is not being distributed to the United States directly, which also cause indirect increase of global demand.

Just take a packet and open it, if you could hold all of the 10 packets in your hand based on the image above. Rip it open and you discover a random LEGO minifigure that is so special to the person who is buying it. Be it parents, children, AFOLs, casual shoppers, there is always something for everyone of us and I guess this is an easy way to bring back a person who is in the dark ages by tempting them to open up these packets!

Take a closer look at these. This is the front view of the Series 10 packet, while this shows the back view of it. Last but not least, this is an image that shows the back view comparison of all packets.

I am going to repeat this very same golden rule. If you are intending to narrow the precious ones that you are collecting, please hone the touch and feel method. It is a useful skill set to acquire and locate the minifigures that you want. Your sole mission is to memorise and remember the minifigures assortments for each unique design. Isolate and identify the most unique accessory or accessories that appeared for the particular minifigure. From there, eliminate the torso, head and legs away and feel for other parts. The only disadvantage of this method is much idle time will be most likely wasted if the minifigures that you are seeking for does not exist in the box or ending up having sore numb thumbs after feeling. However, I do think this approach is much practical than any other uncommon approach

Front view of the Minifigs Series 10 promotional leaflet


Super rare - Where is Mr. Gold?


The golden colour for the entire colour schema comes with a surprise. Believe it or not, this is a very surprising marketing move which is being carried out by TLG for the LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series. Even though this is not the first time that TLG have done such promotion for the LEGO Star Wars theme, but I really find it hard to believe that they are doing this to the fans of this beloved theme since I believe many of us including myself who have been collecting Series 1 till now, will like to complete this entire theme without leaving out any possible minifigures under this umbrella.

TLG has officially introduced this brand new rare lottery campaign known as ‘Where is Mr.Gold?’ which is suspected to go beyond Series 10 and to be included for other future series as well. ‘Where is Mr.Gold?’ is rumoured to be produced with an approximately ‘5000 of such minifigures’ which will be circulated worldwide in unknown whereabouts. Its classification is top secret and is to be regarded as super rare level. Unfortunately, I do not have such honour to own such an extreme rare minifigure and it will probably be bothering me since I will be missing of this minifigure to truly complete the LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series.

Back view of the Minifigs Series 10 promotional leaflet which features 'Where is Mr. Gold?'


The chances of owning Mr.Gold is given to 5000 random opportunities in uncertain and unpredictable climates in the global environment. It also means that there are 5000 mint boxes of 30 or 60 quantities that will be circulated will definitely contain a very different form of distribution compared to the one that I am reviewing on. The Mr.Gold craze will likely spark undesired results as It will probably be ripped open or tampered along the long supply chain of TLG and half will probably be gone before these will reach to the shelves for the consumers. Anyway, I am probably exaggerating and I am pretty annoyed with the pessimistic situation since I strongly believe that the secondary market will probably be driving the price at a ridiculous level.

Mr.Gold is a rare rumoured chromed gold minifigure which is release altogether to commemorate the tenth series of the LEGO Collectable Minifigures. He is chromed with gold from his hat, to the head, following by his body excluding his hands and down to his legs. He will also hold a golden stick, similar to a sceptre that place a diamond gem at the top. I wonder if the golden stick will be chrome as well. It is unfortunate that I do not have any concrete information to share. Only time will tell and I will think that I might actually want to create an Eurobricks topic to request our community who own Mr.Gold to step forward with a picture of it as a form of proof to calculate the total owners of this super rare minifigure and the remaining possible amount to hope to chance upon this super rare minifigure.

1) The serenity Librarian


This serenity librarian is a class of her own with her scholastic outfit. The design of this librarian is spot on with her tidied clipped hair, black-rimmed spectacles and cotton knitted vest over her body which is keeping her warm in the library together with the customised mug filled with hot chocolate, for example since I do not know her preference. It is definitely very welcoming to see such a lovely nice girl in her classy outfit. I could not describe her as a typical nerdy looking person but I find this minifigure pretty attractive in her own rights. More importantly, it is always very welcoming to have a much generic looking female minifigure in your LEGO City layout.

I did pause a moment and think of the printed LEGO book titled, ‘Oranges and Peaches’. I am not aware of this publication and I will need to depend on Google for an answer and it lead me to this blog which feature a very well-written article. To summarise, it is to illustrate a patron who ask a librarian for a book called ‘Oranges and Peaches’ and the librarian is not sure of this book and press on to inquire more of the book content such as the author of the book. The patron replied by the name of Darwin something and it is meant to use it as a reference book for the biology class. The librarian found the book titled ‘Origin of Species’ written by Charles Darwin and this is the exact book which the patron is looking for. Pretty amazing, isn’t it to be able to see how the librarian inquire and probe further into resolving his enquiry.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is very good and I am largely impressed with her classy outfit which definitely can be interchangeable with other female minifigures her hairpiece which can be viewed nicely from behind. I like her white mug which has the ‘Shhh!’ printing. I could really imagine in the huge public library where some inconsiderate patrons will disturb the serenity of the library and she will probably pull out this mug and point to the patrons to keep quiet. It is quite uncommon and is limited to several LEGO themes which are not quite popular except Harry Potter. You can take a look at the past printed books which is meant for the minifigures to read.

Look like a suitable compatible couple?


Enjoying their day together with their very own unique mugs


2) The furious Medusa


This furious Greek Mythology monster who is known as Medusa is notorious for her gazing ability. Her rage is not to be treated lightly and she is not easy to be defeated by many fallen warriors except by the hero, Perseus which are told in most of the stories. It is an excellent piece of design and is like a dream come true for those who enjoy medieval and fantasy era where builders are able to create more diverse battle scenes involving in these mythical creatures such as the iconic Medusa. You can place the Medusa attempting to sneak up to an unsuspecting patrol and petrify them to stone when they stare through her eyes. It will be almost perfect if Medusa can actually wield her preferred secondary weapon which might be bow and arrow, followed by dealing the final blow through her gazing ability.

Parts assortment


Take a look at how Medusa minifigure body parts are made of. The slender body is made up of hard ABS plastic while the slithering long tail is made up of semi-soft rubber. Her back view also shows multiple presences of snakes protecting her from behind by providing additional line of sight to avoid being ambushed from behind. I am very glad to see that Medusa actually comes with a dual printing on her appearance which increase more variety of presentation for her hideous looks. I will definitely wish to get more of these to increase the challenges for the solders.

Mythical Creatures of the Dark Age


My arrow will reach you


May my round shield best the might of Medusa


3) The imposing Roman Commander


Many LEGO army builders like me will be keeping their eyes peel open for a second chance to acquire these Roman Commanders as Roman Solders or equivalent. You may wonder why we will need so many Roman Commanders since each of them is only capable of leading a legion of their own. It is because the plume on the top of the Roman Commander’s helmet able to be removed and arranged in other directions as shown in the later image below. Otherwise, you can also take the plume out and placed it as a second tier Roman Solder together with the Series 6, Roman Solder. All in all, I am extremely pleased to place this minifigure together with the other 2 earlier designs in the CMFs to form the strong foundation of the Roman Empire. If you are intending to customise a Roman legion, I will suggest reading this to understand the army structure of the Roman Empire.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is excellent. It provide a good variety of army building related parts which include the new Roman Commander’s plume. It is quite similar to the Series 2, Spartan’s helmet which is not detachable. It also comes with a red cape and a sharp gladius. His armour vest is much darker in colour as compared with the regular Roman Solders which can be used to differentiate with other legionnaires if one happen to acquire too many Roman Commanders.

The mighty Roman Empire


Swore to protect the Emperor


The Roman Solder is promoted to its next rank


Sir, I am reporting for garrison duty!


4) The amazing Warrior Woman


Look at that pointy spear, wielded by this amazing Warrior Woman. She is a warrior by nature and is not bound herself to any form of inconvenience. Her weapon choice is the usage of spear that can be used to throw and hurl towards the enemy like a javelin. Based on the design of this minifigure, I will like to reference that she can be considered as the Amazons. Amazons is a nation of all-female warriors in the Greek mythology and Classical antiquity. In many ways, I am finding this design very appealing for many army builders out there.

You can take a closer detailed look at the Warrior Woman.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment for the Warrior Woman is very good. Apart from the overall design of her minifigure which depicts the brown tunic outfit, her round shield is what really attracted me at first sight. As far as I can recall, this is the third printed design. I remembered the other two prints are seen on Captain America’s shield and Lord of The Rings, Rohan shield. I reckon that this Warrior Woman will be one of the popular designs in Series 10.

New World Adventures


Pit her skills with different rivals


5) The fearsome Tomahawk Warrior


I am very fond of this male warrior looking minifigure who is sworn to defend his tribe from impending danger. With his warrior like painting on his facial and body, he arms himself with his trusty tomahawk axe. It is certainly awesome to see such a new design which can be used to integrate together with the rest of the Native America tribe.

Parts assortment


This minifigure has one of the best complicated prints as the prints extend and cover both his left and right arm. Everything fitted nicely and I am very pleased to see the new tomahawk axe instead of this regular typical boring looking axe.

Tribal Warriors


The exciting new Wild Wild West


6) The daring Skydiver


Skydiving is a very exciting breath-taking sport where one will exit an aircraft in the mid-air and returning to earth with the aid of gravity while using a parachute to slow down during the terminal part of the decent. Gearing and strapping up with his safety equipment along with his visible lime green parachute, he is probably ready to take his first jump out of the aircraft where the adrenaline rush will hit in.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is very average and unappealing. I don’t find it very interesting especially to find out that the minifigure only reveal one side of his feelings from his facial appearance. Nonetheless, I will agree that the new look is able to convey and will be pretty useful in many aspects such as doing very exciting and dangerous stuff. You can also see the parachute from the back view of the Skydiver. Overall, I will just have to say that one or two of these skydivers will be enough for me and I don't see a very strong reason to acquire more than the rest of it, but that could just be me.

Comparison between different type of parachute bags


Are you afraid of taking that jump?


Skydiver taking a bungee jump


7) The sweet Bumblebee Girl


I will like to present this lovely and cute little Bumblebee Girl which certainly excites many female fans of LEGO (FFOL). This cute bumblebee costume is an ideal design for birthday parties where friends could dress up and decorate themselves with very cute outfits. The entire Bumblebee outfit is very visible with her orange and black colour theme. Not to forget her delicious pot of honey. I will think that the LEGO costume mascots have just increase another notch with a brand new addition into the family.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is very good and detailed. It comes with all of the necessary accessories like the new colour coat of the white transparent fairy wings, bumblebee hood and the pot of honey with slight overflow of honey at the edges plus the actual tiny little bee picture printed onto it. You can also take another closer look of the back view of the Bumblebee Girl with her wings behind.

Different type of fairy wings


Magical winged creatures


Mascots Fiesta


8) The wise Grandpa


The Grandpa looks like he is enjoying his golden age of his retirement where he could just laid back and enjoy a hot cup of coffee and reading his newspaper at this comfy sofa couch. I love the design of this minifigure since we are quite lacking of old folks and senior citizens in the city population for LEGO City. Most of the LEGO minifigures are largely made up of children, young men and women and adults. There are not much of these grandparents looking designs. I will like to put him by his pet dog and seeing him taking a short morning stroll in the park.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is very good which include a white mug and especially the 2x2 printed tile where it reflect ‘Old Times’. I hope the font for the newspaper is large enough for them to read. Apart from that new element, the semi-bald headed minifigure is the best. So far, we have not seen any of such hair design before. Despite of the receding line, I still find this part very useful for us to utilise. You can take a look from his top view and the back view of Grandpa.

Two different types of newspapers coverage


Visiting our dear Grandpa


LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series (2x2 printed exclusive tiles)


I will like to take this opportunity to highlight a few small little sections to commemorate the magic of the LEGO CMFs. AS you can see, there are altogether eight 2x2 printed exclusive tiles which are made specially for this theme. Starting from Series 1 till now, each of this tile is associated to a special minifigure. Without this printed tile, it might not ever be completed and fully understood. Furthermore, printed tiles could last for a very long time unlike stickered parts.

9) The tactical Paintball Player


This tactical looking Paintball Player is actively participating in a game known as Paintball. It is a game where players will compete in teams to eliminate opponents by tagging them with paintballs that propelled from a paintball gun. This minifigure is a surprise to me as I have always wanted to play with paintball but I do not really have a good crowd to join up with me for this interactive and physically demanding sport. Armed with his paintball gun, I wonder if he is actually loaded with green dye paintball or orange dye paintball. The protective helmet is bigger than the regular ones and his coveralls are soaked in green dye markings.

Parts assortment


This minifigure is just so amazing and it comes with nice assortments as well. I particularly love the paintball gun which can be viewed clearly from this angle. The distribution of the paint markings are very nicely handled including a small little green splat at the top of the helmet. Surprisingly, the back of the minifigure also come with a tiny orange splat as well. I wonder who shot him from behind. Personally, I like his grey coverall very much and if given a choice, it can be used for other activities as well such as military, chemical plant, etc.

Paintball Competition


Paintball games are fun


10) The experienced Sea Captain


Ship ahoy! The experienced Sea Captain is shouting to his crew. I knew the Sea Captain is able to spot something in this troubled seas through his binoculars. The Sea Captain can be the captain for a fishing trawler, vessel, a naval ship, etc. You will need someone to take charge and with his amount of experience spent on the boat, it is no wonder why he could withstand sea sickness better than those landlubbers.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment are very useful which include the binoculars and the seagull. I am particularly fond of the sea captain's cap. There are some fine printed details at the Sea Captain's sleeve. The most welcoming new part is the seagull. It is make up of semi-hard ABS plastic with the lovely printings on his wings and head. You can take a moment and enjoy seeing the seagull taking a pit stop at the deck.

The beauty of the new Seagull


Captain, they are here to look for you


LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series (animals)


Once more, I am sharing the highlights of the LEGO CMFs animals. There are altogether eight unique animals which is being used for the LEGO CMFs. Some of which are considered new animals like the seagull, monkey, teddy bear and the chiwawa, while some of the common ones are the bat and snake. Nonetheless, this LEGO CMFs animals have brought us many fine new and old parts since Series 2. I hope to see more new animal designs in future LEGO CMFs because it has certainly create many nice and unique animals that can be used in various settings.

11) The teary Sad Clown


I find this very amusing to see TLG to introduce a new addition to the CMFs clowns. It is certainly good to know that there will be more different variations of clowns which can be used for the various circus acts together. So, what do you think of this black and white clown? Personally, I find it to be a little vintage, probably because of the mono looking appearance. Furthermore, he is not the usual cheerful looking circus clowns unlike his other counterparts. I am sure many of us have probably found a solution to resolve his teary appearance. Let’s see if we are thinking the same to rectify the sadness in him. The answer to my solution is just after two more images.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment are quite average. I find it disappointing to see a lack of dual printed face where he can actually reveal another new emotion instead of being teary all this time. I don’t like to see my minifigures to be always sad looking. Clowns are supposed to cheer and wow the audience up. He probably may have received some bad news that displeased him greatly. In addition, his clown hat is just so lovely. I will like to use it like some sort of birthday party hat for the children to wear. Nonetheless, I am still pleased to see this minifigure design as it actually help to expand the CMFs circus troupe.

The many faces of Circus Clowns


Interchangeable thoughts with the Mime Artist


The Circus Troupe is expanding!


12) The courageous Revolutionary Soldier


This is a very historic looking minifigure and is part of the American Revolution history where it was a period of political unrest during the late 18th century in North America where colonies joined together to break away from their colonial master. Patriots bear arms to fight for their freedom. I am confident that this minifigure will be very well-received by the pirates and historic fans.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is excellent. I am very fond of the white wig. It is amazing and there is a blue band at the end of the tail. You can view more details from viewing from his back where you can also observe back printing of the uniform sash and from the side view, you are able to view the shape of the white wig. His weapon of choice is the regular trusty brown musket where he use it to defend himself and protect his loved ones.

This fellow fits well in the LEGO Pirates Theme


I wonder if it is a good idea to pair him up with a Pirate Captain?


Welcome to the Imperial Redcoat!


Some interesting historic outfits


13) The nimble Baseball Fielder


Sport fans are in for a treat especially if you enjoy baseball. The Baseball Fielder is a new addition in this sport where you are now able to place the Series 3, Baseball Player in a very tight formation together that feature the pre-existing team, Clutchers and the new team, Stackers. I just love the new classic blue and grey outfit right from his baseball cap down to his attire.

Parts assortment


The assortment is not too bad and the main attraction is certainly the new glove design which is part of the minifigure's hand configuration. As you removed the glove hand, you will notice the entire glove is actually a part of the hand piece and greater detail from this angle and side view. It will be almost perfect if the design team could include a baseball for the fielder to grip on.

Baseball Team - Clutchers and Stackers


14) The fashionable Trendsetter


One look and I assume thinking that she is a big celebrity that shows her bling bling or someone who is of high net worth value that reside in Beverly Hills, California. In truth, she is a fashionable Trendsetter that hold and lead her own fashion taste, causing others to follow her taste of fashion together to form a very strong hype. It is very nice to see new and modern looking female minifigures which can be used to populate the City with diverse personality and unique fashion taste.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is excellent and I mainly adore the pet, chiwawa which is the first of its kind in LEGO and plentiful nice accessories on her attire such as the silver heart necklace, black sunglasses and the state of the art mobile phone. The new mobile phone may resemble a model in the current open market and from the design of it, it is not surprising that our LEGO minifigures have evolved and learnt how to use touch-screen mobile phone and installation applications in it. You can see the details through this image. Her hairpiece is different as well and from here, you are able to view the back view and side view

Taking her chiwawa out for a stroll in the park


Check out her new state of the art mobile phone


LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series (1x2 printed exclusive tiles)


This special little section is to highlight the past LEGO CMFs, 1x2 printed exclusive tiles that involve in a total of six minifigures that is used to complement the minifigures' designs since Series 1. All of these printed elements are very useful in many ways where we can use it for our own building creations, etc. What do you think of these printed parts? Isn't it better than just regular stickers.

15) The diligence Decorator


You could identify him as a painter who work hard to decorate your house interior with a nice coat of azure blue. This diligence decorator is hardworking enough to ensure the painting is going on smoothly based on the splat of paints on his body and face. I really enjoy seeing new civilian occupations being introduced to the City and it really help to create more new personalities with it through new approach. This minifigure might be quite dull to some but to me, I find him interesting to have.

Parts assortment


The part assortment are good. The paint roller is something which is simple and yet it amaze me with this little tool. You can assemble the paint roller together in a very simple fashion. The pail is a good accessory where it can be used for various settings and not just restricting to paint jobs.

Working hard to decorate the place


Artistic Touch


16) The tough Motorcycle Mechanic


Woo hoo, the last one is a tough nut! At first glance when I saw this image, I seriously did not think or even consider that he is actually a Motorcycle Mechanic. Instead, I did a typical stereotype and think he is a gangster or hooligan who is out to wreck trouble. It is only until I have seen the official description, then I realise the proper usage of his spanner which is to repair motorcycles and not using it to whack people.

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is very average and even with the regular spanner, it still does not impress me as much as the earlier Series 6, Mechanic that keep his tools in a toolbox. However, the plus point for this minifigure is certainly the printing on his flame fiery tattoo on his side arm and the back view that feature the skull printing. Such small little details are very nice to have and I appreciate the efforts made to put into it.

What do you think is happening here?


My new ride


A concluding thought for the Collectable Minifigures Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10


Let's take a moment and view this awesome super big group photo which I have assembled for viewing! I can't believe that a 48x48 grey baseplate has actually occuped the entire LEGO CMFs that are released so far. it will not be possible for me to use just the same baseplate for Series 11 and future series, so I probably will have to crack my head to think of a new solution to overcome the excess population growth. Putting back to the main point, what do everyone feels about the current LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10?

For me, it is just totally amazing and incredible which I can't use to describe with only a few words for expericing this hype excitcment in me. Even after I had written this review, I still cannot believe the epic sight. This is certainly a huge achievement which TLG had done and actively promoting since the year 2010.

Now with a total of 160 minifigures released for the entire Series 1 to 10, not including Mr.Gold and the Toy Soldier, that is considered tremendously a lots of minifigures to be seen and is no easy feat to attain and to complete. Even by placing them onto the display requires a substantial amount of time to do so. I had taken an image above and showcase every single minifigure out there and I had to admit that it is damn impressive! Words of unlimited joy and thrill can't simply describe the feeling when I assemble and put them altogether as one single theme! Each time, I do this and it is just so incredible to see how much this theme had actually evolved to a great magnificent transformation.

With Series 10 releasing soon, there is a Series 11 coming in the next few months in 2013 and soon after the Series 10 will be retiring from the shelves as well to facilitate the welcome of the Series 11. I hope we will be ready for the future LEGO CMFs Series. All in all, I am only wishing to see this magicial theme being able to continue wave after wave in every new calendar year.

General Statistics for Minifigures Series 10


Below is the combination which I have received from my box,

2 Librarians

2 Medusa (s)

6 Roman Commanders

4 Warrior Women

4 Tomahawk Warriors

6 Skydivers

2 Bumblebee Girls

2 Grandpas

4 Paintball Players

2 Sea Captains

4 Sad Clowns

4 Revolutionary Solders

6 Baseball Fielders

2 Trendsetter (s)

4 Decorators

6 Motorcycle Mechanics

Based on the above, I managed to achieve only 2 full complete sets of 16 unique minifigs each. It means I will have only 28 remaining random spares left. Read down to find out what are the remaining spares I have.

My remaining spares

0 Librarians

0 Medusa (s)

4 Roman Commanders

2 Warrior Women

2 Tomahawk Warriors

4 Skydivers

0 Bumblebee Girls

0 Grandpas

2 Paintball Players

0 Sea Captains

2 Sad Clowns

2 Revolutionary Solders

4 Baseball Fielders

0 Trendsetter (s)

2 Decorators

4 Motorcycle Mechanics

Data Analysis

Based on the complete new data which I have complied, I have indicated my basic analysis based on my own take. Buying 1 full complete MISB box will allow you to achieve 2 maximum complete unique sets. I believe this is the new distribution which is being considered for a full box of 30 since TLG is intending to market the LEGO CMFs series with effect of the recent Series 9 to be sold in a box of 30 and 60 to market and reach out to new and different group of consumers. Therefore, if you are buying a box of 30, you will definitely be given a full complete set, while a box of 60 will certainly give you 2 complete set.

Personally, I don't like the way the new distribution is being configured, not because of the given completed series for a full box. I think the allocation fo the minifigures types is not as good as the previous Series 9. It is because there are not many filers minifigures under the group of six, like the Skydivers, Baseball Fielders and Motorcycle Mechanics. I am not pleased to see these minifigures types to be given with a higher frequency. The only consolation is the wonderful Roman Commander being given the group of six treatment. This is not the same equal and fair treatment given unlike Series 9 distribution where I find it very well distributed with significant army building minifigures to be given very much high frequency like the Heroic Knight in Series 9.

So far, each of the 16 unique collectable minifigures have an equal chance of getting 2 out of 32 packets, when a fresh untouched box is opened and consumers will rush in to buy it separately. That will be a 6.25% probability based only on 32 packets. When you add the remaining 28 spares into the calculation, the probability will varies further. 6 unique minifigures are now only available at 12 out of 60 packets and this translates to 20% in total and 3.33% each, which makes it very much harder than before to achieve by just doing it randomly. Whereas, the probability of getting the perceived popular Roman Commanders are on the very much higher new frequency, since they are available at 24 out of 60 and this translates to 40% in total, which is a jump of 15% (9 minifigures more) and 10% for each mentioned type.

The likelihood that this percentage will be adjusted further due to many fanatic LEGO minifigure hunters/molesters like ourselves who are scrambling high and low to search for the ones that they are highly desired by many fans even with the Roman Commanders given the highest frequency, it might not be enough since building up the Roman Army Empire will take lots of efforts, because I am having a hard time to build the earlier Roman Soldier in Series 6 where I own about 12 of them.

However, it is a great pity that the Medusa is classified as the lowest probability distribution point since there is only 2 Medusas in each sealed box. Furthermore, the Medusa may classified as a potential army builder minifigure. I am not sure and I don't think the Medusa will be the most expensive minifigure in Series 10 even though it might be very popular but definitely not as popular as its predecessors like the Series 2, Spartan and Series 3 Elf. The other type of army building minifigures which might be less general popular but definitely highly sought for are the superb Warrior Women, Tomahawk Warriors and Revolutionary Soldiers. I am feeling neutral of the rest of the distribution and I am wishing that some of the lowest probability distribution point like the Sea Captain, Trendsetter, Librarian, Grandpa which are very useful to apply it in the LEGO City layout. These minifigures can be interchange with the ones in the middle distribution point especially with the Sad Clowns and Decorators that I am not very much fond of, to acquire more than just a few.

Overall, I am not completely very upset with the way in how the LEGO Collectable Minifigures distribution listing is being done but I am definitely not feeling pleased about it. What do you guys think about this round of distribution?

To conclude and summaries, based on the probability demonstrated by this review, as an example, here are the results,

Very High probability

1) Roman Commanders

2) Skydivers

3) Baseball Fielders

4) Motorcycle Mechanics

Total range: 40% (increases by 15% more based on 3 complete sets equation)

Each: 10%

Medium probability

1) Warrior Women

2) Tomahawk Warriors

3) Paintball Players

4) Sad Clowns

5) Revolutionary Solders

6) Decorators

Total range: 40% (remains the same based on 3 complete sets equation)

Each: 6.67%

Very Low probability

1) Librarians

2) Medusa (s)

3) Bumblebee Girls

4) Grandpas

5) Sea Captains

6) Trendsetter (s)

Total range: 20% (decreases by 15% less based on 3 complete sets equation)

Each 3.33%

Some of my close-up images of my current LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series collection







To conclude, the LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 has created a greater hype than ever before, mainly because of the recent unexpected 'Where is Mr.Gold?' campaign that can either annoy you or surprise you which can be very much of a mixed reaction for many including myself. The new Series 10 is remarkable in its own rights by able to showcase many amazing and creative juice through these new releasing designs that make this series shine especially with minifigures like the Medusa, Revolutionary Soldier, Sea Captain, Tomahawk Warrior, Warrior Woman, etc. It is no easy feat to be able to work on a continunous tight schedule and able to design and deliever new LEGO Minifigures with their wonderful pool of ideas which is obtained by many inspirations. I am confident that the imagination for creativity in the TLG CMFs design team will always be strong. This is also the only avenue where we can see many exciting new minifigures that can never be achieve in the regular LEGO theme releases where stand-alone minifigure concept is not possible where the theme revolve around it. Every of these minifigures in Series 10 have its own charm and beauty with everyone searching for their ones that they like. Army builders are not being disappointed as they are about five minifigures which can be classified as army building which is more than the previous series. Overall, this positive feeling is the exact same excitement whenever there is a new release.

Please note that the LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 do not contain the placement of LEGO spare parts/accessories. This was practiced since the start of LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 3.

Summary review

Playability: 9/10 (Many more new LEGO Collectable Minifigures integration across many new and existing themes.)

Design: 9.5/10 (Very detailed and limited new LEGO minifigures' parts and accessories with more endless incredible accessories like the paintball gun, seagull, chiwawa, etc.)

Price: 8/10 (I believe pricing will remain the same and to me, the quality has certainly improved and worth much more in terms of perceived value especially with the hunt for Mr.Gold.)

Overall: 8.8/10 (Another highest ratings ever, on the LEGO Collectable Minifigure Series and is definitely worth buying more of almost everything.)

I gave it a "5" based on my Review Score Card. :wink: What about yours?

I hope every one of you enjoyed reading this simple review of mine. Comments and Criticisms are strongly welcomed.

Pictures can be found in My Flickr and My Brickshelf (When moderated)

If you are interested to read the past LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series reviews, you may find the following links below!

8683: Collectable Minifigures Series 1

8684: Collectable Minifigures Series 2

8803: Collectable Minifigures Series 3

8804: Collectable Minifigures Series 4

8805: Collectable Minifigures Series 5

8827: Collectable Minifigures Series 6

8831: Collectable Minifigures Series 7

8833: Collectable Minifigures Series 8

71000: Collectable Minifigures Series 9

The LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 will be launching on the 1st April 2013 (worldwide)


Edited by Rufus

Simply stunning.

Whitefang these reviews are just the best thing ever. I don't even know what else to say. All the information I want to know and lots I didn't even know I wanted to know.

You know, one shot that would be epic would be Wonder Woman and the Amazon warrior, then again the flesh tone might not fit...

I will certainly be giving my Wonder Woman that shield.

One word - WOW !!!!!!!!

Super well done again WF!

  • Author

Dear all,

I am very pleased to present to all of you on my latest completed reviewing project, of the 71001 LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10.

This review is now officially fit for public viewing. Please feel free to leave your thoughts, and this is no April Fool Joke! :wink:


Great review as always WhiteFang

The very first Ameribricks Exclusive Review!! :grin:

Another awesome series and another awesome review, WhiteFang. :thumbup: Disappointed to see the distribution is just getting worse, though. Still, TLG's taking a hint and putting in more of the army builders per box, which I guess is good.

Edited by CallMePie

This is an awesome review Whitefang! :thumbup: Thanks for sharing! This is by far one of the best series so far :wub: .

Wow - thank you for another super great review.

I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on these, and I think this is the first series where I'm really going to hunt those minifigures down. Lots of potential for expanding the city life - yay.

LEGO has come up with a good series as usual.

The skydivers parachute and helmet will be a good fit for the "extreme sports" part of the big MOC I have been planning for ages (it will be a store selling boating gear, fishing gear, camping gear, sports stuff, skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, extreme sports and more). The baseball fielder will also be a good fit for this creation.

The painters paint roller and paint can will be great for the hardware store I have been planning.

Some of the figs (the grandpa for one) will provide even more variety in generic civilian figures (to use as passengers on my buses for example or as people waiting for a train at my train station)

I think the hat on the boat captain would (if produced in black with maybe a small printed gold logo on it) look great for an airline pilots hat in a future CMF series.

I hope these get to Australia soon :)

Whitefang, thanks for the great review! You are really whetting our appetites!!

THANK YOU! Thank you so much Fangy.

Now we need someone to review Mr.Gold :)

I can't wait to get my hands on these!! For me, one of the best series ever!! love the indian, the Roman soldier and the warrior woman. Hope they reach Belgium reeeeaaaally soon! :classic:

I love your reviews, Whitefang. Let's just hope your dark thoughts about Mr. Gold won't come true - even though I expect something similar to happen myself.

Thanks for the review, it provided me with all the details I need.

I am glad TLG supports army builders by using a fair distribution. When I see Series 9 forest maidens for 9 Euro on Ebay, I hope this won't happen with the ones in series 10. Medusas are a bit rare, but most people will be happy with 1 or 2.

I like the seagull. Together with the raven from the Lone Ranger there is a nice selection of birds available now.

Well, I'm not so interested in this wave. I've got to say though that the new chiwawa piece looks pretty good. If only the "baby dragon" piece had been a CMF animal. It's nice to see that the Roman Commander isn't rare, although, considering that most of the time I end up with duplicates or even triplicates of the really rare ones and none of the common ones (curse you Galaxy Patrol!), I'm not convinced yet.

It is in one word WOW!

I love the roman commander and the warrior woman. The rest is, for me, less fun.


This series is probably the best so far. All the American influences are ace! I mean, there's a sexy Trendsetter, a blue Clown, ancient Tomohawk, etc. Mr Gold has British-influences, but that's only a very small bummer. I'll still probably blow all my money trying to find it though.

I'm out of here, see ya.

Edited by Devorath

Definitively one of the best series! And six roman commanders... Sweet ! :sweet:

Thanks for another great review. I like the details on the minifigs, although this is not my favourite series. As I'm more of a City person, my favourite figs from this series are the librarian, the sea captain, the decorater and the grandpa. These I find the most usefull at least for my building plans. On the other hand, I won't be buying any Roman Commanders, Warrior Women or

Revolutionary Solders, despite their interestingly detailed torsos. Distribution wise, I'm not fond of low number of librarians and sea captains, yet it's great news for fans of more historical themes to see a 6 of roman commanders (I know that as I live with one). All in all, Collectable minifigs were a nice addition to other LEGO sets, and they're still keeping the theme nicely fresh with many different designs coming up.

Wonderful review WhiteFang! There are many figs I hope to acquire, some real great looking accessories :classic:

Great review and many thanks for taking the time to do it very much appreciated.

Awesome series and awesome review Whitefang, thanks once again.

We will see how long TLG will keep this up, personally I would hope they would keep a small pause after this series (10th) and wait awhile and the continue again.

Btw I think TLG should give Whitefang a special Mr Gold figure, for making these awesome CMF reviews :grin:

Edited by Mencot

Thanks for this great review, WhiteFang! The pictures are wonderful and the comparisons between the new figures and thematically similar figs from the older series are very interesting. I can't put my finger on the exact reason, but the last few series did not really excite my a great deal anymore. The last minifigure I was really crazy about was the Space Marine (can't remember the official name) from series 7. Nevertheless, I'll surely get a few figs from the new series, especially the Warrior Woman and maybe a few of those Roman Commanders and a Medusa.

It feels like christmas reading your reviews of the previous series and this one doesn't fail - it's still like unwrapping a christmas (birthday)present reading this review.

This is my favourite serie and I'm looking forward to get my hands on this serie.

The CMF was what brougt me back from my dark age.

So thank you for a fantastic review WhiteFang.

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