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Well in my area i got it pretty bad- 27 schools closed in my area, but unfortanatly, not mine, but i did not mind because walking home from school, i had a massive snowball fight with my older sister and then made a big snowmand in my back garden, and it has forcasted to snow tonight and saturday!


I had two snow days because of a mix with arctic air. Air! It got below ZERO degrees or at least below 10, which is cold, this week has been Snow Days and 2-Hr Delays cept for today, tomorow there is already a built-in 2-hr delay 'cause of Parent Teacher Confrences. Hooray!


Here in Holland we had the first day of snow this winter, in Amsterdam the weatherstations reported 4 or 5 cm of snow, not that much and it quickly melted away....

But hey.. snow is snow!


This morning we had snow, too, but at noon the sun came out and everything was gone again... :-(

Last year this was much better... Only for a few days, but the snow did not melt away immediately!


I had two snow days because of a mix with arctic air. Air! It got below ZERO degrees or at least below 10, which is cold, this week has been Snow Days and 2-Hr Delays cept for today, tomorow there is already a built-in 2-hr delay 'cause of Parent Teacher Confrences. Hooray!

Haha. Oh boy that made me laugh below Zero! Here in Canada we've had about -17 (17 below zero to -20 ( 20 below zero) degree weather. Imagine that!

It sure is cold as megablocks but we're use to it.


Here in Aachen we got some snow, yesterday morning it looked like this:


Unfortunatelly in the afternoon this was everything leftover:


Today there is NOTHING left of it :'-(


Do you want to know what happened here in Lancashire? Nothing. The snow was forecast for 5:00pm Thursday, and nothing. It moved round Manchester (snowing), past Blackpool, and when it got to Pendle... nothing. No snow today either.

Although, my sister's just remarked (loudly ;-) ) that the snow is sticking. Hmm...

My grandparents are snowed in though. It took my uncle 3 hours to make a (usually) 10 minute journey *wacko* . We're supposed to be visiting tomorrow as well. They're in the Midlands. Turn on the news.

EDIT: The snow has now... stopped :-| .


Thanks for the replies guys! I have had yet more snow today, and i had another snow ball fight with my big sister, and we built an atleast 1 meter snow man which we are going to improve tommrow and make bigger because it is still snowing heavly as we speak.


I arrived at my grandparents yesterday afternoon. The snow wasn't too bad on the way down, it had mostly melted. We called to get some shopping for them on the way, and it took ages to get into the car park. For some reason, everyone saw the snow (which wasn't actually on the road) as a reason to drive really s-l-o-w-l-y :-| . There was still plenty around their house, but it's melting now. There's hardly any left.

And I didn't get any :'-(


I know BB, my mum drives a 4X4 and driving on the road with hardly any snow or ice, she was like "oooh, i can't do this, you'll have to walk to school." So i had to get freezing cold! My snow has melted now, but our giant snowman is still standing and does not appear to have melted that much.

I know BB, my mum drives a 4X4 and driving on the road with hardly any snow or ice, she was like "oooh, i can't do this, you'll have to walk to school." So i had to get freezing cold!




I was in the most northern province of the Netherlands friday and saturday, and there still was tons of snow there. Then I went back home (which happens to be in the most southern province) and there was nothing left here. Then again, there wasn't much left friday morning either.


America have had over 2 meters in some part, and more snow is forcasted for them. Nearly all our snow has gone now exept our really half melted, now headless snowman. More snowblob now.


I'm in Canada, and we're about to be whalloped by that massive snow system you mentioned, Optimax! Well, on Wednesday, that is. Shame I have an accounting test on that day! But at least it's going to be a beautiful snowy day. Nothing like casually strolling down the road, enveloped in a massive mid-length parka while everyone else runs for cover! :-D


Today for the first day we had a snow day! Last time IN. got a lot of snow (I believe it was a foot or so) they wouldn't give the school a day off because it was already a half day :S ! Anyone else have something happen to them like that!

And when I was younger I lived in MN. so we got a lot of snow. And my only snowday going through grade school was when I was in 4th grade It took 5 years to get one snow-day!(that includes kindergraden) :-D

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