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Li'l Pally ain't so happy.


"These guys suck! Jus' cuz I don' vote wit' da herd dey gonna vote me out." Despite his mad ninja skillz, he doesn't hear his angry peers sneaking up on him.

"Hey piggie! Piggie piggie!"


"C'mere Piggie! Gonna make you squeal! Take your pants off!" one of them yells, not revealed to protect their reputation (but it rhymes with schmendgame).

"No, we jus' gonna kill him, none of that other stuff."


Still, the first thing that happens is Li'l Pally's pants are torn off. Then the beats begin. Pounding, throbbing beats.

The sound of the door opening makes the students nervous.


"What's going on here?" Mr. def asks.

Li'l Rick nervously stutters, "We, uh, we were just, uh, killing Li'l Pally, as per our lynch yesterday."

"Very well. And where are the rest of our flock of students?"


Li'l Boy Wonder calls out to Li'l Chrome Knight, "I got you baby, no worries, slide right down to me."

Over at the garden, the trio of Li'l Pandora, Li'l Pirate Dave, and Li'l Zepher are about to water the pretty pretty flowers, when they see something that makes their civic conscience morals cringe.


"Teacher! The mayor died again!"


Gathering the students together, Mr. def goes over his morning lecture. "So, you lynched a Townie again, not that he even tried to pull an 'I'm a scum' sting. Maybe he assumed the scum have already united and didn't bother? Who knows. He's dead."

He clears his throat, a side-effect of his pipe-smoking habit.

"And the mayor, Li'l Cecilie was town too."


"You may now vote for mayor. Any volunteers?"


Day four has started!

The Host

8556295377_39b6217bdc_t.jpg Mr. def (def) - the teacher

The Players

8556295477_2bc244ea7e_t.jpg Li'l Boy Wonder (Boy Wonder) - sleeps a lot

8556295473_59e6cf3fca_t.jpg Li'l Callmepie (CallMePie) - cranky

8556295445_5e271e142c_t.jpg Li'l Capt. Redblade (Capt. Redblade) - foppy hair

8557405564_22254d78b9_t.jpg Li'l Chrome Knight (Chromeknight) - roo

8556295407_dac17ec3e3_t.jpg Li'l Endgame (Endgame) - hit puberty early

8557405526_1cdd2ea297_t.jpg Li'l Hinckley (Hinckley) - Jesus Solo

8556295385_122975212a_t.jpg Li'l Kieldaman (Kieldaman) - cosplay fanatic

8557405494_d0d41b5cdb_t.jpg Li'l Nightshroud (Nightshroud) - poindexter

8557405466_5874f21df3_t.jpg Li'l Pandora (Pandora) - stickler

8556295355_2232c25366_t.jpg Li'l Peanuts (Peanuts) - soft head

8556295345_2c09495239_t.jpg Li'l Pirate Dave (PirateDave) - piratier than Li'l Big Cam

8556295343_000a79e38a_t.jpg Li'l Rick (Rick) - tolerating

8556295303_85c9410b47_t.jpg Li'l Walter Kovacs (Walter Kovacs) - bandaged

8557405426_0065a06089_t.jpg Li'l Zepher (Zepher) - not an alien

The Dead

8557405592_e6727faf04_t.jpg Li'l Big Cam (Big Cam) - Died day one, butt blew up

8571850442_e32769a369_t.jpg Li'l TrumpetKing (TrumpetKing) - Lynched day one - his enthusiasm was erratic Town

8571850462_1f387f75cf_t.jpg Li'l DannyLongLegs (DannyLongLegs) - killed night one - swinging in Hell Scum

8581624423_fd82d2e074_t.jpg Li'l Scouty (Scouty) - lynched on day two - piled on Townie

8581624435_d505dac13e_t.jpg Li'l Cornelius Murdock (Cornelius Murdock) - killed night two - Townie mayor of nothing

8581624431_ebea3040e8_t.jpg Li'l Fugazi (Fugazi) - killed night two - Townie flew into the danger zone

8594236175_d042660e5a_t.jpg Li'l Palathadric (Palathadric) - lynched day three - Townie succumbed to peer pressure

8594236183_1e3e16d198_t.jpg Li'l Cecilie (Cecilie) - killed night three - Townie had a bad case of the mayors

Rules (deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to (knowingly) outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting will be done in the following format; Vote: Player. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format;Unvote: Player. No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the mayor will decide the lynch, through their vote, or by PM if necessary. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

2.5. A mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the game day one. Voting for the mayor will be done in the following format:Mayor: Player. Unvoting for the mayor will not be allowed. One may vote for themselves. In the case of a tie, the first person to achieve that number will win. In the case that the mayor loses their life, a new mayor will be elected in the first 24 hours of the following game day. The mayors single duty will be that of tiebreaker.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reachedafter 72 hours. In the case of a unanimous vote, the day may end 24 hours early. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as any that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

5.5 Do not use the wording of the host to publicly back up your claims. Statements about the game made before the game started are fair game, but those made in game should not be considered either way in strategising.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. Do not spam the hosts's PM box.

11. Violation of the above rules may result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death upon further offense.

Another dead mayor. :cry_sad: How do we fill this position if everyone who gets it gets killed? And is the new Town-tell to give up? Let's vote for people until we get a reaction. Then we'll know we've caught Scum. :hmpf:

Crap. Yet again, we have a dead mayor. Yet again, the lychee is town. Not good, not good in the slightest.

Goodbye, Li'l Cecilie. We hardly even knew ye. :cry_sad:

As for Li'l Pally, why'd you have to come across so damn scummy?

On the subject of mayor, I suggest we not even vote, and let it come down to random choice. I'd be OK with that.

In more bad news, IF the scum have managed to recruit successfully every night, there are now 7 scum and 7 town. Ugh. :sick:

That's something I haven't considered. 7 Scum would mean its endgame. We'd have to lynch a scum or else it's the end, and we are all dead. This is a big problem.

  On 3/27/2013 at 2:25 PM, TheBoyWonder said:

That's something I haven't considered. 7 Scum would mean its endgame. We'd have to lynch a scum or else it's the end, and we are all dead. This is a big problem.

You forget, Li'l padawan. The scum teams need to unite first. Unless you know they already have, hmmm. :hmpf_bad:

Okay, if they haven't, then It's not too bad.

But on the off chance they have, it's Endgame. With only 14 left, if their are 7 scum, how hard would it be for them to find each other? It's a 1in 2 chance.

  On 3/27/2013 at 2:21 PM, Walter Kovacs said:

On the subject of mayor, I suggest we not even vote, and let it come down to random choice. I'd be OK with that.

That was my first instinct as well. However, now it's more important to not have Scum in that role, but the position is a death sentence. :hmpf: Confounding.

  On 3/27/2013 at 2:35 PM, TheBoyWonder said:

Okay, if they haven't, then It's not too bad.

But on the off chance they have, it's Endgame. With only 14 left, if their are 7 scum, how hard would it be for them to find each other? It's a 1in 2 chance.

This is most you've said all game and it sounds like you're raising a beacon.

Your math is off a bit. If we assume that the Killer team started with two and 3 recruitments have occurred, then the Killer team has a 5 in 12 chance of contacting a fellow scum, and the Recruiters have a 2 in 9 chance. If the Killers started with 3, then they have a 4 in 11 chance, and their brethren have 3 in 10. The numbers get better if less recruiting has gone on, obviously. Of course, contacting them and actually believing them are two different things. :wink:

I'm done with the math lesson now. Let's focus on actually finding the scum. The town has anywhere from a 1 in 7 chance to a 1 in 2 chance. :grin:

I know it sounds like I'm raising a beacon, but all game I've been a complete and utter sheep. I've been pussyfooting. The way I see it, with 14 people, and the chance of 7 scum, everyone needs to pull their socks up, and attempt to help.

And that's what I intend to do.

  On 3/27/2013 at 2:50 PM, TheBoyWonder said:

everyone needs to pull their socks up, and attempt to help.

And that's what I intend to do.

I'm sure you'll pull your socks right over your head. Looking forward to it. :thumbup:

My main suspect today is still Peanuts. The deathmiller comment still strikes me as odd.

Didn't Nightshroud previously say he didn't trust Cecile? Perhaps that should be looked into/ explained.

  On 3/27/2013 at 2:21 PM, Walter Kovacs said:

In more bad news, IF the scum have managed to recruit successfully every night, there are now 7 scum and 7 town. Ugh. :sick:

If we assume the scum killed the mayor, it seems they wanted to get rid of her badly, despite the high risk of her being watched. I sure hope this isn't an indication the numbers are getting really close. Should we rule out it was the vig who killed Cecilie? Anyway, if the reason one of the killers didn't kill last night is because they were blocked, the blocker (assuming they're still alive) may hold vital information.

Boy do we suck at lynching scum!

At this point in the game, we must start to share info; I understand the need to protect information and I understand how it may cause the scum to unite, but let's face it; we cannot afford another mislynch and we must kill a scum, or 2 tonight.

  On 3/27/2013 at 3:21 PM, Piratedave84 said:

Boy do we suck at lynching scum!

At this point in the game, we must start to share info; I understand the need to protect information and I understand how it may cause the scum to unite, but let's face it; we cannot afford another mislynch and we must kill a scum, or 2 tonight.

I would have thought that at this point we have to be extra careful with our info, so that the scum teams can't unite (unless they already have). It should be useful to work with people we trust, though.

I'm still suspicious of Li'l Piratedave, for the same reasons as yesterday, of course.

Unfortunately, our mayors seem to keep passing away. I'm not sold on giving the role on someone at random, the diffference in numbers between us and the scum keeps shrinking, and it seems that the mayor role might actually come in handy, despite what I thought on day one.

  On 3/27/2013 at 3:06 PM, Rick said:

Anyway, if the reason one of the killers didn't kill last night is because they were blocked, the blocker (assuming they're still alive) may hold vital information.

Isn't that the case every day after only one night kill? Yeah, if the kill was blocked.

Or someone was protected.

Or the vig was converted and lost their action.

Or the vig was killed/lynched.

But sure, you're right; the blocker who may or may not still be alive, and may or may not still be a blocker, might possibly have vital information if none of the above is true. Maybe. Good point.

You're looking remarkably well for Day 4 Li'l Ricky.

  On 3/27/2013 at 6:34 PM, Pandora said:

Isn't that the case every day after only one night kill? Yeah, if the kill was blocked.

Or someone was protected.

Or the vig was converted and lost their action.

Or the vig was killed/lynched.

Well, yeah, of course. I can keep mentioning all those other scenarios, but if a killer was blocked it could lead to identification of the scum killer or bring town PRs together (if the blocker accidentally blocked the vig).

You're looking remarkably well for Day 4 Li'l Ricky.

Thanks, so are you.

Guys, and gals, do you know who was just here and disapeared ... for the 20 millionth time?

Chromenight ... where is he? Looking back to previous days, all of them, he has not contributed anything and keeps lurking the thread.

Drats. Of all the dead Earthlings so far, Lil' Cecile was by far the most pingy to me, but looks like I was dead wrong with that one.

And the votes yesterday were scattered. I doubt they'll do us much good. :sceptic: Was there anyone who voted for Pally AFTER the vote seemed to swing in the direction of one of our other nominees?

I'd still be willing to place my vote on Nightshroud today, or Trumpet, or Peanuts... any of the people voted for yesterday, really. We need to get our act together.

Inaction is a bad action. We need something to discuss. Therefore: Mayor: Lil' Zepher (Zepher). Who wants to run against me?

  On 3/27/2013 at 7:36 PM, Zepher said:

I'd still be willing to place my vote on Nightshroud today, or Trumpet, or Peanuts... any of the people voted for yesterday, really. We need to get our act together.

All that remains of li'l Trumpet is his hat. I haven't been in the sandpit since day 1.

I'm sorry, I meant Pirate Dave. Damn Earthling faces. I try to keep track of you us by telling if you we wear hats or hair... but sometimes it gets a little confusing... :blush:

Where is everyone?! Why is no one saying anything?! Gurgal catch your Gulmech? I mean... cat got your tongue? What are anyone's suspects?! Any trends? Anything?

Interesting to note: Lil' Peanuts and Lil' Pally were very close until a little bit into the voting period. They were neck to neck until Lil' CallMePie and Lil' Hinckley and Lil' Rick put Pally over the edge, leading to a bandwagon that way as opposed to the other way. Not MUCH to go on, but since no one else is saying anything what so ever.... thought I'd look at it. It hinges much on Lil' Peanuts' alliance too.

Thank you for the comment on how I come to school Dave.

Remember I live with kangaroos and look here first thing when I wake up, (because I love you guys so much!) but often don't comment because I'm processing info and waking up.

Them I do all my morning stuff and ride on the us, then I'm here.

But you just read that as scummy, no worries mate!

us ride on the bus

Argh. Looks like we used up all of our luck one Night One.

I'd agree that the best place to start is the lynch candidates from yesterday - most of the attention got diverted away from them as soon as we began focusing on Palathadric.

On the subject of Mayor... I'm perfectly fine with Zepher being Mayor, but I'm weary that whoever we elevate to that status is going to be dead by tonight. :sceptic:

Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

I was certain Pally was scum. And of course we've lost another mayor.

  On 3/27/2013 at 9:09 PM, Zepher said:

I'm sorry, I meant Pirate Dave. Damn Earthling faces. I try to keep track of you us by telling if you we wear hats or hair... but sometimes it gets a little confusing... :blush:

One would think by now you'd be able to tell the difference between a pirate hat and a furry hat that's been sitting in the sandbox for three days.

I feel like such a fool :ugh: Everyone I think is scum is town, and in other games I'm usually right about hunches I have. I'm very sorry Palathadric.

Right now I don't have any idea who should be mayor, and I don't feel like voting for Kiel like I have before. For now I will forgo this vote. And, lil Boywonder, congratulations for stepping up! Wow, what a change, maybe you're getting excited now that you and your buddies are crushing us town?

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